Illiterate Rachel Jeantel says she wants to be a lawyer!!!

It's interesting that you judge this person as illiterate because she can't read cursive, doesn't talk like you and is probably a different color.

You'd have fit right into a Germany..circa 1933.

Uh-huh. Illiterate and can't talk normally are considered disadvantages in normal society. That wasn't a problem with Jews in 1933 Germany, but I suppose you haven't read anything about that, you are just throwing Hitler around like a rock you picked up off the ground.

If you don't think being illiterate and talking ebonics is a disadvantage in America, I suppose that means you are black. Noted.

Do you know what "illiterate" means? you know the meaning of the word?
You guys are a fun bunch.

Just don't show up to my lawn with sheets and a burning cross please.

They tried that with my uncle. And he sent them to the hospital..

You have a lawn? Well, if so, that's a good sign.

And you can read and write, plainly.

So maybe you can do better than Tray-von and his little cutie-pie. So good.
Do you know what "illiterate" means? you know the meaning of the word?

Can't read or write.

You are claiming this girl "just" can't read cursive, but the news said she was illiterate, so I don't believe you.

She was obviously very low IQ. She couldn't talk plain, either: didn't have standard English. How could she read or write if she couldn't even talk the language? I expect the news reporters knew what they were talking about.
Jeantel's intellect is more appropriate for a member of the House of Representatives from a Democrat controlled district. Perhaps she can replace Maxine Waters someday.
Rachel Jeantel's law career will be ended the first time someone hands her a stack of books four feet high and says "these are your first year text books". She will find out how harmful her inability to write is when she fills out her first job application.
Rachel Jeantel's law career will be ended the first time someone hands her a stack of books four feet high and says "these are your first year text books". She will find out how harmful her inability to write is when she fills out her first job application.

I would love to be a fly on the wall if she were to take the Bar exam. Or better yet, her LSAT's! Are misspellings on a college application grounds for rejection? Do you think the college will allow her to be late for class for failure to walk across campus without getting winded? How many high school classes do you think she will need to retake in college after bombing the college placement exam? Too bad the opportunity cost incurred by putting Jantel through school to get a JD could have put three other people through the same program.
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Do you know what "illiterate" means? you know the meaning of the word?

Can't read or write.

You are claiming this girl "just" can't read cursive, but the news said she was illiterate, so I don't believe you.

She was obviously very low IQ. She couldn't talk plain, either: didn't have standard English. How could she read or write if she couldn't even talk the language? I expect the news reporters knew what they were talking about.

What news?

She reads and writes in three languages. She's able to type and read text messages.

Wanna link that "news".

And what makes it "obvious" her IQ is low. The fact she doesn't want to sit in a trial? She said herself she didn't want to be there. Who can blame her? The justice system treats her like a second rate person.

As do you.
Rachel Jeantel's law career will be ended the first time someone hands her a stack of books four feet high and says "these are your first year text books". She will find out how harmful her inability to write is when she fills out her first job application.

Do you think Obama did all of his reading assignments?
She SAYS she speaks three languages. We don't know any more than that. Nor her level of fluency.

True she didn't want to be at that trial. That's a question isn't it. Why not? Trayvon was her "friend". If she didn't want to be there, she wasn't at all interested in getting justice for her "friend". She didn't even want to go to her "friend's" funeral. At best, she is a selfish little twit, who would gladly have no trial at all if it meant she wouldn't be inconvenienced.
Rachel Jeantel's law career will be ended the first time someone hands her a stack of books four feet high and says "these are your first year text books". She will find out how harmful her inability to write is when she fills out her first job application.

Do you think Obama did all of his reading assignments?

No, he obviously never read the U.S. Constitution.
Rachel Jeantel's law career will be ended the first time someone hands her a stack of books four feet high and says "these are your first year text books". She will find out how harmful her inability to write is when she fills out her first job application.

Do you think Obama did all of his reading assignments?

No, but he's not nearly as illiterate as Rachel Jeantel.
Let's be realistic. She could not be a lawyer, paralegal or receptionist. If she could read, she could sort mail in a larger firm and that is as close as she is going to get to a lawyer.

You're wrong. There are thousands of illiterate black lawyers in america. They get thru college and "pass" the bar exam thru affirmative action grading. Then some corporation hires them so they can say they are hiring blacks and avoid "discrimination" law suits. Such is very common in america.
[ The truth is, no matter how much she is pushed through school with social promotion she won't pass the bar if she can't read and understand the questions and can't draft a coherent answer.

The bar uses affirmative action grading too. They won't admit it, but they do. Every profession holds blacks to a lower standard.
I was reading a thoughtful article some time ago that said this kind of completely unrealistic expectation is common among blacks. They are taught all that "self-esteem" stuff in school so they think they can do anything they want without any qualifications whatsoever. No one ever tells them they actually have to accomplish anything or have certain baseline abilities. Well, and these types like these two are of course very low IQ and so they can't really think capably about what they can expect from life --- they aren't able to realize that being a pilot or a lawyer is way out of their reach.

Same thing with women. Schools and TV tell girls they are equal to men. Then they get married and find out the hub is 5 times stronger than them and can force them to do what he wants.

It's interesting that you judge this person as illiterate because she can't read cursive, doesn't talk like you and is probably a different color.

You'd have fit right into a Germany..circa 1933.

HAHAHA. You damn fool. She can't read anything. That talk about not being able to read cursive is BS and everyone knows it but you. She can't read at all, you moron!!!
Rachel Jeantel's law career will be ended the first time someone hands her a stack of books four feet high and says "these are your first year text books". She will find out how harmful her inability to write is when she fills out her first job application.

None of that matters in america today. We are the land of affirmative action and she knows that some legal firm will hire her just so they can prove to the govt that they hire blacks. She will get a nothing job and $300,000 a year.
Rachel Jeantel's law career will be ended the first time someone hands her a stack of books four feet high and says "these are your first year text books". She will find out how harmful her inability to write is when she fills out her first job application.

None of that matters in america today. We are the land of affirmative action and she knows that some legal firm will hire her just so they can prove to the govt that they hire blacks. She will get a nothing job and $300,000 a year.

It worked for Big Moo obama.
I have come to feel sorry for many affirmative action hires. I know quite a few black lawyers that would really be good lawyers if they were given a chance. They aren't. They are hired as affirmative action tokens, tucked into a corner, and ignored.
They can give her free grades all they like but her ability to perform as a lawyer will be much less than qualified and as such she won't find work. She'll end up flipping burgers somewhere.

Though with the apparent lack of jobs in the U.S. right now flipping burgers may actually become a respectable job again...

You know this, how, exactly?

I don't know many illiterate lawyers.

Do you?

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