Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
The steel-and-concrete portions of the walls, which President Donald Trump has touted as the solution to the flow of undocumented immigrants coming across the US-Mexico border, can be sawed apart with at least one commercially available cordless tool that retails for less than $100, according to the Post, which cites US border officials with knowledge of the damage.

In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego.

I agree. The wall needed to be taller and is disappointingly easy to breech from what I hoped. But in its defense:
  1. Cutting through one beam allows individuals, one at a time to squeeze through, not large groups en massé. So in that sense, the wall is still doing its job. It greatly slows people down, large groups, from just "walking in." How long does it take to cut a beam? 30 minutes? Even a prison wall with armed guards gets breached, so no wall is 100%. It is a deterrent to all but the most determined and limits the damage while border control respond.
  2. Since the whole claim of illegals is that they are the poorest of the poor fleeing impoverished countries arriving starving, bare foot, where are they getting the money to buy a $100 saw? Any idea how many weeks/months salary that represents? Are there well-equipped Home Depots right along the border? How many miles did they "carry" these saws in the desert? Who is driving them there? For one thing I know tools, and you don't get much of a reciprocating saw and blade for $100; The point being that those few who are arriving with such tools are likely to be well-funded, well-trained drug smugglers and not your average fleeing refugee.
That is not how it works. Someone obtains a saw, cuts the fence, and then for a price leads people to the disguised cut.

I have some experience in heavy industry involving multi-billion dollar companies. I'd be curious to know how some spurious vagabond in Mexico with a generic reciprocating saw "disguises" the cut? What do they do, stick a fake plant in front of the damage? And just where do you get these "specialized" blades? Amazon?

As with most Trump "scandals," this one is turning out to be more SPECULATIVE and wishful (or exaggerated) than factual.
The steel-and-concrete portions of the walls, which President Donald Trump has touted as the solution to the flow of undocumented immigrants coming across the US-Mexico border, can be sawed apart with at least one commercially available cordless tool that retails for less than $100, according to the Post, which cites US border officials with knowledge of the damage.

In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego.

I agree. The wall needed to be taller and is disappointingly easy to breech from what I hoped. But in its defense:
  1. Cutting through one beam allows individuals, one at a time to squeeze through, not large groups en massé. So in that sense, the wall is still doing its job. It greatly slows people down, large groups, from just "walking in." How long does it take to cut a beam? 30 minutes? Even a prison wall with armed guards gets breached, so no wall is 100%. It is a deterrent to all but the most determined and limits the damage while border control respond.
  2. Since the whole claim of illegals is that they are the poorest of the poor fleeing impoverished countries arriving starving, bare foot, where are they getting the money to buy a $100 saw? Any idea how many weeks/months salary that represents? Are there well-equipped Home Depots right along the border? How many miles did they "carry" these saws in the desert? Who is driving them there? For one thing I know tools, and you don't get much of a reciprocating saw and blade for $100; The point being that those few who are arriving with such tools are likely to be well-funded, well-trained drug smugglers and not your average fleeing refugee.
That is not how it works. Someone obtains a saw, cuts the fence, and then for a price leads people to the disguised cut.
That someone isnt smuggling 100,000 people per month, even if his fictitious breach was actually true.

100,000 per month? That comes to 12,000,000 illegals entering per decade. My best guess is that you got that figure from Trump, or AM radio.
Record number of undocumented immigrants stopped at border in May

But, no link, of course.
50 billion dollars and it can be defeated in minutes with a $100 saw.


And it bothers Trumpers not a bit because they like the IDEA of a wall...whether it does what it's supposed to or not
Yeah, lets see it.
That has already been posted, too. Do your own homework.
Nope, not one pic on Trumps wall being breached has been posted yet, but do let us know if you find one. :laugh:

Get some glasses. Better yet, just google, "pictures of Illegals breaching wall"

We have no pictures, it's a fake story

Make up your mind. Did I not post a picture, or did I post a fake picture?

Is it the picture in the story?
The steel-and-concrete portions of the walls, which President Donald Trump has touted as the solution to the flow of undocumented immigrants coming across the US-Mexico border, can be sawed apart with at least one commercially available cordless tool that retails for less than $100, according to the Post, which cites US border officials with knowledge of the damage.

In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego.

I agree. The wall needed to be taller and is disappointingly easy to breech from what I hoped. But in its defense:
  1. Cutting through one beam allows individuals, one at a time to squeeze through, not large groups en massé. So in that sense, the wall is still doing its job. It greatly slows people down, large groups, from just "walking in." How long does it take to cut a beam? 30 minutes? Even a prison wall with armed guards gets breached, so no wall is 100%. It is a deterrent to all but the most determined and limits the damage while border control respond.
  2. Since the whole claim of illegals is that they are the poorest of the poor fleeing impoverished countries arriving starving, bare foot, where are they getting the money to buy a $100 saw? Any idea how many weeks/months salary that represents? Are there well-equipped Home Depots right along the border? How many miles did they "carry" these saws in the desert? Who is driving them there? For one thing I know tools, and you don't get much of a reciprocating saw and blade for $100; The point being that those few who are arriving with such tools are likely to be well-funded, well-trained drug smugglers and not your average fleeing refugee.
That is not how it works. Someone obtains a saw, cuts the fence, and then for a price leads people to the disguised cut.
That someone isnt smuggling 100,000 people per month, even if his fictitious breach was actually true.

100,000 per month? That comes to 12,000,000 illegals entering per decade. My best guess is that you got that figure from Trump, or AM radio.
Record number of undocumented immigrants stopped at border in May

Good point. The Border Patrol stopped 133,000 illegals WITHOUT Trump's wall.
50 billion dollars and it can be defeated in minutes with a $100 saw.


And it bothers Trumpers not a bit because they like the IDEA of a wall...whether it does what it's supposed to or not

What's the alternative let in all your butt buddies?
I agree. The wall needed to be taller and is disappointingly easy to breech from what I hoped. But in its defense:
  1. Cutting through one beam allows individuals, one at a time to squeeze through, not large groups en massé. So in that sense, the wall is still doing its job. It greatly slows people down, large groups, from just "walking in." How long does it take to cut a beam? 30 minutes? Even a prison wall with armed guards gets breached, so no wall is 100%. It is a deterrent to all but the most determined and limits the damage while border control respond.
  2. Since the whole claim of illegals is that they are the poorest of the poor fleeing impoverished countries arriving starving, bare foot, where are they getting the money to buy a $100 saw? Any idea how many weeks/months salary that represents? Are there well-equipped Home Depots right along the border? How many miles did they "carry" these saws in the desert? Who is driving them there? For one thing I know tools, and you don't get much of a reciprocating saw and blade for $100; The point being that those few who are arriving with such tools are likely to be well-funded, well-trained drug smugglers and not your average fleeing refugee.
That is not how it works. Someone obtains a saw, cuts the fence, and then for a price leads people to the disguised cut.
That someone isnt smuggling 100,000 people per month, even if his fictitious breach was actually true.

100,000 per month? That comes to 12,000,000 illegals entering per decade. My best guess is that you got that figure from Trump, or AM radio.
Record number of undocumented immigrants stopped at border in May

Good point. The Border Patrol stopped 133,000 illegals WITHOUT Trump's wall.

With Obama's wall?
50 billion dollars and it can be defeated in minutes with a $100 saw.


And it bothers Trumpers not a bit because they like the IDEA of a wall...whether it does what it's supposed to or not
Youre dumb for thinking this story was actually real. SUCKER! :laugh:
LMAO (again). Trump's ego wall is easily breached, and has been as reported by the Washington Post:

"After years of touting the impenetrability of a border wall, President Donald Trump said Saturday that "you can cut through any wall" as reports surfaced of smugglers sawing through newly erected barriers with readily available power tools.

""We have a very powerful wall. But no matter how powerful, you can cut through anything, in all fairness. But we have a lot of people watching. You know cutting, cutting is one thing, but it's easily fixed. One of the reasons we did it the way we did it, it's very easily fixed. You put the chunk back in,” Trump said.

"A Washington Post report published Saturday said smugglers have repeatedly sawed through newly built sections of the wall using a widely available cordless reciprocating saw that costs as little as $100. Gangs are also using makeshift ladders to scale the barriers, the Post reported."

One more example of trump not listening to reason, and making the wall the be all end all of protecting us from those murderers and rapists (and mothers with toddlers).
Nobody said it would be the end all be all you idiot. It’s a part of the solution. A necessary part. The other part is to cut off all sanctuary cities from federal dollars and locking up democrat politicians for turning these people loose and giving them welfare.
IMO Trump's rhetoric and current policies are F. U. B. R.

Can you name a president whose rhetoric and policies WEREN'T?
Nixon, Carter and Clinton had their own problems, but Trump outdoes all of them in spades.
How so? Is it because Trump is the most current in your memory? Is it because democrats make every day some new "scandal" for him? How is putting up a barrier to cut down on illegal immigration a "problem," much less anything to compare with Iran-Contra, the Iraq invasion, or Obama's mass ISIS JV team debacle that eventually killed and displaced millions of people?

The wall is just a useless promotion stunt for Trump, paid for by you.
I agree. The wall needed to be taller and is disappointingly easy to breech from what I hoped. But in its defense:
  1. Cutting through one beam allows individuals, one at a time to squeeze through, not large groups en massé. So in that sense, the wall is still doing its job. It greatly slows people down, large groups, from just "walking in." How long does it take to cut a beam? 30 minutes? Even a prison wall with armed guards gets breached, so no wall is 100%. It is a deterrent to all but the most determined and limits the damage while border control respond.
  2. Since the whole claim of illegals is that they are the poorest of the poor fleeing impoverished countries arriving starving, bare foot, where are they getting the money to buy a $100 saw? Any idea how many weeks/months salary that represents? Are there well-equipped Home Depots right along the border? How many miles did they "carry" these saws in the desert? Who is driving them there? For one thing I know tools, and you don't get much of a reciprocating saw and blade for $100; The point being that those few who are arriving with such tools are likely to be well-funded, well-trained drug smugglers and not your average fleeing refugee.
That is not how it works. Someone obtains a saw, cuts the fence, and then for a price leads people to the disguised cut.
That someone isnt smuggling 100,000 people per month, even if his fictitious breach was actually true.

100,000 per month? That comes to 12,000,000 illegals entering per decade. My best guess is that you got that figure from Trump, or AM radio.
Record number of undocumented immigrants stopped at border in May

Good point. The Border Patrol stopped 133,000 illegals WITHOUT Trump's wall.
Those are just the ones who got caught. Also, you were wrong AGAIN.
Nobody said it would be the end all be all you idiot. It’s a part of the solution. A necessary part. The other part is to cut off all sanctuary cities from federal dollars and locking up democrat politicians for turning these people loose and giving them welfare.
IMO Trump's rhetoric and current policies are F. U. B. R.

Can you name a president whose rhetoric and policies WEREN'T?
Nixon, Carter and Clinton had their own problems, but Trump outdoes all of them in spades.
How so? Is it because Trump is the most current in your memory? Is it because democrats make every day some new "scandal" for him? How is putting up a barrier to cut down on illegal immigration a "problem," much less anything to compare with Iran-Contra, the Iraq invasion, or Obama's mass ISIS JV team debacle that eventually killed and displaced millions of people?

The wall is just a useless promotion stunt for Trump, paid for by you.

And Obama's wall was great, huh?

Nobody said it would be the end all be all you idiot. It’s a part of the solution. A necessary part. The other part is to cut off all sanctuary cities from federal dollars and locking up democrat politicians for turning these people loose and giving them welfare.
IMO Trump's rhetoric and current policies are F. U. B. R.

Can you name a president whose rhetoric and policies WEREN'T?
Nixon, Carter and Clinton had their own problems, but Trump outdoes all of them in spades.
How so? Is it because Trump is the most current in your memory? Is it because democrats make every day some new "scandal" for him? How is putting up a barrier to cut down on illegal immigration a "problem," much less anything to compare with Iran-Contra, the Iraq invasion, or Obama's mass ISIS JV team debacle that eventually killed and displaced millions of people?

The wall is just a useless promotion stunt for Trump, paid for by you.
Trumps wall has never been breached. How is it a stunt if his wall is undefeated?
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
The steel-and-concrete portions of the walls, which President Donald Trump has touted as the solution to the flow of undocumented immigrants coming across the US-Mexico border, can be sawed apart with at least one commercially available cordless tool that retails for less than $100, according to the Post, which cites US border officials with knowledge of the damage.

In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego.

I agree. The wall needed to be taller and is disappointingly easy to breech from what I hoped. But in its defense:
  1. Cutting through one beam allows individuals, one at a time to squeeze through, not large groups en massé. So in that sense, the wall is still doing its job. It greatly slows people down, large groups, from just "walking in." How long does it take to cut a beam? 30 minutes? Even a prison wall with armed guards gets breached, so no wall is 100%. It is a deterrent to all but the most determined and limits the damage while border control respond.
  2. Since the whole claim of illegals is that they are the poorest of the poor fleeing impoverished countries arriving starving, bare foot, where are they getting the money to buy a $100 saw? Any idea how many weeks/months salary that represents? Are there well-equipped Home Depots right along the border? How many miles did they "carry" these saws in the desert? Who is driving them there? For one thing I know tools, and you don't get much of a reciprocating saw and blade for $100; The point being that those few who are arriving with such tools are likely to be well-funded, well-trained drug smugglers and not your average fleeing refugee.
That is not how it works. Someone obtains a saw, cuts the fence, and then for a price leads people to the disguised cut.

I have some experience in heavy industry involving multi-billion dollar companies. I'd be curious to know how some spurious vagabond in Mexico with a generic reciprocating saw "disguises" the cut? What do they do, stick a fake plant in front of the damage? And just where do you get these "specialized" blades? Amazon?

As with most Trump "scandals," this one is turning out to be more SPECULATIVE and wishful (or exaggerated) than factual.

The answers to all your questions are in the link I posted , #1
IMO Trump's rhetoric and current policies are F. U. B. R.

Can you name a president whose rhetoric and policies WEREN'T?
Nixon, Carter and Clinton had their own problems, but Trump outdoes all of them in spades.
How so? Is it because Trump is the most current in your memory? Is it because democrats make every day some new "scandal" for him? How is putting up a barrier to cut down on illegal immigration a "problem," much less anything to compare with Iran-Contra, the Iraq invasion, or Obama's mass ISIS JV team debacle that eventually killed and displaced millions of people?

The wall is just a useless promotion stunt for Trump, paid for by you.
Trumps wall has never been breached. How is it a stunt if his wall is undefeated?

ZomboMeme 03112019110219.jpg
IMO Trump's rhetoric and current policies are F. U. B. R.

Can you name a president whose rhetoric and policies WEREN'T?
Nixon, Carter and Clinton had their own problems, but Trump outdoes all of them in spades.
How so? Is it because Trump is the most current in your memory? Is it because democrats make every day some new "scandal" for him? How is putting up a barrier to cut down on illegal immigration a "problem," much less anything to compare with Iran-Contra, the Iraq invasion, or Obama's mass ISIS JV team debacle that eventually killed and displaced millions of people?

The wall is just a useless promotion stunt for Trump, paid for by you.
Trumps wall has never been breached. How is it a stunt if his wall is undefeated?

...and, yet, Trump himself admitted that it is being cut in post #254. Are you (GASP) calling Trump a liar?
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
You are naive. The article is nothing but KGB style crude defamatory anti-USA disinformation. The pencil-necked unproductive leeches on society at anti-USA propaganda outlets such as the Washington Post and NBC have written similar bullshit stories.

I'm a career cement mason and ironworker who has been in the concrete construction business for decades and have cut enough concrete filled bollards to know what tools to use to do the job. I've also seen the aftermath of people who have wasted their time, money and sweat attempting to cut them with the wrong tools (including a common cheap reciprocating saw) before they called a professional (me) to get the job done.

First off, I'll tell you that yes indeed you can cut them with a ~$100 reciprocating saw that can be commonly found in a DIYer's garage or basement. I've witnessed a local business owner make some slow progress using one.

Frustrated, he gave up and called me to get rid of them because after hours of toil in the hot sun and burning up several pricey Sawzall blades he wasn't even close to halfway through it. He was making progress but it was slow going, so he just figured that he would burn through several hundred dollars worth of blades just cutting one of them. And he had two of them he wanted to get rid of.

In my professional expert opinion, I rate the claim that you can cut through the new border wall bollards in mere minutes with a common household reciprocating saw to be complete and utter bullshit. 5 cow patties.

I also know the likely origin and evolution of this fake news story. While performing destructive testing of the wall prototypes the border patrol found that they could cut the bollards with a saw that is commonly sold/rented at construction contractor supply outlets. The USA hating Democrat media then lied and said they cut it with a common household saw just to denigrate the USA. Then idiots who were so ignorant that they bought that lie speculated that it must have been an electric reciprocating saw.

Now that you mention it, first you will need a hammer drill with a carbide bit..

And a bunch of batteries
This is how you cut bollards in minutes.

Note that it's 2 stroke engine doesn't take batteries and it's as loud as a fucking chainsaw. You'd be able to hear it for miles in the quietness of the Arizona desert.

I have a saw that is more specialized/expensive so I can cut them off flush with the pavement.

Yes but:
  1. That is not a $100 saw.
  2. The guy had to approach it from both sides to effect a successful full cut through.
  3. The toughest ones he only cut part way.
  4. Are the wall bollards no heavier? And how are they getting over to our side to finish the job?

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