Illegals scared to come here now because President Trump is enforcing the law

Nice rant

Thank you! I knew a man of your fine perceptions would appreciate it.

The reason most cross the border is to secure employment, and many send their earnings to family living in poverty south of our border.

Then let their own country employ them! It's not my job to do so. That is what other countries are for. If their own country can't make work for them that is their problem and they ought to focus on changing that. Easy American jobs just make an excuse to ignore their own problems. American money stays in America. I'm tired of holding myself down to lift up others in another nation too lazy, stupid or corrupt to do it for themselves.

Of course you probably believe those who cross the border all sell drugs, rape and rob - Trump told you so, it must be true.

You had to go there to prove you too are an idiot.
We have a private high school that has long had a foreign exchange student program. Students from around the world live here in dorms while attending school. Enrollment for the fall is way down, not because the ban affects them, but because parents are leery and afraid to send their student to a country so inhospitabe, suddenly, to foreigners. Truth. I just talked to one of the Trustees.

Awesome...that’s great news. Thanks for sharing.
Apparently the word is spreading fast....NO MORE WETBACKS ALLOWED!
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?
The Statue of Liberty should be dismantled, boxed up and either returned to France or put into long term storage. It has become the Michael Myers of American survival.
the problem is both illegal and legal immigration .
----------------------------------------- yeah , a politician simply waving a 'wand' and saying that an imported third worlder is LEGAL means nothing . Many or most are only interested with their own and extended families well being . See the imported people on this board that have been legally imported but who are anti gun as one example . And many imported keep ties to foreign states as they remain 'DUAL Citizen' able to vote in USA and 'mexico' as an example . And then , many of these imported come from zhitholes where the Due Process of law is --- Guilty until Proven Innocent' . Legal or Illegal is just some Politician waving his 'wand' and declaring whether an imported person is Legal or Illegal .
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?
The Statue of Liberty should be dismantled, boxed up and either returned to France or put into long term storage. It has become the Michael Myers of American survival.

Much easier to just kick your ass out
Trump has Mexico trying to stop that huge caravan of Hondurans coming north. They used tear gas and blocked bridges to send them home. Its rough stuff, but its the only thing they understand. Don't come to the US without permission. If you try to break in you will be sorry.
deportations were at record levels before he took office.

If they too scared to come then we don't have to deport. Way to go Trump!!!!

Metaphorically, Donald the First turned off the light held by the Statue of Liberty. That makes you proud?

Lady Liberty was erected long before welfare was introduced in America...she was also strategically placed to greet the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS at Ellis, we never placed a similar statue in San Diego to greet the cockroaches.
Remember, our founders invited WHITE EUROPEANS, I never read shit about wetbacks getting an
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Trump has Mexico trying to stop that huge caravan of Hondurans coming north. They used tear gas and blocked bridges to send them home. Its rough stuff, but its the only thing they understand. Don't come to the US without permission. If you try to break in you will be sorry.
----------------------------------------------------- problem is that for the last 50 years the invasion has been getting Permission and that includes getting PERMISSION from TRUMP . Everyday and even today under TRUMP hundreds of illegals are getting electronic bracelets and court dates and diapers changed and then put on buses and handed travel bags full of BIMBO cakes and 'mexican' soda pop and Condoms with precision cut holes in the 'rubbers' tips . -------------------- its laughable KYZER . [chuckle]
Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

Damn its nice to have a President with a stiff spine and a willingness to ENFORCE THE LAW!
This thread didn’t age well. Border Patrol arrests record number of illegals crossing southern border
Unfortunately because of the reversal of the detaining families policy...its up 80% since then.
Trump's reversal. Trump doesn't have the cojones to continue his policies.
the problem is both illegal and legal immigration .
----------------------------------------- yeah , a politician simply waving a 'wand' and saying that an imported third worlder is LEGAL means nothing . Many or most are only interested with their own and extended families well being . See the imported people on this board that have been legally imported but who are anti gun as one example . And many imported keep ties to foreign states as they remain 'DUAL Citizen' able to vote in USA and 'mexico' as an example . And then , many of these imported come from zhitholes where the Due Process of law is --- Guilty until Proven Innocent' . Legal or Illegal is just some Politician waving his 'wand' and declaring whether an imported person is Legal or Illegal .

Wrong again.
Trump has Mexico trying to stop that huge caravan of Hondurans coming north. They used tear gas and blocked bridges to send them home. Its rough stuff, but its the only thing they understand. Don't come to the US without permission. If you try to break in you will be sorry.
----------------------------------------------------- problem is that for the last 50 years the invasion has been getting Permission and that includes getting PERMISSION from TRUMP . Everyday and even today under TRUMP hundreds of illegals are getting electronic bracelets and court dates and diapers changed and then put on buses and handed travel bags full of BIMBO cakes and 'mexican' soda pop and Condoms with precision cut holes in the 'rubbers' tips . -------------------- its laughable KYZER . [chuckle]

Agree "catch & release" is a stupid idea. However, ICE can catch and deport them at their leisure with their "sweeps". Trump wants the immigration laws changed to stop "catch & release", but even a GOP House and Senate couldn't pass that. Cheap labor is a powerful motivator.
Enter the country illegally and go to jail....period...then we send you home....

The good news is Mexico has promised to take south American illegals back when we determine their claims are false...that's a huge change for the better...

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