The Bodies Are Stacking Up. Right Now Rape And Murder At The Hands Of Illegals Is Becoming A Common Occurance

They are emptying their prisons and sending to the US, and Joe welcomes them with open arms so they can prey on innocent little girls. Must be what he likes about them.
That Democrats are doing this intentionally and the fake news is covering it up tells us a lot about the state of our country.
Lefties just excuses these away.

The propaganda is that criminal aliens commit less crimes than US citizens.

1) Illegally crossing the border is a crime, so 100% of them are criminals….by legal definition.

2) ANY crime by illegals is INCREMENTAL. If the border was closed, that girl would be alive. Lefties do not care…they want illegals to vote.
Democrats don't give one shit about how many Americans their illegals RAPE and MURDER, it's sickening. Dems just sit there and smirk and laugh.
And this one:******

The father told The New York Post, “This is what happens” when undocumented migrants are allowed to flood into the US unchecked.“The open border policy, I have never agreed with, because that just invites a lot of things that we don’t need,” said the 70-year-old dad, whose name is being withheld by The Post to protect his daughter’s identity. “And look what came in. Look what happened to my daughter.”*******“It just turned my world upside down, and the healing process has yet to begin . . . My mind is really swirling with all of the anger I have right now,” he said during a phone call from the family’s Flushing home on Thursday.
When asked about his daughter’s state, he simply replied, “You can’t even imagine. So let’s just leave it at that.”
Inga-Landi’s arrest after five days on the run was “definitely a relief,” the dad said.
“Obviously it’s very devastating for our family, but with this guy being where he is right now, that’s great, because we can proceed and concentrate on something else,” he said.
The father also expressed his gratitude for the New Yorkers who subdued the suspect and held him for police, saying, “I would have done the same thing if it was someone else’s child . . . I definitely would have. No hesitation.
Democrats don't give one shit about how many Americans their illegals RAPE and MURDER, it's sickening. Dems just sit there and smirk and laugh.
They are doing more than that....There is method in their madness.....This is no accident.

They are building their numbers in blue states so they can offset the loss of congressional seats caused by white flight.

For some stupid reason that I can't fathom the illegals are counted in the census just the same as a US Citizen.
The "News" only prints these stories when they feel they can make a dime off of it.

I live in Texas, and the COLD, HARD TRUTH IS........these illegals are ALL criminally insane! This death and destruction by these psychotic lunatics IS COMMON DAY TO DAY OCCURRENCES!!!!

I PERSONALLY have been a target by FOUR of these deranged, murderous lunatics!!! And the "police" tell me "Theres nothing we can do"!!!!


This is why REAL Texans that can afford to, are arming themselves heavily.
The Associated Press faced backlash online this week after they failed to inform readers that two men who were arrested for allegedly murdering a young girl in Texas were illegal aliens who recently entered the country under President Joe Biden.

The two illegal aliens from Venezuela — Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26 — were each charged this week with capital murder stemming from the death of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

“Martinez and Pena both illegally entered the U.S. without inspection, parole or admission by a U.S. immigration officer on an unknown date and at an unknown location,” U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said in a statement.

The Associated Press completely excluded from their report the fact that the two men illegally entered the U.S. over the last few months and that they were released into the country by the Biden administration.

So the AP, a supposed news organization, did not think it was necessary to bring up that the murderers here were let into the country illegally thanks to the current presidents policies.

Not even worth a mention.

Gosh, ever notice how we always aggressively know the race of a criminal when they’re white, but when they are black, middle eastern, illegal immigrant, etc it just isn’t newsworthy.

And also, where is the AP’s holding Biden accountable for the death of this poor 12 year old girl?

Propaganda by selectively reporting the facts and omitting on behalf of the administration.

The AP is working to get Biden to win in 2024, as are most of the MSM “news” outlets… aka activist networks
Dems will trade the lives of US citizens for the votes of criminal aliens….all day, every day.

Dems hate blacks. Blacks, vote Dem and fuck off. Thats is what Dems think of blacks.



If the border was closed, this girl would still be alive.

How disgusting this is.

It will never stop unless we deport the criminal aliens.
Democrats don't give a shit. They just say most of the NEWCOMERS are nice so a few rapes and murders here and there are perfectly fine. Have they given the border patrol more resources? Of course not. They are pushing hard for AMNESTY for illegals and fighting to keep illegal immigrant families together. Their priorities are with the NEWCOMERS not with American citizens.

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