"if you're a Muslim, you don't change your religion” - Trump on Obama birth certificate, March 30, 2011...uh, Ivanka changed from Christian to Jewish!

Neither Christians nor Jews have a doctrine that anyone who follows their faith but later changes to another faith, should be feckin' BEHEADED. Muslims DO. In fact, I can think of no other "god" who demands that of their believers. I'm not sure what part of that little trail of logic eludes you.
Trump is the biggest hypocrite i have ever seen. (he makes the statement quoted in the title at 3:23)

Do you know something? You're a shit stirrer! You need to let me take you behind the woodshed? Send me a personal message so I can deal with you. You're either homosexual or something else. You're one fucked up individual. Plus would pleasure me is to beat down a third worlder from Lebanon.
Do you know something? You're a shit stirrer! You need to let me take you behind the woodshed? Send me a personal message so I can deal with you. You're either homosexual or something else. You're one fucked up individual. Plus would pleasure me is to beat down a third worlder from Lebanon.
See me shake? there's a reason my favorite movie is called "Never Back Down", but the forum rules are to not be violent, so i'll spare you for now
You really need your ass kicked.
Trump is the biggest hypocrite i have ever seen. (he makes the statement quoted in the title at 3:23)

WTF are you going on about? What does "if you're a Muslim, you don't change your religion" have to do with Ivanka converting from being a Christian to being a Jew? Have you hit your head?
WTF are you going on about? What does "if you're a Muslim, you don't change your religion" have to do with Ivanka converting from being a Christian to being a Jew? Have you hit your head?
so Muslims can't convert their religion but Christians can? sounds kinda...what's the word...bigoted? white supremacist? racist?
WTF are you going on about?

It is Mohammadens who threaten death on any of their followers if they leave that demon inspired belief system.
Christians are no prize either, as an atheist, i confidently say that to you

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