Illegal to Wear American Flag

We came a long way in the last century under left wing administrations and judicial decisions. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the Supreme Court and he authored the modern version of "separation church/state" that doesn't appear in the Constitution. The skewed reality of hairy men in dresses and dancing sodomites trumps the 1st Amendment rights of Christians and now we have a judicial decision that classifies the wearing of the Stars and Stripes as a provocative act. God help us if this continues.
Illegal to Wear American Flag

It is not ‘illegal’ to wear a shirt with the American flag.

Per Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), schools are at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on forms of political speech pursuant to avoiding likely violence or disruptions in the school, provided the restriction’s primary focus is not that of preempting the speech itself.
Illegal to Wear American Flag

It is not ‘illegal’ to wear a shirt with the American flag.

Per Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), schools are at liberty to place reasonable restrictions on forms of political speech pursuant to avoiding likely violence or disruptions in the school, provided the restriction’s primary focus is not that of preempting the speech itself.
Still, I say that if you are anywhere in America, including schools, you should be able to wear an American flag of any sort.

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