"I'll kill him graveyard dead"

I can't believe this. You come through two doors after me and I don't give a rat's ass what YOUR side of the story is. Once through the second door you are a threat and a target.

Any argument otherwise is ludicrous.
He wasn't coming after the woman. He was searching for a phone. I hope I never have car accident in your neighborhood!
define vandalism.

If someone broke into my business and trashed the place, i would be unable to conduct business and therefore unable to make a living. Not to mention the cost to reapr and replace whatever property was stolen or destroyed.

And sorry but If i was trapped in a bathroom with my back against a wall, I am going to assume that a criminal will set my house on fire on the way out.

I am not giving the benefit of the doubt that a "nice" person is breaking into my home for milk and cookies.

So yes anyone forcibly entering the home of another for any reason deserves to be shot
There is nothing I own that I would be willing to kill someone for. I would do my best to prevent them from taking my property but I would stop short of murdering them.

You certainly don't hold much value in your life, or your family's life. I would kill any bastard who tried.
Neither me nor my family are what I would consider property.
It looks like the woman in this news story was naive. She assumed he was breaking in to rape, rob and kill her. But all he wanted to do was call an ambulance for his injured sister.

Too bad that he didn't text her first to give her a heads up on his intentions. :cuckoo:

The woman acted correctly in the situation. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a sheep waiting to be slaughtered.
Except it turns out she wasn't in any danger of being slaughtered. I don't judge her for what she did. Having been in a similar situation I know what intense fear can cause a person to do.
It's just unfortunate that she had a loaded gun in her hands.
and that folks is about the same attitude the liberals have when it comes to protecting this country. The terrorists will always get the benefit of the doubt, and Americans will die.

Hate to tell you..

The terrorists conducted the worst attack in history while the conservatives were protecting us.
anyone sympathizing with the dead idiot is acting like a live idiot...

gary is right. All that matters is that someone is dead and the 2nd ammendment crowd get to chalk up another victim. Whether he deserved it or not

victim....the man broke into a house, he isn't a victim. Your ideals just don't fly rw. Your against gun rights, i get it. But the man was breaking and entering....that constitutes a crime.
what percentage of breaking and enterings are chalked up to, " i wanna use the phone?"
most are always a felony in progress., rw. A lot of those can end up very bad for the true victim, the homeowner. Sorry you can't see through your ideaology.

To try and save your injured sister isn't good enough for you, then.

It does not justify His actions and His failure to communicate. The Woman is 100% Justified. Your reasoning is corrupted.
I'm sure anyone that loved his or her sister would try it anyway, regardless of the risk of being shot.

Anyone that loved his sister wouldn't have gotten shit faced before he drove her somewhere

Hell this guy should be brought up on charges for injuring his sister and if she died he should get time for murder

If he wasn't already dead that is
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Yeah sure and the woman in the car might be trying to avoid being an accomplis before the fact...

The woman called 9/11.
Woman Shoots Intruder During 911 Call - The Early Show - CBS News
I suppose you anti gun freaks would rather she got raped and killed by this intruder.

Gee, what were the odds that this woman would be threatened in her own home?

One in a billion? Looks like she hit the lottery, good thing she had that shotgun.
Nothing from the article you linked to indicates he had any malicious intentions toward her. Why do you claim he intended to rape and kill her. He may just have been looking to raid her refrigerator for all you know. Maybe he was even mistaken about the address and thought he was entering a friend's house.

She shot a man in cold blood without even warning him to leave. Sad how trigger happy some people can be. He might have been someone's father. Now he's dead.

if you were a woman home alone and a man threw a table through a glass door to get inside, you would assume he is trying to raid your refrigerator?

Talk about naive.

C'mon Skull, you would have to be pretty paranoid to think someone who's just thrown a chair(or whatever), through your window at 12:30am had any "..malicious intentions toward her.."!:lol:
How would each of you react if you were in a similar situation to the man who was shot?

If you were perfectly sober and crashed your car and your sister or your child were unconscious...how would you proceed? If there were no cell phone service ....would you go to the nearest house and pound on the door? If nobody answered, would you break a window to get inside? or just shrug your shoulders and walk away.

Many of us in a similar situation would have ended up dead. Do you think your family would appreciate it if the NRA and gun lobby gloated that you were dead?

It would never be an issue for me, or most Americans, because we would NEVER be so irresponsible to be driving drunk, especially too drunk to speak, with a loved one in the vehicle.

Your fantasy world scenarios don't hold water for a couple reasons. Sober, this accident likely doesn't happen, and if sober, a person would be able to speak coherently enough that the person in the house could understand his pleas.

Yes, this is a terrible tragedy, and no, I don't celebrate the dumb bastards death, but he's a victim of his own stupidity, and that's it.
I would think that the majority of the time that someone enters anothers home, in the middle of the night by breaking in, they are there for nefarious reasons, and any reasonable person is going to make that assumption.

The only lesson to be learned here is to not drive so fuckin' loaded you can't speak. If you insist, don't put a loved ones life at risk, and don't throw chairs through other peoples windows to gain entry in the middle of the night.
Victim....the man broke into a house, he isn't a victim. Your ideals just don't fly RW. Your against gun rights, I get it. But the man was breaking and entering....that constitutes a crime.
What percentage of breaking and enterings are chalked up to, " I wanna use the phone?"
Most are always a felony in progress., RW. A lot of those can end up very bad for the true victim, the homeowner. Sorry you can't see through your ideaology.

I can see RW just standing there doing nothing while his family is butchered,, yep..

Except that nobody's family was butchered or even about to be butchered.

The point is you cannot stand around deciding what to do, when threatened you better make a decision and do it. if you wait too long you and your family are dead.
Nothing from the article you linked to indicates he had any malicious intentions toward her. Why do you claim he intended to rape and kill her. He may just have been looking to raid her refrigerator for all you know. Maybe he was even mistaken about the address and thought he was entering a friend's house.

She shot a man in cold blood without even warning him to leave. Sad how trigger happy some people can be. He might have been someone's father. Now he's dead.

if you were a woman home alone and a man threw a table through a glass door to get inside, you would assume he is trying to raid your refrigerator?

Talk about naive.
It looks like the woman in this news story was naive. She assumed he was breaking in to rape, rob and kill her. But all he wanted to do was call an ambulance for his injured sister.

What rational person is going to assume that the drunk guy you can't understand, that just threw a chair through your window, is there to use the phone?

You're calling this lady naive?
How would each of you react if you were in a similar situation to the man who was shot?

If you were perfectly sober and crashed your car and your sister or your child were unconscious...how would you proceed? If there were no cell phone service ....would you go to the nearest house and pound on the door? If nobody answered, would you break a window to get inside? or just shrug your shoulders and walk away.

Many of us in a similar situation would have ended up dead. Do you think your family would appreciate it if the NRA and gun lobby gloated that you were dead?

It would never be an issue for me, or most Americans, because we would NEVER be so irresponsible to be driving drunk, especially too drunk to speak, with a loved one in the vehicle.

Your fantasy world scenarios don't hold water for a couple reasons. Sober, this accident likely doesn't happen, and if sober, a person would be able to speak coherently enough that the person in the house could understand his pleas.

Yes, this is a terrible tragedy, and no, I don't celebrate the dumb bastards death, but he's a victim of his own stupidity, and that's it.
I would think that the majority of the time that someone enters anothers home, in the middle of the night by breaking in, they are there for nefarious reasons, and any reasonable person is going to make that assumption.

The only lesson to be learned here is to not drive so fuckin' loaded you can't speak. If you insist, don't put a loved ones life at risk, and don't throw chairs through other peoples windows to gain entry in the middle of the night.

I basically agree with you and do not deny the guy contributed to his own death. Bad things happen to stupid people. I also have a great deal of respect for the woman in the house and what she went through.

What my hypothetical question or "what if" scenario is trying to do is generate a similar situation that we could find ourselves in. Yes ...we can get in an accident while perfectly sober. Yes...if we didn't have cell phone coverage would go to the nearest house looking for help. Yes....we would pound on the door trying to get someone to answer.

The question is, if nobody answered....would you break in to reach a phone? If you would break in to save a loved one, you too would b e subject to being shot under Castle laws
When my youngest brother was an infant he had a seizure on the way to the beach. While my father tried to give him CPR, my mother and I knocked on houses to get to a phone. We went to three houses before we found someone home to let us in. It never occurred to us to throw a chair through someone's window. Even to save the baby's life. Your scenario is b.s. righwinger.
When my youngest brother was an infant he had a seizure on the way to the beach. While my father tried to give him CPR, my mother and I knocked on houses to get to a phone. We went to three houses before we found someone home to let us in. It never occurred to us to throw a chair through someone's window. Even to save the baby's life. Your scenario is b.s. righwinger.

Rightwinger is a loon

On an earilier post he called the guy a "victim" :eek:

So I guess in his mind the criminals are now the victims.

According to rightwinger, a criminal who is robbing a store and is shot by the Police should be held up as a hero for his plight as a victim of the 2nd Amendment. :cuckoo:
When my youngest brother was an infant he had a seizure on the way to the beach. While my father tried to give him CPR, my mother and I knocked on houses to get to a phone. We went to three houses before we found someone home to let us in. It never occurred to us to throw a chair through someone's window. Even to save the baby's life. Your scenario is b.s. righwinger.

Rightwinger is a loon

On an earilier post he called the guy a "victim" :eek:

So I guess in his mind the criminals are now the victims.

According to rightwinger, a criminal who is robbing a store and is shot by the Police should be held up as a hero for his plight as a victim of the 2nd Amendment. :cuckoo:

Unsupported nonsense.....but what else can you expect from Sunni?
When my youngest brother was an infant he had a seizure on the way to the beach. While my father tried to give him CPR, my mother and I knocked on houses to get to a phone. We went to three houses before we found someone home to let us in. It never occurred to us to throw a chair through someone's window. Even to save the baby's life. Your scenario is b.s. righwinger.

I can't speak for you.

For myself, yes, I would do anything to save my childs life...even breaking and entering

To each his own
Stay outta my neighborhood.

What you fail to realize is that woman has to live her whole life knowing she killed someone. What about her? I would have nightmares forever. Your selfishness knows no bounds.
Read it and weep Rightwinger. :doubt:

On post #185

You said: " All that matters is that someone is dead and the 2nd ammendment crowd get to chalk up another victim. Whether he deserved it or not"

By saying, "Whether he deserved it or not" Rightwinger.

You are basically saying; it didn't matter if he was a criminal or not. He was a "victim"

So in your own words Rightwinger. You are calling criminals who are shot while committing a crime. To be "victims" of the 2nd Amendment.
Stay outta my neighborhood.

What you fail to realize is that woman has to live her whole life knowing she killed someone. What about her? I would have nightmares forever. Your selfishness knows no bounds.

I've already expressed my admiration for the woman numerous times on this thread. Yes, she will have to live with it her whole life.

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