Illegal father steals SS# of his dead son. Obama gives him amnesty and work permit


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Does obozo EVER obey the law.?

Legalized, Not Prosecuted: Illegal Alien Who Stole Identity of Dead SSI-Collecting Baby Son | CNS News

uly 18, 2014 - 4:14 AM

ssi( - The U.S. government not only failed to prosecute an illegal alien who stole the identity of his dead baby son—who had collected SSI before he died—but granted the father legal status to work in the United States.

This one-time illegal alien, the Office of Inspector General for the Social Security Administration believes, fraudulently used his son’s Social Security Number for at least three years.

Yet, he was not prosecuted, according to the IG’s office, because his case did not meet the prosecutorial guidelines of the U.S. attorney for New Jersey.

In fact, this case might never have come to light had the IG not launched an audit aimed at uncovering the misuse of children’s Social Security Numbers
obama has an affinity for fellow lawbreakers. Especially ones that steal public money.
Illegals who commit serious crimes like ID theft should go to the top of the deportation list. You have to figure he's not deporting anyone.
This one-time illegal alien, the Office of Inspector General for the Social Security Administration believes, fraudulently used his son’s Social Security Number for at least three years.

Yet, he was not prosecuted, according to the IG’s office, because his case did not meet the prosecutorial guidelines of the U.S. attorney for New Jersey.
He was not prosecuted, because his case met the prosecutorial guidelines for a future democrat voter.
This administration cares more about criminal illegals then law-abiding Americans.

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