If you use the term "crap policies"...

...you prove that you're unable to think for yourself.

The lies continue.

First he said we can keep what we have if we like it.

He said costs would go down $2,500 a year for each family.

He said everyone would be insured.

He said illegal aliens would not be covered.

Then he said again and again and again that we could keep our plan and our doctor if we liked them.

Then the left claimed that is not what he said.

Then the left claimed he knowingly lied because the ends justify the means.

Now some on the left are blaming Republicans for the lie. Or maybe they blame the people because no one would have supported Obamacare if anyone had bothered to read it before they passed it.

Now that people are losing their care, the left claims that people were so damn stupid, they didn't even know they had a crap plan.

They actually expect people to be happy to get a plan they would not pick for themselves and pay a much higher cost.

So many people lost their insurance and cannot afford it now because the liberals made one of the worst laws in American history.

People are seeing their rates double and even triple and the deductible is way higher. Of course, many have no choice but to go without insurance and pay the penalty, which is just a fine and NOT a tax. We don't use taxes as punishment and Obama lied about that, too.

What will the spin be tomorrow?

The left also likes to claim that it's just a glitch on the Obamacare website and they are hiring the best people to fix it. They should have allowed the best people to address the healthcare problems we have instead of trying it themselves.

A glitch is just a minor annoyance. Many things have glitches, like cell phones, but for the most part they work as intended.

The Obamacare website doesn't have a glitch, it has a bitch who fucked up big time.

It's not secure and I pity anyone who goes to the site and types in their personal information. There are around 700 scam websites, according to John McAfee (McAfee software). He was asked to fix the Obamacare website, but refused because he said they would never agree to doing what was needed- scrapping the whole thing and starting over. They didn't take people's privacy into account at all. They spent hundreds of millions to have Michelle Obama's inept friend build the site, but didn't spend a couple thousand to buy up all the names that were similar to the actual website. That would have been something of a safeguard against some of the fraudulent websites.

Of course, I think the real site is nothing but a fraud because Obamacare isn't what they claim and we're all being scammed by the Obama administration. We'd probably suffer less damage with the scammers because then we only lose money. With the Obama administration, we will lose our money and our freedom.

It's amazing that the crooks have managed to build websites in a hurry, probably for cheap, that can handle traffic and help them steal people's identities and money. If anyone here has gone to an Obamacare website and it actually worked, you were likely at one of the fake ones since the real one is shit.

For years, private companies had websites to help people compare costs and benefits of various health insurers. They helped millions sign up for health care insurance. Of course, the socialist-in-chief refused to allow any private businesses to take part in this. He wanted the government in charge of everything. Obama, like most dictators, is real big on central planning, a concept that has never worked and never will.

We are screwed if we don't send some Dems packing.

Leave it to the Right to lie about the lying. lol

Another typical lib response. Don't address anything specific or say what exactly you disagree with. Just another hit and run post.

There are countless videos of Obama saying the above things. Yes, he made those promises many times. No, the left cannot get away with claiming he didn't or that he meant something else.

Saying that the ends justify the means is not an acceptable excuse for telling lies.

He said what he said and needs to man up and deal with it instead of looking to blame others.

People are losing their insurance or paying up to triple the premiums.

The website is shit and so is the health care law.

If you want to defend Obama, at least find some facts and quit ignoring the evidence already available.
The lies continue.

First he said we can keep what we have if we like it.

He said costs would go down $2,500 a year for each family.

He said everyone would be insured.

He said illegal aliens would not be covered.

Then he said again and again and again that we could keep our plan and our doctor if we liked them.

Then the left claimed that is not what he said.

Then the left claimed he knowingly lied because the ends justify the means.

Now some on the left are blaming Republicans for the lie. Or maybe they blame the people because no one would have supported Obamacare if anyone had bothered to read it before they passed it.

Now that people are losing their care, the left claims that people were so damn stupid, they didn't even know they had a crap plan.

They actually expect people to be happy to get a plan they would not pick for themselves and pay a much higher cost.

So many people lost their insurance and cannot afford it now because the liberals made one of the worst laws in American history.

People are seeing their rates double and even triple and the deductible is way higher. Of course, many have no choice but to go without insurance and pay the penalty, which is just a fine and NOT a tax. We don't use taxes as punishment and Obama lied about that, too.

What will the spin be tomorrow?

The left also likes to claim that it's just a glitch on the Obamacare website and they are hiring the best people to fix it. They should have allowed the best people to address the healthcare problems we have instead of trying it themselves.

A glitch is just a minor annoyance. Many things have glitches, like cell phones, but for the most part they work as intended.

The Obamacare website doesn't have a glitch, it has a bitch who fucked up big time.

It's not secure and I pity anyone who goes to the site and types in their personal information. There are around 700 scam websites, according to John McAfee (McAfee software). He was asked to fix the Obamacare website, but refused because he said they would never agree to doing what was needed- scrapping the whole thing and starting over. They didn't take people's privacy into account at all. They spent hundreds of millions to have Michelle Obama's inept friend build the site, but didn't spend a couple thousand to buy up all the names that were similar to the actual website. That would have been something of a safeguard against some of the fraudulent websites.

Of course, I think the real site is nothing but a fraud because Obamacare isn't what they claim and we're all being scammed by the Obama administration. We'd probably suffer less damage with the scammers because then we only lose money. With the Obama administration, we will lose our money and our freedom.

It's amazing that the crooks have managed to build websites in a hurry, probably for cheap, that can handle traffic and help them steal people's identities and money. If anyone here has gone to an Obamacare website and it actually worked, you were likely at one of the fake ones since the real one is shit.

For years, private companies had websites to help people compare costs and benefits of various health insurers. They helped millions sign up for health care insurance. Of course, the socialist-in-chief refused to allow any private businesses to take part in this. He wanted the government in charge of everything. Obama, like most dictators, is real big on central planning, a concept that has never worked and never will.

We are screwed if we don't send some Dems packing.

Leave it to the Right to lie about the lying. lol

Another typical lib response. Don't address anything specific or say what exactly you disagree with. Just another hit and run post.

There are countless videos of Obama saying the above things. Yes, he made those promises many times. No, the left cannot get away with claiming he didn't or that he meant something else.

Saying that the ends justify the means is not an acceptable excuse for telling lies.

He said what he said and needs to man up and deal with it instead of looking to blame others.

People are losing their insurance or paying up to triple the premiums.

The website is shit and so is the health care law.

If you want to defend Obama, at least find some facts and quit ignoring the evidence already available.

You made the claims. Back every one of them up with proof.
When have I ever said you need to post millions of anything, one by one?

Oh, that's right, never. That's you being typically dishonest and factually incorrect.

Well let's just see what you say, to this example:

A Republican Discovers He Likes Obamacare - Business Insider
I don't need to say anything. All I have to do is highlight something:
The plan he just bought on the Arkansas state exchange has a $0 premium (after the government subsidy he gets because of his low income level) and only a $750 deductible. It's also a "Silver" plan, which has much better benefits than the vastly more expensive "Bronze" plan he ditched.​

So? You're verifying that I'm right and you're wrong.
Leave it to the Right to lie about the lying. lol

Another typical lib response. Don't address anything specific or say what exactly you disagree with. Just another hit and run post.

There are countless videos of Obama saying the above things. Yes, he made those promises many times. No, the left cannot get away with claiming he didn't or that he meant something else.

Saying that the ends justify the means is not an acceptable excuse for telling lies.

He said what he said and needs to man up and deal with it instead of looking to blame others.

People are losing their insurance or paying up to triple the premiums.

The website is shit and so is the health care law.

If you want to defend Obama, at least find some facts and quit ignoring the evidence already available.

You made the claims. Back every one of them up with proof.
The proof has been all over the media. You didn't accept it then, you won't accept it now.

But your acceptance is not required. Your unwillingness to acknowledge reality does not alter that reality.

Sorry to break that to you. I thought it was time you knew.
Well let's just see what you say, to this example:

A Republican Discovers He Likes Obamacare - Business Insider
I don't need to say anything. All I have to do is highlight something:
The plan he just bought on the Arkansas state exchange has a $0 premium (after the government subsidy he gets because of his low income level) and only a $750 deductible. It's also a "Silver" plan, which has much better benefits than the vastly more expensive "Bronze" plan he ditched.​

So? You're verifying that I'm right and you're wrong.
I'm wrong? How do you think it proves that?

All it proves is that people like free stuff.

Get it? People have to be BRIBED to like Obamacare.
I don't need to say anything. All I have to do is highlight something:
The plan he just bought on the Arkansas state exchange has a $0 premium (after the government subsidy he gets because of his low income level) and only a $750 deductible. It's also a "Silver" plan, which has much better benefits than the vastly more expensive "Bronze" plan he ditched.​

So? You're verifying that I'm right and you're wrong.
I'm wrong? How do you think it proves that?

All it proves is that people like free stuff.

Get it? People have to be BRIBED to like Obamacare.

Oh I get it. Obamacare is bad because people are going to have to pay more, or,

Obamacare is bad because people are going to have to pay less.

A classic Obama derangement equation.
Leave it to the Right to lie about the lying. lol

Another typical lib response. Don't address anything specific or say what exactly you disagree with. Just another hit and run post.

There are countless videos of Obama saying the above things. Yes, he made those promises many times. No, the left cannot get away with claiming he didn't or that he meant something else.

Saying that the ends justify the means is not an acceptable excuse for telling lies.

He said what he said and needs to man up and deal with it instead of looking to blame others.

People are losing their insurance or paying up to triple the premiums.

The website is shit and so is the health care law.

If you want to defend Obama, at least find some facts and quit ignoring the evidence already available.

You made the claims. Back every one of them up with proof.

You dent Obama said these things...over and over and over again?
Denial is NOT a defense.
And now, as I think I predicted somewhere, we're finding out WHY many people are getting cancellation letters that include a higher cost replacement...

It's an insurance company scam!!!

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

NO ONE should be surprised.

Are you for fucking real?....
Obamacare sucks. Everyone that has to pay their own way hates it.
Only the leeches and those living off the taxpayer tit like it.
I guess that works for you because you are in one of those clubs.
And now, as I think I predicted somewhere, we're finding out WHY many people are getting cancellation letters that include a higher cost replacement...

It's an insurance company scam!!!

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

NO ONE should be surprised.
Great article, and I've heard other similar stories.
It's fine with me if the Right wants to spend more for their policies.
...you prove that you're unable to think for yourself.

The lies continue.

First he said we can keep what we have if we like it.

He said costs would go down $2,500 a year for each family.

He said everyone would be insured.

He said illegal aliens would not be covered.

Then he said again and again and again that we could keep our plan and our doctor if we liked them.

Then the left claimed that is not what he said.

Then the left claimed he knowingly lied because the ends justify the means.

Now some on the left are blaming Republicans for the lie. Or maybe they blame the people because no one would have supported Obamacare if anyone had bothered to read it before they passed it.

Now that people are losing their care, the left claims that people were so damn stupid, they didn't even know they had a crap plan.

They actually expect people to be happy to get a plan they would not pick for themselves and pay a much higher cost.

So many people lost their insurance and cannot afford it now because the liberals made one of the worst laws in American history.

People are seeing their rates double and even triple and the deductible is way higher. Of course, many have no choice but to go without insurance and pay the penalty, which is just a fine and NOT a tax. We don't use taxes as punishment and Obama lied about that, too.

What will the spin be tomorrow?

The left also likes to claim that it's just a glitch on the Obamacare website and they are hiring the best people to fix it. They should have allowed the best people to address the healthcare problems we have instead of trying it themselves.

A glitch is just a minor annoyance. Many things have glitches, like cell phones, but for the most part they work as intended.

The Obamacare website doesn't have a glitch, it has a bitch who fucked up big time.

It's not secure and I pity anyone who goes to the site and types in their personal information. There are around 700 scam websites, according to John McAfee (McAfee software). He was asked to fix the Obamacare website, but refused because he said they would never agree to doing what was needed- scrapping the whole thing and starting over. They didn't take people's privacy into account at all. They spent hundreds of millions to have Michelle Obama's inept friend build the site, but didn't spend a couple thousand to buy up all the names that were similar to the actual website. That would have been something of a safeguard against some of the fraudulent websites.

Of course, I think the real site is nothing but a fraud because Obamacare isn't what they claim and we're all being scammed by the Obama administration. We'd probably suffer less damage with the scammers because then we only lose money. With the Obama administration, we will lose our money and our freedom.

It's amazing that the crooks have managed to build websites in a hurry, probably for cheap, that can handle traffic and help them steal people's identities and money. If anyone here has gone to an Obamacare website and it actually worked, you were likely at one of the fake ones since the real one is shit.

For years, private companies had websites to help people compare costs and benefits of various health insurers. They helped millions sign up for health care insurance. Of course, the socialist-in-chief refused to allow any private businesses to take part in this. He wanted the government in charge of everything. Obama, like most dictators, is real big on central planning, a concept that has never worked and never will.

We are screwed if we don't send some Dems packing.

Leave it to the Right to lie about the lying. lol

Damn it, the liberals will keep lying no matter what. There is so much video out there proving that Obama said time and time again that if people like their doctor and they like their plan, they can keep it. Period.

The Lying King lied. Deal with it. If you are so stupid that you will believe the latest thing out of his mouth no matter how badly it contradicts his previous statements, then debate is not an option with you. Obama never once said that if people like their doctor and their plan, they MIGHT be able to keep it or they would only keep it if the fools that put together the shitty law said they could, he said people could keep what they have. For him to come out now and claim that he didn't say it or that he told us there were certain conditions to be met in order to keep our plans is just incredible. His condescending attitude towards the people of this country makes me sick.

So, any time he decides to lie, he can expect some of his benighted followers to take his word today and not remember what he said yesterday. Gee, don't go out of your way to look it up.

Here's just one video montage of Obama repeating his lies over and over. Lying about it now will only go over well with his useful idiots. The rest of us remember.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAdrQ2RpdM]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]

His approval keeps going down. I know I'm not the only one who has had enough of his arrogance and lies.
The lies continue.

First he said we can keep what we have if we like it.

He said costs would go down $2,500 a year for each family.

He said everyone would be insured.

He said illegal aliens would not be covered.

Then he said again and again and again that we could keep our plan and our doctor if we liked them.

Then the left claimed that is not what he said.

Then the left claimed he knowingly lied because the ends justify the means.

Now some on the left are blaming Republicans for the lie. Or maybe they blame the people because no one would have supported Obamacare if anyone had bothered to read it before they passed it.

Now that people are losing their care, the left claims that people were so damn stupid, they didn't even know they had a crap plan.

They actually expect people to be happy to get a plan they would not pick for themselves and pay a much higher cost.

So many people lost their insurance and cannot afford it now because the liberals made one of the worst laws in American history.

People are seeing their rates double and even triple and the deductible is way higher. Of course, many have no choice but to go without insurance and pay the penalty, which is just a fine and NOT a tax. We don't use taxes as punishment and Obama lied about that, too.

What will the spin be tomorrow?

The left also likes to claim that it's just a glitch on the Obamacare website and they are hiring the best people to fix it. They should have allowed the best people to address the healthcare problems we have instead of trying it themselves.

A glitch is just a minor annoyance. Many things have glitches, like cell phones, but for the most part they work as intended.

The Obamacare website doesn't have a glitch, it has a bitch who fucked up big time.

It's not secure and I pity anyone who goes to the site and types in their personal information. There are around 700 scam websites, according to John McAfee (McAfee software). He was asked to fix the Obamacare website, but refused because he said they would never agree to doing what was needed- scrapping the whole thing and starting over. They didn't take people's privacy into account at all. They spent hundreds of millions to have Michelle Obama's inept friend build the site, but didn't spend a couple thousand to buy up all the names that were similar to the actual website. That would have been something of a safeguard against some of the fraudulent websites.

Of course, I think the real site is nothing but a fraud because Obamacare isn't what they claim and we're all being scammed by the Obama administration. We'd probably suffer less damage with the scammers because then we only lose money. With the Obama administration, we will lose our money and our freedom.

It's amazing that the crooks have managed to build websites in a hurry, probably for cheap, that can handle traffic and help them steal people's identities and money. If anyone here has gone to an Obamacare website and it actually worked, you were likely at one of the fake ones since the real one is shit.

For years, private companies had websites to help people compare costs and benefits of various health insurers. They helped millions sign up for health care insurance. Of course, the socialist-in-chief refused to allow any private businesses to take part in this. He wanted the government in charge of everything. Obama, like most dictators, is real big on central planning, a concept that has never worked and never will.

We are screwed if we don't send some Dems packing.

Leave it to the Right to lie about the lying. lol

Damn it, the liberals will keep lying no matter what. There is so much video out there proving that Obama said time and time again that if people like their doctor and they like their plan, they can keep it. Period.

The Lying King lied. Deal with it. If you are so stupid that you will believe the latest thing out of his mouth no matter how badly it contradicts his previous statements, then debate is not an option with you. Obama never once said that if people like their doctor and their plan, they MIGHT be able to keep it or they would only keep it if the fools that put together the shitty law said they could, he said people could keep what they have. For him to come out now and claim that he didn't say it or that he told us there were certain conditions to be met in order to keep our plans is just incredible. His condescending attitude towards the people of this country makes me sick.

So, any time he decides to lie, he can expect some of his benighted followers to take his word today and not remember what he said yesterday. Gee, don't go out of your way to look it up.

Here's just one video montage of Obama repeating his lies over and over. Lying about it now will only go over well with his useful idiots. The rest of us remember.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAdrQ2RpdM]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]

His approval keeps going down. I know I'm not the only one who has had enough of his arrogance and lies.

You do understand, don't you, that these limp-wristed lefties MUST support this con man. They have invested EVERYTHING in this lying, two-bit, half breed liar. they understand how foolish they look right now. They must look at themselves in the mirror everyday, knowing what stupid, little people they have become to have allowed this inept clown to make fools of them.

More importantly, they now understand that their hopes for a socialist utopia are gone. They understand that an "ass-whooping" of monumental proportions awaits them in 2014 and beyond.

For these hippie wannabes, it is going to be like High School all over again, where they got their lunch money stolen from them everyday and stuffed into lockers. good times!!! :lol:
And now, as I think I predicted somewhere, we're finding out WHY many people are getting cancellation letters that include a higher cost replacement...

It's an insurance company scam!!!

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

NO ONE should be surprised.

Yeah, right. Blue Cross Blue Shield is trying to go out of business by perpetrating an insurance scam.

Seems like the scam has been all along to screw over the insured by the Obama Administration. This time they were caught red-handed. The ACA predicted that their regulations would cause millions to lose their coverage. Common-sense says that when the government predicts that such a terrible thing will be the result of their law maybe they shouldn't pass that law, but they pushed it through regardless. The whole purpose of changing the grandfather clause was to force millions out of their coverage and into Obamacare.

I mean, how stupid can you be? It is now predicted that as many as 128 million people will lose their insurance thanks to Obamacare. I've been warning you libs all year long that this was going to happen and all you have to say is "WE WON, GET OVER IT!!!!"
Last edited:
So? You're verifying that I'm right and you're wrong.
I'm wrong? How do you think it proves that?

All it proves is that people like free stuff.

Get it? People have to be BRIBED to like Obamacare.

Oh I get it. Obamacare is bad because people are going to have to pay more, or,

Obamacare is bad because people are going to have to pay less.

A classic Obama derangement equation.
SOME people are going to have to pay less. OTHER people are going to have to pay MORE, because they're paying for SOME people's lower premiums.

It's wealth redistribution from the middle class you claim to care so much about.
And now, as I think I predicted somewhere, we're finding out WHY many people are getting cancellation letters that include a higher cost replacement...

It's an insurance company scam!!!

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

NO ONE should be surprised.

Yeah, right. Blue Cross Blue Shield is trying to go out of business by perpetrating an insurance scam.

Seems like the scam has been all along to screw over the insured by the Obama Administration. This time they were caught red-handed. The ACA predicted that their regulations would cause millions to lose their coverage. Common-sense says that when the government predicts that such a terrible thing will be the result of their law maybe they shouldn't pass that law, but they pushed it through regardless. The whole purpose of changing the grandfather clause was to force millions out of their coverage and into Obamacare.

I mean, how stupid can you be? It is now predicted that as many as 128 million people will lose their insurance thanks to Obamacare. I've been warning you libs all year long that this was going to happen and all you have to say is "WE WON, GET OVER IT!!!!"

TOTAL bullshit. The bullshit numbers keep rising. What will you and daveman do when your dire predictions don't come true? Will you EVER question your sources...EVER?? How many times does faux news and scum bags like Hannity have to lie to you before you realize the truth.
And now, as I think I predicted somewhere, we're finding out WHY many people are getting cancellation letters that include a higher cost replacement...

It's an insurance company scam!!!

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

NO ONE should be surprised.

Yeah, right. Blue Cross Blue Shield is trying to go out of business by perpetrating an insurance scam.

Seems like the scam has been all along to screw over the insured by the Obama Administration. This time they were caught red-handed. The ACA predicted that their regulations would cause millions to lose their coverage. Common-sense says that when the government predicts that such a terrible thing will be the result of their law maybe they shouldn't pass that law, but they pushed it through regardless. The whole purpose of changing the grandfather clause was to force millions out of their coverage and into Obamacare.

I mean, how stupid can you be? It is now predicted that as many as 128 million people will lose their insurance thanks to Obamacare. I've been warning you libs all year long that this was going to happen and all you have to say is "WE WON, GET OVER IT!!!!"

TOTAL bullshit. The bullshit numbers keep rising. What will you and daveman do when your dire predictions don't come true? Will you EVER question your sources...EVER?? How many times does faux news and scum bags like Hannity have to lie to you before you realize the truth.
Obama lied to you. But it's Fox News' and Hannity's fault.

And now, as I think I predicted somewhere, we're finding out WHY many people are getting cancellation letters that include a higher cost replacement...

It's an insurance company scam!!!

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

NO ONE should be surprised.

Yeah, right. Blue Cross Blue Shield is trying to go out of business by perpetrating an insurance scam.

Seems like the scam has been all along to screw over the insured by the Obama Administration. This time they were caught red-handed. The ACA predicted that their regulations would cause millions to lose their coverage. Common-sense says that when the government predicts that such a terrible thing will be the result of their law maybe they shouldn't pass that law, but they pushed it through regardless. The whole purpose of changing the grandfather clause was to force millions out of their coverage and into Obamacare.

I mean, how stupid can you be? It is now predicted that as many as 128 million people will lose their insurance thanks to Obamacare. I've been warning you libs all year long that this was going to happen and all you have to say is "WE WON, GET OVER IT!!!!"

TOTAL bullshit. The bullshit numbers keep rising. What will you and daveman do when your dire predictions don't come true? Will you EVER question your sources...EVER?? How many times does faux news and scum bags like Hannity have to lie to you before you realize the truth.

Sort of like the claims that Obama has created 5 million new jobs since 2009?
And oh yes. we should all watch and listen to the LIB news on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC....THEY are credible, right?
Yeah, right. Blue Cross Blue Shield is trying to go out of business by perpetrating an insurance scam.

Seems like the scam has been all along to screw over the insured by the Obama Administration. This time they were caught red-handed. The ACA predicted that their regulations would cause millions to lose their coverage. Common-sense says that when the government predicts that such a terrible thing will be the result of their law maybe they shouldn't pass that law, but they pushed it through regardless. The whole purpose of changing the grandfather clause was to force millions out of their coverage and into Obamacare.

I mean, how stupid can you be? It is now predicted that as many as 128 million people will lose their insurance thanks to Obamacare. I've been warning you libs all year long that this was going to happen and all you have to say is "WE WON, GET OVER IT!!!!"

TOTAL bullshit. The bullshit numbers keep rising. What will you and daveman do when your dire predictions don't come true? Will you EVER question your sources...EVER?? How many times does faux news and scum bags like Hannity have to lie to you before you realize the truth.
Obama lied to you. But it's Fox News' and Hannity's fault.


Hey pea brain. Hannity lies to you faux noose sheep on a nightly basis. WHEN are you going to start holding these bullshit artists to the same standard as the President?

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare

I happened to turn on the Hannity show on Fox News last Friday evening. “Average Americans are feeling the pain of Obamacare and the healthcare overhaul train wreck,” Hannity announced, “and six of them are here tonight to tell us their stories.” Three married couples were neatly arranged in his studio, the wives seated and the men standing behind them, like game show contestants.

As Hannity called on each of them, the guests recounted their “Obamacare” horror stories: canceled policies, premium hikes, restrictions on the freedom to see a doctor of their choice, financial burdens upon their small businesses and so on.

“These are the stories that the media refuses to cover,” Hannity interjected.

But none of it smelled right to me. Nothing these folks were saying jibed with the basic facts of the Affordable Care Act as I understand them. I understand them fairly well; I have worked as a senior adviser to a governor and helped him deal with the new federal rules.

First I spoke with Paul Cox of Leicester, N.C. He and his wife Michelle had lamented to Hannity that because of Obamacare, they can’t grow their construction business and they have kept their employees below a certain number of hours, so that they are part-timers.

Obamacare has no effect on businesses with 49 employees or less. But in our brief conversation on the phone, Paul revealed that he has only four employees. Why the cutback on his workforce? “Well,” he said, “I haven’t been forced to do so, it’s just that I’ve chosen to do so. I have to deal with increased costs.” What costs? And how, I asked him, is any of it due to Obamacare? There was a long pause, after which he said he’d call me back. He never did

Next I called Allison Denijs. She’d told Hannity that she pays over $13,000 a year in premiums. Like the other guests, she said she had recently gotten a letter from Blue Cross saying that her policy was being terminated and a new, ACA-compliant policy would take its place. She says this shows that Obama lied when he promised Americans that we could keep our existing policies.

Allison’s husband left his job a few years ago, one with benefits at a big company, to start his own business. Since then they’ve been buying insurance on the open market, and are now paying around $1,100 a month for a policy with a $2,500 deductible per family member, with hefty annual premium hikes. One of their two children is not covered under the policy. She has a preexisting condition that would require purchasing additional coverage for $600 a month, which would bring the family’s grand total to around $20,000 a year.

I asked Allison if she’d shopped on the exchange, to see what a plan might cost under the new law. She said she hadn’t done so because she’d heard the website was not working. Would she try it out when it’s up and running? Perhaps, she said. She told me she has long opposed Obamacare, and that the president should have focused on tort reform as a solution to bringing down the price of healthcare.

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.
More Hannity LIES...

Finally, I called Robbie and Tina Robison from Franklin, Tenn. Robbie is self-employed as a Christian youth motivational speaker. (You can see his work here.) On Hannity, the couple said that they, too, were recently notified that their Blue Cross policy would be expiring for lack of ACA compliance. They told Hannity that the replacement plans Blue Cross was offering would come with a rate increase of 50 percent or even 75 percent, and that the new offerings would contain all sorts of benefits they don’t need, like maternity care, pediatric care, prenatal care and so forth. Their kids are grown and moved out, so why should they be forced to pay extra for a health plan with superfluous features?

When I spoke to Robbie, he said he and Tina have been paying a little over $800 a month for their plan, about $10,000 a year. And the ACA-compliant policy that will cost 50-75 percent more? They said this information was related to them by their insurance agent.

Had they shopped on the exchange yet, I asked? No, Tina said, nor would they. They oppose Obamacare and want nothing to do with it. Fair enough, but they should know that I found a plan for them for, at most, $3,700 a year, 63 percent less than their current bill. It might cover things that they don’t need, but so does every insurance policy.
TOTAL bullshit. The bullshit numbers keep rising. What will you and daveman do when your dire predictions don't come true? Will you EVER question your sources...EVER?? How many times does faux news and scum bags like Hannity have to lie to you before you realize the truth.
Obama lied to you. But it's Fox News' and Hannity's fault.


Hey pea brain. Hannity lies to you faux noose sheep on a nightly basis. WHEN are you going to start holding these bullshit artists to the same standard as the President?


Shawn Hannity is the president of the United States? Who knew it!

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