Illegals scared to come here now because President Trump is enforcing the law

Enter the country illegally and go to jail....period...then we send you home....

The good news is Mexico has promised to take south American illegals back when we determine their claims are false...that's a huge change for the better...
----------------------------------------------- if you believe 'mexico' .
Good. Next, maybe this will inspire leaders in Mexico and others to take on the task of making their countries something better than a nightmarish hell hole from which their own people are desperate to escape..
I have a feeling if they could do that, they would have already, Mac. Mexico does have a terrible problem, but first rule for getting things to change is surviving. They're in a terrible mess with the cartels and the corruption that has metasticized to the highest levels of government and L.E.
Agreed. That's why I often wonder if there is a way for America and Mexico and Central American countries to work together on this. It would be in our own interests to spend what we have to, to destroy cartels, rid governments of corruption, plant strong economic seeds and even invest down there.

BUT, they would have to LET US IN, in the FIRST place.
Well, that general idea seems to be working in Mexico--we have sent many factories down there and "magically" the # of Mexicans trying to sneak here illegally has dropped. It would be great if some sort of concerted effort could happen between North America and Central America. Getting rid of drugs, though? I don't see that happening. The cartels can be put in their place instead of running the governments, but they will always have drugs down there as long as we provide demand up here.
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?
The Statue of Liberty should be dismantled, boxed up and either returned to France or put into long term storage. It has become the Michael Myers of American survival.

Much easier to just kick your ass out

Are you posting from Mexico right now?
I figured you’d be down there helping the wetbacks come fuck good Americans
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Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Good news for us. I'm sorry the Central Americans are having such a hard time.
Someone posted a Vid on here of several people handing out money to the Mob to make the trip. It is probable Soros money from one of his Foundations.

If I had my way I would hang urinals on the electric
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Good news for us. I'm sorry the Central Americans are having such a hard time.
Someone posted a Vid on here of several people handing out money to the Mob to make the trip. It is probable Soros money from one of his Foundations.
Are you talking about the current group walking here? Soros gives a lot of his wealth to organizations that try to help poor people. He's good that way.
and respectfully but checking out their asylum claims is BS , life if hard , life is tuff . I see the looks of these people , they are well fed , fat , clean and mobile As i always point out . Census pop of USA in 1970 was 210 million . And then In 2010 it was 310 million and thats not counting the 20 - 40 million illegals . ------------------------ just my opinion but Americans of all races are being Replaced by third worlders .
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?
The Statue of Liberty should be dismantled, boxed up and either returned to France or put into long term storage. It has become the Michael Myers of American survival.

Much easier to just kick your ass out

Are you posting from Mexico right now?
I figured you’d be down there helping the wetbacks to come fuck good Americans
-------------------------------------------------- yep, the 'fifth column' at work .
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Have not seen you around. You got it right, I just hope that he does not let the UN get involved or we are going to be screwed a long with our Laws and Borders. I posted a site: better take a hard look at it.
UN to Help With Migrant Caravans, Might “Resettle” Migrants Here
Been busy with college and kids school,putting a chicken house/pen together,trying to get Christmas on layaway and deal with car issues....very busy time of year for me lol.
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Good news for us. I'm sorry the Central Americans are having such a hard time.
Someone posted a Vid on here of several people handing out money to the Mob to make the trip. It is probable Soros money from one of his Foundations.
Are you talking about the current group walking here? Soros gives a lot of his wealth to organizations that try to help poor people. He's good that way.
Plenty of poor in Appalachia he doesn't give a penny to them....he gives to third world trash trying to turn Europe,America into the third world.
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Good. Next, maybe this will inspire leaders in Mexico and others to take on the task of making their countries something better than a nightmarish hell hole from which their own people are desperate to escape..
I have a feeling if they could do that, they would have already, Mac. Mexico does have a terrible problem, but first rule for getting things to change is surviving. They're in a terrible mess with the cartels and the corruption that has metasticized to the highest levels of government and L.E.
Agreed. That's why I often wonder if there is a way for America and Mexico and Central American countries to work together on this. It would be in our own interests to spend what we have to, to destroy cartels, rid governments of corruption, plant strong economic seeds and even invest down there.

BUT, they would have to LET US IN, in the FIRST place.

Then the liberals would scream about nation building.
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Good news for us. I'm sorry the Central Americans are having such a hard time.
Someone posted a Vid on here of several people handing out money to the Mob to make the trip. It is probable Soros money from one of his Foundations.
Are you talking about the current group walking here? Soros gives a lot of his wealth to organizations that try to help poor people. He's good that way.
Plenty of poor in Appalachia he doesn't give a penny to them....he gives to third world trash trying to turn Europe,America into the third world.
You sure he doesn't?
I wouldn't bet on it.
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
Good news for us. I'm sorry the Central Americans are having such a hard time.
Someone posted a Vid on here of several people handing out money to the Mob to make the trip. It is probable Soros money from one of his Foundations.
Are you talking about the current group walking here? Soros gives a lot of his wealth to organizations that try to help poor people. He's good that way.
Plenty of poor in Appalachia he doesn't give a penny to them....he gives to third world trash trying to turn Europe,America into the third world.
---------------------------------------------- my thought is that the goal is to DILUTE Americans power at the voting booth and in society . Wait untill these foreign third worlders get into Americas police forces in large numbers and have power of immediate life and death over Americans . And a third worlder already in the USA Is not going to vote for a TRUMP like figure that has said the correct and American Style things that the TRUMP has said .
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!

Yeah you're right Mexican migrant workers are afraid to come here because of Trump and it's now it's killing American farmers, beef, pork, chicken, dairy, fruits & veggies producers. Next will be your grocery bill that gets slaughtered.
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster

Airways trust that a Trump Tard cannot look beyond the tip of their nose, and never consideres the consequences of their actions.
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deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?
The Statue of Liberty should be dismantled, boxed up and either returned to France or put into long term storage. It has become the Michael Myers of American survival.

Much easier to just kick your ass out

Are you posting from Mexico right now?
I figured you’d be down there helping the wetbacks come fuck good Americans
---------------------------------------- [chuckle ] yeah but need more somalis to support in 'vermont' and other far north eastern states first .
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!

Yeah your right Mexican migrant workers are afraid to come here because of Trump and it's now it's killing American farmers, beef, pork, dairy, fruits & veggies producers. Next will be your grocery bill.
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
---------------------------------------------------------- good , feck those farmers and you too Oreo .

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