Illegals Aren't Immigrants

importing low wage workers so a few can get richer off their backs as the rest of us suffer wage losses we all can't afford isn't helping any one. time to fix our own countries not run to make problems in others. this is only directed at mexicans either

I love how dems blame stagnant wages and unemployment on republicans while their messiah floods the country with cheap labor and votes.
At least conservative have the guts to call out their own when they do it.

I do it all the time but I'm an independent. I am liberal.

You're a rare breed..
yes I am. you aren't you are typical stupid scum lying through your teeth.

Is that me you were going for? Look sock, grow a pair and post under your primary ID.

Until then, blow me. I'll grow one for you.
actually that's exactly what the fat lazy and over proud americans need. is some exercise and in humility too.

And you are...?
your superior you mud monkey

You misspelled "You're"......
spell it any way you want. do you know what I find funny? the smart people can scheme and take billions from u.s. dummies but when push comes to riots revolutions murder, theft and wars all of a sudden it's unfair to the haves. lol. all is fair in love and war. I can't wait to hear the kings cry for mercy.

The sad thing is your lack of ability to spell made you miss the true intent of my correction.
Waste of a good burn as it were...
importing low wage workers so a few can get richer off their backs as the rest of us suffer wage losses we all can't afford isn't helping any one. time to fix our own countries not run to make problems in others. this is only directed at mexicans either

I love how dems blame stagnant wages and unemployment on republicans while their messiah floods the country with cheap labor and votes.
At least conservative have the guts to call out their own when they do it.

I do it all the time but I'm an independent. I am liberal.

You're a rare breed..

I'm not so sure. I think many times liberals are forced into taking positions that they would not ordinarily hold. So do conservatives. Liberals do not like waste for the sake of waste. If it doesn't work then liberals and conservatives want to get rid of it.

Very few liberals want an open border. What liberals do not want is to watch people have no rights and be taken advantage of.

At this point all we have is the federal government importing votes and cheap labor.
importing low wage workers so a few can get richer off their backs as the rest of us suffer wage losses we all can't afford isn't helping any one. time to fix our own countries not run to make problems in others. this is only directed at mexicans either
isn't only directed at mexicans but all the others refugees trying to chase a dying american dream because the Americans won't wake up and fight against the same old tyranny we supposedly overthrew so long ago. not
I dunno, but it seems to me that asking a laid off 50 year old white guy with hypertension to do the manual labor seems unreasonable.

Who's asking them to do it and why just mention white guys, you racist! We don't have enough young and healthy Americans that want to do blue collared jobs? You're grasping at straws here. Who do you think did those jobs before the invasion of millions of cheap, illegal foreigners, you damned fool!
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Mexicans aren't the cause of unemployment. There was this big economic crash a few years ago. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

That and the astronomical private-public debt overhang are the reasons our economy is not vibrant.

But go ahead and blame the Jews Mexicans if that makes you Aryan types feel better.

Why just say Mexicans? The topic is about illegal aliens and they have no legal right to be here nor to work here. What part of that aren't you getting or don't laws mean anything to you? The more workers there are the less opportunities there are for work for everyone. Are you too stupid to figure that out especially when illegals are willing to work for less? Aryan types? You think that only white Americans oppose illegal immigration and expect our immigration laws to be respected and enforced. All your type ever have is the race card to defend the undefensible.
Speeders aren't drivers, they're CRIMINALS...

It's a misdemeanor, so they aren't criminals.

They are breaking the law by entering our country without authorization from our government so quit trying to sugar coat it. Many if most continue to break laws after they get here like using fake or stolen ID's which is a felony.

Read the post I was responding to. It mentions speeders, not illegal aliens. The former at not criminals, but the later are.
importing low wage workers so a few can get richer off their backs as the rest of us suffer wage losses we all can't afford isn't helping any one. time to fix our own countries not run to make problems in others. this is only directed at mexicans either

I love how dems blame stagnant wages and unemployment on republicans while their messiah floods the country with cheap labor and votes.
At least conservative have the guts to call out their own when they do it.

I do it all the time but I'm an independent. I am liberal.

You're a rare breed..

I'm not so sure. I think many times liberals are forced into taking positions that they would not ordinarily hold. So do conservatives. Liberals do not like waste for the sake of waste. If it doesn't work then liberals and conservatives want to get rid of it.

Very few liberals want an open border. What liberals do not want is to watch people have no rights and be taken advantage of.

At this point all we have is the federal government importing votes and cheap labor.

And the states too:
Verified Person - Background Screening Made Simple

Every so many years somebody brings up national ID cards like so:
Senators push Obama for biometric national ID card - CNET

Then somebody says no, no, no invasion of privacy issue.
Its only fair and caring that we reunite these criminals with their lawbreaking parents.
The American taxpayer owes them that.... Lol
Theyr'e CRIMINALS......

Well said!

They are not only illegal immigrants, they are criminal illegal immigrants!!
The only thing criminal is your stupidity and hate.

Hate? What's hateful about calling them what they are? It's the truly stupid that want to whitewash their lawbreaking ways.

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate - truth

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