Illegal Citizens Could Sway Elections

As I am reading the tread it emerges clearer and clearer that leftists are vehemently fighting against positive voter identification to ensure that only citizens could vote on elections. I wonder why is the big resistance to voter ID on their part?
The OP is clearly an idiot.

As I am reading the tread it emerges clearer and clearer that leftists are vehemently fighting against positive voter identification to ensure that only citizens could vote on elections. I wonder why is the big resistance to voter ID on their part?


Voter ID cards can't be made and used ? Fraud is impossible?

I'm positive you're a moron.
Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

So 6.3% voter fraud was estimated in 2008.

This is research by Old Dominion University.

Now, what do we want to do with this information?
Is that how the GOP won Congress this past election?

I don't know, read the article and find out.
I did read the article.

You were obviously trying to imply that Democrats win elections because of illegal aliens voting, and so I thought I would point out the Tea Party success in 2010 and the GOP taking over both houses of Congress and see how how reality conflicts with your theory.

And as I said, the article is chock full of extrapolation, speculation, wild assumptions, and false premises.
Don't leave out the admitted "best guesses." However, I don't really think my state's requirement of voter ID is necessarily a bad thing. Undoubtedly the poor and old are most affected, but the White republican secretary of state is actually fairly honorable for a pol, and he's gone to lengths to get out the word as to how free IDs can be had for the asking.

The states must work to get every eligible voter a free ID to be able to vote.
how does an id at the voting precinct stop non citizens from voting? Many states allow non citizens to get driver's licenses?

Non citizens should not be on the voter roll in the FIRST PLACE, when you have a problem, then correcting the problem at its root, is the only proper way to do it.

And the PROPER way is to prevent non citizens from being able to register to vote and pass the State's own vetting process.

You have bought in to a ''slight of hand''....(look at my left hand while my right hand can continue to cheat) the problem won't be solved with id's at the polls, the problem needs to be nipped in the bud during the registration process.... there are databases for employers to check to see if new hires are legal, certainly the State has access to these lists and other means to vet those registering so that they never get registered if they are not eligible.

And for goodness sakes, how HARD IS IT for the State to remove their DEAD registered voters.....where true voter fraud can easily take place?
The OP is clearly an idiot.

As I am reading the tread it emerges clearer and clearer that leftists are vehemently fighting against positive voter identification to ensure that only citizens could vote on elections. I wonder why is the big resistance to voter ID on their part?


Voter ID cards can't be made and used ? Fraud is impossible?

I'm positive you're a moron.
Maybe you did not read the post or just could not comprehend the "complexity" of the part: positive voter identification to ensure that only citizens could vote on elections. Let me explain: that means to issue voter ID based on positive proof of citizenship and not based on the fake IDs obtained/issued through leftists.
Thank you for rating me as a "moron." As a kindness on my part to appreciate your placement of my intellectual rating above yours, I rate you as an idiot, that is the lowest level of intellectual disability, according to the stupidity of your post. According to your own rating I am superior intellectually than you are. I admire your honesty in this matter.
The OP is clearly an idiot.

As I am reading the tread it emerges clearer and clearer that leftists are vehemently fighting against positive voter identification to ensure that only citizens could vote on elections. I wonder why is the big resistance to voter ID on their part?


Voter ID cards can't be made and used ? Fraud is impossible?

I'm positive you're a moron.
Maybe you did not read the post or just could not comprehend the "complexity" of the part: positive voter identification to ensure that only citizens could vote on elections. Let me explain: that means to issue voter ID based on positive proof of citizenship and not based on the fake IDs obtained/issued through leftists.
Thank you for rating me as a "moron." As a kindness on my part to appreciate your placement of my intellectual rating above yours, I rate you as an idiot, that is the lowest level of intellectual disability, according to the stupidity of your post. According to your own rating I am superior intellectually than you are. I admire your honesty in this matter.

maybe you're setting ALL logic ASIDE ..

if its SOOOOOOOOO easy for illegals to use fake DL and SS cards to use at the polls, what makes a voter iD card soooo impossible to make in backrooms and use at the polls?

go ahead you tell me ..
The OP is clearly an idiot.

As I am reading the tread it emerges clearer and clearer that leftists are vehemently fighting against positive voter identification to ensure that only citizens could vote on elections. I wonder why is the big resistance to voter ID on their part?


Voter ID cards can't be made and used ? Fraud is impossible?

I'm positive you're a moron.
Maybe you did not read the post or just could not comprehend the "complexity" of the part: positive voter identification to ensure that only citizens could vote on elections. Let me explain: that means to issue voter ID based on positive proof of citizenship and not based on the fake IDs obtained/issued through leftists.
Thank you for rating me as a "moron." As a kindness on my part to appreciate your placement of my intellectual rating above yours, I rate you as an idiot, that is the lowest level of intellectual disability, according to the stupidity of your post. According to your own rating I am superior intellectually than you are. I admire your honesty in this matter.

maybe you're setting ALL logic ASIDE ..

if its SOOOOOOOOO easy for illegals to use fake DL and SS cards to use at the polls, what makes a voter iD card soooo impossible to make in backrooms and use at the polls?

go ahead you tell me ..
Even a passport can be a counterfeit but it cost a lot of money to get one and carries penalty to use it. That's all there is to it. Serious penalty to voter fraud could be a deterrent.
I think the left banking on illegals voting for them is going to boomerang on their ass. Every Hispanic I know is hard working and has a strong desire to increase their wealth, that doesn't fit the left's welfare voter for life mold.

All we can do is hope that's the case. You know many of them who came in and did things the RIGHT way to become a citizen... has to be ticked off these "illegals" are getting a hand up and being moved to front of them...We saw one post recently how "dreamers" were being hired for teachers in Colorado and other states. .that should bother EVERY legal citizen who could have filled those positions
I work with many people from many places who went through the process (expensive and time-consuming) to become legal citizens of this country. From personal experience, I can assure you they find granting criminals "free" citizenship pretty damned offensive (at the very least).
But then, I would think that every single American who has worked and earned what they own, house, car, etc, would be peeved that their government sees fit to take away what they have in order to "distribute" it to others who have not put forth the same effort they did to have those things, that wealth.
I think the point is that the OP link itself pretty much says they're guessing. But it also doesn't really support, or counter, arguments for voter ID.

That's was my take, that's why I posted it, it showed there is voter fraud, yet it also show the voter ID doesn't seem to be the answer. I disagree, I think a combo of things would reduce voter fraud.
If they are illegal they aren't citizens.

The source material (The Old Dominican study) doesn't use the term 'illegal'. It uses the term 'non-citizens'. The OP uses the term 'illegal', because he's intentionally trying to infer that these were illegal aliens voting. The source material never says this. And strongly suggests this isn't the case. As these folks overwhelmingly had ID. And ID generally wasn't issued to illegals in 2008.

Meaning that the non-citizens we're speaking of are almost certainly legal immigrants. Who are issued ID.
You may have a point, or you may not. Unfortunately, PC-speak tends to ignore the legal status of "non-citizens", almost fearful of labeling them illegal. "Illegal immigrants", "non-citizens", and many other labels have been used in order to avoid calling many of these people what they really are, criminal trespassers, or to focus on the fact that their very first act in becoming "immigrants" or "non-citizens" was to break our laws.
I think the left banking on illegals voting for them is going to boomerang on their ass. Every Hispanic I know is hard working and has a strong desire to increase their wealth, that doesn't fit the left's welfare voter for life mold.

All we can do is hope that's the case. You know many of them who came in and did things the RIGHT way to become a citizen... has to be ticked off these "illegals" are getting a hand up and being moved to front of them...We saw one post recently how "dreamers" were being hired for teachers in Colorado and other states. .that should bother EVERY legal citizen who could have filled those positions
I work with many people from many places who went through the process (expensive and time-consuming) to become legal citizens of this country. From personal experience, I can assure you they find granting criminals "free" citizenship pretty damned offensive (at the very least).
But then, I would think that every single American who has worked and earned what they own, house, car, etc, would be peeved that their government sees fit to take away what they have in order to "distribute" it to others who have not put forth the same effort they did to have those things, that wealth.

Worse, the vast majority of illegals don't even qualify to be here on a visa let alone become US citizens. If they applied they would be denied. We have some pretty stringent requirements to keep out the welfare deadbeats, uneducated, and diseased ridden. Its one of the colossal failures of our government that they allow them to pour across our border by the millions.
And this research is showing it to be different. It is showing that illegals are voting, are you saying no illegals are voting?

Not enough to make any significant difference, no.

The issue is what percentage are voting illegally. The silly claim only 26 convictions means that most don't get caught which makes a lot of sense, since it would be tough to locate illegal aliens.

No, it means they spent millions investigating, and only found 26 people who knowingly broke the law.
Again you lie, you must be a hoot for everyone at your office. Do they call you Cliff Clavin?

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Side? My side? So it is all about losing and sides for you? It's not about integrity, and honesty at the ballot box? It's not about America?

That is a really stupid argument, I thought have honest elections were the important thing, to you it's about sides. No wonder this country is so screwed up.

Damn, partisan hacks are so fucking stupid.

Guy, after Bush stole the election in 2000, and you clowns supported it, you lost all credibility on "honest elections".
It only took 2 illegal votes to sway a local election here in TX, one has already been convicted, the other will be soon. Voter ID would have prevented this, their registration did not match their ID.

A 'local' election? You mean an election no one cared about and no one knew who they were actually voting for. Those kind of local elections?

This isn't what you guys are claiming. You guys are claiming widespread fraud that allowed Obama to win.
Side? My side? So it is all about losing and sides for you? It's not about integrity, and honesty at the ballot box? It's not about America?

That is a really stupid argument, I thought have honest elections were the important thing, to you it's about sides. No wonder this country is so screwed up.

Damn, partisan hacks are so fucking stupid.

Guy, after Bush stole the election in 2000, and you clowns supported it, you lost all credibility on "honest elections".

Another lie, Joe you are the biggest liar on this board. Shootspeeders lies a lot but you got him beat.

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Has nothing to do with my point, this was a small utility district where only 17 people were eligible to vote in it. That's the kind of elections where fraud can have the greatest impact. In this case only two fraudulent votes changed the results.

If there's an election where only 17 people are voting, then you probably aren't talking about anything important. Probably a job where someone should just appoint someone to.

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