"I'll kill him graveyard dead"

How would each of you react if you were in a similar situation to the man who was shot?

If you were perfectly sober and crashed your car and your sister or your child were unconscious...how would you proceed? If there were no cell phone service ....would you go to the nearest house and pound on the door? If nobody answered, would you break a window to get inside? or just shrug your shoulders and walk away.

Many of us in a similar situation would have ended up dead. Do you think your family would appreciate it if the NRA and gun lobby gloated that you were dead?

If I were alone at home at 12:30 AM and some fool was pounding on the door and screaming and then proceeded to throw a chair and a table through the window.. I would have done the same thing this lady did. Now if I were sober and had an accident I would pound on the door and very clearly and loudly say please call 9-11,, since the woman was already talking to 9-11,, I'm thinking they would send me an ambulance.

Thanks..at least you made a valid point.

Its 1230 AM, you are alone, someone is pounding and screaming something you don't understand. Would you keep quiet and pretend nobody is home? It is not clear this woman told the guy to go away or let it be known she was in the house.

If the guy pounding can't be sure or not if someone is inside...is he justified to break a window to get to the phone?
How would each of you react if you were in a similar situation to the man who was shot?

If you were perfectly sober and crashed your car and your sister or your child were unconscious...how would you proceed? If there were no cell phone service ....would you go to the nearest house and pound on the door? If nobody answered, would you break a window to get inside? or just shrug your shoulders and walk away.

Many of us in a similar situation would have ended up dead. Do you think your family would appreciate it if the NRA and gun lobby gloated that you were dead?

If I were alone at home at 12:30 AM and some fool was pounding on the door and screaming and then proceeded to throw a chair and a table through the window.. I would have done the same thing this lady did. Now if I were sober and had an accident I would pound on the door and very clearly and loudly say please call 9-11,, since the woman was already talking to 9-11,, I'm thinking they would send me an ambulance.

Thanks..at least you made a valid point.

Its 1230 AM, you are alone, someone is pounding and screaming something you don't understand. Would you keep quiet and pretend nobody is home? It is not clear this woman told the guy to go away or let it be known she was in the house.

If the guy pounding can't be sure or not if someone is inside...is he justified to break a window to get to the phone?

iirc RW she told the 9-11 operator that she "turned out the lights" so from that I think she was trying to hide, hoping he would go away.
I would have done the same thing as that woman. I use to sleep with a .38 under my pillow when I lived in NC. There was these guys that would stop in front of my house every night for about 3 weeks yelling things. One night I had enough. I went outside with my .38 shot it in the air over their car. They never bothered me again.

My little neice (which was 3 years old at the time) and her Mommy was there with me that night. My neice looked at her Mommy, and said " Mommy who did PixieStix kill?" :lol:

It obviously made her feel safe cuz she slept on my stomach that night :lol:

I wonder where that bullet came down.
How would each of you react if you were in a similar situation to the man who was shot?

If you were perfectly sober and crashed your car and your sister or your child were unconscious...how would you proceed? If there were no cell phone service ....would you go to the nearest house and pound on the door? If nobody answered, would you break a window to get inside? or just shrug your shoulders and walk away.

Many of us in a similar situation would have ended up dead. Do you think your family would appreciate it if the NRA and gun lobby gloated that you were dead?

Are you crazy or what? What the hell is this post where you choreograph your scenario? WTF, RW?
You being the one in the accident knows exactly what's going on. The person in the house hears a window being broken out in the middle of nowhere. That's the circumstances. Answer to your question is NO!!!!! you don't break a strangers window...only if your an idiot, RIGHTWINGER How have you lived this long with your thought process? I guess laws of average say that a few will survive.

Meister votes that if his child was dying in the car, he would not break a window to call for help. He would just walk away and let the kid die

oh...now the scenario is the child is dying....you keep moving the chains, RW. If you do break into some other persons house, your going in at your own risk, RW. You do not take iin consideration on how the homeowner is feeling at the time of the breaking of the window. This is where your stupidity kicks into overdrive. Like I said, I just don't know how you lived this long. sheesh.

The end of the world could take place by using your word "if". :cuckoo:
I would have done the same thing as that woman. I use to sleep with a .38 under my pillow when I lived in NC. There was these guys that would stop in front of my house every night for about 3 weeks yelling things. One night I had enough. I went outside with my .38 shot it in the air over their car. They never bothered me again.

My little neice (which was 3 years old at the time) and her Mommy was there with me that night. My neice looked at her Mommy, and said " Mommy who did PixieStix kill?" :lol:

It obviously made her feel safe cuz she slept on my stomach that night :lol:

I wonder where that bullet came down.

In the woods, most likely

I killed all 3 of those guys with one bullet :lol:
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If I were alone at home at 12:30 AM and some fool was pounding on the door and screaming and then proceeded to throw a chair and a table through the window.. I would have done the same thing this lady did. Now if I were sober and had an accident I would pound on the door and very clearly and loudly say please call 9-11,, since the woman was already talking to 9-11,, I'm thinking they would send me an ambulance.

Thanks..at least you made a valid point.

Its 1230 AM, you are alone, someone is pounding and screaming something you don't understand. Would you keep quiet and pretend nobody is home? It is not clear this woman told the guy to go away or let it be known she was in the house.

If the guy pounding can't be sure or not if someone is inside...is he justified to break a window to get to the phone?

iirc RW she told the 9-11 operator that she "turned out the lights" so from that I think she was trying to hide, hoping he would go away.

Thanks for the information. If the lights were out and nobody inside was making a sound, it seems understandable that you would break a window to try to reach a phone
Thanks..at least you made a valid point.

Its 1230 AM, you are alone, someone is pounding and screaming something you don't understand. Would you keep quiet and pretend nobody is home? It is not clear this woman told the guy to go away or let it be known she was in the house.

If the guy pounding can't be sure or not if someone is inside...is he justified to break a window to get to the phone?

iirc RW she told the 9-11 operator that she "turned out the lights" so from that I think she was trying to hide, hoping he would go away.

Thanks for the information. If the lights were out and nobody inside was making a sound, it seems understandable that you would break a window to try to reach a phone
Yeah, because eveybody has their lights on at 12:30 in the morning. You would find it understandable, RW, but common sense people wouldn't. You would be asking for trouble, RW, and that guy that was shot was asking for trouble, and he found it. That is where the bottom line is, no matter how you spin the scenario.
It's called breaking and entering.
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iirc RW she told the 9-11 operator that she "turned out the lights" so from that I think she was trying to hide, hoping he would go away.

Thanks for the information. If the lights were out and nobody inside was making a sound, it seems understandable that you would break a window to try to reach a phone
Yeah, because eveybody has their lights on at 12:30 in the morning. You would find it understandable, RW, but common sense people wouldn't. You would be asking for trouble, RW, and that guy that was shot was asking for trouble, and he found it. That is where the bottom line is, no matter how you spin the scenario.
It's called breaking and entering.

How is wanting to get help for your unconscious sister "asking for trouble"??

Would you break and enter a house you thought was empty in order to save your sister?
I finally heard the full transcript of the call. He can be heard repeatedly banging on the door. At one point, the dispatcher asks what he is screaming and the woman says "Pam". He had just gotten into an accident and his sister was unconscious in the car. It appears he was severely drunk and was at the house for help and not to rape or maim as previously claimed.
Is is also not clear if he knew someone was in the house at the time and may have been breaking in the house to use the phone.
As much as the gun lobby holds this case up as a success story of a lone woman blowing away an intruder. It seems it may be a case of a homeowner shooting someone who was drunk and looking for help for his sister
I have to question this and honestly, doubt that this is the case.

In the age of cell phones, where every Tom, Gill and Biff has a cell phone, he was breaking in to use a land line?

In either case, the woman was fully and legally justified in protecting her own life.

No doubt she had the right and was instructed by 911 to shoot if necessary. Cell phones are great but not everyone has one, especially indegent drunks. They also don't work in all areas.

There are two possibillities in this case.

1. The guy was drunk with his sister Pam in the car, he crashed the car and Pam was not responding so he used the opportunity to walk to the nearest house to rape and murder anyone in it.

2. The guy was drunk with his sister Pam in the car, he crashed the car and Pam was not responding so he walked to the nearest house for help, pounded on the door and when nobody responded, he broke in to call for help

I choose the latter
I just question how readily everyone seems to suddenly buy into a story that the guy was innocent and breaking into a house for a just reason.

Maybe he was, but I'm not going to simply accept it as the truth.
Thanks for the information. If the lights were out and nobody inside was making a sound, it seems understandable that you would break a window to try to reach a phone
Yeah, because eveybody has their lights on at 12:30 in the morning. You would find it understandable, RW, but common sense people wouldn't. You would be asking for trouble, RW, and that guy that was shot was asking for trouble, and he found it. That is where the bottom line is, no matter how you spin the scenario.
It's called breaking and entering.

How is wanting to get help for your unconscious sister "asking for trouble"??

Would you break and enter a house you thought was empty in order to save your sister?

I'm not so sure what I would do, RW. The man made a lot of bad choices that night, and the odds caught up to him. Drunk as a skunk will get you to that level in a hurry, was his sister as drunk as he was?
Still you don't address the mindset of the woman that lived in HER house alone at the time. Bottom line breaking and entering usually ends up bad, as it did this time.
I have to question this and honestly, doubt that this is the case.

In the age of cell phones, where every Tom, Gill and Biff has a cell phone, he was breaking in to use a land line?

In either case, the woman was fully and legally justified in protecting her own life.

No doubt she had the right and was instructed by 911 to shoot if necessary. Cell phones are great but not everyone has one, especially indegent drunks. They also don't work in all areas.

There are two possibillities in this case.

1. The guy was drunk with his sister Pam in the car, he crashed the car and Pam was not responding so he used the opportunity to walk to the nearest house to rape and murder anyone in it.

2. The guy was drunk with his sister Pam in the car, he crashed the car and Pam was not responding so he walked to the nearest house for help, pounded on the door and when nobody responded, he broke in to call for help

I choose the latter
I just question how readily everyone seems to suddenly buy into a story that the guy was innocent and breaking into a house for a just reason.

Maybe he was, but I'm not going to simply accept it as the truth.

I was wondering too. Why is it so important that RW believe the guy was innocent? Nothing that the man did tells us that. There is no evidence is there? What am I missing?
Yeah, because eveybody has their lights on at 12:30 in the morning. You would find it understandable, RW, but common sense people wouldn't. You would be asking for trouble, RW, and that guy that was shot was asking for trouble, and he found it. That is where the bottom line is, no matter how you spin the scenario.
It's called breaking and entering.

How is wanting to get help for your unconscious sister "asking for trouble"??

Would you break and enter a house you thought was empty in order to save your sister?

I'm not so sure what I would do, RW. The man made a lot of bad choices that night, and the odds caught up to him. Drunk as a skunk will get you to that level in a hurry, was his sister as drunk as he was?
Still you don't address the mindset of the woman that lived in HER house alone at the time. Bottom line breaking and entering usually ends up bad, as it did this time.

I have already addressed the mindset of the woman many times on this thread. Unlike most posters on this thread, she understood the gravity of what she had done and showed remorse that she had taken a human life. Unlike those who celebrate the death of a man who made a tragic decision trying to help his sister that night
She assumed correctly, Since he acted violently aka tossing a chair and a table through her windows. She assumed correctly and responded correctly. He is dead and he can thank himself for being dead,, graveyard dead.
She made a reasonable assumption under the circumstances but her assumption turned out to be incorrect.

Yep, he is graveyeard dead. Now the woman who shot him and his family have to live with the consequences of his death.

He was an idiot for driving drunk in the first place. Had he not been drunk. most likely he would not have crashed his car and never have needed to break into the woman's house. Likewise, if the woman had not had a gun, she would not have been able to kill him.

You have pointed out that you did not rejoice in his death, but there certainly are others posting in this thread that do. This article was originally posted as some kind of validation for owning weapons but it turned out as another example of how owning a weapon can lead to tragedy.

The events and his death were entirely his fault. That is just the way it goes. I doubt seriously if he had cried out "there's been an accident I need assistance" that he would have been shot. He did a lot of pounding and yelling there is no evidence that he said he needed assistance.
Agreed. Apparently he was so drunk that all he could do was call out the name of his sister. Maybe he didn't even see the woman and her gun. His being drunk caused the car accident in the first place. However she pulled the trigger. Not he. There being a gun in the house is as much a cause of this unfortunate death as was his inebriated state.
Therefore the lady did not assume incorrectly and Thank God she had a weapon otherwise we might be talking about a murder and how much this man deserves leniency. Glad it didn't turn out to be the latter. I'm not celebrating that he is dead but I am celebrating that she isn't..
I would have done the same thing as that woman. I use to sleep with a .38 under my pillow when I lived in NC. There was these guys that would stop in front of my house every night for about 3 weeks yelling things. One night I had enough. I went outside with my .38 shot it in the air over their car. They never bothered me again.

My little neice (which was 3 years old at the time) and her Mommy was there with me that night. My neice looked at her Mommy, and said " Mommy who did PixieStix kill?" :lol:

It obviously made her feel safe cuz she slept on my stomach that night :lol:
With a child in your bed I hope you unloaded that gun before you put it back under the pillow.
I would have done the same thing as that woman. I use to sleep with a .38 under my pillow when I lived in NC. There was these guys that would stop in front of my house every night for about 3 weeks yelling things. One night I had enough. I went outside with my .38 shot it in the air over their car. They never bothered me again.

My little neice (which was 3 years old at the time) and her Mommy was there with me that night. My neice looked at her Mommy, and said " Mommy who did PixieStix kill?" :lol:

It obviously made her feel safe cuz she slept on my stomach that night :lol:

I wonder where that bullet came down.
I would have done the same thing as that woman. I use to sleep with a .38 under my pillow when I lived in NC. There was these guys that would stop in front of my house every night for about 3 weeks yelling things. One night I had enough. I went outside with my .38 shot it in the air over their car. They never bothered me again.

My little neice (which was 3 years old at the time) and her Mommy was there with me that night. My neice looked at her Mommy, and said " Mommy who did PixieStix kill?" :lol:

It obviously made her feel safe cuz she slept on my stomach that night :lol:

I wonder where that bullet came down.

In the woods, most likely

I killed all 3 of those guys with one bullet :lol:
C'mon!! Tell the truth. It hit you right in your foot. :tongue:
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No doubt she had the right and was instructed by 911 to shoot if necessary. Cell phones are great but not everyone has one, especially indegent drunks. They also don't work in all areas.

There are two possibillities in this case.

1. The guy was drunk with his sister Pam in the car, he crashed the car and Pam was not responding so he used the opportunity to walk to the nearest house to rape and murder anyone in it.

2. The guy was drunk with his sister Pam in the car, he crashed the car and Pam was not responding so he walked to the nearest house for help, pounded on the door and when nobody responded, he broke in to call for help

I choose the latter
I just question how readily everyone seems to suddenly buy into a story that the guy was innocent and breaking into a house for a just reason.

Maybe he was, but I'm not going to simply accept it as the truth.

I was wondering too. Why is it so important that RW believe the guy was innocent? Nothing that the man did tells us that. There is no evidence is there? What am I missing?
You need to read the other articles linked and watch the video.
Nothing from the article you linked to indicates he had any malicious intentions toward her. Why do you claim he intended to rape and kill her. He may just have been looking to raid her refrigerator for all you know. Maybe he was even mistaken about the address and thought he was entering a friend's house.

She shot a man in cold blood without even warning him to leave. Sad how trigger happy some people can be. He might have been someone's father. Now he's dead.

if you were a woman home alone and a man threw a table through a glass door to get inside, you would assume he is trying to raid your refrigerator?

Talk about naive.
It looks like the woman in this news story was naive. She assumed he was breaking in to rape, rob and kill her. But all he wanted to do was call an ambulance for his injured sister.

What would you assume if someone threw a table through your window?

There is no good reason to violently break into a person's home.

if you were a woman home alone and a man threw a table through a glass door to get inside, you would assume he is trying to raid your refrigerator?

Talk about naive.
It looks like the woman in this news story was naive. She assumed he was breaking in to rape, rob and kill her. But all he wanted to do was call an ambulance for his injured sister.

What would you assume if someone threw a table through your window?

There is no good reason to violently break into a person's home.


To try and save your injured sister isn't good enough for you, then.
Do you think a person deserves to die because they are vandalizing property?

define vandalism.

If someone broke into my business and trashed the place, i would be unable to conduct business and therefore unable to make a living. Not to mention the cost to reapr and replace whatever property was stolen or destroyed.

And sorry but If i was trapped in a bathroom with my back against a wall, I am going to assume that a criminal will set my house on fire on the way out.

I am not giving the benefit of the doubt that a "nice" person is breaking into my home for milk and cookies.

So yes anyone forcibly entering the home of another for any reason deserves to be shot
There is nothing I own that I would be willing to kill someone for. I would do my best to prevent them from taking my property but I would stop short of murdering them.

Say that when you own a business and your livelihood and the your and your family's security and future are at stake.

Then we'll see how quick you would be to protect what's yours.

As far as I'm concerned if someone threatens me, my family or my business, it's enough reason to shoot.

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