Illegal immigrants: I deserve free health, give it to me NOW

As a Christian nation no person within its borders should want for care when they need help especially in matters of health.
The bible preaches to willingly contribute. Not use the point of a sword and steal from others labor.
Tell that to the people our useless foreign wars have stolen their means of production for labor.
...SKorea is doing lot better than NKorea
...we did not initiate the Gulf Wars
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics or capitalism. Sanctions have nothing to do with free market Capitalism only Socialism on a National or inter-National basis.
I take them seriously. So you lied again. Fantastic.
Should I have said only the ignorant take them seriously, to be more acurate?
So you don’t know me but I am “ignorant”. Typical Leftist. Lol
Yes, I can tell by your arguments or lack thereof.

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” – Plato

I love playing word games with right wingers.
I am not a “right winger”. Have been unenrolled since I was legally able to vote in 1998. Even in hockey I played left wing. I love proving the fact that Leftists like you are uneducated dolts.
Yet, you only seem to believe the right wing and have nothing but right wing propaganda and rhetoric. How typical, alleging you are not really like that, afterward.
Nope. Another assumption from a moron who wants to pay people $15 per hour to sit home and drink. Please STFU and allow adults to speak, Danielle.
Trump is paying people to stay at home and drink but you like him so he gets a pass...You love that Trump welfare state.
we LOVE it !!! hahahahhahahahah
As a Christian nation no person within its borders should want for care when they need help especially in matters of health.
The bible preaches to willingly contribute. Not use the point of a sword and steal from others labor.
Tell that to the people our useless foreign wars have stolen their means of production for labor.
...SKorea is doing lot better than NKorea
...we did not initiate the Gulf Wars
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics or capitalism. Sanctions have nothing to do with free market Capitalism only Socialism on a National or inter-National basis.
I take them seriously. So you lied again. Fantastic.
Should I have said only the ignorant take them seriously, to be more acurate?
So you don’t know me but I am “ignorant”. Typical Leftist. Lol
Yes, I can tell by your arguments or lack thereof.

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” – Plato

I love playing word games with right wingers.
I am not a “right winger”. Have been unenrolled since I was legally able to vote in 1998. Even in hockey I played left wing. I love proving the fact that Leftists like you are uneducated dolts.
Yet, you only seem to believe the right wing and have nothing but right wing propaganda and rhetoric. How typical, alleging you are not really like that, afterward.
Nope. Another assumption from a moron who wants to pay people $15 per hour to sit home and drink. Please STFU and allow adults to speak, Danielle.
Trump is paying people to stay at home and drink but you like him so he gets a pass...You love that Trump welfare state.
we LOVE it !!! hahahahhahahahah
Moonglow is a biased leftist fool.
" Separation Of State From Church "

* Separation Of Church From State *

A "Christian" nation should not be performing wholesale abortions in cases of rape or incest....
Get off the abortion issue , is constitutional , it is an individual issue , it is not a utopian ideal , it is misfortunate , practice forgiveness , understanding , and provision relief through private vocations , the end .

Why is the us not a world leader in prophylactic distribution ?

* Hear Here Are Two Contrasting Idealists With Common Policies To Compromise Infrastructure *

Inauguration of John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia -
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.[35]

Stop expecting charity from government while doing nothing to relieve the well being of all by living as a part of a foot print within which we reside rather than veraciously swarming to completely overwhelm the environment as if in a craze to consume all available with a signal to end by exhaustion of available resources for consumption .

A creed of secular humanism espoused by the left perception is to import all grieving soles onto the flotilla of first world accommodations ; that is on par with and against a rule admonishing an attempt to save a drowning victim without an adequate means for flotation , which when it comes to the immigration policies the flotation device can be modeled as a bladder with a leaking valve , or can it can be modeled as an over subscription to a sufficient flotation device such as a brimming bloat challenging the meniscus .

A creed of libertarianism promotes a self determination element of individualism as negative liberties for economic independence from state capitalism controls over free enterprise decisions ; and , libertarians are not opposed to over population as competition increases demand and lowers expenditures to deliver a product or service .

Laissez-faire (/ˌlɛseɪˈfɛər/; French: [lɛsefɛʁ] (About this soundlisten); from French: laissez faire, lit. 'let do') is an economic system in which transactions between private parties are absent of any form of economic interventionism such as regulation and subsidies. As a system of thought, laissez-faire rests on the axioms[1] that the individual is the basic unit in society and has a natural right to freedom; that the physical order of nature is a harmonious and self-regulating system; and that corporations are creatures of the state and therefore the citizens must watch them closely due to their propensity to disrupt the Smithian spontaneous order.[2]

These axioms constitute the basic elements of laissez-faire thought. Another basic principle holds that markets should be competitive, a rule that the early advocates of laissez-faire always emphasized.[1] With the aims of maximizing freedom and of allowing markets to self-regulate, early advocates of laissez-faire proposed a impôt unique, a tax on land rent to replace all taxes that they saw as damaging welfare by penalizing production.[3]

Proponents of laissez-faire argue for a complete separation of government from the economic sector.[4][verification needed] The phrase laissez-faire is part of a larger French phrase and literally translates to "let [it/them] do", but in this context the phrase usually means to "let it be".[5] Laissez-faire capitalism started being practiced in the mid-18th century and was further popularized by Adam Smith's book The Wealth of Nations.[6][7] It has been most prominent in Britain and the United States in the 19th century. While associated with capitalism in common usage, there are also non-capitalist forms of laissez-faire, including some forms of market socialism.
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" Fools Promoting The Idealism Of A Whore Who Advocates Forgiving Rapists "

* Needing Something To Say Pretending To Be Valid *

Obey the law, then, right wingers. We should have no illegals or illegal underclass; why should the People pay for right wing bigotry and false witness bearing to the concept of natural rights?
I really have no idea whether to bother addressing your neophyte babbling and grade school understanding of civics and political , social , constructs .

The concept of natural rites is nonsense and obviously you live by the rule of " Stand for nothing and fall for anything . " .
You have no sense or valid argument to prove it. Just fake news right wingers
" Wealth Of Nations "

* Utopian Clown Shoes *

That might mean something if you right wingers had more than ignorance to appeal to. Why do you all only complain about the Poor and not the Rich, right wingers; cronyism all you have enough morals for?
The left wing always wants to deploy government with themselves reigning as wise kings through an authoritarian bureaucratic collective , which they see as their means to success because success through free enterprise to then help others is too difficult .

Maybe you can affirmative action all to have the same number of IQ points when you achieve you goal as governing despot.

Fake news right wingers say that. Corporate welfare is alive and well.
" Pity Party For Two Few Four Too Many Of Mine "

* Craving Envy And Jealousy And Vanity With Ignorance Quashing Free Enterprise *

Fake news right wingers say that. Corporate welfare is alive and well.
Coveting the well being of others degenerating into a thief and embracing it as virtue .

Corporations pay employees who pay income tax ; and , corporations need capital fluidity to remain competitive and responsive to market demands .

Indirect taxation and direct taxation occur at differing levels .

Provide an example and stop pretending that vacuous quips are a substitute for empirical evidence .

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" Pity Party For Two Few Four Too Many Of Mine "

* Craving Envy And Jealousy And Vanity With Ignorance Quashing Free Enterprise *

Fake news right wingers say that. Corporate welfare is alive and well.
Coveting the well being of others degenerating into a thief and embracing it as virtue .

Corporations pay employees who pay income tax ; and , corporations need capital fluidity to remain competitive and responsive to market demands .

Indirect taxation and direct taxation occur at differing levels .

Provide an example and stop pretending that vacuous quips are a substitute for empirical evidence .

From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.

Why does the right wing only blame the Poor and not the Rich? Not enough morals to go around only cronyism.
Get off the abortion issue , is constitutional , it is an individual issue , it is not a utopian ideal , it is misfortunate
I cannot attend a Democrat Christian church.
practice forgiveness , understanding , and provision relief through private vocations , the end .
The baby is dead, the living ask forgiveness of their Christian preachers, the fornication and sex trafficking just continue, and they murder anyone else who gets in the way or otherwise refuses to satisfy their ongoing carnal lusts and appetites.
is the us not a world leader in prophylactic distribution ?
And your answer is to pass out more condoms to the boys and promote birth control pills for girls in high school.
" Put A Pea Between Your Legs And Do Not Let It Hit The Floor "

* Communion And Social Welfare *

I cannot attend a Democrat Christian church.
The catholic church espouses communism and their programs promoting the same ideals are closer to democrats public policies than one might believe .

* Though Shalt Feel Salacious With Guilt *
The baby is dead, the living ask forgiveness of their Christian preachers, the fornication and sex trafficking just continue, and they murder anyone else who gets in the way or otherwise refuses to satisfy their ongoing carnal lusts and appetites.
Well that is certainly an over drawn and disparaging presumption about the moral center of people facing the dilemma of being compelled to seek and rationalize an elective abortion .

* Puritanical Squeamishly Fail To Provide Informed Consent Thereby Promoting Simpletons *
And your answer is to pass out more condoms to the boys and promote birth control pills for girls in high school.
Why is your answer abstinence only programs for even for adults in foreign countries with population control issues ?

Abstinence-only sex education is a form of sex education that teaches not having sex outside of marriage. It often excludes other types of sexual and reproductive health education, such as birth control and safe sex. Comprehensive sex education, by contrast, covers the use of birth control and sexual abstinence.

Evidence does not support the effectiveness of abstinence-only sex education.[1][2] It has been found to be ineffective in decreasing HIV risk in the developed world.[3] It does not decrease rates of sexual activity or unplanned pregnancy when compared to comprehensive sex education.[1]

The topic of abstinence-only education is controversial in the United States, with proponents claiming that comprehensive sex education encourages premarital sexual activity, and critics arguing that abstinence-only education is religiously motivated and that the approach has been proven ineffective and even detrimental to its own aims.
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comprehensive sex education encourages premarital sexual activity
That it does, and that's what it's purpose is.
abstinence-only education is religiously motivated and that the approach has been proven ineffective and even detrimental to its own aims.
People are "sexually repressed" and they give in to their urges at wild orgies and parties. They're nuns and they talk in bed, which really isn't any different from the liberals' "comprehensive sex education" when it comes right down to it, which is why perhaps, so many Catholics have voted Democrat or run on a Democrat (or RINO) platform for public office.

Not much choice they give us when they start committing murder and mayhem on unborn and newborn infants.
" Economic Conservatives Establish Authoritarian Government Involvement In Free Enterprise "

* Economic Liberals Reject Authoritarian Government Involvement In Free Enterprise *

From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.
Why does the right wing only blame the Poor and not the Rich? Not enough morals to go around only cronyism.
Several policy options are offered by the article to deal with corporate kleptocracy , but ultimately the corporation itself which should reign in such abuses , as unless the ceo is the owner , a ceo can be replaced with the next guy off the street who fits the suit and will do the job .

CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978: Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time
Several policy options could reverse the trend of excessive executive pay and broaden wage growth. Some involve taxes. Implementing higher marginal income tax rates at the very top would limit rent-seeking behavior and reduce the incentives for executives to push for such high pay. Another option is to set corporate tax rates higher for firms that have higher ratios of CEO-to-worker compensation. Clifford (2017) recommends setting a cap on compensation and taxing companies on any amount over the cap, similar to the way baseball team payrolls are taxed when salaries exceed a cap. Other policies that could potentially limit executive pay growth are changes in corporate governance, such as greater use of “say on pay,” which allows a firm’s shareholders to vote on top executives’ compensation. Baker, Bivens, and Schieder (2019) review policies to restrain CEO compensation and explain how tax policy and corporate governance reform can work in tandem: “Tax policy that penalizes corporations for excess CEO-to-worker pay ratios can boost incentives for shareholders to restrain excess pay,” but, “to boost the power of shareholders [to restrain pay], fundamental changes to corporate governance have to be made. One key example of such a fundamental change would be to provide worker representation on corporate boards.”
" Economic Conservatives Establish Authoritarian Government Involvement In Free Enterprise "

* Economic Liberals Reject Authoritarian Government Involvement In Free Enterprise *

From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.
Why does the right wing only blame the Poor and not the Rich? Not enough morals to go around only cronyism.
Several policy options are offered by the article to deal with corporate kleptocracy , but ultimately the corporation itself which should reign in such abuses , as unless the ceo is the owner , a ceo can be replaced with the next guy off the street who fits the suit and will do the job .

CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978: Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time
Several policy options could reverse the trend of excessive executive pay and broaden wage growth. Some involve taxes. Implementing higher marginal income tax rates at the very top would limit rent-seeking behavior and reduce the incentives for executives to push for such high pay. Another option is to set corporate tax rates higher for firms that have higher ratios of CEO-to-worker compensation. Clifford (2017) recommends setting a cap on compensation and taxing companies on any amount over the cap, similar to the way baseball team payrolls are taxed when salaries exceed a cap. Other policies that could potentially limit executive pay growth are changes in corporate governance, such as greater use of “say on pay,” which allows a firm’s shareholders to vote on top executives’ compensation. Baker, Bivens, and Schieder (2019) review policies to restrain CEO compensation and explain how tax policy and corporate governance reform can work in tandem: “Tax policy that penalizes corporations for excess CEO-to-worker pay ratios can boost incentives for shareholders to restrain excess pay,” but, “to boost the power of shareholders [to restrain pay], fundamental changes to corporate governance have to be made. One key example of such a fundamental change would be to provide worker representation on corporate boards.”
One Point is, right wingers should be complaining nine hundred percent more about the Rich than they do about social services for the Poor; they prefer to be hypocritical cronies of the Richest under our form of Capitalism.
" These Things Take Time Planning And Collaboration "

* Encompassing Consideration For Multiple Purposes *

That it does, and that's what it's purpose is.
Start showing people pictures of venereal disease , or hiv , or hpv, when explaining the consequences of sexual ignorance and those individuals will at least thing at least thrice about not wearing a condom as personal and a public health concern .

If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure free birth control and automated text reminders twice a day to remember to have taken a pill would go a long way to reducing the number of on demand abortion , such that in the case of on boarding more children into the 0% and 200% of the poverty line , the pound of cure is eighteen years social subsistence and generational welfare to include taxpayer debts for food , education , housing and a criminal justice system .

* Carousing Public Health Issues Requiring Personal Protection Equipment *

People are "sexually repressed" and they give in to their urges at wild orgies and parties.
Wild orgies might be true for porn movie fiction , or perhaps in some areas as status quo for coincidental weirdos , but most of us are fairly self conscious and disinclined to sexual extroversion , and most are disinclined to be sexually gregarious and more inclined to intimacy that does not present the full nakedness as a spectacle .

A preoccupation with haughty views for the proclivities of others is peculiar , though not unusual ; thus , are those thoughts of wild orgies and parties coaxing temptation for you to seek them out and participate , or are you conceiving of the worst to feel the best about rejecting it ?

* Pillow Talking Nuns *
They're nuns and they talk in bed, which really isn't any different from the liberals' "comprehensive sex education" when it comes right down to it, which is why perhaps, so many Catholics have voted Democrat or run on a Democrat (or RINO) platform for public office.
Well , okay .

* Any Offense By The Individual Against Its Self Is Not An Offense Against You Or Any Other *
Not much choice they give us when they start committing murder and mayhem on unborn and newborn infants.
Which is a more achievable goal for a focus of efforts , to reduce demand for elective abortion by reducing the number of unintended pregnancies , which would also likely reduce poverty , or disregard the constitution and throw good money after bad from the taxpayer coffers ?

* Hand Focus Issue *

Of most relevant issue in this thread are the debits and credits required to manage illegal migration and the best direction is to develop a means to back charge the country of origin for an illegal with the costs for health care that includes neonatal care , and to also implement jus sanguinin and ensure that children of illegal migrant receive citizenship from the country of origin .

An implementation of those policies requires government diplomacy and some infrastructure to manage the transfer of costs .

* Other Just Immigration Alternatives *

As a Christian nation no person within its borders should want for care when they need help especially in matters of health.
Baloney. If you want healthcare there are plenty of plans available. Or...God forbid, get a job and have your employer pay most of the cost. It a decision not a privelege commie.
As a Christian nation no person within its borders should want for care when they need help especially in matters of health.
Baloney. If you want healthcare there are plenty of plans available. Or...God forbid, get a job and have your employer pay most of the cost. It a decision not a privelege commie.
Proof right wingers are morally challenged. They think they are Right simply because they are on the right wing not because they are actually Right.
As a Christian nation no person within its borders should want for care when they need help especially in matters of health.
Wait, we're supposed to follow Christ's teachings now? I thought a theocracy was bad, and stuff. Or is that only when it's convenient for you?
Illegal immigrants do not belong in the US in the 1st place
There is no reason on earth American taxpayers should have to pay for their healthcare
There is even less reason on Earth for worthless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror, either.
Yeah, those laws get in the way of you sitting in Mom's basement, smoking pot instead of working a job.

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