The Bodies Are Stacking Up. Right Now Rape And Murder At The Hands Of Illegals Is Becoming A Common Occurance

They are doing more than that....There is method in their madness.....This is no accident.

They are building their numbers in blue states so they can offset the loss of congressional seats caused by white flight.

For some stupid reason that I can't fathom the illegals are counted in the census just the same as a US Citizen.
Democrats scheme, rig and cheat hence Biden ordering illegals be included in the census and 20 additional reps in the House. So much for illegals not voting, there's a 20 rep block of votes for illegals.
Should one feel persecuted? Targeted? Harassed? When their thread is merged into another? But my thread may have been first? If im wrong my apologies to this person. Cannot seem to find out once the act is over?

Is it a big deal? I don’t start many threads? Should I care? Posts removed? Forbidden to post in certain threads? Being a respondent to an attack si wrong? Depending whom the attacker was? Is this unnamed person after me? Why? Should I worry? Clean up? lol! On & on.

Why not theirs into mine? Why not their posts removed? Maybe it was? My bad. I dont know? muslim muslim. queer home O butt munching fags need not be near the children yes it needs to be said time to time. Rant over.//
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Cop shot in his neck by illegal alien in Phily is fighting for his life...
Now this is happening every day... this had better be the subject in the debate Thursday....

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