Illiterate Rachel Jeantel says she wants to be a lawyer!!!

I don't know many illiterate lawyers.

Do you?

I don't know any illiterates that can read and write.

Do you?

No because illiterates can't read and write genius. :cuckoo:

There are degrees to illiteracy. There are complete illiterates who can't read or write, then there are functional illiterates who can read and write a little bit. They can read a menu, but not a newspaper. They can block print a few words but can't write a letter. Rachel Jeantel falls into the category of functional illiterate. She can text her friends, but could not write (or print) a letter to Trayvon's mother.
She SAYS she speaks three languages. We don't know any more than that. Nor her level of fluency.

True she didn't want to be at that trial. That's a question isn't it. Why not? Trayvon was her "friend". If she didn't want to be there, she wasn't at all interested in getting justice for her "friend". She didn't even want to go to her "friend's" funeral. At best, she is a selfish little twit, who would gladly have no trial at all if it meant she wouldn't be inconvenienced.

The fact that she is selfish doesn't mean she is stupid

I applaud and encourage her if she wants to educate herself. Now let's see if she actually does.
Rachel Jeantel could not be a paralegal or a lawyer. She cannot read or write. If she can read a little bit, she cannot read at the level necessary for the study of law.

People can learn to read better. It happens all the time. If it didn't education would be useless.
Rachel Jeantel could not be a paralegal or a lawyer. She cannot read or write. If she can read a little bit, she cannot read at the level necessary for the study of law.

Watching her testify was like watching the movie Idiocracy! If she can become something, go 4 it. But her attitude has already hurt her.

I agree that she is going to be her biggest obstacle. But anyone can do better than they are.
She SAYS she speaks three languages. We don't know any more than that. Nor her level of fluency.

True she didn't want to be at that trial. That's a question isn't it. Why not? Trayvon was her "friend". If she didn't want to be there, she wasn't at all interested in getting justice for her "friend". She didn't even want to go to her "friend's" funeral. At best, she is a selfish little twit, who would gladly have no trial at all if it meant she wouldn't be inconvenienced.

The fact that she is selfish doesn't mean she is stupid

I applaud and encourage her if she wants to educate herself. Now let's see if she actually does.

The fact that she's selfish has a profound impact on her stupidity. It means she cannot or will not extend herself. She is 19 years old and still in school, that alone should tell you something. She cannot or will not apply herself to anything. She can't be bothered unless there is an immediate personal gratification. People like this, and there are many, do not make a connection between what they do now and the future effect. They will reject something that doesn't have a payoff for ten years. Better to eat that cake today.

To a degree, this is the same way Papa Doc obama feels, why did he have to go through a campaign, why did he have to do anything, the presidency should just have been given to him the way he got the Nobel prize.
A white person with her skill set would have no chance but she's black and thanks to affirmative action can get into plenty of colleges where affirmative action grading will ensure she passes every course just by showing up. Likewise with the bar exam.

Is there a point to this post besides showing that you don't like blacks?

The fact that she's selfish has a profound impact on her stupidity. It means she cannot or will not extend herself. She is 19 years old and still in school, that alone should tell you something. She cannot or will not apply herself to anything. She can't be bothered unless there is an immediate personal gratification. People like this, and there are many, do not make a connection between what they do now and the future effect. They will reject something that doesn't have a payoff for ten years. Better to eat that cake today.

To a degree, this is the same way Papa Doc obama feels, why did he have to go through a campaign, why did he have to do anything, the presidency should just have been given to him the way he got the Nobel prize.

I'm no Trayvon defender (I don't get involved with that), but why are you so hellbent on demonizing Jeantel? What's the motive?

Apparently the gal has gone through a heap of medical issues in the past few years, and that along with her best friend being killed she ended up falling behind on grades and is now... 19 and still in high school.

Perhaps is she stupid for having to go through the medical issues, or dumb because she was traumatized by her best friend getting killed moments after speaking with him on the phone?

Interested to hear your viewpoint Katz...

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BTW, it IS possible to speak more than one language and not be able to read or write them. Children entering school in 1st grade being one example. When I was in Egypt we were in the National Museum in Cairo and a woman in a wheelchair asked the Egyptian guide to read something she couldn't quite see in one of the cases. His reply, I don't read English, I just speak it.

Wife abuse was quite common here in the 60s. The day my husband and I married, I told him if he ever hit me he had better finish the job on the first blow, because when I picked myself up I would kill him in his sleep. Guess what! He never hit me. I guess he just wasn't willing to test the theory. You don't have to be 5 times stronger to slice someone's carotid artery in two while they are asleep.

HAHAHA. No one believes a word of that. You are obviously a gutless female who lets her man beat her every day. So naturally you scream just the opposite.

My husband has been dead for 27 years. So, he doesn't beat me, nor did he ever.

Limitations are meant to be overcome. That's the beauty of being human.

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. Did your third grade teacher tell you that and you still believe it? HAHA

Why wouldn't I believe it? Human beings overcome limitations on them everyday.

If I were you, I would desperately hope that was true. Because if it isn't it means you are stuck the way you are now. Which is pretty sad.
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She SAYS she speaks three languages. We don't know any more than that. Nor her level of fluency.

True she didn't want to be at that trial. That's a question isn't it. Why not? Trayvon was her "friend". If she didn't want to be there, she wasn't at all interested in getting justice for her "friend". She didn't even want to go to her "friend's" funeral. At best, she is a selfish little twit, who would gladly have no trial at all if it meant she wouldn't be inconvenienced.

The fact that she is selfish doesn't mean she is stupid

I applaud and encourage her if she wants to educate herself. Now let's see if she actually does.

The fact that she's selfish has a profound impact on her stupidity. It means she cannot or will not extend herself. She is 19 years old and still in school, that alone should tell you something. She cannot or will not apply herself to anything. She can't be bothered unless there is an immediate personal gratification. People like this, and there are many, do not make a connection between what they do now and the future effect. They will reject something that doesn't have a payoff for ten years. Better to eat that cake today.

To a degree, this is the same way Papa Doc obama feels, why did he have to go through a campaign, why did he have to do anything, the presidency should just have been given to him the way he got the Nobel prize.

I actually applaud the fact that she is 19 and still in school. I deal with tons of people in similiar circumstances as her who dropped out long ago and are dealing with the consequences of that. The fact that she is still in says something about her because it's much easier to drop out. It also refutes the claims of some that she is just passing because of affirmative action.
In this great country of ours any child can grow up to be anything they want to be.....

In this case


I don't know whether to agree with you or despise you.

It's never unfair to underestimate the power of human desire, but a the same time this poor child isn't exactly the brightest candle I've ever seen.

Either way, it's a retarded topic. Just leave her alone.

Yes, just leave her alone.
The fact that she's selfish has a profound impact on her stupidity. It means she cannot or will not extend herself. She is 19 years old and still in school, that alone should tell you something. She cannot or will not apply herself to anything. She can't be bothered unless there is an immediate personal gratification. People like this, and there are many, do not make a connection between what they do now and the future effect. They will reject something that doesn't have a payoff for ten years. Better to eat that cake today.

To a degree, this is the same way Papa Doc obama feels, why did he have to go through a campaign, why did he have to do anything, the presidency should just have been given to him the way he got the Nobel prize.

I'm no Trayvon defender (I don't get involved with that), but why are you so hellbent on demonizing Jeantel? What's the motive?

Apparently the gal has gone through a heap of medical issues in the past few years, and that along with her best friend being killed she ended up falling behind on grades and is now... 19 and still in high school.

Perhaps is she stupid for having to go through the medical issues, or dumb because she was traumatized by her best friend getting killed moments after speaking with him on the phone?

Interested to hear your viewpoint Katz...

Jeantel was lying her ass off trying to get an innocent man convicted of murder. I don't see your point in justifying that because she's had medical problems.

Wife abuse was quite common here in the 60s. The day my husband and I married, I told him if he ever hit me he had better finish the job on the first blow, because when I picked myself up I would kill him in his sleep. Guess what! He never hit me. I guess he just wasn't willing to test the theory. You don't have to be 5 times stronger to slice someone's carotid artery in two while they are asleep.

HAHAHA. No one believes a word of that. You are obviously a gutless female who lets her man beat her every day. So naturally you scream just the opposite.

My husband has been dead for 27 years. So, he doesn't beat me, nor did he ever.

You realize he is just going to think you are lying again, right?
In this great country of ours any child can grow up to be anything they want to be.....

In this case


I don't know whether to agree with you or despise you.

It's never unfair to underestimate the power of human desire, but a the same time this poor child isn't exactly the brightest candle I've ever seen.

Either way, it's a retarded topic. Just leave her alone.

Yes, just leave her alone.

I disagree. Don't leave her alone. Encourage her. It's amazing what trying to lift people up instead of tearing them down can do.
The fact that she's selfish has a profound impact on her stupidity. It means she cannot or will not extend herself. She is 19 years old and still in school, that alone should tell you something. She cannot or will not apply herself to anything. She can't be bothered unless there is an immediate personal gratification. People like this, and there are many, do not make a connection between what they do now and the future effect. They will reject something that doesn't have a payoff for ten years. Better to eat that cake today.

To a degree, this is the same way Papa Doc obama feels, why did he have to go through a campaign, why did he have to do anything, the presidency should just have been given to him the way he got the Nobel prize.

I'm no Trayvon defender (I don't get involved with that), but why are you so hellbent on demonizing Jeantel? What's the motive?

Apparently the gal has gone through a heap of medical issues in the past few years, and that along with her best friend being killed she ended up falling behind on grades and is now... 19 and still in high school.

Perhaps is she stupid for having to go through the medical issues, or dumb because she was traumatized by her best friend getting killed moments after speaking with him on the phone?

Interested to hear your viewpoint Katz...

Jeantel was lying her ass off trying to get an innocent man convicted of murder. I don't see your point in justifying that because she's had medical problems.

Sounds like she would make a great attorney then
HAHAHA. No one believes a word of that. You are obviously a gutless female who lets her man beat her every day. So naturally you scream just the opposite.

My husband has been dead for 27 years. So, he doesn't beat me, nor did he ever.

You realize he is just going to think you are lying again, right?

I don't care what he thinks or doesn't think. His opinion is of no consequence to my life.
I don't know whether to agree with you or despise you.

It's never unfair to underestimate the power of human desire, but a the same time this poor child isn't exactly the brightest candle I've ever seen.

Either way, it's a retarded topic. Just leave her alone.

Yes, just leave her alone.

I disagree. Don't leave her alone. Encourage her. It's amazing what trying to lift people up instead of tearing them down can do.

I mean the media, the public. She should be left alone to live her life in privacy,not have it constantly picked apart, analyzed and dissected in public by people who have nothing to do with her.

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