Illegals scared to come here now because President Trump is enforcing the law

We have a private high school that has long had a foreign exchange student program. Students from around the world live here in dorms while attending school. Enrollment for the fall is way down, not because the ban affects them, but because parents are leery and afraid to send their student to a country so inhospitabe, suddenly, to foreigners. Truth. I just talked to one of the Trustees.
You mean to countries deemed threats(have been for years) and illegal aliens?
Sounds like those parents are stupid and fall for the bullshit rhetoric.
It's their perception based on what they have heard. It is also not stupid to question sending your child half a planet away to a country that is suddenly banning Muslims, chasing around Hispanics like nobody's business, suffering increased threats and assaults on anyone not white, building walls to keep out the Mongol hordes, etc.
Countries have actually warned their citizens about traveling here. We are iffy these days. I can see why you don't want to see it. It's really pathetic that we have allowed ourselves to become such. And you would NOT allow your kids to do the same if you were in their shoes and heard what they have heard. It is NOT made up, either, TN. All of it is true.
----------------------------------------- good posts , i love it and hope that you are correct OldLady !!

Next, maybe this will inspire leaders in Mexico and others to take on the task of making their countries something better than a nightmarish hell hole from which their own people are desperate to escape.
I have a feeling if they could do that, they would have already, Mac. Mexico does have a terrible problem, but first rule for getting things to change is surviving. They're in a terrible mess with the cartels and the corruption that has metasticized to the highest levels of government and L.E.
------------------------------------------------- mexico has always been third world and corrupt and every mexican accepts ' mordida' as business as usual Old Lady .
Good. Next, maybe this will inspire leaders in Mexico and others to take on the task of making their countries something better than a nightmarish hell hole from which their own people are desperate to escape..
I have a feeling if they could do that, they would have already, Mac. Mexico does have a terrible problem, but first rule for getting things to change is surviving. They're in a terrible mess with the cartels and the corruption that has metasticized to the highest levels of government and L.E.
Agreed. That's why I often wonder if there is a way for America and Mexico and Central American countries to work together on this. It would be in our own interests to spend what we have to, to destroy cartels, rid governments of corruption, plant strong economic seeds and even invest down there.

BUT, they would have to LET US IN, in the FIRST place.
We have a private high school that has long had a foreign exchange student program. Students from around the world live here in dorms while attending school. Enrollment for the fall is way down, not because the ban affects them, but because parents are leery and afraid to send their student to a country so inhospitabe, suddenly, to foreigners. Truth. I just talked to one of the Trustees.
You mean to countries deemed threats(have been for years) and illegal aliens?
Sounds like those parents are stupid and fall for the bullshit rhetoric.
It's their perception based on what they have heard. It is also not stupid to question sending your child half a planet away to a country that is suddenly banning Muslims, chasing around Hispanics like nobody's business, suffering increased threats and assaults on anyone not white, building walls to keep out the Mongol hordes, etc.
Countries have actually warned their citizens about traveling here. We are iffy these days. I can see why you don't want to see it. It's really pathetic that we have allowed ourselves to become such. And you would NOT allow your kids to do the same if you were in their shoes and heard what they have heard. It is NOT made up, either, TN. All of it is true.
Oh dear gawd :rofl:
Obama did it too, but you see the leftist freakazoids talking about that do ya? Thats why i called it bullshit. Its disingenuous hackery.
Those countries are hating on us because trump is cutting back on their free shit and making them pay up. He isnt a globalist and they hate it. Guess how much i care what they think? Guess how much they care what we think about them?
They are illegals and those countries have been deemed a threat for YEARS. Trump has been in office for 6 months.
Straighten up!

Next, maybe this will inspire leaders in Mexico and others to take on the task of making their countries something better than a nightmarish hell hole from which their own people are desperate to escape.
I have a feeling if they could do that, they would have already, Mac. Mexico does have a terrible problem, but first rule for getting things to change is surviving. They're in a terrible mess with the cartels and the corruption that has metasticized to the highest levels of government and L.E.
Mexico needs a President Trump but more violent IMO. They need a leader that will take the fight directly to the drug dealers. Wipe them out and companies MIGHT want to invest in Mexico!
We have a private high school that has long had a foreign exchange student program. Students from around the world live here in dorms while attending school. Enrollment for the fall is way down, not because the ban affects them, but because parents are leery and afraid to send their student to a country so inhospitabe, suddenly, to foreigners. Truth. I just talked to one of the Trustees.

Best news I've heard all day. Let the enemy spies stay home.
Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.

I agree 100%. I believe in a wide open border------ have a group of snipers in the bushes that move from place to place every week. As any illegals come across just shoot the bastards dead right there on the spot. Think of all of the court costs we would save! Then leave them for coyote meat. Since the border snipers are always moving around from place to place, you never know where is safe to cross and where is not! Incentivized the program for those living on the border: for every 100 illegals you bag, get 10% off your federal taxes!
Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.

I agree 100%. I believe in a wide open border------ have a group of snipers in the bushes that move from place to place every week. As any illegals come across just shoot the bastards dead right there on the spot. Think of all of the court costs we would save! Then leave them for coyote meat. Since the border snipers are always moving around from place to place, you never know where is safe to cross and where is not! Incentivized the program for those living on the border: for every 100 illegals you bag, get 10% off your federal taxes!
----------------------------------------------- i like the idea of 'privateer' snipers on the border .
awesome news....... while Im not as hard line on immigration as the alt right and a lot of trump supporters, I think unchecked non stop immigratoin hasnt been a net positive for this country, economically or culturally and its good to see this issue being addressed in a meaningful way
Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.
Drug pushers will still bring drugs into the US you idiot.
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Should we correlate to income generated by tourism for our several States?

The travel and tourism industry is one of the largest industries in the United States, making a total contribution of 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars to GDP in 2015. The industry was forecasted to contribute more than 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars by 2027. Travel and tourism is a reliable and substantial source of employment for U.S. residents, directly providing around 5.5 million jobs annually.--

In the US, tourism is either the first, second, or third largest employer in 29 states,[which?] employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the US in 2005. As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2016, Orlando is the most visited destination in the United States.--

Or, should we simply not take the right wing seriously about economics.
If they are so poor they need to sneak into MY country then they sure in the hell don't have the money to go on vacation!
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy of the United States is the world's largest national economy in nominal terms and second largest according to purchasing power parity (PPP), representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of gross world product (GWP).[5] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $18.46 trillion in 2016.

Even with illegal immigration.
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?
I donbt recall the trump admin trying to end all immigration to the US, just place some scrutiny on some from certain places(which isnt exactly a new idea), and take steps against those who violate immigration laws.
Good. Next, maybe this will inspire leaders in Mexico and others to take on the task of making their countries something better than a nightmarish hell hole from which their own people are desperate to escape..
I have a feeling if they could do that, they would have already, Mac. Mexico does have a terrible problem, but first rule for getting things to change is surviving. They're in a terrible mess with the cartels and the corruption that has metasticized to the highest levels of government and L.E.
Agreed. That's why I often wonder if there is a way for America and Mexico and Central American countries to work together on this. It would be in our own interests to spend what we have to, to destroy cartels, rid governments of corruption, plant strong economic seeds and even invest down there.

BUT, they would have to LET US IN, in the FIRST place.
I think Mexico has let us in--isn't Trump fond of saying that Mexico is stealing our jobs? I've often wondered why we weren't doing more to help some of their Latin American neighbors; but in the current climate I'm pretty sure if anything involving foreign assistance, aid or intervention were mentioned, it would be immediately laughed out of town.
Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.

I agree 100%. I believe in a wide open border------ have a group of snipers in the bushes that move from place to place every week. As any illegals come across just shoot the bastards dead right there on the spot. Think of all of the court costs we would save! Then leave them for coyote meat. Since the border snipers are always moving around from place to place, you never know where is safe to cross and where is not! Incentivized the program for those living on the border: for every 100 illegals you bag, get 10% off your federal taxes!
----------------------------------------------- i like the idea of 'privateer' snipers on the border .

It is an oft-mistaken idea that just because immigration was good for the country at one time, that it always will be especially unchecked. Since the Mexicans refuse to control their own people, it is something of an act of war! Invasion! Mexico hasd shown time and again they are no friends of ours, just take Sergeant Tahmooressi. More than defend the border, maybe we ought to start moving into Mexico shooting them there! Make them damn afraid to go anywhere near the USA, perhaps even take a hundred miles. They didn't need it anyway.
Good. Next, maybe this will inspire leaders in Mexico and others to take on the task of making their countries something better than a nightmarish hell hole from which their own people are desperate to escape..
I have a feeling if they could do that, they would have already, Mac. Mexico does have a terrible problem, but first rule for getting things to change is surviving. They're in a terrible mess with the cartels and the corruption that has metasticized to the highest levels of government and L.E.
Agreed. That's why I often wonder if there is a way for America and Mexico and Central American countries to work together on this. It would be in our own interests to spend what we have to, to destroy cartels, rid governments of corruption, plant strong economic seeds and even invest down there.

BUT, they would have to LET US IN, in the FIRST place.
I think Mexico has let us in--isn't Trump fond of saying that Mexico is stealing our jobs? I've often wondered why we weren't doing more to help some of their Latin American neighbors; but in the current climate I'm pretty sure if anything involving foreign assistance, aid or intervention were mentioned, it would be immediately laughed out of town.
help, in the financial sense to Mexico, is wasted dollars. My older sister is a Mexican national, and I visit occsionally, and the cluture of corruption on ALL levels of mexican law enforcement and government makes Tammany hall and capone-era chicago look like mayberry
Good. Next, maybe this will inspire leaders in Mexico and others to take on the task of making their countries something better than a nightmarish hell hole from which their own people are desperate to escape..
I have a feeling if they could do that, they would have already, Mac. Mexico does have a terrible problem, but first rule for getting things to change is surviving. They're in a terrible mess with the cartels and the corruption that has metasticized to the highest levels of government and L.E.
Agreed. That's why I often wonder if there is a way for America and Mexico and Central American countries to work together on this. It would be in our own interests to spend what we have to, to destroy cartels, rid governments of corruption, plant strong economic seeds and even invest down there.

BUT, they would have to LET US IN, in the FIRST place.
I think Mexico has let us in--isn't Trump fond of saying that Mexico is stealing our jobs? I've often wondered why we weren't doing more to help some of their Latin American neighbors; but in the current climate I'm pretty sure if anything involving foreign assistance, aid or intervention were mentioned, it would be immediately laughed out of town.

Fiscally responsible thinkers understand that diplomacy is less expensive and more productive than Brinkmanship or military action.
Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.

I agree 100%. I believe in a wide open border------ have a group of snipers in the bushes that move from place to place every week. As any illegals come across just shoot the bastards dead right there on the spot. Think of all of the court costs we would save! Then leave them for coyote meat. Since the border snipers are always moving around from place to place, you never know where is safe to cross and where is not! Incentivized the program for those living on the border: for every 100 illegals you bag, get 10% off your federal taxes!
----------------------------------------------- i like the idea of 'privateer' snipers on the border .

It is an oft-mistaken idea that just because immigration was good for the country at one time, that it always will be especially unchecked. Since the Mexicans refuse to control their own people, it is something of an act of war! Invasion! Mexico hasd shown time and again they are no friends of ours, just take Sergeant Tahmooressi. More than defend the border, maybe we ought to start moving into Mexico shooting them there! Make them damn afraid to go anywhere near the USA, perhaps even take a hundred miles. They didn't need it anyway.
I disagree. Who the fuck wants Tijuana?
Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.
Drug pushers will still bring drugs into the US you idiot.
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Should we correlate to income generated by tourism for our several States?

The travel and tourism industry is one of the largest industries in the United States, making a total contribution of 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars to GDP in 2015. The industry was forecasted to contribute more than 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars by 2027. Travel and tourism is a reliable and substantial source of employment for U.S. residents, directly providing around 5.5 million jobs annually.--

In the US, tourism is either the first, second, or third largest employer in 29 states,[which?] employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the US in 2005. As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2016, Orlando is the most visited destination in the United States.--

Or, should we simply not take the right wing seriously about economics.
If they are so poor they need to sneak into MY country then they sure in the hell don't have the money to go on vacation!
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy of the United States is the world's largest national economy in nominal terms and second largest according to purchasing power parity (PPP), representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of gross world product (GWP).[5] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $18.46 trillion in 2016.

Even with illegal immigration.
So you will continue to WHINE even after the world doesn't fall apart AND illegals stop swarming my country.Figures.

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