Illinois Losing 1 Resident Every 4.3 Minutes

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Illinois lost one resident every 4.3 minutes in 2017, a direct result of decades of far left economic policy and mismanagement. People are voting with their feet as Rome burns. Illinois is on the verge of becoming America's first state with a junk credit rating. Taxes and spending are zooming through the roof and they are facing an astounding quarter-trillion dollar bill owed to the state's public employees pension fund.

Illinois drops from the fifth-largest state to No. 6

Let the excuses commence.
I am guessing the people leaving Illinois are from Chicago. Does anyone know if that is true?
this reminds me of when democrats found out that they all had a free 10,000.00 EBT line,,and off to wal mart !!!!
West Virgina and Wyoming were also big population losers .

How’s that fit your theory of blaming democrats?
This appears to be another ploy for increased infrastructure spending.

The roads in Illinois are atrocious if all they can get out of that shit hole
state is 4.3 per minute.

Hell the Thruway in New York State is able to handle New Yorkers fleeing
a tax oppressed state faster than folks are fleeing Syria.

Illinois needs to get its act together. Or they need to kill each other quicker.

Maybe that's the answer. Turn Chicago into a giant amusement park. Erect
elevated walkways around the South Side paned with Bullet-proof glass.
Charge tourists 50 bucks a head to walk the pathway enjoying the killings.
Certainly they could sell relics of the area...t-shirts...magnets...shot glasses.
They can witness black on black shootings or Hispanic on Hispanic or Muzzie
on Muzzie shootings. Farther down, they can be pitted against each other
The Jabonis vs The Beaners and what not. Tourists will be able to pay a dollar and register to vote for whom they predict, will win the shoot out.
The first correct guess earns them 3 full minutes to loot the 7/11 at the end
of the pathway, w/o fear of Police intervention.

It could work
West Virgina and Wyoming were also big population losers .

How’s that fit your theory of blaming democrats?
Well,let's see here Big Ears tried to kill coal and drilling for oil.
Now, perhaps the coal miners will return to W. Virginia, and the oil drillers will return to Wyoming.
this reminds me of when democrats found out that they all had a free 10,000.00 EBT line,,and off to wal mart !!!!

you misspelled "titty bar"
i didnt know they had tittie bars at wal-mart :banana::boobies:

when Katrina hit; there were numerous reports of the EBT cards being used at "Gentlemen's Clubs" in NOLA

a google search hardly even shows it; with all the NEW stories...

ebt card at titty bar - Google Search
This is one reason Marxists love central control and try to do everything through Washington DC. They dont like it when people have an option to flee their regimes.

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