If you use the term "crap policies"...

TOTAL bullshit. The bullshit numbers keep rising. What will you and daveman do when your dire predictions don't come true? Will you EVER question your sources...EVER?? How many times does faux news and scum bags like Hannity have to lie to you before you realize the truth.
Obama lied to you. But it's Fox News' and Hannity's fault.


Hey pea brain. Hannity lies to you faux noose sheep on a nightly basis. WHEN are you going to start holding these bullshit artists to the same standard as the President?
Hannity has zero effect on my life. Obama has a great deal of power.

What Hannity says is meaningless. What Obama says -- or more accurately, what he does, since what he says and does are often two different things -- has a great deal of impact on my life.

You're terrified of a talking head on television. Grow the hell up.

Meanwhile, Obama lied to you. The President of the United States. He LIED to you.

And you kiss his ass for it.

Last edited:
Obama lied to you. But it's Fox News' and Hannity's fault.


Hey pea brain. Hannity lies to you faux noose sheep on a nightly basis. WHEN are you going to start holding these bullshit artists to the same standard as the President?
Hannity has zero effect on my life. Obama has a great deal of power.

What Hannity says is meaningless. What Obama says -- or more accurately, what he does, since what he says and does are often two different things -- has a great deal of impact on my life.

You're terrified of a talking head on television. Grow the hell up.

Meanwhile, Obama lied to you. The President of the United States. He LIED to you.

And you kiss his ass for it.


Yes, the President lied. But the size of the lie is the issue. There is no 100% in ANYTHING. And Republican health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

Estimates vary, but the Census Bureau says this figure is about 4 percent of Americans, which comes to about 11 million people. A lot of those folks are finding out that the health insurance plans they have this year aren't going to be sold anymore.

President Obama said, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." That's obviously not true for everybody, and could never have been true under a law that shakes up the insurance market by getting rid of insurance with lesser benefits and weaker financial protections.

Does that mean you should be jumping for joy if you got one of those letters from your health insurance company? No. But these changes were made for a reason. And conservative health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

So why would Obamacare create this crazy law that forces health insurance companies to cancel policies for the first time ever?

This is small consolation if you've gotten one of those nasty letters from your insurance company, but plans getting dropped is nothing new. Neither are big rate hikes.

For one thing, health insurance companies never before needed a reason to discontinue unprofitable plans, kick people off, change benefits or raise prices -- those things happen every year, even to people with really good job-based health benefits.

On the individual health insurance market, plans typically are sold with one-year contracts. After that, the insurance companies could practically do whatever they wanted (though they had to offer you an alternative, like they're doing now). According to a 2004 study, only 17 percent of consumers in this market kept the same plan for two years or more (h/t the Washington Post). This is going to happen next year, and the year after that, ad infinitum.

On the bright side, Obamacare regulations guarantee that even if one particular health plan disappears, there will be others -- and probably more than were sold in your local market before. And the standardized benefit packages mean you'll have a good idea of what you're buying.
Hey pea brain. Hannity lies to you faux noose sheep on a nightly basis. WHEN are you going to start holding these bullshit artists to the same standard as the President?
Hannity has zero effect on my life. Obama has a great deal of power.

What Hannity says is meaningless. What Obama says -- or more accurately, what he does, since what he says and does are often two different things -- has a great deal of impact on my life.

You're terrified of a talking head on television. Grow the hell up.

Meanwhile, Obama lied to you. The President of the United States. He LIED to you.

And you kiss his ass for it.


Yes, the President lied. But the size of the lie is the issue. There is no 100% in ANYTHING. And Republican health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

Estimates vary, but the Census Bureau says this figure is about 4 percent of Americans, which comes to about 11 million people. A lot of those folks are finding out that the health insurance plans they have this year aren't going to be sold anymore.

President Obama said, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." That's obviously not true for everybody, and could never have been true under a law that shakes up the insurance market by getting rid of insurance with lesser benefits and weaker financial protections.

Does that mean you should be jumping for joy if you got one of those letters from your health insurance company? No. But these changes were made for a reason. And conservative health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

So why would Obamacare create this crazy law that forces health insurance companies to cancel policies for the first time ever?

This is small consolation if you've gotten one of those nasty letters from your insurance company, but plans getting dropped is nothing new. Neither are big rate hikes.

For one thing, health insurance companies never before needed a reason to discontinue unprofitable plans, kick people off, change benefits or raise prices -- those things happen every year, even to people with really good job-based health benefits.

On the individual health insurance market, plans typically are sold with one-year contracts. After that, the insurance companies could practically do whatever they wanted (though they had to offer you an alternative, like they're doing now). According to a 2004 study, only 17 percent of consumers in this market kept the same plan for two years or more (h/t the Washington Post). This is going to happen next year, and the year after that, ad infinitum.

On the bright side, Obamacare regulations guarantee that even if one particular health plan disappears, there will be others -- and probably more than were sold in your local market before. And the standardized benefit packages mean you'll have a good idea of what you're buying.

If a lie about a government policy that affects over 100M AMericans isn't a big lie to you then I am not sure what is.
Why is the census bureau even making an estimate here? What do they have to do with anything? It is a lie.
The GOP plans would have enabled everyone to keep their plans. That is a complete lie to say otherwise. The whole essence of any GOP plan was to increase choice, not remove it.
There are fewer plans, not more, available.

If you actually believe that post, you are one stupid motherfucker. If you dont, you are one motherfucking liar.
Hannity has zero effect on my life. Obama has a great deal of power.

What Hannity says is meaningless. What Obama says -- or more accurately, what he does, since what he says and does are often two different things -- has a great deal of impact on my life.

You're terrified of a talking head on television. Grow the hell up.

Meanwhile, Obama lied to you. The President of the United States. He LIED to you.

And you kiss his ass for it.


Yes, the President lied. But the size of the lie is the issue. There is no 100% in ANYTHING. And Republican health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

Estimates vary, but the Census Bureau says this figure is about 4 percent of Americans, which comes to about 11 million people. A lot of those folks are finding out that the health insurance plans they have this year aren't going to be sold anymore.

President Obama said, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." That's obviously not true for everybody, and could never have been true under a law that shakes up the insurance market by getting rid of insurance with lesser benefits and weaker financial protections.

Does that mean you should be jumping for joy if you got one of those letters from your health insurance company? No. But these changes were made for a reason. And conservative health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

So why would Obamacare create this crazy law that forces health insurance companies to cancel policies for the first time ever?

This is small consolation if you've gotten one of those nasty letters from your insurance company, but plans getting dropped is nothing new. Neither are big rate hikes.

For one thing, health insurance companies never before needed a reason to discontinue unprofitable plans, kick people off, change benefits or raise prices -- those things happen every year, even to people with really good job-based health benefits.

On the individual health insurance market, plans typically are sold with one-year contracts. After that, the insurance companies could practically do whatever they wanted (though they had to offer you an alternative, like they're doing now). According to a 2004 study, only 17 percent of consumers in this market kept the same plan for two years or more (h/t the Washington Post). This is going to happen next year, and the year after that, ad infinitum.

On the bright side, Obamacare regulations guarantee that even if one particular health plan disappears, there will be others -- and probably more than were sold in your local market before. And the standardized benefit packages mean you'll have a good idea of what you're buying.

If a lie about a government policy that affects over 100M AMericans isn't a big lie to you then I am not sure what is.
Why is the census bureau even making an estimate here? What do they have to do with anything? It is a lie.
The GOP plans would have enabled everyone to keep their plans. That is a complete lie to say otherwise. The whole essence of any GOP plan was to increase choice, not remove it.
There are fewer plans, not more, available.

If you actually believe that post, you are one stupid motherfucker. If you dont, you are one motherfucking liar.

The whole essence of the GOP plan was to allow insurance cartels to continue their criminal activities of feeding off We, the People, selling garbage policies that cover nothing, create a race to the bottom that allows these cartels to continue swindling Americans. People who are old and have preexisting conditions?...Let 'em DIE.
Yes, the President lied. But the size of the lie is the issue. There is no 100% in ANYTHING. And Republican health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

Estimates vary, but the Census Bureau says this figure is about 4 percent of Americans, which comes to about 11 million people. A lot of those folks are finding out that the health insurance plans they have this year aren't going to be sold anymore.

President Obama said, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." That's obviously not true for everybody, and could never have been true under a law that shakes up the insurance market by getting rid of insurance with lesser benefits and weaker financial protections.

Does that mean you should be jumping for joy if you got one of those letters from your health insurance company? No. But these changes were made for a reason. And conservative health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

So why would Obamacare create this crazy law that forces health insurance companies to cancel policies for the first time ever?

This is small consolation if you've gotten one of those nasty letters from your insurance company, but plans getting dropped is nothing new. Neither are big rate hikes.

For one thing, health insurance companies never before needed a reason to discontinue unprofitable plans, kick people off, change benefits or raise prices -- those things happen every year, even to people with really good job-based health benefits.

On the individual health insurance market, plans typically are sold with one-year contracts. After that, the insurance companies could practically do whatever they wanted (though they had to offer you an alternative, like they're doing now). According to a 2004 study, only 17 percent of consumers in this market kept the same plan for two years or more (h/t the Washington Post). This is going to happen next year, and the year after that, ad infinitum.

On the bright side, Obamacare regulations guarantee that even if one particular health plan disappears, there will be others -- and probably more than were sold in your local market before. And the standardized benefit packages mean you'll have a good idea of what you're buying.

If a lie about a government policy that affects over 100M AMericans isn't a big lie to you then I am not sure what is.
Why is the census bureau even making an estimate here? What do they have to do with anything? It is a lie.
The GOP plans would have enabled everyone to keep their plans. That is a complete lie to say otherwise. The whole essence of any GOP plan was to increase choice, not remove it.
There are fewer plans, not more, available.

If you actually believe that post, you are one stupid motherfucker. If you dont, you are one motherfucking liar.

The whole essence of the GOP plan was to allow insurance cartels to continue their criminal activities of feeding off We, the People, selling garbage policies that cover nothing, create a race to the bottom that allows these cartels to continue swindling Americans. People who are old and have preexisting conditions?...Let 'em DIE.

Yo really need to get a source other than Rachel Maddow or Alan Grayson. Your ignorance is showing.
Last edited:
Yes, the President lied. But the size of the lie is the issue. There is no 100% in ANYTHING. And Republican health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

Which explains why the Republicans proposed a law that would prevent anyone from loosing their plans, and every Democrat in the Senate voted against it.


Estimates vary, but the Census Bureau says this figure is about 4 percent of Americans, which comes to about 11 million people. A lot of those folks are finding out that the health insurance plans they have this year aren't going to be sold anymore.

You lying about Obama's lies is not going to help.

For the record, the Census Bureau has never once estimated how many people will lose their insurance as a result of Obamacare. You cannot prove otherwise because it has not happened.

The White House, on the other hand, estimates that, at a minimum, 40% of the people in this country will lose their insurance plans by next year.

I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure 40% is a bit more than 3%.

By the way, I can prove what I am saying.

Here is the chart.


Here is the actual report it comes from.


Notice that this is from 2010?

Want me to provide evidence that Obama kept lying to you even after that? And that he is now lying about lying?

President Obama said, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." That's obviously not true for everybody, and could never have been true under a law that shakes up the insurance market by getting rid of insurance with lesser benefits and weaker financial protections.

It is not true for anybody.

Let me personalize it for you, you will not be able to keep the plan you have, even if you like it. Even if it is a union plan. Even if it is a government plan guaranteed you by contract. No one in this country will be able to keep the plan they had before Obamacare. If you read the PDF I linked to you will know this, and know that Obama lied to you.

Does that mean you should be jumping for joy if you got one of those letters from your health insurance company? No. But these changes were made for a reason. And conservative health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

The reason the changes were made was so that the government would be able to fuck everyone in the country over in the name of making it better for the few.

So why would Obamacare create this crazy law that forces health insurance companies to cancel policies for the first time ever?

Because he, like you, is a totalitarian asshole?

This is small consolation if you've gotten one of those nasty letters from your insurance company, but plans getting dropped is nothing new. Neither are big rate hikes.

Keep lying, it is entertaining.

For one thing, health insurance companies never before needed a reason to discontinue unprofitable plans, kick people off, change benefits or raise prices -- those things happen every year, even to people with really good job-based health benefits.

They actually did because, despite your lies, there were plenty of regulations in the insurance market before Obamacare. In fact, in some states, it is actually illegal for any company to cancel a plan even if they are losing money on it.

But, please, lie. It is all you ever had.

On the individual health insurance market, plans typically are sold with one-year contracts. After that, the insurance companies could practically do whatever they wanted (though they had to offer you an alternative, like they're doing now). According to a 2004 study, only 17 percent of consumers in this market kept the same plan for two years or more (h/t the Washington Post). This is going to happen next year, and the year after that, ad infinitum.

On the individual market you can buy a plan exactly the same way you do through your employer, until this year.

But keep lying.

On the bright side, Obamacare regulations guarantee that even if one particular health plan disappears, there will be others -- and probably more than were sold in your local market before. And the standardized benefit packages mean you'll have a good idea of what you're buying.

Last year there were 20 individual plans available where I live, this year there are 4. Not to worry though, this is a good thing.
Hey pea brain. Hannity lies to you faux noose sheep on a nightly basis. WHEN are you going to start holding these bullshit artists to the same standard as the President?
Hannity has zero effect on my life. Obama has a great deal of power.

What Hannity says is meaningless. What Obama says -- or more accurately, what he does, since what he says and does are often two different things -- has a great deal of impact on my life.

You're terrified of a talking head on television. Grow the hell up.

Meanwhile, Obama lied to you. The President of the United States. He LIED to you.

And you kiss his ass for it.


Yes, the President lied. But the size of the lie is the issue. There is no 100% in ANYTHING. And Republican health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

Estimates vary, but the Census Bureau says this figure is about 4 percent of Americans, which comes to about 11 million people. A lot of those folks are finding out that the health insurance plans they have this year aren't going to be sold anymore.

President Obama said, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." That's obviously not true for everybody, and could never have been true under a law that shakes up the insurance market by getting rid of insurance with lesser benefits and weaker financial protections.

Does that mean you should be jumping for joy if you got one of those letters from your health insurance company? No. But these changes were made for a reason. And conservative health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

So why would Obamacare create this crazy law that forces health insurance companies to cancel policies for the first time ever?

This is small consolation if you've gotten one of those nasty letters from your insurance company, but plans getting dropped is nothing new. Neither are big rate hikes.

For one thing, health insurance companies never before needed a reason to discontinue unprofitable plans, kick people off, change benefits or raise prices -- those things happen every year, even to people with really good job-based health benefits.

On the individual health insurance market, plans typically are sold with one-year contracts. After that, the insurance companies could practically do whatever they wanted (though they had to offer you an alternative, like they're doing now). According to a 2004 study, only 17 percent of consumers in this market kept the same plan for two years or more (h/t the Washington Post). This is going to happen next year, and the year after that, ad infinitum.

On the bright side, Obamacare regulations guarantee that even if one particular health plan disappears, there will be others -- and probably more than were sold in your local market before. And the standardized benefit packages mean you'll have a good idea of what you're buying.
So, Obamcare sucks, and Obama lied...but REPUBLICANS! GRRR!! GRRR!!

Hey pea brain. Hannity lies to you faux noose sheep on a nightly basis. WHEN are you going to start holding these bullshit artists to the same standard as the President?
Hannity has zero effect on my life. Obama has a great deal of power.

What Hannity says is meaningless. What Obama says -- or more accurately, what he does, since what he says and does are often two different things -- has a great deal of impact on my life.

You're terrified of a talking head on television. Grow the hell up.

Meanwhile, Obama lied to you. The President of the United States. He LIED to you.

And you kiss his ass for it.


Yes, the President lied. But the size of the lie is the issue. There is no 100% in ANYTHING. And Republican health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

Estimates vary, but the Census Bureau says this figure is about 4 percent of Americans, which comes to about 11 million people. A lot of those folks are finding out that the health insurance plans they have this year aren't going to be sold anymore.

President Obama said, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." That's obviously not true for everybody, and could never have been true under a law that shakes up the insurance market by getting rid of insurance with lesser benefits and weaker financial protections.

Does that mean you should be jumping for joy if you got one of those letters from your health insurance company? No. But these changes were made for a reason. And conservative health care reform proposals would also lead to lots and lots of people losing the plans they have now.

So why would Obamacare create this crazy law that forces health insurance companies to cancel policies for the first time ever?

This is small consolation if you've gotten one of those nasty letters from your insurance company, but plans getting dropped is nothing new. Neither are big rate hikes.

For one thing, health insurance companies never before needed a reason to discontinue unprofitable plans, kick people off, change benefits or raise prices -- those things happen every year, even to people with really good job-based health benefits.

On the individual health insurance market, plans typically are sold with one-year contracts. After that, the insurance companies could practically do whatever they wanted (though they had to offer you an alternative, like they're doing now). According to a 2004 study, only 17 percent of consumers in this market kept the same plan for two years or more (h/t the Washington Post). This is going to happen next year, and the year after that, ad infinitum.

On the bright side, Obamacare regulations guarantee that even if one particular health plan disappears, there will be others -- and probably more than were sold in your local market before. And the standardized benefit packages mean you'll have a good idea of what you're buying.

Holy jumping horse shit!!!!

Richard Nixon lied about knowledge of a break in at the Watergate and was forced to resign (by his own party) or face impeachment.

Barry has been caught in lie after lie after lie after lie and your party does what? make excuses for this incompetent slob.

Curious….do you get polish in your mouth when you lick this clown's boots???
NO MORE CRAPPE INSURANCE FREELOADERS. The insurers could have made Obama a truthsayer, but chose to make him a liar- centered in red states and areas that love scamming the angry hater dupes...
TOTAL bullshit. The bullshit numbers keep rising. What will you and daveman do when your dire predictions don't come true? Will you EVER question your sources...EVER?? How many times does faux news and scum bags like Hannity have to lie to you before you realize the truth.
Obama lied to you. But it's Fox News' and Hannity's fault.


Hey pea brain. Hannity lies to you faux noose sheep on a nightly basis. WHEN are you going to start holding these bullshit artists to the same standard as the President?

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare

I happened to turn on the Hannity show on Fox News last Friday evening. “Average Americans are feeling the pain of Obamacare and the healthcare overhaul train wreck,” Hannity announced, “and six of them are here tonight to tell us their stories.” Three married couples were neatly arranged in his studio, the wives seated and the men standing behind them, like game show contestants.

As Hannity called on each of them, the guests recounted their “Obamacare” horror stories: canceled policies, premium hikes, restrictions on the freedom to see a doctor of their choice, financial burdens upon their small businesses and so on.

“These are the stories that the media refuses to cover,” Hannity interjected.

But none of it smelled right to me. Nothing these folks were saying jibed with the basic facts of the Affordable Care Act as I understand them. I understand them fairly well; I have worked as a senior adviser to a governor and helped him deal with the new federal rules.

First I spoke with Paul Cox of Leicester, N.C. He and his wife Michelle had lamented to Hannity that because of Obamacare, they can’t grow their construction business and they have kept their employees below a certain number of hours, so that they are part-timers.

Obamacare has no effect on businesses with 49 employees or less. But in our brief conversation on the phone, Paul revealed that he has only four employees. Why the cutback on his workforce? “Well,” he said, “I haven’t been forced to do so, it’s just that I’ve chosen to do so. I have to deal with increased costs.” What costs? And how, I asked him, is any of it due to Obamacare? There was a long pause, after which he said he’d call me back. He never did

Next I called Allison Denijs. She’d told Hannity that she pays over $13,000 a year in premiums. Like the other guests, she said she had recently gotten a letter from Blue Cross saying that her policy was being terminated and a new, ACA-compliant policy would take its place. She says this shows that Obama lied when he promised Americans that we could keep our existing policies.

Allison’s husband left his job a few years ago, one with benefits at a big company, to start his own business. Since then they’ve been buying insurance on the open market, and are now paying around $1,100 a month for a policy with a $2,500 deductible per family member, with hefty annual premium hikes. One of their two children is not covered under the policy. She has a preexisting condition that would require purchasing additional coverage for $600 a month, which would bring the family’s grand total to around $20,000 a year.

I asked Allison if she’d shopped on the exchange, to see what a plan might cost under the new law. She said she hadn’t done so because she’d heard the website was not working. Would she try it out when it’s up and running? Perhaps, she said. She told me she has long opposed Obamacare, and that the president should have focused on tort reform as a solution to bringing down the price of healthcare.

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

"the basic facts of the Affordable Care Act as I understand them."
You should not have typed that. That statement essentially scuttles your argument.
Oh, fact checking? Forget it.
The Ten Worst Fact-Checks of the 2012 Election - Forbes
Factcheck.org -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group
There are tons of stories which pain these so called fact checking organizations as frauds.
Some are funded by those with political ties to one side or the other.
So called fact checkers are not to be trusted.
Who the hell is Ray Mc Govern? I wonder which party he votes for....I wonder who is paying him now. Cut the crap. You dredge up this obscure nobody who happens to agree with your assessment of a particular news organization and you then happily say SEE!!!! I was right!!!!!"....
One glaring issue rains down on your parade. That you believe Fox News and ONLY Fox News reports false stories. You never give the other nets or CNN/ MSNBC a second look. And why is this? Because NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN and MSNBC all report the news in a manner that makes you feel comfortable. Their editorial bias is left. And as far as your concerned, that is normal. And that is the way it should be.
Anyone who is transitioned from a pre-Obamacare plan to an Obamacare compliant plan that is comparable for the same price or lower has no complaint.
What if the plan is higher in price and has a higher deductible? Do those people have a complaint?

The statement was an attempt to avoid that.

Of course nobody would complain if they had to pay less or the same for better coverage, but they cannot provide examples. We have a ton of examples of folks that are getting screwed but none of folks getting a good deal.

Right now the White House Press Sec'y, the President, and anyone else with a vested interest in Obama's legacy signature law, is spinning the blame over to the insurance carriers.
Obama is saying, "It's not us. It's the insurance companies that are doing this to the American people".
What a crock of shit.
But for the Obamacare law, none of this would have happened.
IF that were true, which it isn't, THAT would be 100 times worse. That would make our founding fathers beyond 'statists', they would be communists.

Lets take this one step at a time.

First you can start by proving your point with verifiable facts.

I DID, you are welcome to try to disprove them. If our founding fathers were 'laissez-faire' capitalists, there should be plenty of proof. Show me where our founding fathers extolled the virtues of 'laissez-faire' capitalism? Show me where the word corporation' appears in the Constitution or Bill of Rights?

The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain.
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809)
You proved....nothing. And we don't prove negatives here.
You don't get to simply throw out a handful of mud, see what sticks then demand other prove you wrong.
HA!....Corporation in the US Constitution.....
Ok, show where in the Commerce Clause Congress cam compel a citizen to purchase a good service.....Answer, it isn't there. Hence the reason Obamacare was saved by the law being declared a tax.
If a lie about a government policy that affects over 100M AMericans isn't a big lie to you then I am not sure what is.
Why is the census bureau even making an estimate here? What do they have to do with anything? It is a lie.
The GOP plans would have enabled everyone to keep their plans. That is a complete lie to say otherwise. The whole essence of any GOP plan was to increase choice, not remove it.
There are fewer plans, not more, available.

If you actually believe that post, you are one stupid motherfucker. If you dont, you are one motherfucking liar.

The whole essence of the GOP plan was to allow insurance cartels to continue their criminal activities of feeding off We, the People, selling garbage policies that cover nothing, create a race to the bottom that allows these cartels to continue swindling Americans. People who are old and have preexisting conditions?...Let 'em DIE.

Yo really need to get a source other than Rachel Maddow or Alan Grayson. Your ignorance is showing.

PURE projection. I never watch Maddow. Haven't seen anything Grayson said since the day after he was re-elected.

YOU need to stop filling your head with faux noose lies like scum bags like Hannity.

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.
Begin to educate yourself retards. Avik Roy is a paid liar. He makes Hannity's lies look amateur.

The shocking truth about Obamacare's rate shock

Here is your word for the day: VALUE

To the retarded right wing child brain, these are EXACTLY the same...


"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush
What if the plan is higher in price and has a higher deductible? Do those people have a complaint?

The statement was an attempt to avoid that.

Of course nobody would complain if they had to pay less or the same for better coverage, but they cannot provide examples. We have a ton of examples of folks that are getting screwed but none of folks getting a good deal.

Right now the White House Press Sec'y, the President, and anyone else with a vested interest in Obama's legacy signature law, is spinning the blame over to the insurance carriers.
Obama is saying, "It's not us. It's the insurance companies that are doing this to the American people".
What a crock of shit.
But for the Obamacare law, none of this would have happened.
There were good provisions for grandfathering in existing coverage.

Democrats scuttled them all. The insurance companies are only doing what Democrats ruled they could do.

But the OAS obediently blame the insurance companies.
The whole essence of the GOP plan was to allow insurance cartels to continue their criminal activities of feeding off We, the People, selling garbage policies that cover nothing, create a race to the bottom that allows these cartels to continue swindling Americans. People who are old and have preexisting conditions?...Let 'em DIE.

Yo really need to get a source other than Rachel Maddow or Alan Grayson. Your ignorance is showing.

PURE projection. I never watch Maddow. Haven't seen anything Grayson said since the day after he was re-elected.

YOU need to stop filling your head with faux noose lies like scum bags like Hannity.

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

You never watch any news, or read any news. That explains a lot of your posts.
I see you deflected from getting your ass beaten by Quantum WIndbag.

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