If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

All these Leftist screaming for gun control and pointing out how much safer it is in the UK are pulling the wool over your eyes....

Largest crime rise in England and Wales for 10 years

Largest annual crime rise for 10 years
...and then you proceed to show us how much lower the violent crime rate is there. Nice job, professor.

Everything said about your lack of knowledge is true.
Stats were already conveniently supplied for you earlier in the thread.
Violent crime is HIGHER there.

Why make crap up like you do?

See your mother if your comprehension skills are lacking.

Stop trolling me
Violent crime is not higher there than here. You are a liar to imply that it is.

London is now more dangerous than New York city, and with their cuts to police manpower, police money, and attacking the police with political correctness.....violence isn't going down anytime soon ...

London now more dangerous than New York City, crime stats suggest

While both London and New York have populations of around 8 million, figures suggest you are almost six times more likely to be burgled in the British capital than in the US city, and one and a half times more likely to fall victim to a robbery.

London has almost three times the number of reported rapes and while the murder rate in New York remains higher, the gap is narrowing dramatically.

The change in fortunes of the two global cities has been put down largely to the difference in tactics adopted by the two police forces.

Both Scotland Yard and the New York City Police Department (NYPD) have just over 30,000 officers each and budgets of around £3 billion a year.

But in the mid-1990s spiralling crime rates in New York - sparked by the crack cocaine epidemic - resulted in radical a new approach being adopted by the city's police department.

Under the leadership of Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and police commissioner, Bill Bratton, the NYPD introduced a zero tolerance approach to low level crime and flooded problem areas with patrols.

The force also put a huge amount of emphasis on community policing in order to build bridges between the police and members of the public.

As a result the murder plummeted from a high in 1990 of over 2,000 to a record low of 335 last year.

That figure is expected to fall even lower this year, and is currently in line to dip below 240.
whatever. you're just another leftist moron

Bottom line.....

Clearly the Radical Left wants to take America on a course AWAY from the Constitution that made this nation great.
The time has come that Thomas Jefferson warned us about.
Occasionally the tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots.
We are there.

Compromise on the 2nd Amendment, and every other part of the Constitution is done
Bottom line.....

Clearly the Radical Left wants to take America on a course AWAY from the Constitution that made this nation great.
The time has come that Thomas Jefferson warned us about.
Occasionally the tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots.
We are there.

Compromise on the 2nd Amendment, and every other part of the Constitution is done
Ah yes...the self declared hyper patriot....you just happen to hate most Americans...
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Let’s say there was an armed teacher. So what ! Shooter guy had way more arms . What would they do? Maybe shoot him after he only kills 12 people .

Doesn’t really solve the problem.
70 year old Granny Smith with an AK47.

What could go wrong?
This is why you can't have a reasonable discussion with liberals. They are all fucking retarded.
United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Murders with firearms per million 0.236
UK Ranked 44th. 32.57
USA Ranked 10th. 138 times more than United Kingdom

Violent crime >Intentional homicide rate 1.17
UK Ranked 74th. 4.7
USA Ranked 7th. 4 times more than United Kingdom

Violent crime >Murders per million people 11.68
UK Ranked 94th. 42.01
USA Ranked 43th. 4 times more than United Kingdom

Dip shit.......murder isn't the issue......

Before Britain banned and confiscated guns...their gun murder rate was lower than ours....they had guns and didn't commit murder.....then, they banned guns and their gun murder rate went up........do you realize that?

Now, after banning and confiscating guns, their gun crime rate is up 23% in England and Wales, and up 42% in London....violent crime is also skyrocketing all through Britain.....

The one thing their criminals aren't doing, to each other and other victims...they aren't murdering them....but they have guns....their gun control laws do not stop them from getting guns....the gun control laws only stop the law abiding people who don't use guns for crime......
Why didn't the Obama administration pass gun control during his term. For 2 years he had a majority in both the house and Senate, however, for 4 months, the democrats had total control of both the house and Senate. With 60 votes in the Senate, they could have passed any bill they wanted, unhindered.

Why then, when democrates had the opportunity, did they not act?
whatever. you're just another leftist moron

Bottom line.....

Clearly the Radical Left wants to take America on a course AWAY from the Constitution that made this nation great.
The time has come that Thomas Jefferson warned us about.
Occasionally the tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots.
We are there.

Compromise on the 2nd Amendment, and every other part of the Constitution is done
Shut up - liberals are talking.
Why didn't the Obama administration pass gun control during his term. For 2 years he had a majority in both the house and Senate, however, for 4 months, the democrats had total control of both the house and Senate. With 60 votes in the Senate, they could have passed any bill they wanted, unhindered.

Why then, when democrates had the opportunity, did they not act?

They did act. We dont' need more gun control laws, we need more mental health help, especially where Obama disqualified people with mental health problems from getting guns.

Unfortunately Trump in tearing down every Obama, repealed the Obama EO, to put guns into the hands of the mentally ill.
Why didn't the Obama administration pass gun control during his term. For 2 years he had a majority in both the house and Senate, however, for 4 months, the democrats had total control of both the house and Senate. With 60 votes in the Senate, they could have passed any bill they wanted, unhindered.

Why then, when democrates had the opportunity, did they not act?

They did act. We dont' need more gun control laws, we need more mental health help, especially where Obama disqualified people with mental health problems from getting guns.

Unfortunately Trump in tearing down every Obama, repealed the Obama EO, to put guns into the hands of the mentally ill.

God these Democrats pull your strings like puppets.

The only thing that big-eared creep did was restrict people on Social Security from guns if they didn't even have the ability to make out their bills. It was all politics that people like you bought hook, line and sinker. WTF did we ever have old people with guns doing mass shootings or shooting anybody for that matter? And who does DumBama think he is by single-handedly deciding who is or isn't mentally capable of handling a gun?
Why didn't the Obama administration pass gun control during his term. For 2 years he had a majority in both the house and Senate, however, for 4 months, the democrats had total control of both the house and Senate. With 60 votes in the Senate, they could have passed any bill they wanted, unhindered.

Why then, when democrates had the opportunity, did they not act?

No, they couldn't pass anything they wanted. They have this pesky obstruction called the US Constitution which they despise that would have stopped them.
And who does DumBama think he is by single-handedly deciding who is or isn't mentally capable of handling a gun?

Would you give a loaded handgun to your senile grandfather? (assuming you have a senile grandfather) If not, would you give a loaded handgun to a senile neighbor?

Meanwhile in Israel they have much stronger gun control than we do....

Maybe so but they aren't afraid to protect their schools with firearms while we are too politically correct chickenshit to do it.

Israeli teachers are also military trained.

So what? Many of our police officers have no military training, and we arm them to protect the public.
So what? Many of our police officers have no military training, and we arm them to protect the public.

We also give the police psychological screening, drug tests along with 11 to 12 weeks of training before we let them carry a gun.

I'd be satisfied to let anybody have a gun who can pass those requirements.
And who does DumBama think he is by single-handedly deciding who is or isn't mentally capable of handling a gun?

Would you give a loaded handgun to your senile grandfather? (assuming you have a senile grandfather) If not, would you give a loaded handgun to a senile neighbor?

That's not for me to decide, it's for the family to decide--not your President. And you don't have to be senile to be incapable of making out your bills. How many senile old people are murderers?
And who does DumBama think he is by single-handedly deciding who is or isn't mentally capable of handling a gun?

If you can't be trusted with a check book, you can't be trusted with a 44 magnum

Why not, and where did you get your psychology degree to make that decision? Oh, that's right, the same place bozo ears got his, right?

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