If you're a Reagan Republican and a Trump supporter ...

Because that means Americans won't get those jobs.

No, because it creates new jobs based on the skilled labor of foreign workers.

Increased commerce internationally always creates more jobs in America.

Do you want to sustain market control?

The workers they want to import will work for much lower wages than Americans.

So? Wages are a negotiation between employer and employee.

Do you want the government to institute wage control for those operating under a work visa?

The net result is that importing foreign workers drives down the wages of American workers.

Baseless correlation, but whether or not wages would decrease is irrelevant.

How can you claim to be either Austrian school or an anarchist?

If the American government doesn't represent the people, then why do you want to allow it to bind us to an even bigger globalist state?

This is a loaded question.

The US state does not represent the American people, and I also do not want a larger globalist state.

The TPP creates more government, not less. It creates an entire new layer of government along with thousands of pages of regulations.

It is a bit different.

States lose the benefits of the treaty if they do not follow the regulations. There is no actual punishment for not following them, besides risking being kicked out of the partnership, and having the tariffs reimposed.

Essentially all it is doing is eliminating tariffs for member states dependent on them following the established guidelines. It does end up adding another layer of government though, because the member states would enforce the regulations on their capitalists.

Like everything the government puts out, you should reject it. I just find it ironic since you are supporting political proposals and are against the state.

American can end tariffs without signing on to this globalist big-government monstrosity.

Never going to happen as long as you keep playing within the system.

If you reject the state, then you should reject its politicians and political proposals.
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How does an anarchist think that government is going to protect us from anything?

I find it very questionable when anarchists start playing state politics.

There are a lot of posers in this ideology, whether they come from the left or right. Moreso from the right wing, which is why I am usually more skeptical of the anarchists that came out of the Tea Party movement and such.

There are no anarchists in the tea party, you're making your shit up as you go. And leftists in this country are totalitarians, to call them "anarchists" is even more retarded

Anarchy is what we saw in Occupy, Ferguson, Baltimore, and Charlotte. Occupy alone had rape, murder, and assault on law enforcement. For all of the Tea Party protests, cite where there was rape, murder, or assault on police? Occupy, Ferguson, Baltimore, and Charlotte supposedly had "peaceful" protestors that ended up burning black owned businesses to the ground and Liberals celebrate that shit. What businesses have Tea Party members burned? Where have Tea Party members gone into the inner city and burned down the livelihood of a Black or Immigrant business owner?
Anarchy is what we saw in Occupy, Ferguson, Baltimore, and Charlotte.

No, those are all examples of state produced chaos.

Mass disorder is a key phase in the cycle of violence that causes the rise and fall of states.
A reaganite vote for Hillary? You must be joking. That's like saying Stalin would have voted for Calvin Coolidge.

I just gave you several links to show you that is exactly what's happening. Reaganites will be voting for Hillary Clinton or a 3rd party. You have nominated a man with NO honor, NO respect, NO dignity, and the only loyalty he has ever shown anyone is to himself & Russia. The most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate in this nation's history, your chimpanzee nominee Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Reaganites are pragmatic (can see through the bullshit.) They're intelligent. They are solely focused on fiscal conservatism, a smaller more effective government. They aren't swayed by the Reich wing nutcase, book of dummie's conspiracy theories. They have respect and honor and they're sure not going to support someone who stated in his book "My personal Vietnam was sleeping with married women."
Donald Trump Calls Sleeping Around His ‘Personal Vietnam’

Nor would they support any candidate (that claimed to be a Republican) that just proposed another entitlement program--"child care subsidies."
Donald Trump Proposes Child-Care Subsidies

Unfortunately for you and all the others from the nutcase Reich wing, Reaganites are the majority of the Republican party whom you have been attacking for the last several years and calling them "rino's, establishment", etc. And they have no LOYALTY to this new party of Trump. That is stuffed full of ignorance, anger, fear, bigotry, misogyny and extremism. They decided long ago, (after Trump won the nomination) that there was no way in HELL that they were going to support or vote for Donald Trump. Their 2016 platform suits them well. Full of oppression, bigotry, extremism and division.

And when you can't get the RED-EST of the RED to support the Republican nominee this race was LOST the very second that Trump was declared the nominee of this party.
In the reddest part of Colorado, some Republicans rethink their loyalty
Open Letter To Donald Trump From a #NeverTrumper

And here's another add made by REAGANITES FOR CLINTON.

That post is nothing but partisan blather. There is nothing in there to respond to.

No you're nothing but blather. You have been given more than enough links to show that moderate Republicans aka Reaganites are moving into Hillary Clinton's column. And it makes sense because for the first time in 60 YEARS Republicans are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

So that leaves one group that will be casting a vote for Donald Trump.


Which Trump actually said--LOL
Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him

A flip of 10 or 12 points among a group is a lot. That is not a majority of a group.

Your claim that moderates or that Reagan Republicans are the ones leaving is unsupported. lt is just as likely that the trend is driven by hard core Partisans following their leadership, or an age thing driven as more brainwashed white youth voting the way they have been indoctrinated.

I have given you about 20 links now to support my claim (that a Reaganite & a Trump supporter DO NOT co-exist). I am on several boards, not just this one. You're not going to convince any Reaganite that Donald Trump is the new Reagan. You're not going to convince a Reaganite that Donald Trump is even a Republican. They are in fact the majority of the Republican party, aka moderates. YOU are the minority of the party, not them.

54% of the Republican party voted for other candidates. While Trump has touted he won the most votes ever, he also won the award for the most votes ever cast against him. In these open primary states there was a lot of operation Trump voting going on by Democrats (knowing Hillary Clinton was a shoe-in) in order to get the weakest candidate for her to beat in the general election, and they got it.
Trump got the most GOP votes ever — both for and against him — and other fun facts

Trump is nothing more than the accidental nominee:
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

In a widely contested primary with a big field of candidates the winner can almost always be described as getting voted against by the majority of the voters, because the votes were split 5 or 6 or 7 ways.

It is worth noting though that the SECOND runner up in the GOP primaries was another conservative outsider who was very much hated by the leadership.

Trump is running 3 points behind Hillary. It is obvious that the vast majority of the party is lining up behind him.

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