Illinois governor strikes blow for taxapyers...q


So only people who are supervisors are douche bags now. You so realize that there are a lot of supervisors out there who don't own their own business don't you?

Guy, quit talking in circles...

You can lick the man's boots all day, I work with a lot of people like you.

And they usually end up getting fired before I do.

So only people who are supervisors are douche bags now. You so realize that there are a lot of supervisors out there who don't own their own business don't you?

Guy, quit talking in circles...

You can lick the man's boots all day, I work with a lot of people like you.

And they usually end up getting fired before I do.

I don't lick anyone's boots nor does anyone lick mine.

And I am just reiterating your own circular "logic".

Let's recap your list of douche bags.

Anyone who owns a business
Anyone who supervises others
Anyone who makes more money than you.

You see what you are failing to see here is that you are exactly where you want to be.

You whine about being mistreated by all the douche bags out there yet you do nothing about it. You keep going back for more.

Why if you are so unhappy do you continue to work for douche bags?
Because, they in the end, they are all douchebags.

That's why we need unions, and strong worker protection laws.

Give someone a little power, and their inner douchebag comes out.

Now, seriously, I know that you need to lick the man's boots, but at the end of the day, you're still the hired help.
Because, they in the end, they are all douchebags.

That's why we need unions, and strong worker protection laws.

Give someone a little power, and their inner douchebag comes out.

Now, seriously, I know that you need to lick the man's boots, but at the end of the day, you're still the hired help.

If everyone is a douche bag then you are a douche bag too.

And just who is this man you are talking about all the time? And how can I be the hired help when I own my own business?
And I'm sure you have a lambourgini and a 12 inch penis. Everyone can be AWESOME on the internets...

Go away... you bore me, son!
And I'm sure you have a lambourgini and a 12 inch penis. Everyone can be AWESOME on the internets...

Go away... you bore me, son!
Joe's just bitter because he can't hold a job and lives in a shithole. I guess you can't really blame him.
And I'm sure you have a lambourgini and a 12 inch penis. Everyone can be AWESOME on the internets...

Go away... you bore me, son!
Joe's just bitter because he can't hold a job and lives in a shithole. I guess you can't really blame him.

I've held the current job for 4 years, and the one previous to that for six (before they fired me for running up too many medical bills...

And frankly, even a modest condo in Chicago is better than living in a ex-communist shithole like Prague...
Because, they in the end, they are all douchebags.

That's why we need unions, and strong worker protection laws.

Give someone a little power, and their inner douchebag comes out.

Now, seriously, I know that you need to lick the man's boots, but at the end of the day, you're still the hired help.

You need a pacifier.
Because, they in the end, they are all douchebags.

That's why we need unions, and strong worker protection laws.

Give someone a little power, and their inner douchebag comes out.

Now, seriously, I know that you need to lick the man's boots, but at the end of the day, you're still the hired help.

You need a pacifier.

No, what you guys need to do is stop hating on the working man.

At least in public.

It's why you keep losing elections.
And I'm sure you have a lambourgini and a 12 inch penis. Everyone can be AWESOME on the internets...

Go away... you bore me, son!
Joe's just bitter because he can't hold a job and lives in a shithole. I guess you can't really blame him.

I've held the current job for 4 years, and the one previous to that for six (before they fired me for running up too many medical bills...

And frankly, even a modest condo in Chicago is better than living in a ex-communist shithole like Prague...
Wow, four whole years, eh?

I understand that you are probably disappointed that Prague is no longer a workers' paradise, but it wasn't a shithole even then. Chicago, on the other hand has been a crime-infested and corrupt shithole almost since its founding.
[Wow, four whole years, eh?

I understand that you are probably disappointed that Prague is no longer a workers' paradise, but it wasn't a shithole even then. Chicago, on the other hand has been a crime-infested and corrupt shithole almost since its founding.

Why do you guys pretend that Communism and Plutocracy are the only choices on the menu? And if you don't like Plutocracy (Mostly because you see what a wreck it's made of your country) then you must be a dirty stinking communist.

Frankly, I would like to go back to what we had in this country in the 1950's, what they had to bribe working folks with so they didn't start thinking Communism might be a good idea.

I put it on page one, but the short of it is that a third of the workforce was unionized, which raised wages for everyone else. The wealthy paid a fair share of their taxes, businesses were pretty strictly regulated as to what they could and couldn't do. Yes, the rich could still make money, but they didn't do so at the expense of their workers.

And this worked pretty well for America all the way up until the 1970's.

Then Ronald Reagan came along, and well, he decided that the bitter pill of Goldwater Plutocracy could be easily swallowed by working folks if you wrap it up in the bacon of religous bullshit. Those damned hippies are smoking dope and having abortions and making fun of your religion, dammit!

And the working class has been in decline every since. It got a little better in the 1990's when Clinton was in charge, but otherwise on a downward trajectory.

Romney tried to sell Plutocracy without Religion, (because his religion was extra-whacky) and we saw how that worked out.
And I'm sure you have a lambourgini and a 12 inch penis. Everyone can be AWESOME on the internets...

Go away... you bore me, son!
Joe's just bitter because he can't hold a job and lives in a shithole. I guess you can't really blame him.

I've held the current job for 4 years, and the one previous to that for six (before they fired me for running up too many medical bills...

And frankly, even a modest condo in Chicago is better than living in a ex-communist shithole like Prague...

Obviously the psychological therapy didn't work...I guess they figured they'd cut their loses
Because, they in the end, they are all douchebags.

That's why we need unions, and strong worker protection laws.

Give someone a little power, and their inner douchebag comes out.

Now, seriously, I know that you need to lick the man's boots, but at the end of the day, you're still the hired help.

You need a pacifier.

No, what you guys need to do is stop hating on the working man.

At least in public.

It's why you keep losing elections.

I am a working man Moe.
Saturday I worked on a case where a drug addict dentist fucked up a woman's teeth. She is poor and has no one other than the attorney and me working for her.
I tracked down 2 other employees there that worked there over 3 years ago and will testify under oath at a deposition that the dentist was high all the time.
And I had to drive about 150 miles Saturday to locate, interview and subpoena these witnesses.
And yet you claim I do not work.
Because you are an arrogant prick.

Obviously the psychological therapy didn't work...I guess they figured they'd cut their loses

Nope. What they figured was that 20 year olds would work for less and have less medical problems.

I am a working man Moe.
Saturday I worked on a case where a drug addict dentist fucked up a woman's teeth. She is poor and has no one other than the attorney and me working for her.
I tracked down 2 other employees there that worked there over 3 years ago and will testify under oath at a deposition that the dentist was high all the time.
And I had to drive about 150 miles Saturday to locate, interview and subpoena these witnesses.
And yet you claim I do not work.
Because you are an arrogant prick.

Keep trying, guy. Some day you might even convince me you are a decent human being with these little anecdotes.

I don't give a fuck what you do when you aren't here.

When you are here, you advocate Plutocracy and the privilages of the wealthy to screw the rest of us.
I am one that is an optimist.
Joe is not a religious kook, is not swayed by the pro life loonies and support equal rights for everyone.
The glass is HALF FULL with Joe.

I am a working man Moe.
Saturday I worked on a case where a drug addict dentist fucked up a woman's teeth. She is poor and has no one other than the attorney and me working for her.
I tracked down 2 other employees there that worked there over 3 years ago and will testify under oath at a deposition that the dentist was high all the time.
And I had to drive about 150 miles Saturday to locate, interview and subpoena these witnesses.
And yet you claim I do not work.
Because you are an arrogant prick.

Keep trying, guy. Some day you might even convince me you are a decent human being with these little anecdotes.

I don't give a fuck what you do when you aren't here.

When you are here, you advocate Plutocracy and the privilages of the wealthy to screw the rest of us.

Great dodge Joe. Saw many like you in my day, we called them water bugs they were so quick.
I have never advocated anyone "getting screwed".
Counting 1008 times now you have stated "plutocracy"
And counting.
The good communist that you are forces you to.
Admit that I work harder than you everyday, all day and all the time and maybe, just maybe I will give you a break.
I am your worst night mare Joe. I state how big a fraud you are on this issue that YOU and only people that work for someone else "work".
Admit it, be a man, step up to the plate, get it off your chest.
It will make you feel better for you to get rid of the bitterness, envy and jealousy that is so obvious in your posts.

Obviously the psychological therapy didn't work...I guess they figured they'd cut their loses

Nope. What they figured was that 20 year olds would work for less and have less medical problems.
Psychotherapy is medical. I think that's what you had misunderstood.

No, I understood that, but it was stupid.

What I'm angry about, I have every right to be angry about.

I worked weekends for this company. I developed processes they are STILL using today. I handled an account that made 20 million a year for this branch.

And at the end of the day, I had a medical issue that required multiple expensive surgeries followed by physical therapy, and they pretty much couldn't get rid of me fast enough after that. Myself, and several other employees who had similar issues.

My Douchebag boss "Well, that's why I'm glad I don't have a union telling me what to do."

That's why we need unions. Guys like that end up becoming managers.

The ironic thing was, this guy still thinks I'm his buddy. He actually tried to sell to me at my current job.

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