Illiterate Rachel Jeantel says she wants to be a lawyer!!!

I'm not demonizing her. She's not a demon, just an average selfish girl. It opens the door to a discussion of the importance of literacy.

First off, I don’t think she’s illiterate. As I understand it she couldn’t read a letter written in cursive. That’s not a great thing, but it doesn’t mean she’s illiterate.

She wasn't traumatized at her best friend getting killed. She bragged about getting her "court nails" done.
Oh she wasn’t? Didn’t realize that you know her that well. The “court nails” comment was many, many months after Trayvon’s death.

If it was my "best" friend or your "best" friend wouldn't you want to get on the stand and make sure the person that killed them answered for the crime?
Katz, I can’t speak for her or anyone else. Testifying wasn’t easy. Have you ever been on the stand testifying in defense of a dead best friend in front of a slew of news cameras, lights, and ultimately tens of milllions of viewers? MILLIONS.

You can’t acknowledge that this sort of thing might present a LOT of pressure for a teenage girl?

I certainly could not respect a person this self centered but she's not in the class of demon.

Demonizing doesn’t mean you think she’s “a demon” in the literal sense. It’s simply a bashing of someone’s character and reputation. I’m just baffled why so many people care about this teenage girl. I want to tell everyone to just go get a f’ing life, you know?
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I'm not demonizing her. She's not a demon, just an average selfish girl. It opens the door to a discussion of the importance of literacy.

First off, I don’t think she’s illiterate. As I understand it she couldn’t read a letter written in cursive. That’s not a great thing, but it doesn’t mean she’s illiterate.

She wasn't traumatized at her best friend getting killed. She bragged about getting her "court nails" done.
Oh she wasn’t? Didn’t realize that you know her that well. The “court nails” comment was many, many months after Trayvon’s death.

If it was my "best" friend or your "best" friend wouldn't you want to get on the stand and make sure the person that killed them answered for the crime?
Katz, I can’t speak for her or anyone else. Testifying wasn’t easy. Have you ever been on the stand testifying in defense of a dead best friend in front of a slew of news cameras, lights, and ultimately tens of milllions of viewers? MILLIONS.

You can’t acknowledge that this sort of thing might present a LOT of pressure for a teenage girl?

I certainly could not respect a person this self centered but she's not in the class of demon.

Demonizing doesn’t mean you think she’s “a demon” in the literal sense. It’s simply a bashing of someone’s character and reputation. I’m just baffled why so many people care about this teenage girl. I want to tell everyone to just go get a f’ing life, you know?

First off, I don’t think she’s illiterate. As I understand it she couldn’t read a letter written in cursive. That’s not a great thing, but it doesn’t mean she’s illiterate.

She couldn't read a letter she claimed she wrote herself.

She had a chance to make a difference for her friend if she believed that Zimmerman killed him. But did she? Oh HELL no. She was hostile, disrespectful, and lied. She has no regard for the legal system in this country, so her wanting to set about to benefit from it is just bizarre.
I'll lay 1000 to 1 odds right now with anyone on this board that this pie faced, creepy ass cracker hatin' negroid could NEVER, FINISH, the EIGHT YEARS it takes to become an attorney. I doubt she'll even LOOK INTO IT. Takes too much time and effort.

My freakin' GOD PEOPLE... all these WELL WISHES... pfft... GET REAL.
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I'll lay 1000 to 1 odds right now with anyone on this board that this pie faced, creepy ass cracker hatin' negroid could NEVER, FINISH, the EIGHT YEARS it takes to become on attorney. I doubt she'll even LOOK INTO IT. Takes too much time and effort.

My freakin' GOD PEOPLE... all these WELL WISHES... pfft... GET REAL.

Like 99% of blacks, she thinks she's entitled to a good life at the expense of white people. And she might get it. All colleges and state bars use affirmative action grading to "level the playing field". Lots of illiterate black lawyers in america.
George Zimmerman has given Rachel Jeantel a life. Just another of many Black people this kind & generous man has helped. She should thank him.

The British Prince just named his baby & future King of England after George Zimmerman.

Rachel will name her first baby after a word she hears in the delivery room.

It will be forever known as "Placenta" :eek:

No, it will be another PheeMolly (Phonetically spelled). A mother named her daughter that, and when another asked how she came up with that name, she said she didn't. The hospital did. "Female."
Neither racism nor adolescence appear to be dead on USMB! In both cases, that is a fucking shame! Shame on all you that contribute to either!
The fact that she's selfish has a profound impact on her stupidity. It means she cannot or will not extend herself. She is 19 years old and still in school, that alone should tell you something. She cannot or will not apply herself to anything. She can't be bothered unless there is an immediate personal gratification. People like this, and there are many, do not make a connection between what they do now and the future effect. They will reject something that doesn't have a payoff for ten years. Better to eat that cake today.

To a degree, this is the same way Papa Doc obama feels, why did he have to go through a campaign, why did he have to do anything, the presidency should just have been given to him the way he got the Nobel prize.

I'm no Trayvon defender (I don't get involved with that), but why are you so hellbent on demonizing Jeantel? What's the motive?

Apparently the gal has gone through a heap of medical issues in the past few years, and that along with her best friend being killed she ended up falling behind on grades and is now... 19 and still in high school.

Perhaps is she stupid for having to go through the medical issues, or dumb because she was traumatized by her best friend getting killed moments after speaking with him on the phone?

Interested to hear your viewpoint Katz...


Trayvon shouldn't need to be defended. He was the victim.
Good for her. i wish her well in her endevours.

Aaaahh... fantastic Avatar... your POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is IMPECCABLE... PC on brother... :clap2:

Nothing PC about it. I actually do wish her well. She has alot of work ahead of her. And Im not confident she will do it. But I hope she can change her life.
Seriously Avatar, the girl was probably OVERHEARD mentioning that to someone. It ain't NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.

Wish someone well then they DESERVE it. Her thinking she wants to be a lawyer is a JOKE.

Just put away the PC and admit reality.
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Trayvon shouldn't need to be defended. He was the victim.

We was a victim of the incident, yes, however he did choose to pummel George Zimmerman. That was not a good choice, and is one of the reasons why he's sadly not here today.

Wife abuse was quite common here in the 60s. The day my husband and I married, I told him if he ever hit me he had better finish the job on the first blow, because when I picked myself up I would kill him in his sleep. Guess what! He never hit me. I guess he just wasn't willing to test the theory. You don't have to be 5 times stronger to slice someone's carotid artery in two while they are asleep.

No, no, that's illegal. People who are threatening to kill each other don't love each other. I assume you divorced. You are totally not allowed to kill someone in their sleep, no matter what. You have to leave.

Of course you can and should prefer charges against him if he hit you; then you can stay home and keep the house. And also, if he comes around puffing smoke and brimstone, you can and should shoot him in self defense.

However, you do make an interesting point, IMO --- what about staying with a man who hates you or dislikes you or hits you? Sleeping with the enemy --- why bother? If someone doesn't like you, kick him out. Men are too much trouble to keep a dangerous one around; I have the same attitude toward horses and rams, frankly. They show aggression, they can be someone else's problem. Nobody needs males like that, get rid of them. You just aren't allowed to kill them in their sleep, that's the only thing.
No, it will be another PheeMolly (Phonetically spelled). A mother named her daughter that, and when another asked how she came up with that name, she said she didn't. The hospital did. "Female."

I knew a little black boy on the South Side of Chicago just before it went bad and all the whites fled; he was named Boo-boo. When I asked why, he said his mother said that was because he was one.
Neither racism nor adolescence appear to be dead on USMB! In both cases, that is a fucking shame! Shame on all you that contribute to either!

Absolutely right. I too an disgusted at all these liberals who support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. Rachel does not deserve special treatment just because she is black. If she doesn't have the brains to handle law school, then tuff.
Neither racism nor adolescence appear to be dead on USMB! In both cases, that is a fucking shame! Shame on all you that contribute to either!

Absolutely right. I too an disgusted at all these liberals who support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people. Rachel does not deserve special treatment just because she is black. If she doesn't have the brains to handle law school, then tuff.

I was thinking it was an individual who offered to pay for college and for all the tutors she will have to have. I just don't recall who it was. This is America. You can throw your money away if you want.
Illiterate doesn't mean stupid. There is no reason in the world Ms. Jeantel cannot apply herself and become whatever she wants to be.

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