If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

Do you really think the new government wants to do something against homosexuals? I don't think so honestly :eusa_think:
Words and facts are different ;)
No. It's the excuse they will use to revisit the case

They don't have the standing to revisit the case.

Of course not. Not to mention nobody's proposing any such nonsense.

Besides Silhouette, there are quite a few religious/political organizations that are pushing for the case to be revisited. The National Organization for Marriage and Focus on the Family are two that come to mind.
The final times the people overwhelmingly supported it, the federal courts even more so, and the popularity issue is over.

The antis have lost.

Well see that's the thing about the voters' mandate on the USSC this last year's election. There's gonna be a new Court in town. And the issues of why children's interests in marriage were ignored at Obergefell are going to come up. It's not every day you see the judicial write a new law that says marriage can legally bifurcate children from either a mother or father for life...

Hundreds of amicus briefs were filled on behalf of children in support and in opposition to gay marriage. The idea that the decision was decided without their interests being addressed is just another lie you use to console yourself.

They had no unique representation at the Hearing. So you admit their considerations were paramount either way, but children had no separate unique advocate at Obergefell. That's problematic. The judge(s) cannot both be guardian ad litem AND judge at the same time. You can't have judges be impartial jurors if they are also acting as attorneys for one of the parties at the same time. Nobody disputes the unique part and share children have in the word "marriage". Therefore at that contract revision hearing, they HAD TO HAVE HAD representation of their own. They didn't.

Given the gravity of the change in the word "marriage" after Obergefell where children are involved (legally divorcing them via contract for life from either a mother or father); there's going to be a rehearing of the case on that point alone. Although there are perhaps a dozen other viable legal & procedural points that can overturn Obergefell.
Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

Closets are made for faggots. Get your ass back in it

Don't ask, don't tell


:lol: You DO realize that when B. Clinton introduced "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", the homophobic Right complained that it was "shoving faggots down our throat", right?

Do you mean 'Republican'?

I am no Republican

The right wings positions on gays isn't to drive them back into to the closet. It's always been to destroy their lives.
Too many gays voted Republican for me to feel sorry for what happens to them. We give them marriage and they vote GOP?

Same way poor people didn't vote in 2010 after we got them the aca.

Republicans will let gays be married but that doesn't mean they can adopt or share healthcare.

Maybe Americans like these people will wake up and stop voting gop

This post epitomizes the disconnect the left has from reality.

You didn't give gays the right to marry. The allegedly rw court did. Contrary to the will of the people.

As for Obamacare, you lost because no one wanted it. You can't figure out why the poor were pissed at you for raising their insurance premiums and deductibles? Really? It's really so puzzling why people are upset with you for making their coverage worse while making them pay more?

Yeah screw those gays and poor people for not appreciating the wonderful things you do. It's precisely this elitist bs that lead to trumps victory
The will of the people support gay marriage. The Court supports gay marriage. That's the end of it for the next lifetime.

Which is why virtually every time it was voted on, the people opposed it.

If the will of the people supporter it, the court would not have needed to intervene
The final times the people overwhelmingly supported it, the federal courts even more so, and the popularity issue is over.

The antis have lost.

You spoke with the same absolutes i.e. the election

That didn't work out so well for you

This issue is no different

You lose

They had no unique representation at the Hearing. So you admit their considerations were paramount either way, but children had no separate unique advocate at Obergefell. That's problematic. The judge(s) cannot both be guardian ad litem AND judge at the same time. You can't have judges be impartial jurors if they are also acting as attorneys for one of the parties at the same time. Nobody disputes the unique part and share children have in the word "marriage". Therefore at that contract revision hearing, they HAD TO HAVE HAD representation of their own. They didn't.

Given the gravity of the change in the word "marriage" after Obergefell where children are involved (legally divorcing them via contract for life from either a mother or father); there's going to be a rehearing of the case on that point alone. Although there are perhaps a dozen other viable legal & procedural points that can overturn Obergefell.

You've been throwing this same lame legal shit against the wall since the ruling to no avail. Besides, your legal prediction rate around here is one of near perfect failure.

Gay marriage is the sun your planet revolves around, but most people either don't care or have moved on to more pressing matters.
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You can come out from under the bed anytime now.

You can be as gay as you want.

Nobody will take your penises away from you.

They'll take my penises when they pry them from cold sticky hands.

In all seriousness, I am not too worried about a sudden and massive roll back when it comes gay rights with Trump's victory. At the end of the day most people care about the economy, providing for their families, and, getting the government off their backs.

A friend and I were talking about this while leaving work last night. He said that Trump may end gay marriage rights. I really don't think Trump cares about the issue one way or the other. If anything he probably secretly supports same sex marriage. I don't think he cares much about any of the social issues he campaigned on, but it's always an easy way for a politician to get the backing of social conservatives.
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Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

Closets are made for faggots. Get your ass back in it

Don't ask, don't tell


:lol: You DO realize that when B. Clinton introduced "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", the homophobic Right complained that it was "shoving faggots down our throat", right?

Do you mean 'Republican'?

I am no Republican


So...you don't want to acknowledge what I said the GOP reaction was when DADT was started by B. Clinton.
Start off with Betsy DeVos:

Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious Christian zealot who does not believe in the actual separation of church and state, wants public monies funneled into religious schools, and has contributed through family foundations to bigoted groups with a militant anti-gay agenda. During her confirmation hearing she gave disturbing answers to questions about her views of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, standardized tests, and school vouchers. She also suggested guns have a place in American schools, though her claim that they were necessary to defend students from grizzly bear attacks was not very compelling.

Watching her testimony was both hilarious and frightening. That the right wing could agree with her on guns in schools was just bizarre. She believes in conversion therapy and home school.

The bitch firmly believes in "Conversion Therapy". For anyone who doesn't know what that is, the concept was central to the film "A Clockwork Orange".

Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate

And of course, we know what Pence position is. In his state, he diverted money to help AIDS patients to invest in conversion therapy..

And they do all this evil going against our very constitution in the name of Christianity. Jesus would have a fit.

These are some nasty, dirty Christian Taliban. America had to take Trump's threat seriously. Right wingers are some dangerous people. Lucky his favorability rating is in the 30's. America may finally be getting it.

Four more years of LWL fear-mongering and incessant whining.

Regardless of who's President, the Constitution still rules the land.
It's interesting that the people who urge tolerance for jihadists who stone women to death and execute homosexuals for minor crimes offer no tolerance to American Christians and never stop whining about the bad luck of living in the most tolerant Country in the world. Imagine punishing an entire state with economic sanctions because men can't powder their noses in the ladies room. The world is upside down to the radical left and reality will soon come crashing down.
Who is urging "tolerance for jihadists who stone women to death and execute homosexuals"........name names for us.
Well, Whitehall?
A friend and I were talking about this while leaving work last night. He said that Trump may end gay marriage rights. I really don't think Trump cares about the issue one way or the other. If anything he probably secretly supports same sex marriage. I don't think he cares much about any of the social issues he campaigned on, but it's always an easy way for a politician to get the backing of social conservatives.
Trump can't trump SCOTUS nor the Constitution.
trump may get to appoint a couple of ussc judges.....dont think anything is beyond belief at this point
trump may get to appoint a couple of ussc judges.....dont think anything is beyond belief at this point
Then there would have to be a case brought up thru the lower courts that gives a good valid CONSTITUTIONAL reason to strike down the prior decision....
If you're gay, get ready, the GOP and Trump's cabinet are coming after you. Believe it!

Trump has alien baby with Bill O'Reilly and pretzels inhabited by underworld spirits are coming after you. Believe it!
trump may get to appoint a couple of ussc judges.....dont think anything is beyond belief at this point
Then there would have to be a case brought up thru the lower courts that gives a good valid CONSTITUTIONAL reason to strike down the prior decision....

When has the Supreme Court ever cared about Constitutional reasons for their rulings. When have you ever wanted them to? Oh yeah, a Republican is President now, the rules changed ...
trump may get to appoint a couple of ussc judges.....dont think anything is beyond belief at this point
Then there would have to be a case brought up thru the lower courts that gives a good valid CONSTITUTIONAL reason to strike down the prior decision....
Possible, but it's still a 14th Amendment issue. The easiest solution for Republicans is to eliminate the 1138 special rules, benefits and regulations regarding married couples and get out of the "marriage business" completely. Tax everyone the same, let "marriage" remain a religious issue and view everyone as an individual taxpayer.

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