IG Report Reveals After Steele Was Terminated For Speaking To Media, He Funnelled Claims Through....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
John McCain To then FBI Director, the disgraced. Lying James Comey

In 2017, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) admitted that he delivered the Steele dossier to former FBI Director James Comey. The now-deceased Senator John McCain wrote in his memoir, “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations, that he had “no regrets” about alerting the FBI about the disproven Steele dossier.

The Hill reported about McCain’s arrogance in his memoir, and how he wrote that he “did what duty demanded I do” in passing on the documents.

“I discharged that obligation, and I would do it again. Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain said, according to excerpts of the book published by The Guardian.

Breitbart News is now reporting that the late Senator John McCain provided disgraced former FBI chief James Comey with not one, but five separate reports from Christopher Steele that the FBI didn’t previously possess related to unsubstantiated allegations of collusion between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 campaign, the Justice Department’s recent Inspector General report revealed.

The IG report discloses that McCain gave five new Steele reports to Comey that the FBI did not previously possess, showing that McCain served as a conduit for Steele’s information to reach the FBI even after the British ex-spy was formally cut off as an FBI source.

It is not clear whether McCain knew at the time that Steele had previously been terminated as an FBI source for speaking to the media.

The IG report also verifies that a McCain aid obtained the Steele reports directly from Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, meaning that when McCain transferred the anti-Trump charges to Comey he had to have known that the material originated with a firm that specializes in controversial opposition tactics.

(Excerpt) Read more at 100percentfedup.com ...


Q: What did Sen. Ted Kennedy say to John McCain when McCain entered Hell?

A: "Don't worry Senator, it's a dry heat."

This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil....Benedict Arnold at least had the good sense to flee to London when his mission failed!

McLames family must be si proud of him, causing America to go through this divisiveness and costing this nation hundreds of millions of wasted tax payer money....He died a bitter miserable, hate filled, and righteously painfuldeath. Good riddens, you traitorous bastard!
Wow... how you can tell the GOP has gone nuts.

A man of honor like John McCain is hated.

A scumbag like Trump is celebrated.
Always interesting how a scumbag, anti-American hating piece of shit can post his babbling idiocric rantings, and few call him out....most probably don't like to be bothered, but I will take the time on a Sat. Morning!:)
Which is probably why McLame is buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington. My bet is for him to end up buried with heroes he had to have Trump sign off on it.....I hope Trump got the last laugh on that one, after sending AF1 to pick up McLames body and family to fly them to D.C.....and never getting a THANKS from his family!...it would be a fitting, end to a FORMER hero....turned traitor!
Which is probably why McLame is buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington. My bet is for him to end up buried with heroes he had to have Trump sign off on it.....I hope Trump got the last laugh on that one, after sending AF1 to pick up McLames body and family to fly them to D.C.....and never getting a THANKS from his family!...it would be a fitting, end to a FORMER hero....turned traitor!

McCain earned any honors he received for his service. I suppose Trump could have tried to deny what was due on McCain's death, but even someone as childish as Trump knows that would have not been allowed. I'm just amazed that the orange fool tries to act like he is personally responsible for showing the earned respect for our lost hero.
Always interesting how a scumbag, anti-American hating piece of shit can post his babbling idiocric rantings, and few call him out....most probably don't like to be bothered, but I will take the time on a Sat. Morning!

Again, only one of us has a DD214.... and it ain't you.

Which is probably why McLame is buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington. My bet is for him to end up buried with heroes he had to have Trump sign off on it.....I hope Trump got the last laugh on that one, after sending AF1 to pick up McLames body and family to fly them to D.C.....and never getting a THANKS from his family!...it would be a fitting, end to a FORMER hero....turned traitor!

McCain was buried at the USNA because his father and grandfather are buried there... but never mind.
Wow... how you can tell the GOP has gone nuts.

A man of honor like John McCain is hated.

A scumbag like Trump is celebrated.
Yet your side raked him over the coals when he ran against the Muslim Surrender Monkey who didn't have a DD 214 and was a coward! You are a pathetic little piece of shit!
Funny, Dimms shit all over McCain in 2008, now they perform analingus on him.

What changed?

He didnt like Trump. That’s all that changed.

Dimms told me McCain was racist and misogynist.
Yet your side raked him over the coals when he ran against the Muslim Surrender Monkey who didn't have a DD 214 and was a coward! You are a pathetic little piece of shit!

Well, first, I voted for McCain in 2008. I voted for Obama in 2012 because I really, really hate Mormons.

Second, Obama was mostly respectful of McCain, and McCain was respectful of Obama.

McCain's biggest problem in 2008 was that he advocated more of what Bush was doing while the house was burning down. Even he didn't really believe it.

He did things like abandon his own sensible immigration reform proposals and picked a complete moron as a running mate. These were unforced errors on his part.
John McCain To then FBI Director, the disgraced. Lying James Comey

In 2017, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) admitted that he delivered the Steele dossier to former FBI Director James Comey. The now-deceased Senator John McCain wrote in his memoir, “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations, that he had “no regrets” about alerting the FBI about the disproven Steele dossier.

The Hill reported about McCain’s arrogance in his memoir, and how he wrote that he “did what duty demanded I do” in passing on the documents.

“I discharged that obligation, and I would do it again. Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain said, according to excerpts of the book published by The Guardian.

Breitbart News is now reporting that the late Senator John McCain provided disgraced former FBI chief James Comey with not one, but five separate reports from Christopher Steele that the FBI didn’t previously possess related to unsubstantiated allegations of collusion between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 campaign, the Justice Department’s recent Inspector General report revealed.

The IG report discloses that McCain gave five new Steele reports to Comey that the FBI did not previously possess, showing that McCain served as a conduit for Steele’s information to reach the FBI even after the British ex-spy was formally cut off as an FBI source.

It is not clear whether McCain knew at the time that Steele had previously been terminated as an FBI source for speaking to the media.

The IG report also verifies that a McCain aid obtained the Steele reports directly from Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, meaning that when McCain transferred the anti-Trump charges to Comey he had to have known that the material originated with a firm that specializes in controversial opposition tactics.

(Excerpt) Read more at 100percentfedup.com ...


Q: What did Sen. Ted Kennedy say to John McCain when McCain entered Hell?

A: "Don't worry Senator, it's a dry heat."

This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil....Benedict Arnold at least had the good sense to flee to London when his mission failed!

McLames family must be si proud of him, causing America to go through this divisiveness and costing this nation hundreds of millions of wasted tax payer money....He died a bitter miserable, hate filled, and righteously painfuldeath. Good riddens, you traitorous bastard!
Where was Steele "terminated" from?
The lefties on this board don’t really care about links, it’s a deflection.

When you supply them with links, the links are ignored.
POTUS and his circle don’t even refer to McCain by name, he’s referred to as No Name forever now for disgracing his country with acts of treason.
John McCain To then FBI Director, the disgraced. Lying James Comey

In 2017, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) admitted that he delivered the Steele dossier to former FBI Director James Comey. The now-deceased Senator John McCain wrote in his memoir, “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations, that he had “no regrets” about alerting the FBI about the disproven Steele dossier.

The Hill reported about McCain’s arrogance in his memoir, and how he wrote that he “did what duty demanded I do” in passing on the documents.

“I discharged that obligation, and I would do it again. Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain said, according to excerpts of the book published by The Guardian.

Breitbart News is now reporting that the late Senator John McCain provided disgraced former FBI chief James Comey with not one, but five separate reports from Christopher Steele that the FBI didn’t previously possess related to unsubstantiated allegations of collusion between Russia and President Trump’s 2016 campaign, the Justice Department’s recent Inspector General report revealed.

The IG report discloses that McCain gave five new Steele reports to Comey that the FBI did not previously possess, showing that McCain served as a conduit for Steele’s information to reach the FBI even after the British ex-spy was formally cut off as an FBI source.

It is not clear whether McCain knew at the time that Steele had previously been terminated as an FBI source for speaking to the media.

The IG report also verifies that a McCain aid obtained the Steele reports directly from Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, meaning that when McCain transferred the anti-Trump charges to Comey he had to have known that the material originated with a firm that specializes in controversial opposition tactics.

(Excerpt) Read more at 100percentfedup.com ...


Q: What did Sen. Ted Kennedy say to John McCain when McCain entered Hell?

A: "Don't worry Senator, it's a dry heat."

This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil....Benedict Arnold at least had the good sense to flee to London when his mission failed!

McLames family must be si proud of him, causing America to go through this divisiveness and costing this nation hundreds of millions of wasted tax payer money....He died a bitter miserable, hate filled, and righteously painfuldeath. Good riddens, you traitorous bastard!
Where was Steele "terminated" from?

For the imbecile who can't use a search rngine...

EXCLUSIVE: McCabe's FBI Tried to Re-engage Christopher Steele After Comey Was Fired
Jan 14, 2019 · Steele was terminated as a source by the FBI on Nov. 1, 2016, for communicating with the media. Despite this, Bruce Ohr and Steele ..
You know how to internet....

So you admit, you looked and you couldn't find anything where anyone was all that disrespectful to McCain.

The lefties on this board don’t really care about links, it’s a deflection.

When you supply them with links, the links are ignored.

I usually ignore RW links because they go to websites with no credibility, or more often, they didn't even bother to read what was in the link.

POTUS and his circle don’t even refer to McCain by name, he’s referred to as No Name forever now for disgracing his country with acts of treason.

Actually, they don't mention his name because the Orange Man Baby might throw a tantrum if he hears it. That's why they had to cover up the name on a ship when Trump went to Japan.
McCain earned any honors he received for his service. I suppose Trump could have tried to deny what was due on McCain's death, but even someone as childish as Trump knows that would have not been allowed. I'm just amazed that the orange fool tries to act like he is personally responsible for showing the earned respect for our lost hero

Hi again numbnutz. Still hating on your duly elected and honest president I see. Too bad you are too illiterate to read some real history. My brother knew John McGoon on the Forrestal. He told me after the famous fire that McShit started by horsing around and that killed so many good men, that MickTurd was a nasty little piece of shit that deserved no respect from the common man, most even refused to salute him. He even had to be choppered off to another ship cause roving gangs of sailers were looking for him to gut him like a fish. Those were the real heros. As for Trump, he did 4 very honerable years in a military acadamy as a cadet and graduated with honors. Something a little turd like you will never have. Trump was classified, BY THE ARMY DOCTORS, to be 4F and unfit to even be enlisted in the military. He has flat feet, a very painful condition that he shows every time he walks up or down stairs. But a pitiful fuckstick moron like you would never know that, CAUSE YOUR A HATER AND CANT READ, ASSWIPE.
You know how to internet....

So you admit, you looked and you couldn't find anything where anyone was all that disrespectful to McCain.

The lefties on this board don’t really care about links, it’s a deflection.

When you supply them with links, the links are ignored.

I usually ignore RW links because they go to websites with no credibility, or more often, they didn't even bother to read what was in the link.

POTUS and his circle don’t even refer to McCain by name, he’s referred to as No Name forever now for disgracing his country with acts of treason.

Actually, they don't mention his name because the Orange Man Baby might throw a tantrum if he hears it. That's why they had to cover up the name on a ship when Trump went to Japan.
click on the link I supplied, you fool.


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