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If your kids turn out gay, would you kill them as Bible/Islam imply?

Question: If your children turn out to eventually be gay, would you kill them as the Bible/Islamic texts imply, or are the Bible/Islamic texts wrong? Which is it?

“If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

If you reply "I don't follow the OT", that's great - then admit that it's wrong (or else you'd follow it).

I believe in loving gays, so of course I think we can move beyond the morality in the Bible/Islamic texts since they got it wrong.

Your opinion?
Why r u obsessed with homosexuality? :gay:
Why do YOU hate gays? Well, maybe you DON'T hate gays, I don't know for sure....so let's test your love of gays: can you join me in saying this most loving prayer?
"God, I love everybody so much that I beg you to let ethical gays into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you rise to the level of love of Scientific Humanist and join me in saying that most loving prayer, Tilly? If not, then perhaps a new, more loving belief system, would be helpful in your life.

I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
Those Christians do support Muslims for 0.000000000000001% of that Muslim's total existence (life on this earth)....but NOT for the 99.99999999999999%+ of their total existence (counting the "after-life") where those Muslims will burn, burn, burn - brutal, savage, torture.
Can we agree that "no torture" (which Scientific Humanists tend to believe) is more human and Jesus/god's policy of torturing all, say, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, etc. per the Bible? Can we?
Nice statistic. Now back it up with factual evidence or admit you lied and fabricated the statistic.
If "hell" is for ETERNITY (is hell not for eternity, dude!?), then 99.99999999999999%+ is LOW, my friend! What %, dude, of one's total existence, counting the after-life, would "hell" be, then? I say 99.9999999999999%+....what say you? Yes, many Christians love Muslims for the 0.000000000000001%, but are ok with Muslims getting savagely tortured, unfairly, for the other 99.9999999999999%+.

Scientific Humanists mostly believe in "no torture", so we can't approve of god/Jesus' Auschwitz-like torture of Muslims - our hearts are just too big.

Where does the Bible say that "hell" is not for eternity?
Question: If your children turn out to eventually be gay, would you kill them as the Bible/Islamic texts imply, or are the Bible/Islamic texts wrong? Which is it?

“If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

If you reply "I don't follow the OT", that's great - then admit that it's wrong (or else you'd follow it).

I believe in loving gays, so of course I think we can move beyond the morality in the Bible/Islamic texts since they got it wrong.

Your opinion?
Why r u obsessed with homosexuality? :gay:
Why do YOU hate gays? Well, maybe you DON'T hate gays, I don't know for sure....so let's test your love of gays: can you join me in saying this most loving prayer?
"God, I love everybody so much that I beg you to let ethical gays into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you rise to the level of love of Scientific Humanist and join me in saying that most loving prayer, Tilly? If not, then perhaps a new, more loving belief system, would be helpful in your life.

I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
(Particularly against Christianity. Islam usually gets a pass. Wonder why :wink_2:)
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So the story of a magic invisible guy who has now been dead (but still lives) for 2000 years is NOT to be taken literally, correct? It's just a metaphor for, say, rebirth, correct? So you don't believe that said zombie is going to come back and give you "eternal life", correct - because you are not a literalist when it comes to magic/unscientific stories, correct?
Any way but Christianity is the way to destruction.
LOL. A common euphemism of militant atheists. The more you guys write, the more you reveal of your true self. Please continue, gentlemen.

I've already written several times over several years that Biblical text cannot be taken literally because it was written by desert nomads. It's a perception of spirituality. Just because they misperceive what God is or wants doesn't, as militant atheists desire, negate the wisdom found in the Bible and other religious texts.

Do you believe in ancient wisdom? Do you believe there is any wisdom to be found in the Bible? Or do you think, like Stalin and Mao, all religion should be stomped out and all Bibles burned?

#1 in our 10 Commandments of SH is freedom - we don't believe that burning books is good, and we believe in religious freedom. For 99.9999999999999%+ of the total existence (counting the "after-life") of the Dalai Lama (for example), Jesus will NOT give the Dalai Lama freedom - there is NO FREEDOM in Jesus renditioning (like Bush renditioned people to brutal regime) the Dalai Lama to be Satan's slave in Satan's Auschwitz ("hell"). Jesus only believes in freedom for 0.00000000000001% of the entire existence (counting the "after-life") of the Dalai Lama (a non-Christian), according to John 14:6 and many other verses that say that the Dalai Lama would be heading to "hell".
There is a better way, a more loving way....the Scientific Humanist way.
You are psychotic.
If I was in Jesus (alleged) all-powerful shoes, I would let the Dalai Lama into heaven and avoid hell - he seems like a fairly ethical person, as I'm more loving than Jesus is. Would YOU, JusticeHammer? If not, then I'd like to request that you increase the size of your heart like Scientific Humanists have.
I doubt the Dalia Lama wants entry into JCs heaven - he has his own belief system.
Dalia Lama

Interesting, Tilly I used to carry all the time a book of his....

It help me..
So the story of a magic invisible guy who has now been dead (but still lives) for 2000 years is NOT to be taken literally, correct? It's just a metaphor for, say, rebirth, correct? So you don't believe that said zombie is going to come back and give you "eternal life", correct - because you are not a literalist when it comes to magic/unscientific stories, correct?
Any way but Christianity is the way to destruction.
LOL. A common euphemism of militant atheists. The more you guys write, the more you reveal of your true self. Please continue, gentlemen.

I've already written several times over several years that Biblical text cannot be taken literally because it was written by desert nomads. It's a perception of spirituality. Just because they misperceive what God is or wants doesn't, as militant atheists desire, negate the wisdom found in the Bible and other religious texts.

Do you believe in ancient wisdom? Do you believe there is any wisdom to be found in the Bible? Or do you think, like Stalin and Mao, all religion should be stomped out and all Bibles burned?

Love your neighbor is wisdom, yes. But Christians/Jesus don't actually love their neighbor because if he's a Muslim, even an extremely ethical Muslim, they are ok that said Muslim will burn, burn, burn just for being a Muslim. Christians can't muster the moral courage to say "hold on - Muslims burning for just being ethical Muslims is not fair - Jesus got that wrong." It takes the moral courage of a Scientific Humanist to say that.
Quit putting words in our mouths

Your gay no problem

I'm not gay - one does not have to be, say, black, to have in the 1960's laid their life on the line in Selma to defend the rights of blacks (I admire the whites, and blacks, who did that, greatly.) If Jesus does, just say for argument's sake here, send gays to torture in hell, can you condemn him as immoral for doing that, bear513? A Scientific Humanist loves too much to be ok with that barbarity and hatred of innocent people. Our hearts are just too big.

It's not my problem..

I am just saying stop taking out of context with the Bible...

Sick of it.
But people who complain about "taking out of context" never say WHAT THE CONTEXT IS!! What "context" is, say, killing gays ok!?
Question: If your children turn out to eventually be gay, would you kill them as the Bible/Islamic texts imply, or are the Bible/Islamic texts wrong? Which is it?

“If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

If you reply "I don't follow the OT", that's great - then admit that it's wrong (or else you'd follow it).

I believe in loving gays, so of course I think we can move beyond the morality in the Bible/Islamic texts since they got it wrong.

Your opinion?
Why r u obsessed with homosexuality? :gay:
Why do YOU hate gays? Well, maybe you DON'T hate gays, I don't know for sure....so let's test your love of gays: can you join me in saying this most loving prayer?
"God, I love everybody so much that I beg you to let ethical gays into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you rise to the level of love of Scientific Humanist and join me in saying that most loving prayer, Tilly? If not, then perhaps a new, more loving belief system, would be helpful in your life.

I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
If YOU can't say this prayer then I'm afraid that YOU would be the "hater":
"God/Jesus, if you exist, can you find it in your heart to let ethical Buddhists into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you say that prayer (regardless of whether you think anyone is listening, as an exercise in love)?
Why r u obsessed with homosexuality? :gay:
Why do YOU hate gays? Well, maybe you DON'T hate gays, I don't know for sure....so let's test your love of gays: can you join me in saying this most loving prayer?
"God, I love everybody so much that I beg you to let ethical gays into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you rise to the level of love of Scientific Humanist and join me in saying that most loving prayer, Tilly? If not, then perhaps a new, more loving belief system, would be helpful in your life.

I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
If YOU can't say this prayer then I'm afraid that YOU would be the "hater":
"God/Jesus, if you exist, can you find it in your heart to let ethical Buddhists into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you say that prayer (regardless of whether you think anyone is listening, as an exercise in love)?
Buddhists don't want entry into JCs heaven. If they did they'd be Christians! I don't pray. As I've explained, I'm not religious.
so we can't approve of god/Jesus' Auschwitz-like torture of Muslims.

What on earht are you talking about?
These verses show that Jesus' "hell" is worse than Hitler's Auschwitz. Muslims are non-believers. So are Jews. So Jesus will see that Jews get treated worse (they are innocent, by the way), and for longer, than even Hitler treated the Jews in Auschwitz. So Jesus seems less caring, by this one metric, than even Hitler. Scientific Humanists would forgive the Jews, unlike Hitler and Jesus.

John 14:6: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
Acts 4:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-10, John 3:18, John 10:27-28, Matthew 10:32, Luke 12:8, John 5:2, John 3:36, John 6:47, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, Revelation 19:20, 20:10,14-15, 21:8, John 15:6: Jesus said “Unless a person remains united with me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up. Such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, where they are burned up."
Those Christians do support Muslims for 0.000000000000001% of that Muslim's total existence (life on this earth)....but NOT for the 99.99999999999999%+ of their total existence (counting the "after-life") where those Muslims will burn, burn, burn - brutal, savage, torture.
Can we agree that "no torture" (which Scientific Humanists tend to believe) is more human and Jesus/god's policy of torturing all, say, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, etc. per the Bible? Can we?
Nice statistic. Now back it up with factual evidence or admit you lied and fabricated the statistic.
If "hell" is for ETERNITY (is hell not for eternity, dude!?), then 99.99999999999999%+ is LOW, my friend! What %, dude, of one's total existence, counting the after-life, would "hell" be, then? I say 99.9999999999999%+....what say you? Yes, many Christians love Muslims for the 0.000000000000001%, but are ok with Muslims getting savagely tortured, unfairly, for the other 99.9999999999999%+.

Scientific Humanists mostly believe in "no torture", so we can't approve of god/Jesus' Auschwitz-like torture of Muslims - our hearts are just too big.

Where does the Bible say that "hell" is not for eternity?

Scientific Humanists

Oh hell on Earth a new word?
Why do YOU hate gays? Well, maybe you DON'T hate gays, I don't know for sure....so let's test your love of gays: can you join me in saying this most loving prayer?
"God, I love everybody so much that I beg you to let ethical gays into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you rise to the level of love of Scientific Humanist and join me in saying that most loving prayer, Tilly? If not, then perhaps a new, more loving belief system, would be helpful in your life.

I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
If YOU can't say this prayer then I'm afraid that YOU would be the "hater":
"God/Jesus, if you exist, can you find it in your heart to let ethical Buddhists into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you say that prayer (regardless of whether you think anyone is listening, as an exercise in love)?
Buddhists don't want entry into JCs heaven. If they did they'd be Christians! I don't pray. As I've explained, I'm not religious.
OF COURSE they don't want HELL! But Jesus is so selfish, such a bigot, such a narcissist, that he won't (according to the Bible) let ethical Buddhists into heaven but rather will torture them for eternity. As Scientific Humanists we'd of course change that barbaric and inhuman and unfair scheme - that's because we are far more ethical than Jesus is.
Those Christians do support Muslims for 0.000000000000001% of that Muslim's total existence (life on this earth)....but NOT for the 99.99999999999999%+ of their total existence (counting the "after-life") where those Muslims will burn, burn, burn - brutal, savage, torture.
Can we agree that "no torture" (which Scientific Humanists tend to believe) is more human and Jesus/god's policy of torturing all, say, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, etc. per the Bible? Can we?
Nice statistic. Now back it up with factual evidence or admit you lied and fabricated the statistic.
If "hell" is for ETERNITY (is hell not for eternity, dude!?), then 99.99999999999999%+ is LOW, my friend! What %, dude, of one's total existence, counting the after-life, would "hell" be, then? I say 99.9999999999999%+....what say you? Yes, many Christians love Muslims for the 0.000000000000001%, but are ok with Muslims getting savagely tortured, unfairly, for the other 99.9999999999999%+.

Scientific Humanists mostly believe in "no torture", so we can't approve of god/Jesus' Auschwitz-like torture of Muslims - our hearts are just too big.

Where does the Bible say that "hell" is not for eternity?

Scientific Humanists

Oh hell on Earth a new word?
so we can't approve of god/Jesus' Auschwitz-like torture of Muslims.

What on earht are you talking about?
These verses show that Jesus' "hell" is worse than Hitler's Auschwitz. Muslims are non-believers. So are Jews. So Jesus will see that Jews get treated worse (they are innocent, by the way), and for longer, than even Hitler treated the Jews in Auschwitz. So Jesus seems less caring, by this one metric, than even Hitler. Scientific Humanists would forgive the Jews, unlike Hitler and Jesus.

John 14:6: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
Acts 4:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-10, John 3:18, John 10:27-28, Matthew 10:32, Luke 12:8, John 5:2, John 3:36, John 6:47, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, Revelation 19:20, 20:10,14-15, 21:8, John 15:6: Jesus said “Unless a person remains united with me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up. Such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, where they are burned up."
Actually, you should maybe look into Islamic eschatological beliefs about isa.
And the people you talk of have their own religion along with their own versions of an afterlife. If they wanted into the Christian heaven they'd become Christians, so I can only assume that they don't want that, and they certainly don't believe in it!
Maybe it would also be a little insulting to have people praying they have entry to a place they don't believe in.
Those Christians do support Muslims for 0.000000000000001% of that Muslim's total existence (life on this earth)....but NOT for the 99.99999999999999%+ of their total existence (counting the "after-life") where those Muslims will burn, burn, burn - brutal, savage, torture.
Can we agree that "no torture" (which Scientific Humanists tend to believe) is more human and Jesus/god's policy of torturing all, say, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, etc. per the Bible? Can we?
Nice statistic. Now back it up with factual evidence or admit you lied and fabricated the statistic.
If "hell" is for ETERNITY (is hell not for eternity, dude!?), then 99.99999999999999%+ is LOW, my friend! What %, dude, of one's total existence, counting the after-life, would "hell" be, then? I say 99.9999999999999%+....what say you? Yes, many Christians love Muslims for the 0.000000000000001%, but are ok with Muslims getting savagely tortured, unfairly, for the other 99.9999999999999%+.

Scientific Humanists mostly believe in "no torture", so we can't approve of god/Jesus' Auschwitz-like torture of Muslims - our hearts are just too big.

Where does the Bible say that "hell" is not for eternity?

Scientific Humanists

Oh hell on Earth a new word?
If you had Jesus alleged magic super-powers, would YOU let ethical non-believers into heaven and avoid hell, 513? We would, because we care about Muslims, and Buddhists, and you, more than Jesus does. If you become a Buddhist, say, Jesus will see that you get nothing but brutal torture for eternity. We love you more than Jesus does.
Here are 700 intolerant verses in the Bible - something you won't find in Scientific Humanism (just the Golden Rule, and "love your neighbor", etc., because we are an "evolved" belief system): Bible: Intolerance
Why r u obsessed with homosexuality? :gay:
Why do YOU hate gays? Well, maybe you DON'T hate gays, I don't know for sure....so let's test your love of gays: can you join me in saying this most loving prayer?
"God, I love everybody so much that I beg you to let ethical gays into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you rise to the level of love of Scientific Humanist and join me in saying that most loving prayer, Tilly? If not, then perhaps a new, more loving belief system, would be helpful in your life.

I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
If YOU can't say this prayer then I'm afraid that YOU would be the "hater":
"God/Jesus, if you exist, can you find it in your heart to let ethical Buddhists into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you say that prayer (regardless of whether you think anyone is listening, as an exercise in love)?
I have no desire to love everyone. So.......nope :)
Why do YOU hate gays? Well, maybe you DON'T hate gays, I don't know for sure....so let's test your love of gays: can you join me in saying this most loving prayer?
"God, I love everybody so much that I beg you to let ethical gays into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you rise to the level of love of Scientific Humanist and join me in saying that most loving prayer, Tilly? If not, then perhaps a new, more loving belief system, would be helpful in your life.

I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
If YOU can't say this prayer then I'm afraid that YOU would be the "hater":
"God/Jesus, if you exist, can you find it in your heart to let ethical Buddhists into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you say that prayer (regardless of whether you think anyone is listening, as an exercise in love)?
Buddhists don't want entry into JCs heaven. If they did they'd be Christians! I don't pray. As I've explained, I'm not religious.
You can't say that prayer (doesn't matter if you believe there is someone listening to it) because you can't bring yourself to rise to the level of a Scientific Humanist. You don't want to admit that the Bible is not as loving as you are (or as you can be.)
I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
If YOU can't say this prayer then I'm afraid that YOU would be the "hater":
"God/Jesus, if you exist, can you find it in your heart to let ethical Buddhists into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you say that prayer (regardless of whether you think anyone is listening, as an exercise in love)?
Buddhists don't want entry into JCs heaven. If they did they'd be Christians! I don't pray. As I've explained, I'm not religious.
OF COURSE they don't want HELL! But Jesus is so selfish, such a bigot, such a narcissist, that he won't (according to the Bible) let ethical Buddhists into heaven but rather will torture them for eternity. As Scientific Humanists we'd of course change that barbaric and inhuman and unfair scheme - that's because we are far more ethical than Jesus is.
But they don't believe in a Christian hell, and neither should you, BTW. So no harm done :dunno:
Why do YOU hate gays? Well, maybe you DON'T hate gays, I don't know for sure....so let's test your love of gays: can you join me in saying this most loving prayer?
"God, I love everybody so much that I beg you to let ethical gays into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you rise to the level of love of Scientific Humanist and join me in saying that most loving prayer, Tilly? If not, then perhaps a new, more loving belief system, would be helpful in your life.

I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
If YOU can't say this prayer then I'm afraid that YOU would be the "hater":
"God/Jesus, if you exist, can you find it in your heart to let ethical Buddhists into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you say that prayer (regardless of whether you think anyone is listening, as an exercise in love)?
Buddhists don't want entry into JCs heaven. If they did they'd be Christians! I don't pray. As I've explained, I'm not religious.
They don't see enough court-room level of evidence that Jesus is the one true god.....so if you had Jesus' super-powers, would YOU provide a court-room level of evidence for Jesus' divinity, enough so that many many more Buddhists would flock to Jesus and therefore get into heaven and avoid hell? I would of course. How about you? If you can't answer "yes" to this question, then please realize that there is a way for you to be more loving and caring than you currently are.

Have a nice night.
I would, but I don't 'love everybody so much'. For example, I don't 'love' people I don't know.
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
If YOU can't say this prayer then I'm afraid that YOU would be the "hater":
"God/Jesus, if you exist, can you find it in your heart to let ethical Buddhists into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you say that prayer (regardless of whether you think anyone is listening, as an exercise in love)?
Buddhists don't want entry into JCs heaven. If they did they'd be Christians! I don't pray. As I've explained, I'm not religious.
OF COURSE they don't want HELL! But Jesus is so selfish, such a bigot, such a narcissist, that he won't (according to the Bible) let ethical Buddhists into heaven but rather will torture them for eternity. As Scientific Humanists we'd of course change that barbaric and inhuman and unfair scheme - that's because we are far more ethical than Jesus is.
How can it be an unfair scheme, to someone who doesn't believe it exists?
Open your heart like a Scientific Humanist - I know you can do that.
You can move beyond Jesus - Jesus said that he only came to help one particular race/ethnicity:
GOD'S WORD® Translation
"Jesus responded, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.""

If you can find it in your heart to "love people [you] don't know", then you will be more like a Scientific Humanist, and less like Jesus. You can move beyond Jesus' racism/ethnicism - the world will be a better place when you can find it in your heart to do that, mi amigo.
You seem to think I'm religious, I'm not.
And I don't want to 'be like' a scientific humanist. I've met a few and they are among the most rabid haters I've ever come across!
If YOU can't say this prayer then I'm afraid that YOU would be the "hater":
"God/Jesus, if you exist, can you find it in your heart to let ethical Buddhists into heaven and avoid hell. Thanks."

Can you say that prayer (regardless of whether you think anyone is listening, as an exercise in love)?
Buddhists don't want entry into JCs heaven. If they did they'd be Christians! I don't pray. As I've explained, I'm not religious.
OF COURSE they don't want HELL! But Jesus is so selfish, such a bigot, such a narcissist, that he won't (according to the Bible) let ethical Buddhists into heaven but rather will torture them for eternity. As Scientific Humanists we'd of course change that barbaric and inhuman and unfair scheme - that's because we are far more ethical than Jesus is.
But they don't believe in a Christian hell, and neither should you, BTW. So no harm done :dunno:
But CHRISTIANS accept, yes, accept, the Bible saying that Buddhists will indeed be tossed into a "lake of fire", so Christians are unethical.

Please tell us which is more ethical: to throw (ethical) Jews into a "lake of fire" (Jesus), or to throw Jews into ovens (Hitler.)
Which is more ethical? Please tell us.

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