If you think government should get out of marriage completely

We generally use that as a shorthand for saying that the government should not be defining marriage one way or another. Let people and religious institutions define marriage as they see fit.

Aside from that, let the courts handle the contractual obligations brought about by marriages.

But if there isn't a working definiton of marriage, how do they know if one exists?

Well a marriage contract either exists or it doesn't. If no contract exists then the court has nothing to say on the matter of divorce.

Well, how do we determine what is a valid marriage Contract? is it enough to say one is married? (That was pretty much common law marriage before it was abolished in most places). Does the contract have to be registered somwhere?
Civil union= state sanctioned contracts

Gay= Homosexual

Marriage= not a civil union

You hear gay marriage being used, not civil union. I'm sorry to say, civil unions are just a cover. State performing gay marriages, not civil unions. I will have to call you on that one, Amy.
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Why do extremist Chhristians want the government entangled with religion??????

makes no sense.

Let's say for the sake of argument that your question is an accurate view of reality. Please tell me this: WHAT THE HECK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD?
Why do extremist Christians want the government entangled with religion??????

makes no sense.

We don't. We (if anything) would love for the government to stop trying to censor us. On the other hand you have gay folks saying "government should stay out of marriage" but cheer when it is allowed to define it in one way and dissent when it is defined in another.

Hypocrisy rarely makes sense to anyone, Hyrcanus.
If you die before your spouse, he/she won't be able to collect Social Security survivor benefits, and won't get an inheritance tax break. You really want that?

If you are hired by a federal employer, your spouse won't be eligible for your health insurance. You willing to go that far?

All these things, and many more, are what gays have had to live with until yesterday.

Like I said, more than a thousand ways the government is in marriage. You ready to give all those up? You ready to accept what gays have been forced to accept all this time? Is your spite THAT bad? Talk about cutting off your nose!
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Why do extremist Christians want the government entangled with religion??????

makes no sense.

We don't. We (if anything) would love for the government to stop trying to censor us. On the other hand you have gay folks saying "government should stay out of marriage" but cheer when it is allowed to define it in one way and dissent when it is defined in another.

Hypocrisy rarely makes sense to anyone, Hyrcanus.

Then Christians have no business interfering with universal marriage laws.

The rest of America, opposed to the evangelical and fundamental heresies in our Christian religion, simply want the very small minority telling the rest of us how to live.

No one is taking away far right Christians' civil and religious liberties: to say so is horsecrap.
Why do extremist Christians want the government entangled with religion??????

makes no sense.

We don't. We (if anything) would love for the government to stop trying to censor us. On the other hand you have gay folks saying "government should stay out of marriage" but cheer when it is allowed to define it in one way and dissent when it is defined in another.

Hypocrisy rarely makes sense to anyone, Hyrcanus.

Then Christians have no business interfering with universal marriage laws.

The rest of America, opposed to the evangelical and fundamental heresies in our Christian religion, simply want the very small minority telling the rest of us how to live.

No one is taking away far right Christians' civil and religious liberties: to say so is horsecrap.

Who said anything about Christians interfering with anything? And where do you get off slandering my faith? Did I not prove a month or so ago that the government has been actively seeking to suppress the Christian faith? The fact you refer to us as heretics is quite bemusing.
How do we settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues? Custody could probably work as is.

Could you restate your question or point more clearly? As currently stated, it is definitionally self-answering: Without marriage, there would be no divorces, and property ownership would be specified on the title document. Inheritance rules would simply omit the category of "spouse."

Hence the problem.

Divorces are messy. One of the reasons the state is involved is to ensure fair distribution of the wealth both parties have acquired during their marriage. That way on partner cant just syphon all the funds, kick the other out of the house, and refuse to let them see the children, etc.

How do you resolve the ugly divorces? If two spouses cant agree to divide the assets or even agree to talk to one another with the potential of murder being on the horizon, where is a couple to turn to settle their dispute? And how does the government settle said disputes without a working definition of what a marriage is?

The same way disputes are settled between unmarried parents? I sense you have a valid point, but it is escaping me at the moment.
Civil union laws could mimic the divorce laws of today

Just like you to blur the law. As if we don't have enough of that going on already.

You, yet once again, clearly reveal you have no real grasp of what is law.

Back to your books, buddy.

You yet again reveal your penchant for trolling. Come back when you have something substantive to say.

Go back from whence you came, you vile creature!
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The government is involved in marriage in literally more than a thousand ways. From Social Security death benefits to foreign born spouses being allowed to immigrate here, from spouses being eligible for employer-provided health insurance to funeral and bereavement leave, from continuation of water rights for a spouse to lower inheritance taxes.

You wanted the government in marriage. You got it.

That really doesnt answer or even address the question I just posed.

If you really want to know how to "settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues", just ask the homosexual community. They've been dealing with no government in their relationships the longest.

They are the libertarian model! The answer to all your questions.
Just like you to blur the law. As if we don't have enough of that going on already.

You, yet once again, clearly reveal you have no real grasp of what is law.

Back to your books, buddy.

You yet again reveal your penchant for trolling. Come back when you have something substantive to say.

Back to whence you came, you vile creature!

One warning only, stop it. You do not grasp the law. Unmarried parents have to go through a similar process when they split up. Civil unions will provide that essential function of government to protect children, property, obligations, and privileges. This is your only warning.
The government is involved in marriage in literally more than a thousand ways. From Social Security death benefits to foreign born spouses being allowed to immigrate here, from spouses being eligible for employer-provided health insurance to funeral and bereavement leave, from continuation of water rights for a spouse to lower inheritance taxes.

You wanted the government in marriage. You got it.

That really doesnt answer or even address the question I just posed.

If you really want to know how to "settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues", just ask the homosexual community. They've been dealing with no government in their relationships the longest.

They are the libertarian model! The answer to all your questions.

That's hilarious, seeing as how male-female marriage has predated America by thousands of years. Or did you not know that?
That's hilarious, seeing as how male-female marriage has predated America by thousands of years. Or did you not know that?

Doesn't matter. The evangelicals will not tell us how to run the government and the law. Don't marry one of your own sex is your answer for yourself. Clear.
That really doesnt answer or even address the question I just posed.

If you really want to know how to "settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues", just ask the homosexual community. They've been dealing with no government in their relationships the longest.

They are the libertarian model! The answer to all your questions.

That's hilarious, seeing as how male-female marriage has predated America by thousands of years. Or did you not know that?

Dude. This topic is about how to get government out of marriage. Not about the definition of marriage.

Gays have not had government in their marriage until today. We heteros have had government all up in our marriages for at least a century.

So if you want to know how to function without government in marriage, ask the gays. They have a wealth of experience at it.
That's hilarious, seeing as how male-female marriage has predated America by thousands of years. Or did you not know that?

Doesn't matter. The evangelicals will not tell us how to run the government and the law. Don't marry one of your own sex is your answer for yourself. Clear.

What do evangelicals and what they will or wont do have to do with anything?
If you really want to know how to "settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues", just ask the homosexual community. They've been dealing with no government in their relationships the longest.

They are the libertarian model! The answer to all your questions.

That's hilarious, seeing as how male-female marriage has predated America by thousands of years. Or did you not know that?

Dude. This topic is about how to get government out of marriage. Not about the definition of marriage.

Gays have not had government in their marriage until today. We heteros have had government all up in our marriages for at least a century.

So if you want to know how to function without government in marriage, ask the gays. They have a wealth of experience at it.

Then I would sincerely love to know what gays have experienced in this regard.

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