Illegal Citizens Could Sway Elections

It's silly to have this discussion, but this is really angry white people pissing themselves they no longer have a monopoly on power.

7 papers 4 government inquiries 2 news investigations and 1 court ruling proving voter fraud is mostly a myth - The Washington Post

A two-year investigation by Iowa's Republican secretary of state found evidence of 117 possible fraudulent votes and led to just six - six! - criminal convictions.

In 2011 a Wisconsin task force found sufficient evidence to charge 20 people with fraudulent voting in the 2008 elections. Most of these were felons who were ineligible to vote.

Kansas' secretary of state examined 84 million votes cast in 22 states to look for duplicate registrants. In the end 14 cases were referred for prosecution, representing 0.00000017 percent of the votes cast.

The New York Times examined five years of Justice Department records and turned up only 26 convictions of fraud by individual voters. "Many of those charged by the Justice Department appear to have mistakenly filled out registration forms or misunderstood eligibility rules." And many of the cases were "linked to small vote-buying schemes in which candidates generally in sheriff’s or judge’s races paid voters for their support." Overall, the Times concluded that "the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections."

And this research is showing it to be different. It is showing that illegals are voting, are you saying no illegals are voting?

The issue is what percentage are voting illegally. The silly claim only 26 convictions means that most don't get caught which makes a lot of sense, since it would be tough to locate illegal aliens.

Try reading the article joe before you keep spitting out more lies.
from your link;

Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

That’s 1.4 million illegal votes likely cast in the presidential election of 2008.

As Previously Predicted By This Here Very Blog”

You fucking right wingers with Obama Derangement Syndrome will believe ANYTHING won't cha?

Even a blog where they are "guessing" what might have happened, where the supposed votes were "likely cast".

All this from an ODS impaired blog writer.

Hey you all should check out the posts on Google that refute this bullshit.

Estimates are nice, but facts prove points. Where are the facts?
from your link;

Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

That’s 1.4 million illegal votes likely cast in the presidential election of 2008.

As Previously Predicted By This Here Very Blog”

You fucking right wingers with Obama Derangement Syndrome will believe ANYTHING won't cha?

Even a blog where they are "guessing" what might have happened, where the supposed votes were "likely cast".

All this from an ODS impaired blog writer.

Hey you all should check out the posts on Google that refute this bullshit.

Poor zeke, the "no voter fraud" theory blowing up in your face. Please tell me that illegals aren't voting, you are so full of yourself.
"Illegal citizens?" :wtf:
That's the stupidest definition of an illegal alien I heard lately. How does that work? :cuckoo:
Isn't that all part of the Transformation

hell most Americans don't care.... they'll just sit and let them cut our throats by voting for who gives them the most stuff. that YOU'LL get to pay for...and laugh while checking that box
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Poor zeke, the "no voter fraud" theory blowing up in your face. Please tell me that illegals aren't voting, you are so full of yourself.

Weird that you think we should revamp a voting system that has served us well for a long time based on "guesses" and "likely casts".

Why you want to do that? Why can't you come up with real, hard, accurate numbers instead of relying on guesses?
Poor zeke, the "no voter fraud" theory blowing up in your face. Please tell me that illegals aren't voting, you are so full of yourself.

Weird that you think we should revamp a voting system that has served us well for a long time based on "guesses" and "likely casts".

Why you want to do that? Why can't you come up with real, hard, accurate numbers instead of relying on guesses?

It's based on a very large sampling of people, sort of like a poll. All a poll is, is a guess. They take a sampling of the population and then make an educated guess.

Sorry that you are all butt hurt in the fact that illegal voters are voting at a pretty good clip and likely to get larger every election. Voter fraud is a problem. Did you catch the part about the illegals even having ID?
It's a waste of time to argue with idiots. We SEE voter fraud happening right in front of eyes ....yet they'll pound their chest telling us how WE ARE WRONG...

maybe they're gaining from it or being paid is why
The Washington Post;

And it's worth re-emphasizing here that most voter ID laws don't specifically target absentee ballots. And, in fact, the laws largely wouldn't do anything to curtail absentee voter fraud even incidentally if passed — a key point in Levitt's Wonkblog essay.

"The thing about voter fraud isn't that it doesn't exist," Levitt told The Post on Monday. "It does exist, and all responsible observers both know and say that. The question is whether the proposed policy solution (invariably tighter ID requirements at the polls) is tailored to the problem that actually exists, and at the same time not sufficiently severe that it creates more trouble than it solves."

That's a subtlety that is often lost.

Yea that large sampling size is a problem for people like you who seem to think your "side" is losing elections based on fraud. I know that's makes your losses feel better. But it's still bullshit. You know how I know? Because after how many years of claiming large scale voter fraud, the "true believers" such as your self are still having to use "guesses" and "estimates" to try and support your case. That'a a real problem when you are trying to convince people of your parties truthfulness.

Might as well just come out and say;: trust me. I am from the Republican party and I am here to help. LMAO
The Washington Post;

And it's worth re-emphasizing here that most voter ID laws don't specifically target absentee ballots. And, in fact, the laws largely wouldn't do anything to curtail absentee voter fraud even incidentally if passed — a key point in Levitt's Wonkblog essay.

"The thing about voter fraud isn't that it doesn't exist," Levitt told The Post on Monday. "It does exist, and all responsible observers both know and say that. The question is whether the proposed policy solution (invariably tighter ID requirements at the polls) is tailored to the problem that actually exists, and at the same time not sufficiently severe that it creates more trouble than it solves."

That's a subtlety that is often lost.

Yea that large sampling size is a problem for people like you who seem to think your "side" is losing elections based on fraud. I know that's makes your losses feel better. But it's still bullshit. You know how I know? Because after how many years of claiming large scale voter fraud, the "true believers" such as your self are still having to use "guesses" and "estimates" to try and support your case. That'a a real problem when you are trying to convince people of your parties truthfulness.

Might as well just come out and say;: trust me. I am from the Republican party and I am here to help. LMAO

Side? My side? So it is all about losing and sides for you? It's not about integrity, and honesty at the ballot box? It's not about America?

That is a really stupid argument, I thought have honest elections were the important thing, to you it's about sides. No wonder this country is so screwed up.

Damn, partisan hacks are so fucking stupid.
Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

So 6.3% voter fraud was estimated in 2008.

This is research by Old Dominion University.

Now, what do we want to do with this information?

Be more diligent in our registration process.
Leftist scream discrimination and disenfranchisement when asking for just an ID at the polling place. One needs ID for buying a pack of cigaret or a beer but not for voting?

Ironically, the Left uses cigarettes and beer as incentives to get parts of their base to vote.

Why is it that when we debate the issue of "voter fraud", right wingers immediately assume that it benefits the left?

Should we then also assume that during the last elections, when republicans did very well, that voters' fraud occurred?

Are polling workers ALL complicit (and lefties) in allowing ineligible voters to have a free hand with ballots?
They don't care if there is voter Fraud. The way they see if the end results turn it in their favor. they just keep wailing away how everyone is WRONG wrong there ISN'T any such thing.

Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

So 6.3% voter fraud was estimated in 2008.

This is research by Old Dominion University.

Now, what do we want to do with this information?

Be more diligent in our registration process.
That's what I have been saying all along.

The State is RESPONSIBLE for vetting voter registration applicants.

Here we have a study by college students who say they verified that non citizens vote, YET THE STATE ITSELF can't accomplish this when non citizens are being vetted for their voter registration application???? It boggles the mind!!!!
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Should we then also assume that during the last elections, when republicans did very well, that voters' fraud occurred?

What a great question. Now I know why the Republicans did so well last election.

Wouldn't you agree Pap? Staph? Voter fraud was why Republicans did well. Not gerrymandering. Not refuting Obama. But plain ole voter fraud.

Maybe it is a bigger problem than I initially thought.
Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

So 6.3% voter fraud was estimated in 2008.

This is research by Old Dominion University.

Now, what do we want to do with this information?

Be more diligent in our registration process.
That's what I have been saying all along.

The State is RESPONSIBLE for vetting voter registration applicants.

Here we have a study by college students who say they verified that illegals vote, YET THE STATE ITSELF can't accomplish this when illegals are being vetted for their voter registration???? It boggles the mind!!!!

It's not the state so much. It's certain Districts in that state. We heard of one district that had NO Republican votes, though they had a Republican running. They bring on their own people to supposedly, "verify" things and on and on
I think the left banking on illegals voting for them is going to boomerang on their ass. Every Hispanic I know is hard working and has a strong desire to increase their wealth, that doesn't fit the left's welfare voter for life mold.
I think the left banking on illegals voting for them is going to boomerang on their ass. Every Hispanic I know is hard working and has a strong desire to increase their wealth, that doesn't fit the left's welfare voter for life mold.

All we can do is hope that's the case. You know many of them who came in and did things the RIGHT way to become a citizen... has to be ticked off these "illegals" are getting a hand up and being moved to front of them...We saw one post recently how "dreamers" were being hired for teachers in Colorado and other states. .that should bother EVERY legal citizen who could have filled those positions
Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

So 6.3% voter fraud was estimated in 2008.

This is research by Old Dominion University.

Now, what do we want to do with this information?

Be more diligent in our registration process.
Leftist scream discrimination and disenfranchisement when asking for just an ID at the polling place. One needs ID for buying a pack of cigaret or a beer but not for voting?

Voting is a right. And Voter ID does virtually nothing toward making elections more secure. As in person voter fraud is virtually non-existent. When Pennyslvania was pressed to show a single example in the last 10 years, they had none. When texas was pressed, they managed 4 cases, involving 2 actual instances of in person voter fraud.

2. Out of 54,000,000 votes cast in that state in 10 years. 2 is to 54,000,000 as less than a 1/16th of an inch is to a trip across the United States.

Look at the OP. This is *registration* fraud. Their ID matches the name on the registration. Voter ID wouldn't touch it. Which republicans largely understand. But really don't care about.

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