If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

Nahhhhhhh... homos back in the closet... Illegal Beaners back on the south side of the Rio Grande... that should do it...
Agreed on illegals (of which only about 55% are Mexican), but how does putting Americans in a closet fix anything?
Nahhhhhhh... homos back in the closet... Illegal Beaners back on the south side of the Rio Grande... that should do it...
Agreed on illegals (of which only about 55% are Mexican), but how does putting Americans in a closet fix anything?
It gets filth out of sight and it keeps that shit away from our children and away from public life... a consummation devoutly to be wished and pursued...
Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

/----- Fake news
Nahhhhhhh... homos back in the closet... Illegal Beaners back on the south side of the Rio Grande... that should do it...
Agreed on illegals (of which only about 55% are Mexican), but how does putting Americans in a closet fix anything?
It gets filth out of sight and it keeps that shit away from our children and away from public life... a consummation devoutly to be wished and pursued...

If wishes were horses even beggars would ride. Gays aren't going back in the closet so you can use your wishing well pennies on something more productive.
Nahhhhhhh... homos back in the closet... Illegal Beaners back on the south side of the Rio Grande... that should do it...
Agreed on illegals (of which only about 55% are Mexican), but how does putting Americans in a closet fix anything?
It gets filth out of sight and it keeps that shit away from our children and away from public life... a consummation devoutly to be wished and pursued...

If wishes were horses even beggars would ride. Gays aren't going back in the closet so you can use your wishing well pennies on something more productive.
We will know soon enough, won't we?
Nahhhhhhh... homos back in the closet... Illegal Beaners back on the south side of the Rio Grande... that should do it...
Agreed on illegals (of which only about 55% are Mexican), but how does putting Americans in a closet fix anything?
It gets filth out of sight and it keeps that shit away from our children and away from public life... a consummation devoutly to be wished and pursued...

If wishes were horses even beggars would ride. Gays aren't going back in the closet so you can use your wishing well pennies on something more productive.
We will know soon enough, won't we?

Know what? We already know that gays aren't going back in the closet.
If wishes were horses even beggars would ride. Gays aren't going back in the closet so you can use your wishing well pennies on something more productive.
Agreed about Gays AKA rights. Time marches forward and it takes a lot to turn back the clock.

What I do believe is that the entire idea of "special rights" is over. Rights for all, the equal treatment of all Americans, has come to pass.
Yeah why put them on the closet, dead things stink up your house you know. Seriously gays can do whatever they want as long as they allow others to do the same, BUT they WON"T they are mostly liberal shit, and liberals fuck with everybody that's why they lost the election. The problem has been nobody really took the time to fuck with them. That has changed in a big way BIG DON is coming to MAKE them quit infringing on everyone else's life. I heard the new theme BIG DON, BIG DON big bad DON, IT IS GREAT. He's a liberal's nightmare machine!!!!

On another note liberal shit,

Donald Trump was fighting for the blacks from way back!!!


Florida Lawsuit Reveals What Trump Thinks About Discrimination

"...long before he was running for president..."

Presumed GOP nominee Donald Trump as well as his supporters have frequently been accused of racism throughout the 2016 presidential campaign.

While some individuals from Trump’s past have contradicted this claim, including many of his former employees, a part of Trump’s history has resurfaced which may call into question his alleged racism and discrimination.

In 1997, Trump defied societal conventions when he purchased his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida and converted it into a private club.

Prior to Trump’s arrival, other clubs in the Pam Beach area “had long barred Jews and African Americans — which is to say they practiced a quiet but steely racism,” wrote Jeffrey Lord on The American Spectator.

“He put the light on Palm Beach,” said Abe Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League. “Not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. It has an impact.”

Trump went further, asking the town council to lift the existing restrictions on the club, and sending them a copy of, “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner,” a film whose characters defy the race-based discrimination of the day.
The town council would not budge, leading Trump to file a $100 million lawsuit alleging the town was “discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African Americans,” reported The American Spectator.

The incident was profiled in a 1997 Wall Street Journal piece that discussed Trump’s clash with Palm Beach. Eventually, Palm Beach put an end to their discriminatory restrictions.

“In other words, long before he was running for president, there was Donald Trump battling racism and anti-Semitism in Palm Beach society. Using every tool at his disposal,” wrote Lord.

He continued, “In today’s world the Left demands racial quotas and supports illegal immigration. What all of these things have in common is that they are designed to divide Americans by race, to divide by skin color.”

Lord said Trump’s actions show the falsehood in the accusations of racism leveled against him.

“The good news here that in Donald Trump someone — finally — is standing up to fight back. Just as he fought back all those years ago in Palm Beach when no one was looking.”
I wonder??? could the real RACIST be LIBERALS, WITHOUT A DOUBT hey racist liberals, hillarybillarykerrygeorgiepoo !!!! Trump gonna let your slaves leave your intercity plantations and come to YOUR COUNTRY CLUB. HAHAHAHAHHAHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA.
The Court is going to change. Of that we can be sure. I think there's a group or twenty out there with lawyers waiting for a couple of fascists to retire.
If wishes were horses even beggars would ride. Gays aren't going back in the closet so you can use your wishing well pennies on something more productive.
Gays have been doing pride parades on the streets with not so much as a peep from the public in general. It's when they started requiring all 50 states via judicial coup to allow two men or two women pretend to be "mom and dad" to kids is where the line was crossed.

And pushing hubris yet another increment further, the LGBT cult demands, via executive coup, that deranged boys use girls showers and restrooms in schools across the country.

Don't wonder why working class dems defected. You violate their value system, you lose power. There's coming out of the closet and then there's what you did. You went too far and now it's time to put you back to just outside the closet and no further.
It's interesting that the people who urge tolerance for jihadists who stone women to death and execute homosexuals for minor crimes offer no tolerance to American Christians and never stop whining about the bad luck of living in the most tolerant Country in the world. Imagine punishing an entire state with economic sanctions because men can't powder their noses in the ladies room. The world is upside down to the radical left and reality will soon come crashing down.
Who is urging "tolerance for jihadists who stone women to death and execute homosexuals"........name names for us.
Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

Oh, excuse me. Those are American pastors who call for the execution of gays. They aren't Muslim. Got the wrong group. Oops.
You can come out from under the bed anytime now.

You can be as gay as you want.

Nobody will take your penises away from you.

They'll take my penises when they pry them from cold sticky hands.

In all seriousness, I am not too worried about a sudden and massive roll back when it comes gay rights with Trump's victory. At the end of the day most people care about the economy, providing for their families, and, getting the government off their backs.

Except when they need to deflect from their screw ups with the economy. That's when Republicans go after gays, immigrants and poor people.

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Poor weak gays. They're so weak they managed to keep children out of Obergefell so their unique interests weren't heard. Now the weak, poor gays can use a contract to legally bind a child from either a mother or father for life. Until that's overturned...
Poor weak gays. They're so weak they managed to keep children out of Obergefell so their unique interests weren't heard. Now the weak, poor gays can use a contract to legally bind a child from either a mother or father for life. Until that's overturned...

Asked and answered.

That decision had already been addressed directly.

Same sex couples could already have kids, including by adoption.

Are you actually going to try to argue that having your parents be married is WORSE??
Poor weak gays. They're so weak they managed to keep children out of Obergefell so their unique interests weren't heard. Now the weak, poor gays can use a contract to legally bind a child from either a mother or father for life. Until that's overturned...

Like when Ginsberg and Kagan get impeached as you predicted? When Roy Moore overturns Obergefell as you predicted? When gay marriage was going to hurt Trump in the primaries as you predicted? Face it, if you predict something the smart money says the exact opposite will be true. lol
I thought you were for personal freedom and limited government? WTF charged?? Oh'yesss, you only mean that for helping people! If you're something you assholes disagree with you'll silence people like Putin would.
Nope. You will still be able to put another guys penis in your mouth. No civil rights violations in store for you in the future swishy.
Same sex couples could already have kids, including by adoption.

Are you actually going to try to argue that having your parents be married is WORSE??

Where's your outcry for children of polygamists? Yeah, that's what I thought. Your concern for "children of gays" is a ruse; hype. Instead you want children bound to any perverse adult relationship within human imagination. Because your ilk uses children for sympathy; while at the same time when the question of them needing both a vital mother and father comes up, you declare "marriage isn't about children!"...
So now Trump is coming after gays? You libs have lost it, seek help for your TOCD. :laugh:

It's ridiculous. Trump is literally the most pro gay rights president ever elected. Even Obama ran against gay marriage to get himself elected.

Absolutely assinine
Pence is the most hate gays vice president that I've ever been aware of.
Maybe I'm mistaken but I think the vice president almost has no power. He is the speaker of the Senate and he will be the President if the President will resign or will die.
Am I right? :)

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