Illegal that tried to kill Trump given jail time

ILLEGAL ALIEN Who Tried to Assassinate Trump at Vegas Rally Given Just 12 Months in Prison

So attempting to murder the President Elect gets you JUST 12 months in prison? wow....real deterrent on crime there!
There will be other attempts to assassinate him. He's simply a moving target.

Sadly, you liberals will stop at nothing to kill him....and will escalate your liberal shooter attacks on our schools, workplaces, churches, movie theaters, malls, parades, towns, cities.....
ILLEGAL ALIEN Who Tried to Assassinate Trump at Vegas Rally Given Just 12 Months in Prison

So attempting to murder the President Elect gets you JUST 12 months in prison? wow....real deterrent on crime there!
There will be other attempts to assassinate him. He's simply a moving target.

Sadly, you liberals will stop at nothing to kill him....and will escalate your liberal shooter attacks on our schools, workplaces, churches, movie theaters, malls, parades, towns, cities.....
Your idiocy knows no limits.
ILLEGAL ALIEN Who Tried to Assassinate Trump at Vegas Rally Given Just 12 Months in Prison

So attempting to murder the President Elect gets you JUST 12 months in prison? wow....real deterrent on crime there!
There will be other attempts to assassinate him. He's simply a moving target.

Sadly, you liberals will stop at nothing to kill him....and will escalate your liberal shooter attacks on our schools, workplaces, churches, movie theaters, malls, parades, towns, cities.....
Your idiocy knows no limits.
Don't be a liberal shooter....
ILLEGAL ALIEN Who Tried to Assassinate Trump at Vegas Rally Given Just 12 Months in Prison

So attempting to murder the President Elect gets you JUST 12 months in prison? wow....real deterrent on crime there!
There will be other attempts to assassinate him. He's simply a moving target.

ALL politicians are targets that's no surprise. Trump will be more so because he is threatening the established order and how they want things kept.
Interesting to note that the man who assassinated John Lennon was convicted and sentenced to 20 to life when he was clearly mentally disturbed but the man who shot president Reagan, John Hinckley, was as sane as any crazy left winger running around these days and he was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

There should be no insanity defense.

So what if you're crazy? You're dangerous.

Off you go.

The prisons would be full of progressives
There should be no insanity defense.

So what if you're crazy? You're dangerous.

Off you go.
Partially agreed. A mentally unstable person who has proven themselves to be a danger to themselves or others needs to be secured for their own protection and the protection of others. In some cases their problem is treatable, in other cases it is not. This is up to the courts and medical experts to decide. If incurable, lifetime lockup in a mental care facility is the best we can do.

The prisons would be full of progressives
They already are. ;)
"A British man diagnosed with mental illness was sentenced Tuesday to about four more months in a U.S. prison for trying to grab a police officer’s gun in a plan to kill presidential candidate Donald Trump at a campaign rally last June in Las Vegas.

Michael Steven Sandford, 20, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge James Mahan to one year and one day in prison with credit for time served and good behavior behind bars.

The sentence was about six months less than prosecutors sought, but the judge said Sandford will be deported when he’s released."

So as long as you are incompetent, f* up, and don't actually kill the newly-elected President / your victim you don't get the whole 'attempted murder' rap and get a slap on the wrist?! Also, why hasn't this guy already been handed over to the British authorities, as he is a citizen of their country? If the desire is to have the would-be-assassin serve his sentence here, I would have a representative of the British government waiting for him the day he got out of jail to escort him back to Britain.

Guy who tried to shoot Trump in Vegas won’t be in jail for long - Hot Air
The left already wishing death on their opponents, what a shocker.

If you weren't such a big government bootlicker , you would be wishing for the same thing.
big government boot licker.
lets see, would big government include or exclude setting up new agencies to control peoples health,
would big government include mandating or not mandating what a business pays its help.
Food stamps? welfare?
No, it seems if we got rid of all the BS social programs we would have a much smaller government with a lot less overhead and we would see more people showing responsibility for their lives.
I know the left likes to claim that they are against big government, but in reality, their actions show an opposite desire.

Or... Congress could quit wasting money on military stuff they don't need, and then this whole idea of food stamps and shit would be forgotten.

Congress Again Buys Abrams Tanks the Army Doesn't Want |
why would I forget about having my income stolen from me and given to the lazy just because the military saves a few dollars.
I dont understand.

Oh... maybe because you think that all people that get social welfare help aren't "lazy." Or because the amount of money "wasted" by the military would pay for all social welfare programs combined. But then again, I don't see you crying about the wasted money.
I heard when he gets out he's going to take over as DNC Chairman...


The left already wishing death on their opponents, what a shocker.

If you weren't such a big government bootlicker , you would be wishing for the same thing.
big government boot licker.
lets see, would big government include or exclude setting up new agencies to control peoples health,
would big government include mandating or not mandating what a business pays its help.
Food stamps? welfare?
No, it seems if we got rid of all the BS social programs we would have a much smaller government with a lot less overhead and we would see more people showing responsibility for their lives.
I know the left likes to claim that they are against big government, but in reality, their actions show an opposite desire.

Or... Congress could quit wasting money on military stuff they don't need, and then this whole idea of food stamps and shit would be forgotten.

Congress Again Buys Abrams Tanks the Army Doesn't Want |
why would I forget about having my income stolen from me and given to the lazy just because the military saves a few dollars.
I dont understand.

Oh... maybe because you think that all people that get social welfare help aren't "lazy." Or because the amount of money "wasted" by the military would pay for all social welfare programs combined. But then again, I don't see you crying about the wasted money.
Didnt say I was ok with the wasted money. but the idea that we stop spending money on the military and shift it over to the lazy dung piles that have made social handouts a lifestyle is wrong.
The money was wasted on those tanks, that money should have been spent on other places in the military, maybe pay raises, better medical facilities for the service members, lots of places.
The welfare crowd is already a drain on society, they are damaging this country, the idea of dropping our military readiness in order to pay them even more is ludicrous, the leaches are taking from our pockets already and now you want them to put the ability to protect the nation at risk too?
How about this, any able bodied welfare mooch in the proper age range Is dropped from the social pocket book, however being compassionate, Im willing to say that we put them in the military where they can learn what it is to be a member of society, learn what it is to stand up for the nation, learn what it is to support yourself, and learn how it feels to earn your own way. Once they enter the military, they are from that day on blacklisted from ever again in their lives from collecting welfare.
ILLEGAL ALIEN Who Tried to Assassinate Trump at Vegas Rally Given Just 12 Months in Prison

So attempting to murder the President Elect gets you JUST 12 months in prison? wow....real deterrent on crime there!
There will be other attempts to assassinate him. He's simply a moving target.

Sadly, you liberals will stop at nothing to kill him....and will escalate your liberal shooter attacks on our schools, workplaces, churches, movie theaters, malls, parades, towns, cities.....

Obama has been the most threatened prez in history.

You righties live in a bizzaro bubble where everything is done by liberals . PLaya please !

Man to plead guilty to threatening Obama on FBI website

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