Ilhan Omar Said In 2018 That White Men Should Be Monitored And Feared

Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter
She is right.

Statistics support her statement.
Not at all.
Statistics show that blacks commit more than their share of violent acts.
Being only 13% of the population how do you explain the fact that Blacks commit roughly 50% of violent crimes?

Statistics show you are far more likely to experience violence at the hands of a white male and most terrorist attacks as well as mass shooting events such as school shootings are conducted by white males. The whole racial crime reporting thing is dubious since conviction rates are heavily biased against the poor and blacks. The fact you simp,y more likely to be attacked by a mad white man then a mad black man.
You are reporting crimes based on race.
Then say racial crime reporting is dubious at best.

That was quick.

It is iffy if you try to break down level of crime by race when there are many more factors involved. But the statistics based on demographics are imo a bit more clear. Most violent offenders tend to attack those of their own race (which kind of makes sense because it occurs within communities). If you are a white person you are far more likely to be the victim of another white person.

But then you have the other odd anomaly. It seems most acts of mass violence (outside of gangs) seems to be white males. Domestic terrorists, school shootings. Why is that? Maybe because whites are more numerous. So really, Omar is right.
Uh huh. Right.
Who were the Super Predators?

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

Dude, white people make up 62% of the population. White males are about 31%.

Black males are around 6.5% of the population.

Naturally there are more OVERALL murders involving white people, SINCE THERE ARE SEVERAL TIMES AS MANY WHITES THAN BLACKS !!!

I am saying STATISCALLY speaking you are more likely to encounter violence with a black person than you are with a white person !

Jesus dude, did you make it beyond grade school ?
Speaking of statistics....the majority of crimes are committed by by people of the same race as the victim. The majority of population in the US is white 77%). Presumably you are as well. Fear the white male dude.
I just scared the shit out of me.

I can send you some wine if that will help?
Nope quit drinking but I am going to monitor myself and put a restraining order on me if I keep doing that to me.
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

What she said was retarded but no more retarded than many Trump supporters here who blame all Muslims for saying similar things. have to work with Muslims to understand how much they think alike.
For example: If you're critical of a Muslim that lives halfway around the world the Muslim that you called your friend for months will side with the Muslim he's never met in his life. When it comes to Islam they are much more understanding of what they (Muslim Terrorists) do than say a Jew or a Christian (Who are their victims).
So you side with any "white," "christian", "male," "straight" person who comes along. Why is that? there are these people running around in the U.S. calling themselves "Christians" and talking out of their asses, yet you do absolutely nothing.
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

Omar, Waters, and AOC are proof that Muslims, blacks, and Hispanics should be deported.
Who were the Super Predators?

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

Dude, white people make up 62% of the population. White males are about 31%.

Black males are around 6.5% of the population.

Naturally there are more OVERALL murders involving white people, SINCE THERE ARE SEVERAL TIMES AS MANY WHITES THAN BLACKS !!!

I am saying STATISCALLY speaking you are more likely to encounter violence with a black person than you are with a white person !

Jesus dude, did you make it beyond grade school ?

By this guys own post, Minority males commit 47% of the gang related murder, while making up a significantly smaller percentage of the population.

He disproved his own point!

No I did not. Your argument is ignorant and false. The most accurate measure for this matter is to measure the number of actual participants in crime by race.
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

Omar, Waters, and AOC are proof that Muslims, blacks, and Hispanics should be deported.
Shouldn't everyone be deported? Where will tramp, pigpence, mconnell going to go?
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Who were the Super Predators?

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

Dude, white people make up 62% of the population. White males are about 31%.

Black males are around 6.5% of the population.

Naturally there are more OVERALL murders involving white people, SINCE THERE ARE SEVERAL TIMES AS MANY WHITES THAN BLACKS !!!

I am saying STATISCALLY speaking you are more likely to encounter violence with a black person than you are with a white person !

Jesus dude, did you make it beyond grade school ?

Look idiot, you don't get to justify committing more crime because there are more of you. Statistically YOU are 6 times more likely to encounter violence from somebody white. I made it way past grade school. But judging by your post, you didn't. Because advanced research says that you can only measure this by the numbers participating in it. The number of blacks arrested as a percentage of the American population in my example was less than 1 percent and the percentage of whites arrested as a percentage of the population was over 2 percent. Both are low numbers and therefore this claim consistently made by the racist section is just simply incorrect.
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter
She is right.

Statistics support her statement.
Not at all.
Statistics show that blacks commit more than their share of violent acts.
Being only 13% of the population how do you explain the fact that Blacks commit roughly 50% of violent crimes?

Statistics show you are far more likely to experience violence at the hands of a white male and most terrorist attacks as well as mass shooting events such as school shootings are conducted by white males. The whole racial crime reporting thing is dubious since conviction rates are heavily biased against the poor and blacks. The fact you simp,y more likely to be attacked by a mad white man then a mad black man.
But what's really funny is most Muslim terrorists are white males.
The two that blew up the Boston Marathon were white.
I can't wait to see that Omar thrown in jail or thrown out of the country.

Nasty piece of work she is.
Who were the Super Predators?

Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | HuffPost

In a white country, whites commit most of the murders? A SHOCK.

Of course they threw in Hispanics in there too, because otherwise it would be clear that certain demographics are way over represented - much beyond whites. The demographics that IM2 represents.
The dumbfuck is looking at raw data and not extrapolating it to race percentages.

Probably because he already knows the results.

Since the number exist, we don't have to use the faulty math you racists want to use in order to argue.

Numbers I use are from the “ 2017 FBI Uniform Crime Report”. The tired use of per capita must stop. The math we can use to be more accurate is exists and it is elementary. Since all people of any race do not commit crime, we can only assess crime fairly by looking only at the number of people by race who commit or are arrested for crimes. If we want to talk about population, we can only measure the number of participants in crime as a percentage of the population. The math is elementary. In this case, I divided the number of people arrested by race against the population of the United States in 2017 that was provided in the Uniform Crime Report.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.009 percent of the population.

You are the one scared of the outcome.

So for total crime you are on the money. If you go by per capita, which is a more accurate reading, you have 197 million whites committing 5.6 million crimes and you have 37 million blacks committing 2.2 million crimes.

However you are already smart enough to realize this.
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

What is she doing on a Christian News Shows, who is interviewing her? I so doubt she was on a Christian talk show and saying what she said, so I say its FALSE.

sure does good talking and lip synching though.

Oh!... so what you are saying, it doesn't matter what a person says, but where they said it?
So if Trump talked about women in a men's locker room...that doesn't matter either?

Prove to me its real. No I believe tramp said that in the Accent tape, he admitted it.

also if its her, she has a point which I always knew white supremacists are the majority of home grown terrorists,

but its been highly taken out of context, if its real.
i wander how many of your non violent African Americans in Chicago will shoot each other this week.
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Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

What is she doing on a Christian News Shows, who is interviewing her? I so doubt she was on a Christian talk show and saying what she said, so I say its FALSE.

sure does good talking and lip synching though.

Oh!... so what you are saying, it doesn't matter what a person says, but where they said it?
So if Trump talked about women in a men's locker room...that doesn't matter either?

Prove to me its real. No I believe tramp said that in the Accent tape, he admitted it.

also if its her, she has a point which I always knew white supremacists are the majority of home grown terrorists,

but its been highly taken out of context, if its real.
So....your mind is so warped that you cannot accept what you just saw and heard.
Unless the MSM points these facts out to cannot accept them.


Who interviewed her, you should know you posted it. Also how much is taken out of context?? a lot I assume if its even real.
she said it commy . if you can prove she did not say it i will leave USMB for 1 yr ...if she did say it then you leave for 1 yr ....are you going to take the bet or are you going to run and deflect like the coward you are .
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter
You’re lying again. It’s your default mode.

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