Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

LMAO (again). Trump's ego wall is easily breached, and has been as reported by the Washington Post:

"After years of touting the impenetrability of a border wall, President Donald Trump said Saturday that "you can cut through any wall" as reports surfaced of smugglers sawing through newly erected barriers with readily available power tools.

""We have a very powerful wall. But no matter how powerful, you can cut through anything, in all fairness. But we have a lot of people watching. You know cutting, cutting is one thing, but it's easily fixed. One of the reasons we did it the way we did it, it's very easily fixed. You put the chunk back in,” Trump said.

"A Washington Post report published Saturday said smugglers have repeatedly sawed through newly built sections of the wall using a widely available cordless reciprocating saw that costs as little as $100. Gangs are also using makeshift ladders to scale the barriers, the Post reported."

One more example of trump not listening to reason, and making the wall the be all end all of protecting us from those murderers and rapists (and mothers with toddlers).
Nobody said it would be the end all be all you idiot. It’s a part of the solution. A necessary part. The other part is to cut off all sanctuary cities from federal dollars and locking up democrat politicians for turning these people loose and giving them welfare.

Bullshit. Technology is much more difficult to breach. The Wall still requires maintenance and patrols.

The Congress needs to reform (again) Title 8 of the US Code.

See: Title 8 of the United States Code - Ballotpedia

IMO Trump's rhetoric and current policies are F. U. B. R.
Unless you’re going to have drones with guns shooting these people as they cross technology can’t do shit. It comes down to physical barriers and border patrol personnel.

You want to shoot to kill children? You're really a ...
You’ll only need to shoot a few. They’re quick learners.
More photos for those that can not Google:



Ummmm, those were cut with a cutting torch. You can see the slag. Are you that ignorant that you can't understand what you are looking at?

You cut the metal with a torch which weakens the cement and rebarring. The Rebarring isn't in the middle. It's near the outside so the torch can easily cut those as well. Then you take a 20lb sledge and finish the job. Time to take out a 3 by 3 sized hole would be less than a minute. Have a 5 gallon container of water to cool it down before you crawl through it or pass your drugs. If you have 30 minutes, drive a friggin van though the hole.

Nice fantasy. I actually weld. Clearly you don't.

I build steel cages for electric vehicles. And I am an old Farmer. Meaning, when you were learning how to suckle a bottle, I was suckling a stinger and a torch. In my family, if you couldn't weld, you were left on the doorstep of the nearest orphanage or church.

I am older than you, junior. I have seen plenty of farmers who can stick two pieces of metal together that will keep out a farm critter, that's easy, but real welding is far different.

I do both tig and mig for the jobs I do. Oxy acetylene doesn't get the strength you need.
Mexican cartels create new border headaches. After cutting through the base of a single bollard, smugglers can push the steel out ... 'Take the land': President Trump wants a border wall. ... characterized the breaches as “poking and prodding” by cartel smuggling crews.

FFS! The way to fix this is to spend 1 billion on arresting homeowners who employ illegals.
And the Construction contractors. Fine them 65% of their Gross income for life. Give the illegal
20% of that to go home, and send the 20% every year to stay home in wherever they came from.
We don't need a useless wall all over the borders. After our first 1 Billion upfront funding.
The arrest will pay for the program and pay down the national debt. THIS IS A MONEYMAKER!

Your insane. fine construction contractors 65% of their gross? plus the taxes and expenses they already pay?
What makes you think these construction contractors would choose to stay in business? your a complete idiot.
BULLSHIT! Im scouring google pics and i cant find one.
View attachment 287824
Thats an article from 2014 you moron. How is this Trumps wall? :laugh:

Smugglers cut through border fence in Ariz.
You said you could not find one. There is one.
The point is, it can be done, and they seem to have a way to repair it.
So I say they can cut in at any time they want too. Over just tunnel under.

Just to play the Devil's Advocate, does anyone know that this wasn't an "inside job," where someone on OUR side cut and bent the beam just to make Trump's wall look bad for another MSM "bad Trump press" event? I mean, is there any video of the cutting through coming from Mexico? If not, then why is everyone assuming this is easily and cheaply done with widespread breaching?

I've done my share of cutting and sawing and I cannot believe these wall beams are not a mother to cut through, especially by a person who is poor, hungry, malnourished, barefoot, has walked hundreds of miles and is likely a woman or child. o_O

Anyone cutting that beam and getting it bent to the side is young enough, strong, healthy, and trained with enough of a skill-set that they should be looking for a job in Guatemala.

You seem to forget that these people are walking through the most dangerous desert environment in the USA, over 100 miles through cactus, intolerable heat, with no food or water. Compared to that, breaching a wall is child's play.
NO ONE not even our best special forces can walk through 100 miles of intolerably hot desert with no food or water. That would involve walking 33 miles a day that by the third day, YOU'D BE FUCKING DEAD Moron, much less having carried a big heavy saw then doing hard, strenuous work! THEN that only gets them into the USA and they have untold more miles to go with no food or water before they even get anywhere! And that assumes they are carrying nothing! Child's play???? Are these people some new breed of Supermen that have been genetically bred just for breaking into the United States? That is such total massive BULLSHIT I cannot believe you even suggested it. Don't assume I'M an idiot even as you make yourself out to be one! :auiqs.jpg:
Nope. Not a real pic anyway.

You need a picture of people climbing a ladder? That technology is at least 9 months old. It was in all the papers.
Yeah, lets see it.
That has already been posted, too. Do your own homework.
Nope, not one pic on Trumps wall being breached has been posted yet, but do let us know if you find one. :laugh:

Get some glasses. Better yet, just google, "pictures of Illegals breaching wall"
pictures of Illegals breaching wall - Google Search
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
If they had built a wall similar to Israel's wall, with periodic manned tower placements, machine guns and anti-personnel mines, the violations would completely end, especially after a handful of the crap trying to were to get blown up or gunned down.

Your birth home was North Korea, right?
NO ONE not even our best special forces can walk through 100 miles of intolerably hot desert with no food or water.
Neato! But immigrants crossing the border dont all have to do this, so....

But kudos for arguing against the need for a wall. ;)
You said you could not find one. There is one.
The point is, it can be done, and they seem to have a way to repair it.
So I say they can cut in at any time they want too. Over just tunnel under.

Just to play the Devil's Advocate, does anyone know that this wasn't an "inside job," where someone on OUR side cut and bent the beam just to make Trump's wall look bad for another MSM "bad Trump press" event? I mean, is there any video of the cutting through coming from Mexico? If not, then why is everyone assuming this is easily and cheaply done with widespread breaching?

I've done my share of cutting and sawing and I cannot believe these wall beams are not a mother to cut through, especially by a person who is poor, hungry, malnourished, barefoot, has walked hundreds of miles and is likely a woman or child. o_O

Anyone cutting that beam and getting it bent to the side is young enough, strong, healthy, and trained with enough of a skill-set that they should be looking for a job in Guatemala.

You seem to forget that these people are walking through the most dangerous desert environment in the USA, over 100 miles through cactus, intolerable heat, with no food or water. Compared to that, breaching a wall is child's play.
NO ONE not even our best special forces can walk through 100 miles of intolerably hot desert with no food or water. That would involve walking 33 miles a day that by the third day, YOU'D BE FUCKING DEAD Moron, much less having carried a big heavy saw then doing hard, strenuous work! THEN that only gets them into the USA and they have untold more miles to go with no food or water before they even get anywhere! And that assumes they are carrying nothing! Child's play???? Are these people some new breed of Supermen that have been genetically bred just for breaking into the United States? That is such total massive BULLSHIT I cannot believe you even suggested it. Don't assume I'M an idiot even as you make yourself out to be one! :auiqs.jpg:

Take a valium, Toob. I live down here at the border, and it is a several day walk to get to Tucson. Law enforcement finds over 200 dead per year. This is why I hand out water.
Nope. Not a real pic anyway.

You need a picture of people climbing a ladder? That technology is at least 9 months old. It was in all the papers.
Yes please. Show us how they get to the top and back to the ground (on the other side)on the same ladder.

You are putting me on, right? You have never heard of a knotted rope or a rope ladder? Jesus on a pogo stick....
They will break their fucking necks. Also, do you have any idea how hard it is to drag a fucking 40 foot ladder across a desert? If some indistrous people do drag one across the desert, it wont be a common event. You wont see 100,000 people per month doing it.

...and yet, the picture I posted showed people just that....

I went through the entire thread and only found one picture, with no source linked, not posted by you:


Seems rather specious that these people are making cuts so high up you need a ladder to get to and rather than bending a beam, they are cutting enough to drive a truck through! And once they get through, the spot they chose is blocked by a field of trees on the other side!
NO ONE not even our best special forces can walk through 100 miles of intolerably hot desert with no food or water.
Neato! But immigrants crossing the border dont all have to do this, so....

But kudos for arguing against the need for a wall. ;)
Put on your pussyhats and watch a little CNN. It'll be better in no time.
Put down the cheetohs fatty, you might not live to see the child president impeached ...
50 billion dollars and it can be defeated in minutes with a $100 saw.


And it bothers Trumpers not a bit because they like the IDEA of a wall...whether it does what it's supposed to or not

When did Congress allocate 50 billion dollars for the wall, Moron? Did they ever allocate even $50 towards the wall? And other than a vague report in WaPo, no one has yet shown anyone has "defeated it in minutes" with a $100 saw.

If we had 50 billion, we could have built one badass wall that would stop an army.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
The steel-and-concrete portions of the walls, which President Donald Trump has touted as the solution to the flow of undocumented immigrants coming across the US-Mexico border, can be sawed apart with at least one commercially available cordless tool that retails for less than $100, according to the Post, which cites US border officials with knowledge of the damage.

In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego.

I agree. The wall needed to be taller and is disappointingly easy to breech from what I hoped. But in its defense:
  1. Cutting through one beam allows individuals, one at a time to squeeze through, not large groups en massé. So in that sense, the wall is still doing its job. It greatly slows people down, large groups, from just "walking in." How long does it take to cut a beam? 30 minutes? Even a prison wall with armed guards gets breached, so no wall is 100%. It is a deterrent to all but the most determined and limits the damage while border control respond.
  2. Since the whole claim of illegals is that they are the poorest of the poor fleeing impoverished countries arriving starving, bare foot, where are they getting the money to buy a $100 saw? Any idea how many weeks/months salary that represents? Are there well-equipped Home Depots right along the border? How many miles did they "carry" these saws in the desert? Who is driving them there? For one thing I know tools, and you don't get much of a reciprocating saw and blade for $100; The point being that those few who are arriving with such tools are likely to be well-funded, well-trained drug smugglers and not your average fleeing refugee.
That is not how it works. Someone obtains a saw, cuts the fence, and then for a price leads people to the disguised cut.

I have some experience in heavy industry involving multi-billion dollar companies. I'd be curious to know how some spurious vagabond in Mexico with a generic reciprocating saw "disguises" the cut? What do they do, stick a fake plant in front of the damage? And just where do you get these "specialized" blades? Amazon?

As with most Trump "scandals," this one is turning out to be more SPECULATIVE and wishful (or exaggerated) than factual.

The answers to all your questions are in the link I posted , #1
What's the alternative let in all your butt buddies?
Yes, genius, that is the only alternative anyone can imagine, because everyone in the world is retarded.

That's what you want with your silly talking point of we cant put kids in cages, no?
For those of you who have been totally absorbed into the Trump cult, I have said all I have to say, complete with picture of cut walls, and illegals crossing them with ladders. I am aware of the fact that you believe that Trump is building a magic wall that will stand unmolested for thousands of years. Your brains have been fried, scrambled, and reformed by the cult. You are a waste of time. Adios.
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