If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

Sounds like Fake News B.S. Sorry, i just call em like i see em.
What's fake news? All that bad stuff about DeVos that don't want to talk about?
She said she didn't really sit on the board of that company that was anti gay.

Listen, we all knew Republicans were anti gay, Muslim, Mexican, women, workers.

So then why do gay Muslims Mexicans women and workers vote for them? It's insane.
Trump already said he's for gay rights.

He's ahead of his party on the issue.

Good for him.
You believe ANYTHING that he says??? !!
I'll take him at his word until he proves me otherwise.

I think he's going to prove me otherwise but let's see.

Is he racist? We will see.

Is he sexist? What policies does he sign that are anti women?

Also lot of women voted for him. Hillary only won 54% of the woman vote.

And black people didn't vote so they don't matter. Trump says he's going to solve the gang problem and I believe him. It is unacceptable. We know who the members are.
I think the title of this thread is misleading. What the OP meant to say was "
If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are putting an end to YOUR tyranny. Believe it!

Think: Kim Davis, the Kleins etc...
Poor Silhouette. So oppressed by marauding packs of homos getting married. :crybaby:
Poor Silhouette. So oppressed by marauding packs of homos getting married. :crybaby:
No it's really children in general getting squeezed out of what marriage used to remedy for them: a lack of either a mother or father. There are the real victims of gay marriage. You believe people should advocate for children, don't you mdk? Do you buck the majority who feel that a mother and father are vital in a child's life; and that binding them away from one or the other in a contract is wrong?
Poor Silhouette. So oppressed by marauding packs of homos getting married. :crybaby:
No it's really children in general getting squeezed out of what marriage used to remedy for them: a lack of either a mother or father. There are the real victims of gay marriage. You believe people should advocate for children, don't you mdk? Do you buck the majority who feel that a mother and father are vital in a child's life; and that binding them away from one or the other in a contract is wrong?

How does stopping gays from getting married ensure that their children will be raised by a mother and a father? Hint: it doesn't. Your solution in no way addresses your problem.

Cue the ramblings about polygamy and incest in 3...2...1...
Marriage used to remedy the situation of motherless or fatherless children. By your argument, polygamists MUST be allowed to marry as well since they have children in their lives. Also, incest. You either push the argument to fairness for all children or you don't. Which is it mdk?
Marriage used to remedy the situation of motherless or fatherless children. By your argument, polygamists MUST be allowed to marry as well since they have children in their lives. Also, incest. You either push the argument to fairness for all children or you don't. Which is it mdk?

Right on cue.

The final times the people overwhelmingly supported it, the federal courts even more so, and the popularity issue is over.

The antis have lost.

Well see that's the thing about the voters' mandate on the USSC this last year's election. There's gonna be a new Court in town. And the issues of why children's interests in marriage were ignored at Obergefell are going to come up. It's not every day you see the judicial write a new law that says marriage can legally bifurcate children from either a mother or father for life...
See? Gays took Democrats for granted. They thought they won marriage equality so they could abandon us liberals. They get what they got coming.

Whenever they are ready to leave the tent the plantation is always open.
Yup, leave where you're an equal for a where there's a whip.
What a bunch of sillies. Gays unfortunately don't do well in the GOP. The GOP is changing but has a long way to go.
Hey, I'm just working with what the poster gave me. He wants to use plantation terminology, I'm just pointing out that plantations weren't such a good thing for black people.
The final times the people overwhelmingly supported it, the federal courts even more so, and the popularity issue is over.

The antis have lost.

Well see that's the thing about the voters' mandate on the USSC this last year's election. There's gonna be a new Court in town. And the issues of why children's interests in marriage were ignored at Obergefell are going to come up. It's not every day you see the judicial write a new law that says marriage can legally bifurcate children from either a mother or father for life...
See? Gays took Democrats for granted. They thought they won marriage equality so they could abandon us liberals. They get what they got coming.

Whenever they are ready to leave the tent the plantation is always open.
Yup, leave where you're an equal for a where there's a whip.
The peasants were all equal too. Equally poor.

Russians are all equal too. Are you a commie?
I thought equality between the races was a good thing.
Republicans are always railing against sharia law, but people need to realize that probably 3/4 of what's in sharia law is part of the republican platform. They're going to go hard after gay people and the right's they won in the last few years. And they won't stop there.
LibTard forcing of Gay Marriage is part of what pissed off America enough to vote the Pubs back into power...

LibTard setting of conditions by which AquaLung can enter the Little Girls Room with bad intent, is another piece of that puzzle...

You arrogant idiots finally pushed Americans too far...

And you've just been bitch-slapped, good-and-proper, for your sins...

Learn, LibTards... learn.

If you aren't too far gone to even try.
Heh, republicans were worried about their little girls getting groped in Target restrooms so they went and elected a guy who bragged about groping women. Repugtard logic.
Better grown women, than little girls, my little Liberal flower...
Sounds like Fake News B.S. Sorry, i just call em like i see em.
What's fake news? All that bad stuff about DeVos that don't want to talk about?
She said she didn't really sit on the board of that company that was anti gay.

Listen, we all knew Republicans were anti gay, Muslim, Mexican, women, workers.

So then why do gay Muslims Mexicans women and workers vote for them? It's insane.
I don't care what she said. DeVos is a longtime GOP donor with ties to anti-gay rights and anti-organized labor groups.That includes Focus on the Family.
Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

Do you really think the new government wants to do something against homosexuals? I don't think so honestly :eusa_think:
Words and facts are different ;)

Pence was Governor of Indiana. If the past is any indication, then of course.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNNPolitics.com

Pence now makes laws?
So now Trump is coming after gays? You libs have lost it, seek help for your TOCD. :laugh:

It's ridiculous. Trump is literally the most pro gay rights president ever elected. Even Obama ran against gay marriage to get himself elected.

Absolutely assinine
Pence is the most hate gays vice president that I've ever been aware of.

First, work on your grammar. It's atrocious.

Second, there is zero evidence that mike pence hates anyone, let alone gays

Third, pence's viewpoints have nothing to do with what trump will do. Hence irrelevant.
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Betsy DeVos has committed the Unpardonable Sin...she advocates for school choice. And guess which well funded groups are threatened by that? Hint - they donate to the political party that heralds itself as the party of 'choice'.
We knew Republicans were this way and still voted for them. So America must be OK with school choice

America is for choice??? No wonder democrats lost
I think it's absolutely absurd that rdean or anyone else is trying to claim that trump is coming after gays when they can't name a single policy of his that does so.

And gays are supposed to be grateful to democrats for gay marriage? We just had two terms of a man who ran opposing gay marriage and then conveniently flipped when it was politically expedient. And he didn't even do anything to give you gay marriage. A rogue court with a majority of Republican appointments on it did.

Course that didn't stop Obama from taking credit for it. Nor did it stop you from nominating Hillary who likewise opposed gay marriage
If you're straight, live your life in peace but don't try and shove it down other peoples throats and demand they accept it. Tolerance works both ways.

Having said the above, I don't Trump cares about gays one way or another..

Avatar, you are silly if you thing Pence is not anti-gay.

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