Illegal Citizens Could Sway Elections

I'm trying to see where I mentioned any party. The article is based on a lot of research and it comes to conclusions based on evidence. Are you saying non-citizens are not voting? You don't see a problem with people not citizens of our country voting in our elections?

No, I don't think that there's that many of them and no, I don't see that as a problem. If you guys spent as much time trying to sell your ideas to minorities as you do trying to keep them from voting, you might actually make some inroads.

I see it as an issue and it needs fixed in two ways, first clean the voter rolls and secondly, each state give out free voter ID cards.

I see no problem with cleaning voter rolls. When I was a volunteer for Tammy Duckworth, the biggest problem i saw with the contact info that the Board of Elections provided us was that they weren't cleaning up the rolls when people moved or died. These people weren't voting, but it was creating havoc.

Just my opinion, I don't care who wins the elections, I want them clean and at this time they are not.

Again- you supported the fraud that was Bush's 2000 win. You really don't get to talk about Clean Elections.
I'm trying to see where I mentioned any party. The article is based on a lot of research and it comes to conclusions based on evidence. Are you saying non-citizens are not voting? You don't see a problem with people not citizens of our country voting in our elections?

No, I don't think that there's that many of them and no, I don't see that as a problem. If you guys spent as much time trying to sell your ideas to minorities as you do trying to keep them from voting, you might actually make some inroads.

I see it as an issue and it needs fixed in two ways, first clean the voter rolls and secondly, each state give out free voter ID cards.

I see no problem with cleaning voter rolls. When I was a volunteer for Tammy Duckworth, the biggest problem i saw with the contact info that the Board of Elections provided us was that they weren't cleaning up the rolls when people moved or died. These people weren't voting, but it was creating havoc.

Just my opinion, I don't care who wins the elections, I want them clean and at this time they are not.

Again- you supported the fraud that was Bush's 2000 win. You really don't get to talk about Clean Elections.
You don't get to lie, there was no fraud, it has been proven over and over with facts.

You do not get your own set of facts Joey.
It only took 2 illegal votes to sway a local election here in TX, one has already been convicted, the other will be soon. Voter ID would have prevented this, their registration did not match their ID.

A 'local' election? You mean an election no one cared about and no one knew who they were actually voting for. Those kind of local elections?

This isn't what you guys are claiming. You guys are claiming widespread fraud that allowed Obama to win.

Really, show me a post of mine where I claimed that. All I want is to do everything humanly possible to insure election integrity, voter ID is but one step, more stringent registration is another. That's why I don't favor same day registration, there is no time to verify the persons eligibility.
Has nothing to do with my point, this was a small utility district where only 17 people were eligible to vote in it. That's the kind of elections where fraud can have the greatest impact. In this case only two fraudulent votes changed the results.

If there's an election where only 17 people are voting, then you probably aren't talking about anything important. Probably a job where someone should just appoint someone to.

It's important to the people in that district and they elect a board to oversee substantial sums of money for improvements in the area.
I'm not butt hurt, I tire of your out and out lies. You don't get your own set of facts Joey.

Well, my facts are generally right. But it's okay. I know it really hurts you to think no one buys your shit anymore.

No, you are wrong by a 7-2 Supreme Court ruling the election ended with Bush winning Florida. That is the fact.

And every subsequent independent recount proved Bush had indeed won, but you folks only have tunnel vision on the court. Must be nice to have the ability to consistently ignore reality.
No, you are wrong by a 7-2 Supreme Court ruling the election ended with Bush winning Florida. That is the fact.

It was a 5-4 decision, and it was still wrong.

All Gore got the most votes nationally. He won the election. Period.

That he manipulated the Florida vote to steal the election kind of nullifies any whining about "Fair" elections. Given an oppurtunity to disregard the will of the people to win an office, you guys did exactly that.
And every subsequent independent recount proved Bush had indeed won, but you folks only have tunnel vision on the court. Must be nice to have the ability to consistently ignore reality.

Actually, the recounts split, depending on what your criteria was on dimples and hanging chads.

But it doesn't matter. Gore won the national vote. Anything bush did was a "technicality".
And every subsequent independent recount proved Bush had indeed won, but you folks only have tunnel vision on the court. Must be nice to have the ability to consistently ignore reality.

Actually, the recounts split, depending on what your criteria was on dimples and hanging chads.

But it doesn't matter. Gore won the national vote. Anything bush did was a "technicality".

Under our system the national vote means nothing, it's ballots cast in the electoral college that count. Seems a bright guy like yourself would know that.
Under our system the national vote means nothing, it's ballots cast in the electoral college that count. Seems a bright guy like yourself would know that.

in short, Bush used a little used technicality to ignore the will of the people, and cheated to get there.

winning through a 18th century technicality while ignoring the will of the people flies in the face of "fair elections". The people Spoke. The Bush brothers ignored them.

They then proceeded to get us into wars, recession, lost a major city and engaged in other acts of asshattery.
Under our system the national vote means nothing, it's ballots cast in the electoral college that count. Seems a bright guy like yourself would know that.

in short, Bush used a little used technicality to ignore the will of the people, and cheated to get there.

winning through a 18th century technicality while ignoring the will of the people flies in the face of "fair elections". The people Spoke. The Bush brothers ignored them.

They then proceeded to get us into wars, recession, lost a major city and engaged in other acts of asshattery.

Poor buthurt baby, I'm not even going to try to explain why the electoral college is a good thing, because you believe in mob rule. Carry on.
No, you are wrong by a 7-2 Supreme Court ruling the election ended with Bush winning Florida. That is the fact.

It was a 5-4 decision, and it was still wrong.

All Gore got the most votes nationally. He won the election. Period.

That he manipulated the Florida vote to steal the election kind of nullifies any whining about "Fair" elections. Given an oppurtunity to disregard the will of the people to win an office, you guys did exactly that.

Two decisions Joe here they are from Wiki.
In a per curiam decision, the Court, by a 5-4 vote,[1][2] ruled that no alternative method could be established within the time limit set by Title 3 of the United States Code (3 U.S.C.), § 5 ("Determination of controversy as to appointment of electors"), which was December 12. By a 7-2 vote, the Court ruled that there was an Equal Protection Clause violation in using different standards of counting in different counties.[3] Three concurring justices also asserted that the Florida Supreme Court had violated Article II, § 1, cl. 2 of the Constitution, by misinterpreting Florida election law that had been enacted by the Florida Legislature.
The decision allowed Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris's previous certification of George W. Bush as the winner of Florida's 25 electoral votesto stand. Florida's votes gave Bush, the Republican candidate, 271 electoral votes, one more than the required 270 electoral votes to win the Electoral College and defeat Democratic candidate Al Gore, who received 266 electoral votes (a District of Columbia elector abstained). Media organizations subsequently analyzed the ballots, and under the strategy that Al Gore pursued at the beginning of the Florida recount — filing suit to force hand recounts in four predominantly Democratic counties — Bush would have kept his lead, according to the ballot review conducted by the consortium.

The second decision, the 7-2 decision is the one that ended the election and allowed the state to seal and end the election under the laws of the state of Florida.

As far as popular vote, in this country you are elected under electoral vote. It has been in play for over 200 years. The fact the popular vote was never an issue in the Supreme Court ruling shows us that it is a non-issue, unless you of course are a partisan left wing nutter.

Therefore Bush won legally and without cheating, and your claim manipulated anything is an out and out lie.

Again, you feel the need to lie about the facts to win an argument. It doesn't fly, you are as crazy as the birthers in trying to keep a dead issue alive.
Poor buthurt baby, I'm not even going to try to explain why the electoral college is a good thing, because you believe in mob rule. Carry on.

I believe in democracy. Only really stupid people defend the Electoral college. Usually stupid idiots who can't admit that George W. Bush was the biggest fucking loser to ever live in the White House.
The second decision, the 7-2 decision is the one that ended the election and allowed the state to seal and end the election under the laws of the state of Florida.

As far as popular vote, in this country you are elected under electoral vote. It has been in play for over 200 years. The fact the popular vote was never an issue in the Supreme Court ruling shows us that it is a non-issue, unless you of course are a partisan left wing nutter.

Therefore Bush won legally and without cheating, and your claim manipulated anything is an out and out lie.

Again, you feel the need to lie about the facts to win an argument. It doesn't fly, you are as crazy as the birthers in trying to keep a dead issue alive.

There are thousands of people dead because Bush became President after a majority of Americans said "NO!"

And the fact that his brother went to court instead of allowing a full recount just proves there was cheating.
The second decision, the 7-2 decision is the one that ended the election and allowed the state to seal and end the election under the laws of the state of Florida.

As far as popular vote, in this country you are elected under electoral vote. It has been in play for over 200 years. The fact the popular vote was never an issue in the Supreme Court ruling shows us that it is a non-issue, unless you of course are a partisan left wing nutter.

Therefore Bush won legally and without cheating, and your claim manipulated anything is an out and out lie.

Again, you feel the need to lie about the facts to win an argument. It doesn't fly, you are as crazy as the birthers in trying to keep a dead issue alive.

There are thousands of people dead because Bush became President after a majority of Americans said "NO!"

And the fact that his brother went to court instead of allowing a full recount just proves there was cheating.

No cheating took place, you lied. You are a left wing nutter if you believe anyone stole an election.

If you want to discuss the thousands died BS, start another thread.

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