If You're a Trumper you Must Hate your Political Opposition

This is where the modern GOP is at right now, you can't be bipartisan at all.

Any Republican that works with the dems is a "traitor" (Liz Cheney). Just like any Dems that opposed the war in Iraq in 2003 were also called traitors by republicans and Fox news, and modern day Trump supporters.

After the big failure of the GOP with the War in Iraq, the Bush economic crash, and then the Trump covid debacle, the GOP needs to be a lot more apologetic and humble, instead they are going full fledge, balls to the wall, anti-everybody but us...

The GOP has failed so much in the 21st century, they have no right to be so against bipartisanship. Biden and the dems are fixing the GOP mess all by themselves.

Do you still think this is 2016? The Obama era is over retard
This is where the modern GOP is at right now, you can't be bipartisan at all.

Any Republican that works with the dems is a "traitor" (Liz Cheney). Just like any Dems that opposed the war in Iraq in 2003 were also called traitors by republicans and Fox news, and modern day Trump supporters.

After the big failure of the GOP with the War in Iraq, the Bush economic crash, and then the Trump covid debacle, the GOP needs to be a lot more apologetic and humble, instead they are going full fledge, balls to the wall, anti-everybody but us...

The GOP has failed so much in the 21st century, they have no right to be so against bipartisanship. Biden and the dems are fixing the GOP mess all by themselves.

If Liz doesn't have an issue with democrats who in the past directed vicious attacks towards her and her father, then why would she be whining about mean tweets from TRUMP and his supporters?
the War in Iraq is not a failure --you don't know shit about wars--
And exactly what did we get for our 2 trillion dollars?
Wars is Iraq and Afghanistan were epic failures that made America less safe and a lot poorer. Never should have invaded there in the 1st place
...that's like saying we should've have just let the Japanese attack PH and did nothing....there were more Americans killed at 9-11 than at PH......
The US Invasion was not called for, we could have accomplished the same thing with weeks of bombing, both carpet and precision
.......plain and simple---
1. no way---most---99.99% of wars can't be won without boots on the ground
hahahh-we did that AND had boots on the ground-- for YEARS!!!!!
..we were not going to change much, but we did incapacitate the bad guys
....people make the mistake of comparing most wars to WW2/etc ..it's NOT about taking over terrain/kill count/etc
2. you are WAY off target =anyone who knows about wars knows that's just wrong
3. weeks?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????? MY GOD
4. carpet bombing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the country was more or less in the stone age!!!
wow--I could write a book of replies to your post
......plain and simple--
we were in the Iraq and Afghanistan not for regime change but only to punish those responsible for 9/11! 20 years laterweare still there for no explainable reason.
.....again--you people prove to not know anything about wars---they are complicated/etc--you just don't turn them off/etc
Iraq and Afghanistan should not have been wars but rather police actions, We should not have forced regime change. We were wrong to invade. 20 years later we still have nothing to show for it.
We have gained nothing. A tremendous waster of blood and fortune.
I've been over this before--Iraq VIOLATED the cease fire of PG1/etc
.....police action???!!! huh???
We attacked Iraq because baby bush wanted revenge for his dad.
They had nothing to do with 9/11 Afghanistan is another problem all together. Nether require 20 years of US involvement.
Iraq hindered weapons inspectors /etc--plain and simple --cease fire violation
.....carpet bombing!!!!!!!!!!!! weeks!!!!!!!!!!! OMG
You and your kind supported war with Iraq every step of the way.

Only the dems opposed the war in Iraq, you can't find any republicans that opposed Iraq, AND not only that but Republicans pumped and promoted the war excessively for years.
so, you are saying it was wrong to take out hitler:
saddam gassed his own people -like hitler...etc
saddam violated the cease fire--like hitler
saddam initially attacked TWO countries [ Iran and Kuwait ] --hitler one [ Poland ]
Iraq harbored terrorists!!!!
MORE than enough justification
etc etc
This is where the modern GOP is at right now, you can't be bipartisan at all.

Any Republican that works with the dems is a "traitor" (Liz Cheney). Just like any Dems that opposed the war in Iraq in 2003 were also called traitors by republicans and Fox news, and modern day Trump supporters.
This is where the modern DNP is at right now, you can't be bipartisan at all.

Any Democrat that works with the Republicans is a "traitor" (Liz Cheney). Just like any Repubs that opposed the war in Iraq in 2003 were also called traitors by republicans and CNN news, and modern day Biden supporters.
What are you nuts??

Show us where CNN was pro war in Iraq??? CNN was against the war and you dumb fucks were blaming the liberal media for being anti-American, for opposing the war.

You people are totally dellusional to suggest that CNN was pro war. Fox news and the entire GOP were prowar.

There was not 1 anti war in Iraq republican at all, and any anti war democrats were called traitors by people like you.

You have totally detached from fact and reality.

You're kind of a puss really, because you have the spine of a slug.

You hate Trump because you were trained to, that's what happens to spineless slugs, you can't think never mind think for yourself. Trump opposed the Iraq war, the current APPOINTED POTUS was all over it.

Here you go dumbfuck.

Republicans can either be part of the Grand Trump Party or be labeled pariahs...
This is where the modern GOP is at right now, you can't be bipartisan at all.

Any Republican that works with the dems is a "traitor" (Liz Cheney). Just like any Dems that opposed the war in Iraq in 2003 were also called traitors by republicans and Fox news, and modern day Trump supporters.

After the big failure of the GOP with the War in Iraq, the Bush economic crash, and then the Trump covid debacle, the GOP needs to be a lot more apologetic and humble, instead they are going full fledge, balls to the wall, anti-everybody but us...

The GOP has failed so much in the 21st century, they have no right to be so against bipartisanship. Biden and the dems are fixing the GOP mess all by themselves.

Forgot to take your medication again this morning? Or do you always wake up like this?
This is where the modern GOP is at right now, you can't be bipartisan at all.

Any Republican that works with the dems is a "traitor" (Liz Cheney). Just like any Dems that opposed the war in Iraq in 2003 were also called traitors by republicans and Fox news, and modern day Trump supporters.

After the big failure of the GOP with the War in Iraq, the Bush economic crash, and then the Trump covid debacle, the GOP needs to be a lot more apologetic and humble, instead they are going full fledge, balls to the wall, anti-everybody but us...

The GOP has failed so much in the 21st century, they have no right to be so against bipartisanship. Biden and the dems are fixing the GOP mess all by themselves.

I don't hate anyone...I think people who vote for the democrat party, the party of racism and hate, are foolish, and many are really dumb, but I don't hate them.

Bush didn't create the crash, the democrats did when they screwed with the banks and home loans, you doofus.

Working with the political party in bed with China is being a traitor....
Republicans can either be part of the Grand Trump Party or be labeled pariahs...
Here's the thing. So-called "moderates" are not worth the bucket to piss in. We need solid Conservatives to counter the decidedly far Left lurch of the Communist Democrats.

Does a “solid conservative” have to be a Trump supporter to pass muster?
This is where the modern GOP is at right now, you can't be bipartisan at all.

Any Republican that works with the dems is a "traitor" (Liz Cheney). Just like any Dems that opposed the war in Iraq in 2003 were also called traitors by republicans and Fox news, and modern day Trump supporters.

After the big failure of the GOP with the War in Iraq, the Bush economic crash, and then the Trump covid debacle, the GOP needs to be a lot more apologetic and humble, instead they are going full fledge, balls to the wall, anti-everybody but us...

The GOP has failed so much in the 21st century, they have no right to be so against bipartisanship. Biden and the dems are fixing the GOP mess all by themselves.

We want people like you have in office. We have endless RINOS who cross the aisle and have helped to potentially turn us into a Progressive Socialist hell hole with Communism at the end of the tunnel from that. It is not like the voters have not warned. The tea party scared the shit out of you and the
Repub party establishment. And they infected it and destroyed it. You won't like the Prog Socialist Party when it is in full power. Tough decisions will be made as the real revenues drop and more people want to be on the dole.
This is where the modern GOP is at right now, you can't be bipartisan at all.
Do you understand how they construct bipartisan legislation?

It's a bunch of political favors. Each representative gets something they want for their district. It's not a compromise of principles. It's a trade-off of principles
If you make a simple bipartisan gesture, you are attacked by the GOP and the wacko Trumpers.

The GOP is the party of total failure and fuck ups, War in Iraq, Bush economic collapse, Trump covid disaster, they are in no position to fight bipartisanship.

GOP fuck ups have hurt America so much in the 21st century.
GOP fuck ups have hurt America so much in the 21st century.
GOP fuck ups have hurt America so much in the 21st century.
If You're a Trumper you Must Hate your Political Opposition

This stupidity does not have one shred of fact in it. It is purely opinion and does not belong in the politics.
The fact and proof is in the event that just happened 2 days ago, you dumb fuck. The retard Trumpers and GOP have attacked Cheney for a simple gesture of civility.
You didn't know that just happened?
You're a dumb fuckin retard.
Time to catch up:


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