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Illinois governor strikes blow for taxapyers...q


When the rich run out of $$$ who feeds the poor? The larger piece of pie that goes to the government makes for smaller slices for everyone else, especially the poor.
The wealthy in this country are largely responsible for securing your and most of the world's liberty and defending it for most all of the rest.
When our free government takes on the objective which you want: the achievement of financial equality for all, rather than equality under and before the law, the government then poses a threat to LIBERTY.
You take your citizenship for granted.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... the wealthy are indispensible, and we can't do without them.

Except most of the world doesn't let them get away with the shit we do, and they get along just fine.

The Plutocratic Mantra- ignore the rest of the world. Please don't notice that single payer works better than private insurance.

Sorry, man, when I was in the service, the only "rich" person I saw was the idiot nephew of a prominant family who joined the army, and they had to make him an officer. The men laughed when he waddled out in front of formations.

"ignore the rest of the world" is THE UNION MANTRA.
You want workers here to make 65K a year for a job that the world economy can do for half that.

When the rich run out of $$$ who feeds the poor? The larger piece of pie that goes to the government makes for smaller slices for everyone else, especially the poor.
The wealthy in this country are largely responsible for securing your and most of the world's liberty and defending it for most all of the rest.
When our free government takes on the objective which you want: the achievement of financial equality for all, rather than equality under and before the law, the government then poses a threat to LIBERTY.
You take your citizenship for granted.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... the wealthy are indispensible, and we can't do without them.

Except most of the world doesn't let them get away with the shit we do, and they get along just fine.

The Plutocratic Mantra- ignore the rest of the world. Please don't notice that single payer works better than private insurance.

Sorry, man, when I was in the service, the only "rich" person I saw was the idiot nephew of a prominant family who joined the army, and they had to make him an officer. The men laughed when he waddled out in front of formations.

So they only make rich men officers in the military.
You are a bitter, angry pathetic human being Joe.
Like an old woman. Check down there and make sure you do not have hair on your pussy.
"ignore the rest of the world" is THE UNION MANTRA.
You want workers here to make 65K a year for a job that the world economy can do for half that.

If the whole world had the same standard of living, you might have a point.

Most jobs can't be outsourced, but we have a vested interest- strategically, in keeping our manufacturing here.

The rest of the world- again- gets this. They protect their manufacturing.

So they only make rich men officers in the military.
You are a bitter, angry pathetic human being Joe.
Like an old woman. Check down there and make sure you do not have hair on your pussy.

Hey, used to be, the rich felt an obligation to serve. But they had to be the officers.

The good news is, the Enlisted always had the option of FRAGGING! Which is why they stopped doing it, I suspect.

This guy was probably on the top of a lot of people's frag list. The men HATED him with a passion.
"ignore the rest of the world" is THE UNION MANTRA.
You want workers here to make 65K a year for a job that the world economy can do for half that.

If the whole world had the same standard of living, you might have a point.

Most jobs can't be outsourced, but we have a vested interest- strategically, in keeping our manufacturing here.

The rest of the world- again- gets this. They protect their manufacturing.

You mean they SUBSIDIZE and NATIONALIZE their manufacturing.
The good socialists they are.
News flash: the low skilled 5th grade education manufacturing jobs are GONE FOR GOOD and good riddance. And the high tech skilled jobs are coming back, Apple plant for one and more to come. Why? Take a wild guess.

So they only make rich men officers in the military.
You are a bitter, angry pathetic human being Joe.
Like an old woman. Check down there and make sure you do not have hair on your pussy.

Hey, used to be, the rich felt an obligation to serve. But they had to be the officers.

The good news is, the Enlisted always had the option of FRAGGING! Which is why they stopped doing it, I suspect.

This guy was probably on the top of a lot of people's frag list. The men HATED him with a passion.

Not in America Joe.
You are speaking of old England.
Officers even to this day are from the educated ranks first and then they have to make the grade. But not in all instances as non commissioned officers is a good thing and rich tradition there from the founding of this great nation.
My father was a commissioned officer in WWII in the Marines and we do not come from rich stock. My grandfather, his father, was a bank teller. Dad had a football scholarship to college starting in 1939. Left for the Pacific May 1943 after OCS Quantico, Va.
Long tradition of officers in my family and none ever came from the wealthy.
But your fairy tales are most interesting.
If one is too lazy to educate themselves that is their fault. Nothing about the rich.
Typical union BS. Blame the rich.

When the rich run out of $$$ who feeds the poor? The larger piece of pie that goes to the government makes for smaller slices for everyone else, especially the poor.
The wealthy in this country are largely responsible for securing your and most of the world's liberty and defending it for most all of the rest.
When our free government takes on the objective which you want: the achievement of financial equality for all, rather than equality under and before the law, the government then poses a threat to LIBERTY.
You take your citizenship for granted.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... the wealthy are indispensible, and we can't do without them.

Except most of the world doesn't let them get away with the shit we do, and they get along just fine.

The Plutocratic Mantra- ignore the rest of the world. Please don't notice that single payer works better than private insurance.

Sorry, man, when I was in the service, the only "rich" person I saw was the idiot nephew of a prominant family who joined the army, and they had to make him an officer. The men laughed when he waddled out in front of formations.
You know better than that. If the guy was not a college grad, he had to be recommended for OCS. And only then after passing rigorous exams could he have become an officer.
Then he STILL had to go through boot camp. Just like everyone else.
How come you insist on making up shit?
Other than that, the person you make light of held a 4 year degree.
The branches of the military do not "just make" certain people officers. Those ranks must be EARNED.
Stop trying to impress yourself.
We are taxed enough. IN fact, we are over taxed. When all of the taxes we pay are complied most middle income and higher earners have a minimum 50% total tax burden. All the money that goes to state and the federal governments and they still demand more.
What the fuck are these people doing with our money. Any self respecting American should be aggressively asking this question. Yet, you lefties voted for more of the same old wasteful shit.
Of course, this has nothing to do with revenue. It's about punishment.
It is about growing the size of government.
73% of all new jobs created in the last 4 years have been federal employment. That's right. Obama is busily growing federal employment which adds NOTHING to the economy. It only removes more wealth from the private sector economy. The economy will collapse under the weight of this bulbous federal government.
Oh, I have a question...If the Obama economy is doing so well and Obama himself is creating these millions of new jobs, then why is there a need for an extension of unemployment benefits?

If you want to throw around horseshit statistics... 93% of the wealth created in this recovery went to the top 1%.

That's why they need to pay more.

Non sequitur.
There is no "need" to pay more. JFK proved that when he lowered the top marginal rate.
You lemmings have been bamboozled by a pandering Obama that life is "supposed to be fair".. And even in the face of rising revenues due to lower taxes, Obama insists for example a 15% cap gains tax "just isn't fair".
Even though the lower rate resulted in more revenue to the US Treasury, Obama just does not care.
This proves the liberal agenda of taxation. And that agenda is taxation is a tool of punishment. It is there is satisify the moneylust of jealous, class envy people who would be satisfied knowing that even though they get nothing out of higher taxes, the rich got screwed.
And THIS is what this tax thing is all about.
In an earlier post you decried and challenged my post regarding "demonization of wealth and achievement"...This is another example of just that.
Your own comments filled with seething hatred and vitriol toward wealth proves this.
You believe in your heart of hearts, that simply because someone has more than you, they somehow stole what was rightfully yours.
That is the best definition of greed.

They already do pay more.

How much is enough for you greedy sheep?

Tax the rich, feed the poor, until there are no rich no more...

Again, you guys did this to yourselves. When you had unions, you had a vibrant middle class, and the middle class would have gone to the wall for you against expansion of government.

Then you (and not you personally, since I doubt you really are any more successful than I am) decided that, shit. The rich don't have enough dressage ponies. We need to bust those unions. We need to fire people when they get sick. We need to move those factory jobs to China. We need to m ove that CS job to India so you can talk to someone who doesn't speak English when you have a technical problem.

And when that former middle class turns to the government for relief, you guys whine "Waaah, you sheep are trying to mess with my freedom!"

You did this to yourself. I'd have never voted for a character like Obama 10 years ago. Or four years ago, for that matter. I did this time.

Hey dick head. the rich are already taxed and the poor are certainly living off those taxes.
The US government spends $167 per day per household on public assistance. That is $30 more per day the average daily household income for people who WORK.
Over $60,000 in Welfare Spent Per Household in Poverty | The Weekly Standard

And why is it you begrudge a Janitor 50K, but you think it's just fine and dandy that the CEO of GM who ran the company into the ground got $12,000,000.00. You could have hired 240 Janitors for that, and it would have helped the economy a lot more.

Because $50k per year for a no skill minimum wage job is highly inappropriate.

According to whom? Frankly, I think 12,000,000 for being a CEO is highly inappropriate, especially when your company loses SO much money, they need to go to the government for a handout.
Umm..the fact is he is only getting HIS money back.
The people that you hate so much are the people who take the risks so that people like you have a place to work.
Did you really think that cubicle to which you report each day just magically appeared overnight?
Somebody paid for that and the building. And the parking lot and the property.
So in your twisted little world, if there were no rich people, you'd be gleefully flitting about around the rose garden of happiness. Meanwhile, in the back of your mind you are angry and hate filled because while your crusade to eliminate the rich, you forgot one thing. There is no one to around to create a job for you. Now you have to fend for yourself. You look to government. Your beloved lefty politician looks at your and shrugs with palms skyward and says, "hey, you wanted my help is beating up the rich. Now I have no one to turn to so that you can get you what you want. You've "cleaned out the refrigerator and there's no one around to make you more food. Sorry. You are on your own."
Oh....A company does NOT NEED 240 janitors. It needs but a few. There are bazillions of people who can push a broom and clean the restrooms. That takes no skill. Therefore the demand is low and the cost for low skilled labor IS low.
However, there are just a select few who can program a computer, engineer and design the products and even fewer who have the capital to take the risk of investing THEIR money to put this operation all together.
The people with the education training experience and skills get paid the most. Because they are harder to find and there are far fewer people who possess these skills. Simple tasks which require little or no skill are compensated at lower rates because there are many times more of the unskilled.
This goes further to prove the fact that labor is a commodity.
It is just unimaginable to me that anyone would support such wages for a a job that a kid in school could do.
But, there is the union mentality in a nut shell. No connection with reality at all.
And please, don;t give me any shit about supporting a family. Janitors and other low skill people on the low end of the pay scale, should be thinking about getting an education or going to trade school so they can get out of the low wage range. Not pumping out kids so they can scream "I HAVE KIDS..PAY ME MORE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"ignore the rest of the world" is THE UNION MANTRA.
You want workers here to make 65K a year for a job that the world economy can do for half that.

If the whole world had the same standard of living, you might have a point.

Most jobs can't be outsourced, but we have a vested interest- strategically, in keeping our manufacturing here.

The rest of the world- again- gets this. They protect their manufacturing.

No..They COMPETE for it. A concept abhorrent to you people.
You believe industry should be "protected"....No!
The US got into the manufacturing mess it is in by using protective measures. This allowed US manufacturing to lag far behind the rest of the developed world.
While other countries were building state of the art plants using robotics and other highly engineered processes, here in the US we were still kowtowing to unions, operating old smokestack plants that required far too much physical labor to run. In the end, the cost to manufacture here became non-competitive.
Trade wars and protectionism are a waste of time. Nobody wins.
Yes, heaven forbid someone else's livlihoods effect you...

I think you kind of illustrate the disease of the REpublican Party today.

"I've got mine, Fuck You!"

That's exactly the sentiment of most public employees that are in unions. "I got mine, so fuck you..Don't like it, see my union rep."
Oh and you're God Damned right. When the overpaid employee who just happens to work for ME and my fellow taxpayers( hence the term "PUBLIC employee"), is costing ME and my fellow taxpayers more than we think is just, you bet your ass we have a legitimate complaint.
And going on strike and disrupting the lives of those who have nothing to do with the problems of those workers IS inappropriate and will not be tolerated.
They have no right to make their problem, our problem.

I guess I have a difference of opinion of who I think is "overpaid".

I have no problem that a cop or a fireman or a teacher makes more money than I do. Their jobs are more stressful and demanding than mine are, and they perform an important public service.

I have a bigger problem with CEO who get 7 and 8 figures, and they usually end up running their companies into the ground, like your hero, the guys who ran HOstess and wonder why after getting their 7 figure salaries, the guys who were working the ovens didn't want to take a 20% pay cut.

lol, JoeB doesn't know the difference between the 'private' sector and the 'public' sector. Why am I not surprised... at all?

Hey JoeB, if, in order to have a job, you were forced to donate money to the republican party, would you do it?
You mean they SUBSIDIZE and NATIONALIZE their manufacturing.
The good socialists they are.
News flash: the low skilled 5th grade education manufacturing jobs are GONE FOR GOOD and good riddance. And the high tech skilled jobs are coming back, Apple plant for one and more to come. Why? Take a wild guess.

You keep telling yourself what the plutocrats are doing to this country is a good thing.

The Romanovs thought everything was fine, too... until they stormed the Winter Palace.
That's exactly the sentiment of most public employees that are in unions. "I got mine, so fuck you..Don't like it, see my union rep."
Oh and you're God Damned right. When the overpaid employee who just happens to work for ME and my fellow taxpayers( hence the term "PUBLIC employee"), is costing ME and my fellow taxpayers more than we think is just, you bet your ass we have a legitimate complaint.
And going on strike and disrupting the lives of those who have nothing to do with the problems of those workers IS inappropriate and will not be tolerated.
They have no right to make their problem, our problem.

I guess I have a difference of opinion of who I think is "overpaid".

I have no problem that a cop or a fireman or a teacher makes more money than I do. Their jobs are more stressful and demanding than mine are, and they perform an important public service.

I have a bigger problem with CEO who get 7 and 8 figures, and they usually end up running their companies into the ground, like your hero, the guys who ran HOstess and wonder why after getting their 7 figure salaries, the guys who were working the ovens didn't want to take a 20% pay cut.

lol, JoeB doesn't know the difference between the 'private' sector and the 'public' sector. Why am I not surprised... at all?

Hey JoeB, if, in order to have a job, you were forced to donate money to the republican party, would you do it?

Oh, look everyone, it's a new sock puppet!

I know the difference, guy. It still the same thing. A fair living wage for a working man if fine. An obscene wage for a fat CEO who is just in charge of the cookie jar isn't.

Progressive tax scheme. Public workers should be well paid, and if the private sector wants to keep up, they should pay well, too.

Because we aren't going to get back to prosperity by doing a race to the bottom on wages.
"ignore the rest of the world" is THE UNION MANTRA.
You want workers here to make 65K a year for a job that the world economy can do for half that.

If the whole world had the same standard of living, you might have a point.

Most jobs can't be outsourced, but we have a vested interest- strategically, in keeping our manufacturing here.

The rest of the world- again- gets this. They protect their manufacturing.

No..They COMPETE for it. A concept abhorrent to you people.
You believe industry should be "protected"....No!
The US got into the manufacturing mess it is in by using protective measures. This allowed US manufacturing to lag far behind the rest of the developed world.
While other countries were building state of the art plants using robotics and other highly engineered processes, here in the US we were still kowtowing to unions, operating old smokestack plants that required far too much physical labor to run. In the end, the cost to manufacture here became non-competitive.
Trade wars and protectionism are a waste of time. Nobody wins.

First, I know you are a retard, but unions in Germany and Japan are actually far stronger than they are here.

They even have a say in who the CEO is. Nor do you see them paying their CEO's 7 and 8 figures.

And, yeah, they use protectionism, too. You've obviously never tried to get product into one of these countries, or you'd know this.
Not in America Joe.
You are speaking of old England.
Officers even to this day...
If one is too lazy to educate themselves that is their fault. Nothing about the rich.
Typical union BS. Blame the rich.

No, I was talking about this country, back in the per- WWII days when the only qualification to be a "Colonel", was to be rich enough to raise your own regiment.

And frankly, having served, never really was terribly impressed with a lot of the mutants they pinned bars on. Especially the ROTC ones. OCS officers usually knew what they were doing, but that was because they had spent some time as enlisted before getting commissions.

But like I said, we had this guy in a NG unit I served in, who was a member of a prominant Chicago family that owns hotels. Guy was a joke. The men laughed at him. And frankly, he acted like his shit didn't stink. They eventually moved him up to staff because he sucked as a CO.
You know better than that. If the guy was not a college grad, he had to be recommended for OCS. And only then after passing rigorous exams could he have become an officer.
Then he STILL had to go through boot camp. Just like everyone else.
How come you insist on making up shit?
Other than that, the person you make light of held a 4 year degree.
The branches of the military do not "just make" certain people officers. Those ranks must be EARNED.

Nidal Hussan, you know, the whackjob who shot up Ft. Hood, was a major.

Please don't tell me that he was chosen "rigorously". Oh, but you guys will blame PC or some sh it like that.

And, no, officers don't go through "boot camp". The ROTC ones go through an ROTC advanced camp that frankly was a joke compared to Boot Camp.

Yeah, this person held a four year degree. He was also fat, dumpy looking and had a weaselly voice. But his family was rich (not that they would ever let him near actually having a say in the business), so this is what they had him do.

Non sequitur.
There is no "need" to pay more. JFK proved that when he lowered the top marginal rate.
You lemmings have been bamboozled by a pandering Obama that life is "supposed to be fair".. And even in the face of rising revenues due to lower taxes, Obama insists for example a 15% cap gains tax "just isn't fair".
Even though the lower rate resulted in more revenue to the US Treasury, Obama just does not care.

Supply side is a lie. It never works that way. If it did, we'd be swimming in surpluses right now. We've had 12 years of the lowest taxes on the wealthy since the 1920, and we went from 400 billion dollar surpluses under Clinton to 1 trillion dollar deficits under Bush.

This proves the liberal agenda of taxation. And that agenda is taxation is a tool of punishment. It is there is satisify the moneylust of jealous, class envy people who would be satisfied knowing that even though they get nothing out of higher taxes, the rich got screwed.
And THIS is what this tax thing is all about.
In an earlier post you decried and challenged my post regarding "demonization of wealth and achievement"...This is another example of just that.
Your own comments filled with seething hatred and vitriol toward wealth proves this.
You believe in your heart of hearts, that simply because someone has more than you, they somehow stole what was rightfully yours.
That is the best definition of greed

My posts are full of vitriol because I've been paying attention during the last 5 years. The rich had it all, but it wasn't enough. They had to wreck the economy. And if that wasn't enough, once they had working people down on the mat, they had to turn the screws a little tighter.

Well, guess what, they lost the election... now it's our turn to turn the screws.

And as a result, we may end up keeping our promises to our elderly and such. Oh, snap, wouldn't that be horrible?
You mean they SUBSIDIZE and NATIONALIZE their manufacturing.
The good socialists they are.
News flash: the low skilled 5th grade education manufacturing jobs are GONE FOR GOOD and good riddance. And the high tech skilled jobs are coming back, Apple plant for one and more to come. Why? Take a wild guess.

You keep telling yourself what the plutocrats are doing to this country is a good thing.

The Romanovs thought everything was fine, too... until they stormed the Winter Palace.

The Romanovs have been dead for how many years, 90?
"They" did storm the Winter Palace as they were great role models for Mao, Pol Pot and may other of your commie friends that slaughtered tens of millions.
That is the way you union goons do business and we fully understand your point Joe.
BTW, how has that been working for you lately?
The Romanovs have been dead for how many years, 90?
"They" did storm the Winter Palace as they were great role models for Mao, Pol Pot and may other of your commie friends that slaughtered tens of millions.
That is the way you union goons do business and we fully understand your point Joe.
BTW, how has that been working for you lately?

Pretty darned well, actually. We totally bitch-slapped down the plutocrats in November. I'd say it's working fine. And now the rich dicks are going to have to start paying their fair share. So I'd say that's pretty awesome.

We might yet save you people from yourselves.

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