If you're a Reagan Republican and a Trump supporter ...

The "working class" are not the ones who work, Darlene. They're the ones who work as little as possible. Here's how you know that isn't what I said. I didn't say that. What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Obviously you did not comphrehend my post, because I did not accuse you of saying that.

You did call him leftist for attacking the working class (or so you perceived), and upholding the working class has long been a communist tenant.

Left wing is not anti-worker. It is a lot of other things, but not that.

Hillary is pushing the same trade policy as Reagan. She is the darling of the 1%. She is not pro-worker, no matter what she says.

Bull crap. Reagan was a free trader
1. Every nation does not have tactical ballistic missiles.

Obviously disregarding the really small ones.

An arsenal of launchable missiles is essential to a well rounded military. Iran happens to have a very large one with advanced technology usually found in nuclear armed nations.

2. If you think that the Soviets would not have massively pursued the Atomic Bomb if we had not used it, you are sadly mistaken.

Prove me wrong.

History shows that the Soviets were put into shock after the nuclear bombing, and scuttled fast as hell with a nuclear program of their own. History does not lie.

3. No, bombing Japan did not hurt us diplomatically or geopolitically.

Yes, there actually were, and the only reason the protests were so quiet is because it was WW2, a conflict that had taken the lives of 70 million people, and they were already used to crimes against humanity at this point.

4. NOpe. Russian isn't launching over Iran.

They will start screwing with the geopolitical peace. You clearly have not the slightest clue of how volatile things are in Eastern Europe.

Russia flies intimidation missions in the Baltic, makes threats of attacking NATO for interfering in politics close to its borders, and constantly talks about bombing the missile facilities in Poland.

We had enough cold war close calls with the Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008 and the nuclear tests that came after their seizure of Crimea (which were an obvious political scare tactic)
I'm a small government libertarian. Government is the worst solution to any problem, so it should be the solution only when it is the only solution.

Yeah, which makes you a believer in the state. (statist)

The naivety of your beliefs always gives me a jolly ol' laugh. Believing that you can maintain transparent, honest, and accountable government on any scale and keep it from expanding in power is being openly ignorant.

Like I said earlier, you believe in the same state that has squeezed the life out of you. That makes you a sycophant.

There can be only one military, one police department, only one manager of limited resources (e.g., water).

In other words, there needs to be one soulless machine with a monopoly of force.

What are the boundaries of this one government? Over the world? Over the country? Over the region? How about over the individual?

We need to be able to resolve differences between citizens (i.e., criminal and civilian courts).

In addition to maintaining the slave state, you also support the existence of second class "citizens," constituting those that reject conforming to the established law.

So WTF are you talking about I want "appointed rulers?"

The rulers that are at the head of that established government of yours. Whether you are authorizing or enabling them with powers, society has now been conceptualized into a series of rulers and slaves.

Screw you, you're talking out of your ass

You need to chill out.

Why does every discussion have to be so hostile with you?

So there are anarchists and statists in your world. Are you eight?
So there are anarchists and statists in your world.

No shit.

If you believe in the state then you are a statist. Believing in less of it does not make you any less of a statist.

You believe in the state, so therefore you are a statist.
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
So if Ronald Reagan were alive he would vote for Hillary, or worse that fucking dolt Johnson? Lol.

Where did I ever say to vote for Hillary, dolt?

And where did I ever say at all whom Reagan would vote for.

You suffering from the onset of early dementia?
So there are anarchists and statists in your world.

No shit.

If you believe in the state then you are a statist. Believing in less of it does not make you any less of a statist.

You believe in the state, so therefore you are a statist.

A Statist isn't someone who believes in the existence of a State, dumb ass. Buy a dictionary
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
So if Ronald Reagan were alive he would vote for Hillary, or worse that fucking dolt Johnson? Lol.

Where did I ever say to vote for Hillary, dolt?

And where did I ever say at all whom Reagan would vote for.

You suffering from the onset of early dementia?
Then why would you say Reagan Republicans were wrong for voting Trump?
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
So if Ronald Reagan were alive he would vote for Hillary, or worse that fucking dolt Johnson? Lol.

Where did I ever say to vote for Hillary, dolt?

And where did I ever say at all whom Reagan would vote for.

You suffering from the onset of early dementia?
Does Gary Johnson even know where he's at right now? I think he gets lost in his own home.
A Statist isn't someone who believes in the existence of a State, dumb ass. Buy a dictionary

The philosophical definition of a statist is someone who believes in the state.

American libertarians tried to marginalize the criteria for being a statist, so they could be government copsuckers and disassociate themselves from the nasty labels which they are so deserving of.

Whether you are or are not a statist, you believe in the state. The fact that you believe in the state makes you a sycophant, because you acknowledge the state has abused you so much, yet you still believe in it.
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
So if Ronald Reagan were alive he would vote for Hillary, or worse that fucking dolt Johnson? Lol.

Where did I ever say to vote for Hillary, dolt?

And where did I ever say at all whom Reagan would vote for.

You suffering from the onset of early dementia?
Then why would you say Reagan Republicans were wrong for voting Trump?

Try reading it again and asking me a question that is based on what I said. I didn't say who Reagan should vote for and I didn't say ANYONE should vote for Hitlary. Instead of digging deeper, re-read what you whiffed on and ask me a relevant question to my OP
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
So if Ronald Reagan were alive he would vote for Hillary, or worse that fucking dolt Johnson? Lol.

Where did I ever say to vote for Hillary, dolt?

And where did I ever say at all whom Reagan would vote for.

You suffering from the onset of early dementia?
Does Gary Johnson even know where he's at right now? I think he gets lost in his own home.

Agreed. But my argument is based on their policies, not what I think of them personally.

Johnson is a live and let live guy, like Reagan. And like no one else running for the Presidency this year
A Statist isn't someone who believes in the existence of a State, dumb ass. Buy a dictionary

The philosophical definition of a statist is someone who believes in the state.

American libertarians tried to marginalize the criteria for being a statist, so they could be government copsuckers and disassociate themselves from the nasty labels which they are so deserving of.

Whether you are or are not a statist, you believe in the state. The fact that you believe in the state makes you a sycophant, because you acknowledge the state has abused you so much, yet you still believe in it.

You didn't buy a dictionary, that isn't what it means. A Statist is not someone who believes we should have a State. It's a lot more than that. You know if you're too cheap to buy a book, you can Google the definition online, right?
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

Trump is right. We need jobs and Trump is the only candidate I think can bring those jobs back.

Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

You would be surprised at how many Americans feel exactly the same way.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

So give all the upcoming spots to LW radicals? Think not.

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.
Trump is not a capitalist??? So, is Hillary? LOL

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

There are things I don't like about Trump but they are certainly less than Hillary's integrity and competency flaws. NAFTA is what gave us problems.
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
So if Ronald Reagan were alive he would vote for Hillary, or worse that fucking dolt Johnson? Lol.

Where did I ever say to vote for Hillary, dolt?

And where did I ever say at all whom Reagan would vote for.

You suffering from the onset of early dementia?
Trump is " The Republican nominee." Deal with it. Reagan would be campaigning for him right now. Reagan and John Wayne were friends and Trump has lots of Duke in him.
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
So if Ronald Reagan were alive he would vote for Hillary, or worse that fucking dolt Johnson? Lol.

Where did I ever say to vote for Hillary, dolt?

And where did I ever say at all whom Reagan would vote for.

You suffering from the onset of early dementia?
Does Gary Johnson even know where he's at right now? I think he gets lost in his own home.

Agreed. But my argument is based on their policies, not what I think of them personally.

Johnson is a live and let live guy, like Reagan. And like no one else running for the Presidency this year
I imagine most Reaganites will be voting for Hillary Clinton or a 3rd party--Gary Johnson more liberal than Darell Castle (not sure if Castle is on all 50 state ballots) but that's probably who Utah is going to favor. Honestly I don't know much about either of these candidates but have heard that Castle is more conservative than Johnson.

But clearly the most qualified candidate is Hillary Clinton, and Republicans are endorsing her like crazy. Bush Sr. told his daughter that he will be voting for her, but refused to admit it publicly. You can bet G.W. & Jeb will be voting for her, and I imagine most Republican Senators and House members will also be voting for her. Every ballot is a "secret ballot."

We recommend Hillary Clinton for president | Editorials | Dallas News
ANOTHER Major Republican Endorses Hillary...Trump Is LIVID, Fears Campaign Is OVER
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com

And there's a reason for that. Many Republicans have praised Hillary Clinton in the past, and like her, "when they're not campaigning against her." So it's no surprise they're kicking this ASS CLOWN Trump to the curb to endorse and vote for her.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

And this is the silver bullet that was shot into the ass of the Chimpanzee nominee.

A reaganite vote for Hillary? You must be joking. That's like saying Stalin would have voted for Calvin Coolidge.

I just gave you several links to show you that is exactly what's happening. Reaganites will be voting for Hillary Clinton or a 3rd party. You have nominated a man with NO honor, NO respect, NO dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone is to himself & Russia. The most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate in this nation's history, your chimpanzee nominee Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Reaganites are pragmatic (can see through the bullshit.) They're intelligent. They are solely focused on fiscal conservatism, a smaller more effective government. They aren't swayed by the Reich wing nutcase, book of dummie's conspiracy theories. They have respect and honor and they're sure not going to support someone who stated in his book "My personal Vietnam was sleeping with married women."
Donald Trump Calls Sleeping Around His ‘Personal Vietnam’

Nor would they support any candidate (that claimed to be a Republican) that just proposed another entitlement program--"child care subsidies."
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies

Unfortunately for you and all the others from the nutcase Reich wing, Reaganites are the majority of the Republican party whom you have been attacking for the last several years and calling them "rino's, establishment", etc. And they have no LOYALTY to this new party of Trump. That is stuffed full of ignorance, anger, fear, bigotry, misogyny and extremism. They decided long ago, (after Trump won the nomination) that there was no way in HELL that they were going to support or vote for Donald Trump. Their 2016 platform suits them well. Full of oppression, bigotry, extremism and division.

And when you can't get the RED-EST of the RED to support the Republican nominee this race was LOST the very second that Trump was declared the nominee of this party.
In the reddest part of Colorado, some Republicans rethink their loyalty
Open Letter To Donald Trump From a #NeverTrumper

And here's another add made by REAGANITES FOR CLINTON.

That post is nothing but partisan blather. There is nothing in there to respond to.

No you're nothing but blather. You have been given more than enough links to show that moderate Republicans aka Reaganites are moving into Hillary Clinton's column. And it makes sense because for the first time in 60 YEARS Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

So that leaves one group that will be casting a vote for Donald Trump.


Which Trump actually said--LOL
Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

Trump is right. We need jobs and Trump is the only candidate I think can bring those jobs back.

Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

You would be surprised at how many Americans feel exactly the same way.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

So give all the upcoming spots to LW radicals? Think not.

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.
Trump is not a capitalist??? So, is Hillary? LOL

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

There are things I don't like about Trump but they are certainly less than Hillary's integrity and competency flaws. NAFTA is what gave us problems.

So we agree
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
So if Ronald Reagan were alive he would vote for Hillary, or worse that fucking dolt Johnson? Lol.

Where did I ever say to vote for Hillary, dolt?

And where did I ever say at all whom Reagan would vote for.

You suffering from the onset of early dementia?
Trump is " The Republican nominee." Deal with it. Reagan would be campaigning for him right now. Reagan and John Wayne were friends and Trump has lots of Duke in him.

My questions:

1) When did Reagan ever say that America is not great?

2) When did Reagan ever say America would be great, but only if we elect him and he makes it great?

3) When did Reagan ever want to punish companies for leaving because the US government has become belligerent to our own industry?

4) When did Reagan ever say we can't compete so we need to put up barriers to protect our businesses ... who don't want it because we think we compete fine?

In fact, Susan, we're the best. Go find your penis, it's in a jar somewhere. Maybe on Hillary's mantle with Bill's junk ...
You're very confused.

-Reagan believed America is great, he was right
-Trump believes Trump is great, but he'll make America great ... if we elect him

-Reagan was all about optimism that our business is the best open the economic borders and we'll kick ass, he was right
-Trump is all about fear we can't compete so those feriners are going to steal our jobs

-Reagan was about wanting to lower taxes and regulations and our companies will want to be here, he was right
-Trump is about punishing them if they try to leave

If you're a Reagan Republican and support Trump, you believe light is dark, up is down and government can best decide who we can do business with.

Johnson's not perfect for sure, but he's far more like Reagan than Trump is, and Trump isn't nearly different enough from Hillary for it to matter.

The last, desperate argument of the Republicans is the Supreme Court. Well, we've had decades of courts with Republican nominated majorities. At one point it was 7-2. We got shit for it. And John Roberts ignoring even the argument of the Obama administration and just declaring it a "tax" was the final nail in the coffin.

Healthcare exchanges, government deciding what policies need to include and all the rest of the Obamacare regulations are a "tax?" He's full of shit. And what Supreme Court ever told a side here's what you should have argued, and I'm going to pretend you did and rule for you?

Then there's this crap Trump is a capitalist, he only wants "fair" trade deals. Even if you believe someone who says he's for free trade keeps saying he isn't, his proposals go way beyond that. Punitive taxes on American businesses trying to escape our oppressive taxes and regulations isn't about trade and it's not capitalist, which is what made us so rich to start with.

That Trump thinks America isn't great, but he personally can make it great is frankly scary. But that he's anti-free trade and anti-Capitalist is unacceptable.

If you're a Reagan Republican ... vote for Johnson ...
So if Ronald Reagan were alive he would vote for Hillary, or worse that fucking dolt Johnson? Lol.

Where did I ever say to vote for Hillary, dolt?

And where did I ever say at all whom Reagan would vote for.

You suffering from the onset of early dementia?
Does Gary Johnson even know where he's at right now? I think he gets lost in his own home.

Agreed. But my argument is based on their policies, not what I think of them personally.

Johnson is a live and let live guy, like Reagan. And like no one else running for the Presidency this year

You're fighting for losers and despots

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