If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Having control of all three branches doesn't mean they suddenly know how to use them lol

We are just getting started slapping you libs around. Judging by the seething hatred and foaming at the mouth coming from the left President Trump and the GOP congress are already on your last nerve. Just sit there and suck it until 2018 losers.

"We are just getting started".....yes, we can see that. You've already built the Wall, gotten rid of legalized abortion, Planned Parenthood defunded, ME refugees locked out, Hillary locked up, and ISIS destroyed.

Oh, and a Special Counsel.

Awesome work so far.

We stopped Hillary's first 100 days dead in its tracks and you got zero Bernie shit...OH SNAP!! :laugh:
And....what of substance do you have with all three Branches of Government?

Link to Hillary and Bernie promises kept in the fist 100 days? Do you really want me to continue rubbing salt in your wounds? :laugh:
I'm sorry that you didn't get the word. H. Clinton and B. Sanders didn't get elected President.
We are just getting started slapping you libs around. Judging by the seething hatred and foaming at the mouth coming from the left President Trump and the GOP congress are already on your last nerve. Just sit there and suck it until 2018 losers.

"We are just getting started".....yes, we can see that. You've already built the Wall, gotten rid of legalized abortion, Planned Parenthood defunded, ME refugees locked out, Hillary locked up, and ISIS destroyed.

Oh, and a Special Counsel.

Awesome work so far.

We stopped Hillary's first 100 days dead in its tracks and you got zero Bernie shit...OH SNAP!! :laugh:
And....what of substance do you have with all three Branches of Government?

Link to Hillary and Bernie promises kept in the fist 100 days? Do you really want me to continue rubbing salt in your wounds? :laugh:
i would be more impressed if you could name a trump accomplishment in the first 100 days
Gorsuch was a good one. Pipe line, drilling, business optimism, etc. Things don't go away when you close your eyes, we learn that around the age of 2.
There are more of us than there are of you. Don't ever forget that.
We're better armed.
Than the U.S. military?
The military? Cops and military are mostly on the right. One of the main reasons we have a right to arms is to prevent totalitarian power freaks from taking over.
The military has taken an oath to protect the Constitution. They wouldn't look kindly on those attempting to overthrow it. Sorry, but thinking they'd be on your side is just a pipe dream.
What the fuck is wrong with you? The right isn't the ones protesting.
No, you're the one that's threatening Civil War. Protest is every American's right. Yours is treason.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Millions of Americans supported Nixon, Clinton and Johnson so if Trump were to be removed from office you'll just have to live with it like it or not.

We are a nation of laws and will not be ruled by the type of mob tactics that you threaten.

In this case, it would take an awful lot of Republicans to go along with it for him to be removed - so the only way it would happen is if Trump were extremely and unquestionably guilty of a serious offense.

I do agree that as of now there does not appear to be cause for impeachment and that quite a lot of liberals are really over board. (hey - we can hope can't we?)

It's the opinion of millions of Americans that "the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types" have help build this nation into the great nation and culture that it is, and that it's the conservatives that are doing their damnedest to stop progress and to destroy this country.

If you were to try to start a civil war, it would be the shortest war in history. Once it was over there would be nothing short of absolute liberal rule. So think twice. There are grave consequences to losing a war.

Just as there are grave consequences to losing elections...get over it.

The only way the consequences of losing an election could be even close to that of losing a war is if an absolute fascism were imposed. Is that what you're anticipating from a Trump administration?

I got over the election a while ago. What I haven't gotten over is the possibility that the President and/or his staff may have committed crimes that may be as grave as treason.

Nor I am over the fact that the president seems to be completely inept (at best), and may suffer from a severe personality disorder.

Finally, I can't get over that fact that there were millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump and continue to be stupid enough to support him.

This isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative politics. This is about the possibility of grave crimes and gross incompetence.

When and where did you get your degree in psychiatry and when did you examine the President?

The president has been under public scrutiny for years. Over 50,000 qualified psychiatrists have stated that he is psychologically unfit to be President.
Wouldn't surprise me if that includes his staunchest supporters....those who would still support him if he shot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave.
"We are just getting started".....yes, we can see that. You've already built the Wall, gotten rid of legalized abortion, Planned Parenthood defunded, ME refugees locked out, Hillary locked up, and ISIS destroyed.

Oh, and a Special Counsel.

Awesome work so far.

We stopped Hillary's first 100 days dead in its tracks and you got zero Bernie shit...OH SNAP!! :laugh:
And....what of substance do you have with all three Branches of Government?

Link to Hillary and Bernie promises kept in the fist 100 days? Do you really want me to continue rubbing salt in your wounds? :laugh:
i would be more impressed if you could name a trump accomplishment in the first 100 days
Gorsuch was a good one. Pipe line, drilling, business optimism, etc. Things don't go away when you close your eyes, we learn that around the age of 2.
Any repub would have nominated a judge, that seat was stolen last year with that exact intent. I am asking for something donnie personally has accomplished.
There are more of us than there are of you. Don't ever forget that.
We're better armed.
Than the U.S. military?
Sure, the U.S. military is gonna defend you loons. Only in your dreams.
The military will defend the Constitution, which you're threatening to overthrow by advocating Civil War.

Actually, it was you that advocated Civil War.
We're better armed.
Than the U.S. military?
The military? Cops and military are mostly on the right. One of the main reasons we have a right to arms is to prevent totalitarian power freaks from taking over.
The military has taken an oath to protect the Constitution. They wouldn't look kindly on those attempting to overthrow it. Sorry, but thinking they'd be on your side is just a pipe dream.
What the fuck is wrong with you? The right isn't the ones protesting.
No, you're the one that's threatening Civil War. Protest is every American's right. Yours is treason.
What planet are you on? The right isn't protesting. I haven't heard anyone but lefties call for civil war. We didn't take to the street, the left did and is on a regular basis. Blocking traffic and rioting is not a right but self defense is.
We are just getting started slapping you libs around. Judging by the seething hatred and foaming at the mouth coming from the left President Trump and the GOP congress are already on your last nerve. Just sit there and suck it until 2018 losers.

"We are just getting started".....yes, we can see that. You've already built the Wall, gotten rid of legalized abortion, Planned Parenthood defunded, ME refugees locked out, Hillary locked up, and ISIS destroyed.

Oh, and a Special Counsel.

Awesome work so far.

We stopped Hillary's first 100 days dead in its tracks and you got zero Bernie shit...OH SNAP!! :laugh:
And....what of substance do you have with all three Branches of Government?

Link to Hillary and Bernie promises kept in the fist 100 days? Do you really want me to continue rubbing salt in your wounds? :laugh:
I'm sorry that you didn't get the word. H. Clinton and B. Sanders didn't get elected President.

I know, tissue? :laugh::laugh::laugh:

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Do not worry, you cannot depose a leader simply because you don't like him. The law requires true high crimes. Even Little Willie who WAS impeached for subornation was not removed by the Senate. Right now, the only thing Trump is truly guilty of is not going along with the horseshit in liberal Washington and standing up trying to fix it. Keep in mind that about 99% of those jackasses all voted for Hillary! The day that becomes illegal and impeachable, time to start our own country and move out.
We stopped Hillary's first 100 days dead in its tracks and you got zero Bernie shit...OH SNAP!! :laugh:
And....what of substance do you have with all three Branches of Government?

Link to Hillary and Bernie promises kept in the fist 100 days? Do you really want me to continue rubbing salt in your wounds? :laugh:
i would be more impressed if you could name a trump accomplishment in the first 100 days
Gorsuch was a good one. Pipe line, drilling, business optimism, etc. Things don't go away when you close your eyes, we learn that around the age of 2.
Any repub would have nominated a judge, that seat was stolen last year with that exact intent. I am asking for something donnie personally has accomplished.

Drill baby drill, pipelines, illegals jumping the border way down, nominated a SCOTUS justice, nuked the Dem's and got him confirmed in the Senate. Tissue?
The call to Impeach Trump began before he was sworn in. Same as the Fake Russian Collusion Narrative.
It's nothing but cheap political theater.

The Left does not understand why they lost despite the fact they Rigged their own Primary, and tried to rig The General Election.
They Rigged Media Coverage, They Rigged The Debates, They Pumped out daily Fake News stories in every newspaper and TV station. They even engaged in illegal surveillance, illegal unmasking, and illegal dissemination of classified information in an attempt to win an election through INNUENDO, GUILT BY ASSOCIATION, and FALSE ACCUSATIONS.

They poured 1.5 Billion Dollars in to this Effort even hiring Paid Thugs to go on Violent Rampages at Trump Rallies, and spent 10 times the amount on the campaign that their opposition did, saturating the airwaves with their negative attack adds.

They really should be in a state of 'reflection and reform' but they are still engaged in a dirty campaign, and refuse to accept the fact they lost.

They have become entirely illegitimate because of this and incapable of representing The American people in Government. They are accomplishing nothing for "The People". They are damaging our reputation around the world. They are compromising our security, and undermining foreign government's trust in America.

But worst of all, they are engaging in a soft coup to overthrow Democracy, and undermine our own Government.
They have become "THE ENEMY WITHIN"
Last edited:

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
Trump's administration is offering concessions to the Dems. Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel. Lieberman, a former Democrat turned Independent, is in strong contention for Director of the FBI. Now if Trump himself would turn his rhetoric away from the "us vs. them" contest and just start explaining in a friendly way why he supports the policies he does without being combative about it, things would calm down.

How about the news media quits lying and reporting fake news?
I see you have been well trained, bought and sold and branded.
Than the U.S. military?
The military? Cops and military are mostly on the right. One of the main reasons we have a right to arms is to prevent totalitarian power freaks from taking over.
The military has taken an oath to protect the Constitution. They wouldn't look kindly on those attempting to overthrow it. Sorry, but thinking they'd be on your side is just a pipe dream.
What the fuck is wrong with you? The right isn't the ones protesting.
No, you're the one that's threatening Civil War. Protest is every American's right. Yours is treason.
What planet are you on? The right isn't protesting. I haven't heard anyone but lefties call for civil war. We didn't take to the street, the left did and is on a regular basis. Blocking traffic and rioting is not a right but self defense is.

Did you read the OP?
The military? Cops and military are mostly on the right. One of the main reasons we have a right to arms is to prevent totalitarian power freaks from taking over.
The military has taken an oath to protect the Constitution. They wouldn't look kindly on those attempting to overthrow it. Sorry, but thinking they'd be on your side is just a pipe dream.
What the fuck is wrong with you? The right isn't the ones protesting.
No, you're the one that's threatening Civil War. Protest is every American's right. Yours is treason.
What planet are you on? The right isn't protesting. I haven't heard anyone but lefties call for civil war. We didn't take to the street, the left did and is on a regular basis. Blocking traffic and rioting is not a right but self defense is.

Did you read the OP?
Can you follow a conversation? That's one guy so far.
Oh god the irony, you idiots lost the House, Senate, and now the White House and you talk to us about self destruction? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
How is that working out for you, having control of all three branches? Getting all your agenda done?
Having control of all three branches doesn't mean they suddenly know how to use them lol

We are just getting started slapping you libs around. Judging by the seething hatred and foaming at the mouth coming from the left President Trump and the GOP congress are already on your last nerve. Just sit there and suck it until 2018 losers.

"We are just getting started".....yes, we can see that. You've already built the Wall, gotten rid of legalized abortion, Planned Parenthood defunded, ME refugees locked out, Hillary locked up, and ISIS destroyed.

Oh, and a Special Counsel.

Awesome work so far.

We stopped Hillary's first 100 days dead in its tracks and you got zero Bernie shit...OH SNAP!! :laugh:

White House reaction cycle
1 - It never happened
2 - POTUS tweet
3 - It happened; NBD
4 - Nobody cares but you
5 - No more questions on this
trumps forte is self destruction. Dems are just trying to help the GOP back to reality and loyalty to their country. They have been so scared of black presidents and gay rights they ran straight into putins arms. Time for them to stop now.

Oh god the irony, you idiots lost the House, Senate, and now the White House and you talk to us about self destruction? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
How is that working out for you, having control of all three branches? Getting all your agenda done?

What's that? I can't hear you over our gloating :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
So....you can't name one thing on your agenda that your win has accomplished. Sad.

Justice Neil Gorsuch.
Many others are in progress.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
And...what has Justice Gorsuch done to benefit the con-servative cause so far?

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