Illegals scared to come here now because President Trump is enforcing the law

Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.

I agree 100%. I believe in a wide open border------ have a group of snipers in the bushes that move from place to place every week. As any illegals come across just shoot the bastards dead right there on the spot. Think of all of the court costs we would save! Then leave them for coyote meat. Since the border snipers are always moving around from place to place, you never know where is safe to cross and where is not! Incentivized the program for those living on the border: for every 100 illegals you bag, get 10% off your federal taxes!
----------------------------------------------- i like the idea of 'privateer' snipers on the border .

It is an oft-mistaken idea that just because immigration was good for the country at one time, that it always will be especially unchecked. Since the Mexicans refuse to control their own people, it is something of an act of war! Invasion! Mexico hasd shown time and again they are no friends of ours, just take Sergeant Tahmooressi. More than defend the border, maybe we ought to start moving into Mexico shooting them there! Make them damn afraid to go anywhere near the USA, perhaps even take a hundred miles. They didn't need it anyway.

Wow, you were born in the wrong century and in the wrong country.
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?

Yes! The Statue of Liberty represents symbolism for America being free, not illegals invading it freely. It represents freedom for it People, not being a free lunch for the taking by all to violate our laws invading it.

Are the people living at the border who constantly have invaders crossing their land, leaving trash, litter, destroying, stealing made MORE free by illegals? Are the taxpayers of this country made MORE FREE shouldering the burden of healthcare, schools, clothes, food and crime by all those piling in? What about THEIR freedom and rights?

Are those like Kate Steinle made more free who are murdered by criminal aliens? The purpose of the Statue of Liberty was to celebrate the freedoms of this land for its citizens and all the good we do, not as a symbol of a free ride and unlimited open door of abuse for others to take from us at the expense of the freedom of those citizens living here legally who have earned it! The reason why there is a legal process is to act as a check-valve and regulator so that we get no more people than we have room for, and the people we get vetted to be an asset to our land rather than a liability. With nearly 1:15 people in this country now possibly here illegally, we are on the verge of becoming he very thing most people immigrate here for to get away from!
Well scared is a bad boo boo feeling and those bad non Minority working people need to stop their racist scare tactics.
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?
----------------------------------- i'd like to see the entire things copper cladding turned into commerative medallions . Or just get rid of that wretched lefty poem on the pedastal WryCatcher
Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.

I agree 100%. I believe in a wide open border------ have a group of snipers in the bushes that move from place to place every week. As any illegals come across just shoot the bastards dead right there on the spot. Think of all of the court costs we would save! Then leave them for coyote meat. Since the border snipers are always moving around from place to place, you never know where is safe to cross and where is not! Incentivized the program for those living on the border: for every 100 illegals you bag, get 10% off your federal taxes!
----------------------------------------------- i like the idea of 'privateer' snipers on the border .

It is an oft-mistaken idea that just because immigration was good for the country at one time, that it always will be especially unchecked. Since the Mexicans refuse to control their own people, it is something of an act of war! Invasion! Mexico hasd shown time and again they are no friends of ours, just take Sergeant Tahmooressi. More than defend the border, maybe we ought to start moving into Mexico shooting them there! Make them damn afraid to go anywhere near the USA, perhaps even take a hundred miles. They didn't need it anyway.
I disagree. Who the fuck wants Tijuana?
------------------------------ see downtown LosAngeles or VanNUYS and a thousand other places in the USA to see 'tijuana' north OldLady .
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?

Yes! The Statue of Liberty represents symbolism for America being free, not illegals invading it freely. It represents freedom for it People, not being a free lunch for the taking by all to violate our laws invading it.

Are the people living at the border who constantly have invaders crossing their land, leaving trash, litter, destroying, stealing made MORE free by illegals? Are the taxpayers of this country made MORE FREE shouldering the burden of healthcare, schools, clothes, food and crime by all those piling in? What about THEIR freedom and rights?

Are those like Kate Steinle made more free who are murdered by criminal aliens? The purpose of the Statue of Liberty was to celebrate the freedoms of this land for its citizens and all the good we do, not as a symbol of a free ride and unlimited open door of abuse for others to take from us at the expense of the freedom of those citizens living here legally who have earned it! The reason why there is a legal process is to act as a check-valve and regulator so that we get no more people than we have room for, and the people we get vetted to be an asset to our land rather than a liability. With nearly 1:15 people in this country now possibly here illegally, we are on the verge of becoming he very thing most people immigrate here for to get away from!

Nice rant, full justification for your evil intent. I'm not biddable, and I don't buy it.

The reason most cross the border is to secure employment, and many send their earnings to family living in poverty south of our border.

What you ignore are the employers who exploit these workers, enable them to violate our laws, and profit by not paying benefits or payroll taxes. If you remove the honey, the bears won't intrude.

Of course you probably believe those who cross the border all sell drugs, rape and rob - Trump told you so, it must be true.
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?

The statue stands for LEGAL immigration...not a bunch of illegal jackasses sneaking across a border.
------------------------------ the lefty poem by 'emma lazurus' talks about immigration but that was added after the 'statue' was delivered and set up . Everyone has been brain washed as to meaning of the staue , imo .
Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.
Drug pushers will still bring drugs into the US you idiot.
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Should we correlate to income generated by tourism for our several States?

The travel and tourism industry is one of the largest industries in the United States, making a total contribution of 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars to GDP in 2015. The industry was forecasted to contribute more than 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars by 2027. Travel and tourism is a reliable and substantial source of employment for U.S. residents, directly providing around 5.5 million jobs annually.--

In the US, tourism is either the first, second, or third largest employer in 29 states,[which?] employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the US in 2005. As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2016, Orlando is the most visited destination in the United States.--

Or, should we simply not take the right wing seriously about economics.
If they are so poor they need to sneak into MY country then they sure in the hell don't have the money to go on vacation!
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy of the United States is the world's largest national economy in nominal terms and second largest according to purchasing power parity (PPP), representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of gross world product (GWP).[5] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $18.46 trillion in 2016.

Even with illegal immigration.
So you will continue to WHINE even after the world doesn't fall apart AND illegals stop swarming my country.Figures.
Only if the right wing wants to contract our economy.
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?

The statue stands for LEGAL immigration...not a bunch of illegal jackasses sneaking across a border.
------------------------------ the lefty poem by 'emma lazurus' talks about immigration but that was added after the 'statue' was delivered and set up . Everyone has been brain washed as to meaning of the staue , imo .

Herein are the words describing the reason for the Statue of Liberty, a lefty to be sure (using the Left-Right Dichotomy to illustrate the conflict between democracy and authoritarianism):

In 1865, Edouard de Laboulaye(a French political thinker, U.S. Constitution expert, and abolitionist) proposed that a monument be built as a gift from France to the United States in order to commemorate the perseverance of freedom and democracy in the United States and to honor the work of the late president Abraham Lincoln. Laboulaye hoped that by calling attention to the recent achievements of the United States, the French people would be inspired to create their own democracy in the face of a repressive monarchy. In 1865, France was divided between people who were still committed to the monarchy and people who supported the Enlightenment ideals (the belief that people had natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness). It was the hope of many French liberals that democracy would prevail and that freedom and justice for all would be attained.
The French Connection - Statue Of Liberty National Monument (U.S. National Park Service)
Guess we don't need thy dopey Wall then.
Drug pushers will still bring drugs into the US you idiot.
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Should we correlate to income generated by tourism for our several States?

The travel and tourism industry is one of the largest industries in the United States, making a total contribution of 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars to GDP in 2015. The industry was forecasted to contribute more than 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars by 2027. Travel and tourism is a reliable and substantial source of employment for U.S. residents, directly providing around 5.5 million jobs annually.--

In the US, tourism is either the first, second, or third largest employer in 29 states,[which?] employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the US in 2005. As of 2007, there are 2,462 registered National Historic Landmarks (NHL) recognized by the United States government. As of 2016, Orlando is the most visited destination in the United States.--

Or, should we simply not take the right wing seriously about economics.
If they are so poor they need to sneak into MY country then they sure in the hell don't have the money to go on vacation!
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

The economy of the United States is the world's largest national economy in nominal terms and second largest according to purchasing power parity (PPP), representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of gross world product (GWP).[5] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $18.46 trillion in 2016.

Even with illegal immigration.
So you will continue to WHINE even after the world doesn't fall apart AND illegals stop swarming my country.Figures.
Only if the right wing wants to contract our economy.
------------------------------------ feck the economy , some people are like whores that will do anything for money . USA is more important than money Daniel .
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

DHS released another 30,000 criminal aliens onto streets

You were saying????

im saying youre a partisan pos ...

In the Obama years, all of the increase in deportations has involved people picked up within 100 miles of the border, most of whom [had] just recently crossed over. In 2013, almost two-thirds of deportations were in that category.

LMAO!!! I am "partisan" but you aren't????? And spare me about the border bullshit story. ICE and border patrol agents were given "stand down" orders and helped put them on buses with a bus voucher to any place they wanted to go. Not everyone has a short memory.
We shouldnt be "inhospitable" to folks coming into the country illegally....
They have needs and wants that US citizens/taxpayers must fund !!!!

one thing that is rarely talked about when it comes to the illeghal immigration issue is that illegals are targeted for chrimes a lot because they dont report. I knew some cholo gangbangers in west dallas that would rob illegals on payday cuz a) they were paid in cash and b) they dont call 911 and are usually unarmed.
deportations were at record levels before he took office.
----------------------------------- mrobama was a weasel on Deportations . Plus he was a weasel on iran , rules of engagement in war fighting . mrobama was / is an unamerican weasel on everything Siete .

Are you really this dumb Pismoe? Or your racist behavior is blinding you of the realities and facts? Read the link for 2016. I am very surprised after how many years you've been a member here you are STILL an ignorant dumb old man.
These are the same people that are now working for Trump giving him the same numbers and facts for2017.

FY 2016 ICE Immigration Removals

IRAN----- What do you want and expect Obama should do about Iran?
deportations were at record levels before he took office.
----------------------------------- mrobama was a weasel on Deportations . Plus he was a weasel on iran , rules of engagement in war fighting . mrobama was / is a weasel on everything Siete .
border turnarounds count as deportations? Come on.. As you said, "weasel"

Trump is also using the same numbers weasel.
We have a private high school that has long had a foreign exchange student program. Students from around the world live here in dorms while attending school. Enrollment for the fall is way down, not because the ban affects them, but because parents are leery and afraid to send their student to a country so inhospitabe, suddenly, to foreigners. Truth. I just talked to one of the Trustees.

True. Tourism is also down costing $ billions.

Tourism in the US has drastically declined since Trump was elected

Trump slump: Drop in American tourism is costing US billions

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