If you think government should get out of marriage completely

So we write on a piece of a paper that we are married, sign it, and then notorize it if we have to? What happens if we lose the paper? Are we no longer married?

What happens if you lose any other type of contract?

You have a substantially more difficult time proving that an agreement existed in a court of law.

Then it would be in the interest of both parties to make sure to keep copies in secure locations. The point I'm trying to make is that a marriage contract in this context would really be no different than any other type of contract.
There are some people who want the government completely out of marriage. A position I am sympathetic to.

And yet before "the gheys" wanted in the marriage pool, there was never any talk of getting the government out of the marriage "business". It's just now y'all want to fill the pool with cement. History repeats.

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