Illiterate Rachel Jeantel says she wants to be a lawyer!!!

George Zimmerman has given Rachel Jeantel a life. Just another of many Black people this kind & generous man has helped. She should thank him.
The fact that she's selfish has a profound impact on her stupidity. It means she cannot or will not extend herself. She is 19 years old and still in school, that alone should tell you something. She cannot or will not apply herself to anything. She can't be bothered unless there is an immediate personal gratification. People like this, and there are many, do not make a connection between what they do now and the future effect. They will reject something that doesn't have a payoff for ten years. Better to eat that cake today.

To a degree, this is the same way Papa Doc obama feels, why did he have to go through a campaign, why did he have to do anything, the presidency should just have been given to him the way he got the Nobel prize.

I'm no Trayvon defender (I don't get involved with that), but why are you so hellbent on demonizing Jeantel? What's the motive?

Apparently the gal has gone through a heap of medical issues in the past few years, and that along with her best friend being killed she ended up falling behind on grades and is now... 19 and still in high school.

Perhaps is she stupid for having to go through the medical issues, or dumb because she was traumatized by her best friend getting killed moments after speaking with him on the phone?

Interested to hear your viewpoint Katz...


I'm not demonizing her. She's not a demon, just an average selfish girl. It opens the door to a discussion of the importance of literacy. Examine what you said. She wasn't traumatized at her best friend getting killed. She bragged about getting her "court nails" done. She didn't fall behind because Martin was killed, she fell behind years ago. If it was my "best" friend or your "best" friend wouldn't you want to get on the stand and make sure the person that killed them answered for the crime? Obviously to Jeantel having to testify was a personal imposition. Like going to the funeral was a personal imposition. Like not writing a letter to Trayvon's mother or going to see her until she HAD to were personal impositions. It was the attorney for the Martin family that had Jeantel taken to the Martin's with the police being there, that was enough to drag Jeantel away from the never ending lunch to talk to the poor woman.

I certainly could not respect a person this self centered but she's not in the class of demon.
Yes, just leave her alone.

I disagree. Don't leave her alone. Encourage her. It's amazing what trying to lift people up instead of tearing them down can do.

I mean the media, the public. She should be left alone to live her life in privacy,not have it constantly picked apart, analyzed and dissected in public by people who have nothing to do with her.

Of course, but she wanted publicity enough to drag her three necks to Piers Morgan.
I disagree. Don't leave her alone. Encourage her. It's amazing what trying to lift people up instead of tearing them down can do.

I mean the media, the public. She should be left alone to live her life in privacy,not have it constantly picked apart, analyzed and dissected in public by people who have nothing to do with her.

Of course, but she wanted publicity enough to drag her three necks to Piers Morgan.

You have no idea whatsoever how ironic your comments are.
Yes, just leave her alone.

I disagree. Don't leave her alone. Encourage her. It's amazing what trying to lift people up instead of tearing them down can do.

I mean the media, the public. She should be left alone to live her life in privacy,not have it constantly picked apart, analyzed and dissected in public by people who have nothing to do with her.

Sorry, she was exposed the moment the State called her to the witness stand. Her life, her personal life in particular will never be the same ever again. Now that she has such attention, she should make the best of it. Use it to her advantage, to further the areas lacking in her life, namely her attitude and illiteracy. She was just given a scholarship, she should jump at the chance to make something of herself.

I actually applaud the fact that she is 19 and still in school. I deal with tons of people in similiar circumstances as her who dropped out long ago and are dealing with the consequences of that. The fact that she is still in says something about her because it's much easier to drop out. It also refutes the claims of some that she is just passing because of affirmative action.

HAHAHA. You loony libs are too much. So now it's a good thing to be 19 and illiterate and still in HS??? Well- maybe you're right. Most black women her age have 5 kids and are already on the welfare treadmill and living off white people.
I mean the media, the public. She should be left alone to live her life in privacy,not have it constantly picked apart, analyzed and dissected in public by people who have nothing to do with her.

Of course, but she wanted publicity enough to drag her three necks to Piers Morgan.

You have no idea whatsoever how ironic your comments are.

By irony, do you mean the irony that you aren't debating Katz, but calling him/her stupid instead? Chantel willfully chose the exposure to the nation, if she didn't want to be seen or heard from she would have rejected her appearance on Piers Morgan's show.

It's that simple.
Sorry, she was exposed the moment the State called her to the witness stand. Her life, her personal life in particular will never be the same ever again. Now that she has such attention, she should make the best of it. Use it to her advantage, to further the areas lacking in her life, namely her attitude and illiteracy. She was just given a scholarship, she should jump at the chance to make something of herself.

She won't do anything. Like most blacks, she expects the govt to just give her everything. EARNING a living is a foreign concept to here.
Of course, but she wanted publicity enough to drag her three necks to Piers Morgan.

You have no idea whatsoever how ironic your comments are.

By irony, do you mean the irony that you aren't debating Katz, but calling him/her stupid instead? Chantel willfully chose the exposure to the nation, if she didn't want to be seen or heard from she would have rejected her appearance on Piers Morgan's show.

It's that simple.

She couldn't resist the wig.
Of course, but she wanted publicity enough to drag her three necks to Piers Morgan.

You have no idea whatsoever how ironic your comments are.

By irony, do you mean the irony that you aren't debating Katz, but calling him/her stupid instead? Chantel willfully chose the exposure to the nation, if she didn't want to be seen or heard from she would have rejected her appearance on Piers Morgan's show.

It's that simple.

I'm not calling her stupid. Don't put words in my mouth, metaphorically that is.
George Zimmerman has given Rachel Jeantel a life. Just another of many Black people this kind & generous man has helped. She should thank him.

The British Prince just named his baby & future King of England after George Zimmerman.
Yes, just leave her alone.

I disagree. Don't leave her alone. Encourage her. It's amazing what trying to lift people up instead of tearing them down can do.

I mean the media, the public. She should be left alone to live her life in privacy,not have it constantly picked apart, analyzed and dissected in public by people who have nothing to do with her.

do you think Zimmerman should be left alone too?
George Zimmerman has given Rachel Jeantel a life. Just another of many Black people this kind & generous man has helped. She should thank him.

The British Prince just named his baby & future King of England after George Zimmerman.

Rachel will name her first baby after a word she hears in the delivery room.

It will be forever known as "Placenta" :eek:
George Zimmerman has given Rachel Jeantel a life. Just another of many Black people this kind & generous man has helped. She should thank him.

The British Prince just named his baby & future King of England after George Zimmerman.

Rachel will name her first baby after a word she hears in the delivery room.

It will be forever known as "Placenta" :eek:

Placenta is a much better name than Tallulah Does The Hula In Hawaii.
Rachel Jeantel should give up her intention of becoming a lawyer and become a Victoria's Secret model. She has a better chance.

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