The Bodies Are Stacking Up. Right Now Rape And Murder At The Hands Of Illegals Is Becoming A Common Occurance

Crime isn’t increasing. Link had 800 people surveyed and only 200 independents. Not really meaningful. There were more Dems surveyed than ind and pubs combined.

You keep arguing stats. Honey, we're well beyond that in the 21st century. Anecdotes, messaging, narratives and moral panics

Your game

Your rules

You hate it, don't you?
You're talking some kind of stats you pulled out of somewhere. But now we're playing your game, remember? Anecdotes, messaging, narratives, moral panics

Your game

Your rules

Don't you hate it?
Here is an independent firm. Not even the government. The FBI, which I’ve linked before, has 94% reporting stats showing crime is down too.

Here is an independent firm. Not even the government. The FBI, which I’ve linked before, has 94% reporting stats showing crime is down too.

Even if this were true, it doesn't matter. Aren't you getting it? Hello? taptaptap


Your game

Your rules

You hate it.

I don't care.
Even if this were true, it doesn't matter. Aren't you getting it? Hello? taptaptap


Your game

Your rules

You hate it.

I don't care.


Actually, I'm glad you hate the game now. There is a very slim chance--very slim but not zero--that when the game is turned on enough of you, you will come to your senses and realize how you came very close to destroying the nation.

Well, that is, if it can yet be saved. Jury's out.
And another one. To think Obiden is doing this on purpose. Letting in the criminals and the un-wanted from down below. Had enough yet? Can they cheat enough for 4 more years?
26 and 21 year olds. Musta been brutal on the poor girl. Filthy Board Stain and Middlers get what they voted. To think any Adult can be that stupid and or evil? Disgusting busturds. Worthless do-nothing Congress with have to authorize Trillions to get rid of Obidens crap!
So many! I am working here! No time to keep up with murdreing raping Dreamers for the mush-mouthed middlers and degenerate heathen DEMwitted loons.
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Two illegal aliens from Venezuela have been arrested and charged for the abduction, rape, and murder of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas.
The young girl’s body was found in a creek in North Houston.

Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, have been charged with the murder, which took place on Monday. On Thursday, they were charged with capital murder. It has been determined that she died by strangulation.
The aliens were caught after being seen on surveillance footage following Nungaray into a convenience store.

A local named Billie Jackson was driving home after dropping her husband off at work on Monday morning when she saw a body floating in the water. At first, she thought it might be a mannequin.

“I drove past, and when I looked up the creek, I thought it was a mannequin. I did a U-turn, and I stopped on the bridge, put my flashers on, looked down, and realized it was someone. I parked right here and called 911 immediately,” she told local station ABC 13.

Nungaray is believed to have snuck out of her house and was talking to her 13-year-old boyfriend on the phone when he heard adult males approaching her.

Biden is such a fool he probably flew the rapist-murderers into the country

Joe Biden is responsible for that girl’s death

What DPIC Offers​

DPIC has collected statistics published by the FBI on the murder rates in each state for each year, each geographical region, and for the country as a whole. DPIC deepens the analysis by noting whether each state had the death penalty for the time period in question. Murder rates can easily be compared with other available data, such as the number of executions, death sentences, and the size of death row.


Data Sources:​

compartmentalizing stats can be used to portray any agenda

These people live by the politics and as far as I'm concerned they can die by the politics (figuratively). They love their messaging, now they have it. A 13 yo in NYC, now a 12 yo in Texas, a mother of five.

Own it, libs.

The young girl in GA too. If we don’t bring it up the dirty MSM will bury it and dishonest scum like gater1gater2 BlackMac&cheeseDic will parade around claiming it’s not happening. Not just violent rapes of little girls but the murder of them also. Like one-use Solo Cups for illegals.
I'll ask the question again, how many RAPED and MURDERED Americans are acceptable under the Biden/Dem 10 million new unvetted illegals policies?? Trump needs to purchase 10,000 machine guns and mow down any MF'er who tries to jump our border. Mexico needs to be bombed to rubble yesterday.
We EMPLOY those clowns in Washington to protect America, not architect an invasion of filth criminals who prey on our citizens. When we start tossing those traitor politicians in prison for the RAPES and MURDERS maybe they will get the F'ing message!
Let's be honest, if Biden has taught us one thing it's that we need to get a president in the White House will the balls to put a stop to this once and for all.
Lefties just excuses these away.

The propaganda is that criminal aliens commit less crimes than US citizens.

1) Illegally crossing the border is a crime, so 100% of them are criminals….by legal definition.

2) ANY crime by illegals is INCREMENTAL. If the border was closed, that girl would be alive. Lefties do not care…they want illegals to vote.

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