If you're a right wing "maker", but fell on hard times, would you be a "taker"? YES.

Right...It's only a little bit to get you by...Everybody tries a little every now and again......Just g'head take a freebie for now...You'll feel beter...It's not like you're going to be hooked on this crap forever! :rolleyes:

If it means feeding their kids, but having to take a handout, then so be it. YOU would do the same. Your arrogance wont let you admit it, but you would.

However...you know..I should pray for you. Life has a way of letting karma come back to bite people in the ass. And your stance on this is laying the groundwork for some karma later in life.
Right...It's only a little bit to get you by...Everybody tries a little every now and again......Just g'head take a freebie for now...You'll feel beter...It's not like you're going to be hooked on this crap forever! :rolleyes:

drama queen much? :lmao:
Right...It's only a little bit to get you by...Everybody tries a little every now and again......Just g'head take a freebie for now...You'll feel beter...It's not like you're going to be hooked on this crap forever! :rolleyes:

I got help when I needed it, and I get nothing now. I am not hooked.

My mom had to go on Welfare when her husband was dying so he could get health insurance, when he died my mom went back to work.

Most people use for help, and have no problem getting off it when they no longer need help. Generalizing never works for anyone.
Right...It's only a little bit to get you by...Everybody tries a little every now and again......Just g'head take a freebie for now...You'll feel beter...It's not like you're going to be hooked on this crap forever! :rolleyes:

I got help when I needed it, and I get nothing now. I am not hooked.

My mom had to go on Welfare when her husband was dying so he could get health insurance, when he died my mom went back to work.

Most people use for help, and have no problem getting off it when they no longer need help. Generalizing never works for anyone.

Glad to hear they had some help in hard times.
They don't give a shit dude....they only speak in rhetoric and talking points that are fucking spoon fed to them by their right wing, corporate fellating pundits.

They refuse to think in those terms....that kind of critical thinking isn't allowed....because it's not directed towards....."libruls".

lol, you should be one talking about talking points, what did you just post?:lol:

The truth....at least for some of you....probably the majority on this board. I mean, you say "they wouldn't go to their families for help and would rather suck up government money" How do you know this? How do you know they didn't do that already? How do you know that their families are in a position to help at all?

You don't...and really? You don't give a shit. You and people like you just get off cutting other people down and acting superior. It could be psychological......but I doubt it. I think that some of you just like being mean and hateful.
The right wing arrogance is hitting all time levels. The new effort to divide and label us is the "makers vs takers" nonsense. "Takers" are a new class of people I guess, to be equated to gypsies and transients by the right wing.

BUT...I ask all the proud, snobbish "makers" of the right wing a few questions. Would you become a "taker" if your home depended on it? Your wife? Your KIDS?

What if something happened and you lost your job and/or your house. Maybe you have some money saved up and can live on it til the next job. But what if, like many Americans, that next job never comes. Or you got hurt and disabled, but had an insurance problem and got caught in a loophole.

Now, Im sure you'd say "Im self reliant, I'd find a way, I'd start a business, etc, etc".

Im sure you would. BUT...what if it didn't happen quick enough? What if unemployment ran out, yet, no new job? What if your kids started getting hungry. And the money started running out.

What would you do? Would you take the drastic step of asking friends and family for help? Sure. But..what if they couldn't? Or you dont have that many of them? Or THEY are struggling too?

Kids need school supplies and clothes. The house you had is foreclosed and you are in a low rent apartment. Kids are hungry.

Almost worst case scenario is playing out for you. And then someone says...."Hey man, go down to the county offices. They have a place you can sign up for food stamps and welfare for a while."

Do you do it? Do you become a......TAKER??? Or do you stick to your believes, go hungry, let your family go without what they need, and keep sinking further into the hole?

We know the answer. But will you give it honestly?

I wouldn't qualify for handouts, I'm not in debt and own too much property and equipment. It's called preparing for a rainy day while doing without to get debt free. I know I know a progressive could never understand such a thing.
Sure I would if I was down and out and truly needing help. I wouldn't feel the least bit bad about it either knowing I've paid into it for 40 yrs without taking.

Problem is theres too many who look at the Govt as the source, that they are deserving and have paid little if nothing into it. They have no ambition, incentive to do for themselves...and under this POS the number of people like this is only growing. The more the merrier, bigger voting block.
Hereabouts in Waldo county's Maine (AKA) GOP-land, a region where there are next to no minorities (< 1%) , most of the WHITE folks on WELFARE are also true-blue dyed in the wool Republicans.

The wealthier folks hereabouts, those who are not collecting pubic assistance or living in public housing tend to be the liberals, those left-leaning activists and the leftover back-to-the-land-turned-into-small-businessmen hippies.

Perhaps this phenomena ONLY happens in this remote part of Maine?

Facts like these somehow never seems to impress the right wingers,

Can't imagine why.

Thankfully I've never needed government assistance, not even unemployment (which, by the way, we all pay into...it's why it is called unemployment insurance), but I'm damn glad it is there for those that have and will need it. For every one of your 'Welfare Queen' stories, I can find ten about people who used the safety net to better their lives.
Of course people are going to do whatever it is they can to survive. If available then government assistance is what they will do. No one is saying that is a bad thing until it becomes a way of life. It becomes a way of life because the government allows it to become a way of life, or else there is not alternative.
You all must know a higher order of Repubs than I do. The ones I know are barely getting by and proud of it. They work for daily cash wages (when they work) and pay nothing into the US treasury.
They deserve nothing IMO and are to fuking stupid to even find the welfare office.

Yea, great Americans these people are. Liars, cheat and even steal if given the opportunity. Drunks and drug abusers. Yea, who cares if these Repubs starve?

About the only thing you can count on them to do is vote Rethug. Pitiful.
You all must know a higher order of Repubs than I do. The ones I know are barely getting by and proud of it. They work for daily cash wages (when they work) and pay nothing into the US treasury.
They deserve nothing IMO and are to fuking stupid to even find the welfare office.

Yea, great Americans these people are. Liars, cheat and even steal if given the opportunity. Drunks and drug abusers. Yea, who cares if these Repubs starve?

About the only thing you can count on them to do is vote Rethug. Pitiful.

Your post is perhaps the one of the most hate filled and nastiest I have seen in awile. But that was the order of the day for the last election. Obama got nasty, Romney didn't Sad state of affairs when nasty trumps reasons.
I haven't had to use u.e., but would if I had to b/c thats why I pay into it. Theres no more shame in that then making a car ins. Claim when youve had an accident.
Didn't Clinton put a cap on the number of years you can collect welfare during his administation..?

but that went out the window somewhere..Now it's not for people who just have children, anyone can apply

Just like anything the Government touches we can't keep sustaining this but who cares

And no right-winger ever said people SHOULDN'T use it if they needed (temporary help), but as we've seen for some it's become a way of life
You all must know a higher order of Repubs than I do. The ones I know are barely getting by and proud of it. They work for daily cash wages (when they work) and pay nothing into the US treasury.
They deserve nothing IMO and are to fuking stupid to even find the welfare office.

Yea, great Americans these people are. Liars, cheat and even steal if given the opportunity. Drunks and drug abusers. Yea, who cares if these Repubs starve?

About the only thing you can count on them to do is vote Rethug. Pitiful.

Your post is perhaps the one of the most hate filled and nastiest I have seen in awile. But that was the order of the day for the last election. Obama got nasty, Romney didn't Sad state of affairs when nasty trumps reasons.
Dont you ass holes who say "liberals are this and liberals are that" for years ever have a moment of clarity....when you try to paint the other side as divisive. Its the fingers Iin your ears stomping your feet we know all attitude that turns off the avg. Voter.
Didn't Clinton put a cap on the number of years you can collect welfare during his administation..?

but that went out the window somewhere..Now it's not for people who just have children, anyone can apply

Just like anything the Government touches we can't keep sustaining this but who cares

And no right-winger ever said people SHOULDN'T use it if they needed (temporary help), but as we've seen for some it's become a way of life

What studies have you seen that show those "some"...and how many are there...
I love it when the left posts their facts. They know so much about everything they are experts in demographics. What I have seen is that those who support Obama are oblivious of the facts whether rich or poor. The exit polls prove that point when 45 percent blame the GOP for the failure of the last 4 years. It is hard to break that kind of party loyalty.
Medicare and SS and the Military are the biggest drivers of our debt, and we pay for them we don't simply "take," and so as soon as the old people who love to poin out "moocher moocher" as opposed to bringing people together to deal with issues - can get over their childish whiney bitching that the General public is frankly fucking sick of, then maybe we'd all, as a productive working class, can tighten up our belts and solve this fucking thing.

But no - let's just blame the poor, that'll do.

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