I'm a big fat liar...

I'm old enough to be his mother. Let's be nice.

Last night, he said he likes older women, he said he has a fetish for them especially married ones.

Yes, I'm a big fat liar about sex. See original post.

What makes you want to lie so much?

About sex? We'll it's to easy. I mean I'm so educated because I was addicted to porn and yes I've live with 3 woman 2 sisters and a mother and had a father that was never home and 10 female cousins and 0 boy cousins.

You also said things about angels and demons if you don't remember look at the previous links I posted.

It seems to me that you also made a thread or posted in the thread about men being the better sex but I may be confusing you with someone else and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

You talk a lot about money , success and things that are more designed to puff up male ego.

But you also say you are christian, do you pray are you humble, do you value people more than things, is God number one in your life over sex, success and self?

Is lying something you need to pray about for a healing?

I'm very humbled. I talk about money and success and how to properly run a business, because that's my current career. There's a right way and a wrong way. All my success comes from god, and wealth, and knowledge.

As for A&D I was teasing her. Avg Joe caught on.

I pray every night and every morning I read a bible passage. God is my Number 1 and has been for years. Even Christains fall away. People are Gods children of course they are by far more valuable.
I'm old enough to be his mother. Let's be nice.

Last night, he said he likes older women, he said he has a fetish for them especially married ones.

Yes, I'm a big fat liar about sex. See original post.

What makes you want to lie so much?

About sex? We'll it's to easy. I mean I'm so educated because I was addicted to porn and yes I've live with 3 woman 2 sisters and a mother and had a father that was never home and 10 female cousins and 0 boy cousins.

And you STILL have such a poor understanding and succeeding with women? :( That's sad, dude, really sad.

Actually since everything I have previously said was a lie about woman, whould you like to hear what i really think and know?
Last night, he said he likes older women, he said he has a fetish for them especially married ones.

Yes, I'm a big fat liar about sex. See original post.

What makes you want to lie so much?

About sex? We'll it's to easy. I mean I'm so educated because I was addicted to porn and yes I've live with 3 woman 2 sisters and a mother and had a father that was never home and 10 female cousins and 0 boy cousins.

You also said things about angels and demons if you don't remember look at the previous links I posted.

It seems to me that you also made a thread or posted in the thread about men being the better sex but I may be confusing you with someone else and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

You talk a lot about money , success and things that are more designed to puff up male ego.

But you also say you are christian, do you pray are you humble, do you value people more than things, is God number one in your life over sex, success and self?

Is lying something you need to pray about for a healing?

I'm very humbled. I talk about money and success and how to properly run a business, because that's my current career. There's a right way and a wrong way. All my success comes from god, and wealth, and knowledge.

As for A&D I was teasing her. Avg Joe caught on.

I pray every night and every morning I read a bible passage. God is my Number 1 and has been for years. Even Christains fall away. People are Gods children of course they are by far more valuable.

Does she take it that way, as just teasing? If not then being humble maybe you should apologize to her.

I can understand talking about business and success in some contexts, there is a difference in discussing it when it's an actual topic over saying it as a brag-piece to justify why you do or don't need a woman, especially after lying about being drunk, lying about a date, women, and a mod. It just comes off dishonest and insincere.

Everything you have comes from God including relationships and people in your life.

When you talk down about women or cheapen them or degrade them it dishonors God's creation and it's not really funny.

If you need prayer to stop those kind of behaviors there are Christians at this board willing to pray with you.
Last edited:
Last night, he said he likes older women, he said he has a fetish for them especially married ones.

Yes, I'm a big fat liar about sex. See original post.

What makes you want to lie so much?

About sex? We'll it's to easy. I mean I'm so educated because I was addicted to porn and yes I've live with 3 woman 2 sisters and a mother and had a father that was never home and 10 female cousins and 0 boy cousins.

You also said things about angels and demons if you don't remember look at the previous links I posted.

It seems to me that you also made a thread or posted in the thread about men being the better sex but I may be confusing you with someone else and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

You talk a lot about money , success and things that are more designed to puff up male ego.

But you also say you are christian, do you pray are you humble, do you value people more than things, is God number one in your life over sex, success and self?

Is lying something you need to pray about for a healing?

I'm very humbled. I talk about money and success and how to properly run a business, because that's my current career. There's a right way and a wrong way. All my success comes from god, and wealth, and knowledge.

As for A&D I was teasing her. Avg Joe caught on.

I pray every night and every morning I read a bible passage. God is my Number 1 and has been for years. Even Christains fall away. People are Gods children of course they are by far more valuable.

I'm sorry, but . . . :lol: YOU are so full of it!
OP is nothing more than a little rich boy who accomplished nothing more than riding on his daddy's coattails. That is why he has such a self esteem issue and spews so much nonsense. He is just finding out, daddy can by him a computer, a car, and give him a well paying job...but daddy can't get him a personality, a woman or happiness.
Yes, I'm a big fat liar about sex. See original post.

What makes you want to lie so much?

About sex? We'll it's to easy. I mean I'm so educated because I was addicted to porn and yes I've live with 3 woman 2 sisters and a mother and had a father that was never home and 10 female cousins and 0 boy cousins.

You also said things about angels and demons if you don't remember look at the previous links I posted.

It seems to me that you also made a thread or posted in the thread about men being the better sex but I may be confusing you with someone else and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

You talk a lot about money , success and things that are more designed to puff up male ego.

But you also say you are christian, do you pray are you humble, do you value people more than things, is God number one in your life over sex, success and self?

Is lying something you need to pray about for a healing?

I'm very humbled. I talk about money and success and how to properly run a business, because that's my current career. There's a right way and a wrong way. All my success comes from god, and wealth, and knowledge.

As for A&D I was teasing her. Avg Joe caught on.

I pray every night and every morning I read a bible passage. God is my Number 1 and has been for years. Even Christains fall away. People are Gods children of course they are by far more valuable.

Does she take it that way, as just teasing? If not then being humble maybe you should apologize to her.

I can understand talking about business and success in some contexts, there is a difference in discussing it when it's an actual topic over saying it as a brag-piece to justify why you do or don't need a woman, especially after lying about being drunk, lying about a date, women, and a mod. It just comes off dishonest and insincere.

Everything you have comes from God including relationships and people in your life.

When you talk down about women or cheapen them or degrade them it dishonors God's creation and it's not really funny.

If you need prayer to stop those kind of behaviors there are Christians at this board willing to pray with you.

Whether i was teasing or not it was wrong. I told her that. I don't need prayers in the area of lying, because I don't lie in real life. That sounds so... unbelievable, but there's something that was satifying about taking on a fake persona. However, not anymore. Wont happen again. I'm actually a very nice guy and I hope to show that in the future. Thank you for offering to pray.

If you would like to pray for me could you pray i meet someone special? That god reveils her to me?
What makes you want to lie so much?

About sex? We'll it's to easy. I mean I'm so educated because I was addicted to porn and yes I've live with 3 woman 2 sisters and a mother and had a father that was never home and 10 female cousins and 0 boy cousins.

You also said things about angels and demons if you don't remember look at the previous links I posted.

It seems to me that you also made a thread or posted in the thread about men being the better sex but I may be confusing you with someone else and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

You talk a lot about money , success and things that are more designed to puff up male ego.

But you also say you are christian, do you pray are you humble, do you value people more than things, is God number one in your life over sex, success and self?

Is lying something you need to pray about for a healing?

I'm very humbled. I talk about money and success and how to properly run a business, because that's my current career. There's a right way and a wrong way. All my success comes from god, and wealth, and knowledge.

As for A&D I was teasing her. Avg Joe caught on.

I pray every night and every morning I read a bible passage. God is my Number 1 and has been for years. Even Christains fall away. People are Gods children of course they are by far more valuable.

Does she take it that way, as just teasing? If not then being humble maybe you should apologize to her.

I can understand talking about business and success in some contexts, there is a difference in discussing it when it's an actual topic over saying it as a brag-piece to justify why you do or don't need a woman, especially after lying about being drunk, lying about a date, women, and a mod. It just comes off dishonest and insincere.

Everything you have comes from God including relationships and people in your life.

When you talk down about women or cheapen them or degrade them it dishonors God's creation and it's not really funny.

If you need prayer to stop those kind of behaviors there are Christians at this board willing to pray with you.

Whether i was teasing or not it was wrong. I told her that. I don't need prayers in the area of lying, because I don't lie in real life. That sounds so... unbelievable, but there's something that was satifying about taking on a fake persona. However, not anymore. Wont happen again. I'm actually a very nice guy and I hope to show that in the future. Thank you for offering to pray.

If you would like to pray for me could you pray i meet someone special? That god reveils her to me?

Why don't we pray for all that and that you don't need to lie period.

You will be in my prayers Judicial!

God will put the right person in your life who is perfect for you, and you will be perfect for that person to.
OP is nothing more than a little rich boy who accomplished nothing more than riding on his daddy's coattails. That is why he has such a self esteem issue and spews so much nonsense. He is just finding out, daddy can by him a computer, a car, and give him a well paying job...but daddy can't get him a personality, a woman or happiness.

Uh... No. My daddy is an asshole who put me through hell growing up by never being there for me. I was taking care of his family at age 5. There's plenty of hate there. Maybe I need prayer on that. The asshole left me to turn 600,000 in debt into millions and suffer in every way imaginable through abuse while doing it. I wouldn't call that a very good gift. I through God made it a good one. Remember that.
About sex? We'll it's to easy. I mean I'm so educated because I was addicted to porn and yes I've live with 3 woman 2 sisters and a mother and had a father that was never home and 10 female cousins and 0 boy cousins.

You also said things about angels and demons if you don't remember look at the previous links I posted.

It seems to me that you also made a thread or posted in the thread about men being the better sex but I may be confusing you with someone else and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

You talk a lot about money , success and things that are more designed to puff up male ego.

But you also say you are christian, do you pray are you humble, do you value people more than things, is God number one in your life over sex, success and self?

Is lying something you need to pray about for a healing?

I'm very humbled. I talk about money and success and how to properly run a business, because that's my current career. There's a right way and a wrong way. All my success comes from god, and wealth, and knowledge.

As for A&D I was teasing her. Avg Joe caught on.

I pray every night and every morning I read a bible passage. God is my Number 1 and has been for years. Even Christains fall away. People are Gods children of course they are by far more valuable.

Does she take it that way, as just teasing? If not then being humble maybe you should apologize to her.

I can understand talking about business and success in some contexts, there is a difference in discussing it when it's an actual topic over saying it as a brag-piece to justify why you do or don't need a woman, especially after lying about being drunk, lying about a date, women, and a mod. It just comes off dishonest and insincere.

Everything you have comes from God including relationships and people in your life.

When you talk down about women or cheapen them or degrade them it dishonors God's creation and it's not really funny.

If you need prayer to stop those kind of behaviors there are Christians at this board willing to pray with you.

Whether i was teasing or not it was wrong. I told her that. I don't need prayers in the area of lying, because I don't lie in real life. That sounds so... unbelievable, but there's something that was satifying about taking on a fake persona. However, not anymore. Wont happen again. I'm actually a very nice guy and I hope to show that in the future. Thank you for offering to pray.

If you would like to pray for me could you pray i meet someone special? That god reveils her to me?

Why don't we pray for all that and that you don't need to lie period.

You will be in my prayers Judicial!

God will put the right person in your life who is perfect for you, and you will be perfect for that person to.

Thank you. I really appreciate it.
You also said things about angels and demons if you don't remember look at the previous links I posted.

It seems to me that you also made a thread or posted in the thread about men being the better sex but I may be confusing you with someone else and I don't feel like looking it up right now.

You talk a lot about money , success and things that are more designed to puff up male ego.

But you also say you are christian, do you pray are you humble, do you value people more than things, is God number one in your life over sex, success and self?

Is lying something you need to pray about for a healing?

I'm very humbled. I talk about money and success and how to properly run a business, because that's my current career. There's a right way and a wrong way. All my success comes from god, and wealth, and knowledge.

As for A&D I was teasing her. Avg Joe caught on.

I pray every night and every morning I read a bible passage. God is my Number 1 and has been for years. Even Christains fall away. People are Gods children of course they are by far more valuable.

Does she take it that way, as just teasing? If not then being humble maybe you should apologize to her.

I can understand talking about business and success in some contexts, there is a difference in discussing it when it's an actual topic over saying it as a brag-piece to justify why you do or don't need a woman, especially after lying about being drunk, lying about a date, women, and a mod. It just comes off dishonest and insincere.

Everything you have comes from God including relationships and people in your life.

When you talk down about women or cheapen them or degrade them it dishonors God's creation and it's not really funny.

If you need prayer to stop those kind of behaviors there are Christians at this board willing to pray with you.

Whether i was teasing or not it was wrong. I told her that. I don't need prayers in the area of lying, because I don't lie in real life. That sounds so... unbelievable, but there's something that was satifying about taking on a fake persona. However, not anymore. Wont happen again. I'm actually a very nice guy and I hope to show that in the future. Thank you for offering to pray.

If you would like to pray for me could you pray i meet someone special? That god reveils her to me?

Why don't we pray for all that and that you don't need to lie period.

You will be in my prayers Judicial!

God will put the right person in your life who is perfect for you, and you will be perfect for that person to.

Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Glad to help, I have also notified my good friend Emily who specializes in prayer teams and healing.

Take care.
I'm very humbled. I talk about money and success and how to properly run a business, because that's my current career. There's a right way and a wrong way. All my success comes from god, and wealth, and knowledge.

As for A&D I was teasing her. Avg Joe caught on.

I pray every night and every morning I read a bible passage. God is my Number 1 and has been for years. Even Christains fall away. People are Gods children of course they are by far more valuable.

Does she take it that way, as just teasing? If not then being humble maybe you should apologize to her.

I can understand talking about business and success in some contexts, there is a difference in discussing it when it's an actual topic over saying it as a brag-piece to justify why you do or don't need a woman, especially after lying about being drunk, lying about a date, women, and a mod. It just comes off dishonest and insincere.

Everything you have comes from God including relationships and people in your life.

When you talk down about women or cheapen them or degrade them it dishonors God's creation and it's not really funny.

If you need prayer to stop those kind of behaviors there are Christians at this board willing to pray with you.

Whether i was teasing or not it was wrong. I told her that. I don't need prayers in the area of lying, because I don't lie in real life. That sounds so... unbelievable, but there's something that was satifying about taking on a fake persona. However, not anymore. Wont happen again. I'm actually a very nice guy and I hope to show that in the future. Thank you for offering to pray.

If you would like to pray for me could you pray i meet someone special? That god reveils her to me?

Why don't we pray for all that and that you don't need to lie period.

You will be in my prayers Judicial!

God will put the right person in your life who is perfect for you, and you will be perfect for that person to.

Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Glad to help, I have also notified my good friend Emily who specializes in prayer teams and healing.

Take care.

You too. Hope to chat more.
OP is nothing more than a little rich boy who accomplished nothing more than riding on his daddy's coattails. That is why he has such a self esteem issue and spews so much nonsense. He is just finding out, daddy can by him a computer, a car, and give him a well paying job...but daddy can't get him a personality, a woman or happiness.

Uh... No. My daddy is an asshole who put me through hell growing up by never being there for me. I was taking care of his family at age 5. There's plenty of hate there. Maybe I need prayer on that. The asshole left me to turn 600,000 in debt into millions and suffer in every way imaginable through abuse while doing it. I wouldn't call that a very good gift. I through God made it a good one. Remember that.
LOL...your BS doesn't float with me. I can smell your type from a mile away. You lived a life of privilege...thinking it was hell because you got a Lexus instead of a Mercedes when you were a teen. Your dad built a business, a brand, and a following - the reigns were handed down to you - a business with customers, inventory, and assets. You didn't accomplish anything more than inherit someone elses hard work...and you bitch about it because you are an ungrateful punk who claims he is self-made. The truth being, you are far from being self made or heroic as you want to be seen.

If the basis of your crying is even true.
OP is nothing more than a little rich boy who accomplished nothing more than riding on his daddy's coattails. That is why he has such a self esteem issue and spews so much nonsense. He is just finding out, daddy can by him a computer, a car, and give him a well paying job...but daddy can't get him a personality, a woman or happiness.

Uh... No. My daddy is an asshole who put me through hell growing up by never being there for me. I was taking care of his family at age 5. There's plenty of hate there. Maybe I need prayer on that. The asshole left me to turn 600,000 in debt into millions and suffer in every way imaginable through abuse while doing it. I wouldn't call that a very good gift. I through God made it a good one. Remember that.
LOL...your BS doesn't float with me. I can smell your type from a mile away. You lived a life of privilege...thinking it was hell because you got a Lexus instead of a Mercedes when you were a teen. Your dad built a business, a brand, and a following - the reigns were handed down to you - a business with customers, inventory, and assets. You didn't accomplish anything more than inherit someone elses hard work...and you bitch about it because you are an ungrateful punk who claims he is self-made. The truth being, you are far from being self made or heroic as you want to be seen.

If the basis of your crying is even true.

No inventory no assets, just the money I made on my own as an independent contractor, where all of it bought the inventory and paid the lease. The car I got was a 10,000 mazda protege 2003 white that I had to give back to him so he could make the company money after I took it from him to prevent everybody from going out of work. Also, I spent my own money paying that weeks payroll for other employees, so they were making my money while I was losing money.

Think again.
OP is nothing more than a little rich boy who accomplished nothing more than riding on his daddy's coattails. That is why he has such a self esteem issue and spews so much nonsense. He is just finding out, daddy can by him a computer, a car, and give him a well paying job...but daddy can't get him a personality, a woman or happiness.

Uh... No. My daddy is an asshole who put me through hell growing up by never being there for me. I was taking care of his family at age 5. There's plenty of hate there. Maybe I need prayer on that. The asshole left me to turn 600,000 in debt into millions and suffer in every way imaginable through abuse while doing it. I wouldn't call that a very good gift. I through God made it a good one. Remember that.
LOL...your BS doesn't float with me. I can smell your type from a mile away. You lived a life of privilege...thinking it was hell because you got a Lexus instead of a Mercedes when you were a teen. Your dad built a business, a brand, and a following - the reigns were handed down to you - a business with customers, inventory, and assets. You didn't accomplish anything more than inherit someone elses hard work...and you bitch about it because you are an ungrateful punk who claims he is self-made. The truth being, you are far from being self made or heroic as you want to be seen.

If the basis of your crying is even true.

No inventory no assets, just the money I made on my own as an independent contractor, where all of it bought the inventory and paid the lease. The car I got was a 10,000 mazda protege 2003 white that I had to give back to him so he could make the company money after I took it from him to prevent everybody from going out of work. Also, I spent my own money paying that weeks payroll for other employees, so they were making my money while I was losing money.

Think again.
I also had to take out a personal loan to pay the sales and corporate taxes that were owed. Couple hundred thousand.
The only thing I've lied about my self is living in the ghetto and having hoes and sex.

My name is Michael. I'm a 28 year old successful millionaire who made a very hard living selling for the Kirby company like my father and his father before him. I'm famous just like my father and Grandpa. My name is known worldwide. I live in a 1500 apartment, because I have no wife and children, and don't want to clean a big place or buy a home that I will just sell once I meet a woman and buy a much bigger home for a family.

I have been a Christian for 19 years of my 28 year life. My IQ was tested to be at 140. My parents were freaks and so were my teachers. They freaken tested me. However, I never contemplated college, because I had my fathers business. My brain was tired.

The date that I went on last night I described never happened. Or half is true. She never said it was over. She has been sick with influenza and did look sick and afterwords I asked her if she was ok and she said she got very dizzy when she got up from the movie. She asked to postpone the dinner. She said, "I promise we will go to dinner." I said ok, and she said she'd text me when she got home. She did to apologize again and say it wasn't safe for her to drive. That's why she had to cancel. Made sense. She thanked me for complimenting her by saying she was beauftiful. I said we'll go out, and to just let me know when you feel better. We agreed to keep talking till then. We've been talking for a month anyways.

I'm actually a super nice guy and am only weird when i want to be and I'm very good at it. I haven't touched achohol since i was 21 in vegas. I don't remember the night to I vowed to never drink again. That was the first time I drank. No drugs either unless i have surgery and I'll take vikoden.

Now you know the real judicial review. I had to come clean. I didn't have a choice. A&D broke into my home and put a gun to my head. :)

I'm a big fat liar...

After reading that I believe you.
OP is nothing more than a little rich boy who accomplished nothing more than riding on his daddy's coattails. That is why he has such a self esteem issue and spews so much nonsense. He is just finding out, daddy can by him a computer, a car, and give him a well paying job...but daddy can't get him a personality, a woman or happiness.

Uh... No. My daddy is an asshole who put me through hell growing up by never being there for me. I was taking care of his family at age 5. There's plenty of hate there. Maybe I need prayer on that. The asshole left me to turn 600,000 in debt into millions and suffer in every way imaginable through abuse while doing it. I wouldn't call that a very good gift. I through God made it a good one. Remember that.
LOL...your BS doesn't float with me. I can smell your type from a mile away. You lived a life of privilege...thinking it was hell because you got a Lexus instead of a Mercedes when you were a teen. Your dad built a business, a brand, and a following - the reigns were handed down to you - a business with customers, inventory, and assets. You didn't accomplish anything more than inherit someone elses hard work...and you bitch about it because you are an ungrateful punk who claims he is self-made. The truth being, you are far from being self made or heroic as you want to be seen.

If the basis of your crying is even true.

No inventory no assets, just the money I made on my own as an independent contractor, where all of it bought the inventory and paid the lease. The car I got was a 10,000 mazda protege 2003 white that I had to give back to him so he could make the company money after I took it from him to prevent everybody from going out of work. Also, I spent my own money paying that weeks payroll for other employees, so they were making my money while I was losing money.

Think again.
LMAO...that is called running a business, you retard. You had no initial investment already had a workforce, and customers. You were served life on a golden platter....and you bitch? You think you worked hard because your daddy gave you a car and a job (money under the table). He probably gave you the best clients so you could make money too!

LOL...you are your own martyr...how pathetic. Thank your daddy for giving you a step up on life you ungrateful little bitch. You accomplished nothing of significance...you sacrificed a little to make a business work. I am not impressed. You were given more opportunity than most people have who have accomplished much, much more!

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