I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

That is not a school district you dumbass! Stop the idiocy. You have already proven your IQ on this topic is room temp at best.

Oh please enough with your stupidity you hack. You know full well where the Federal government gets it money, then offers that money back to school districts with conditions attached. Your argument is full of shit and everybody knows it. :eusa_hand:

OK, I have a question for you!

How much, as a percentage, do federal funds account for the cost of public education in this country?

It varies, do you deny the Federal government takes from one districts and re-distributes to another?

No, the district has nothing to do with it. Why are you stuck on stupid?

They take from taxpayers and not districts. Get that through that concrete block you carry around that resembles a human head.

Meh, your posts reflect on you. Its good that you are letting us know who you really are and what you really think.

I am a retired teacher, former naval officer, and current defense contractor. That is who I am. What I think is that a bunch of idiots like to pretend they know more about education than anyone else, despite have no knowledge, no experience, and being proven wrong consistently.

Most teachers simply detest ignorance, especially when it is willful. There are many problems in education, but people consistently are barking up the wrong tree due to their own ignorance.
Its pretty clear Admiral Rockwell refuses to believe there are any bad teachers or bad school districts, in spite of facts to the contrary.

I haven't said a word about that, have I? Moving the goalposts again? Don't strain your back!

The thread posters agree with me, and disagree with you, deal with it.

Two morons who likely haven't been in a school in decades agree. Stop the presses folks! We have tomorrow's headlines!

When I pointed out that the justification for a huge increase in school funding in my district was not true, some teachers reacted by telling me to move out of the district, the venom hey were spitting at me was so over the top other teachers tried to step in stop the outburst. Oh I have first hand knowledge of what some of my local teachers think about taxpayers who pay their salary.

I don't care about your school district. That is your problem. Put away the broad brush and stop spreading misinformation. Educate yourself!

Now you are just being blatantly dishonest, do I need to provide a link to my post where I clearly state we should not broad brush all districts and teachers?
blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzzz

You know nothing.

Still cannot prove me wrong, eh dumbass?

You prove yourself wrong; no need for me to add anything to it when you are so convincing on your own.

How have I proven myself wrong? My God, you are both stubborn and stupid.

Anything else? I mean how many times do you have to insult posters to make your views clear?

Stop telling me that I am wrong when you cannot prove anything of the sort. I have repeatedly shown your information and terms you are using are incorrect.

You are like a student who would argue until they were blue in the face, that 2+2=22, but they could not give me any reason why their answer was correct.

Links? No I didn't think so. You should give yourself a time out you are losing it.
My wife is a teacher but not a member of the NEA. They spend more money mailing us appeals for donations to help defeat our President than they do on representing teachers.
Oh please enough with your stupidity you hack. You know full well where the Federal government gets it money, then offers that money back to school districts with conditions attached. Your argument is full of shit and everybody knows it. :eusa_hand:

OK, I have a question for you!

How much, as a percentage, do federal funds account for the cost of public education in this country?

It varies, do you deny the Federal government takes from one districts and re-distributes to another?

No, the district has nothing to do with it. Why are you stuck on stupid?

They take from taxpayers and not districts. Get that through that concrete block you carry around that resembles a human head.

Meh, your posts reflect on you. Its good that you are letting us know who you really are and what you really think.

I am a retired teacher, former naval officer, and current defense contractor. That is who I am. What I think is that a bunch of idiots like to pretend they know more about education than anyone else, despite have no knowledge, no experience, and being proven wrong consistently.

Most teachers simply detest ignorance, especially when it is willful. There are many problems in education, but people consistently are barking up the wrong tree due to their own ignorance.

Your posts speak for themselves, your insults reflect an inability to debate or discuss this topic rationally, we are done here. :eusa_hand:
I haven't said a word about that, have I? Moving the goalposts again? Don't strain your back!

The thread posters agree with me, and disagree with you, deal with it.

Two morons who likely haven't been in a school in decades agree. Stop the presses folks! We have tomorrow's headlines!

When I pointed out that the justification for a huge increase in school funding in my district was not true, some teachers reacted by telling me to move out of the district, the venom hey were spitting at me was so over the top other teachers tried to step in stop the outburst. Oh I have first hand knowledge of what some of my local teachers think about taxpayers who pay their salary.

I don't care about your school district. That is your problem. Put away the broad brush and stop spreading misinformation. Educate yourself!

Now you are just being blatantly dishonest, do I need to provide a link to my post where I clearly state we should not broad brush all districts and teachers?

You seriously think you can get away with all of the bullshit you have been spouting by your claiming that you think all districts and teachers are not that way. It's like saying, "All of ICE are Nazis, not that there is anything wrong with that!"

It's called damning with faint praise.

If you put me on ignore it will be so you won't have to see me savage every post you make like I have been doing in this thread.
OK, I have a question for you!

How much, as a percentage, do federal funds account for the cost of public education in this country?

It varies, do you deny the Federal government takes from one districts and re-distributes to another?

No, the district has nothing to do with it. Why are you stuck on stupid?

They take from taxpayers and not districts. Get that through that concrete block you carry around that resembles a human head.

Meh, your posts reflect on you. Its good that you are letting us know who you really are and what you really think.

I am a retired teacher, former naval officer, and current defense contractor. That is who I am. What I think is that a bunch of idiots like to pretend they know more about education than anyone else, despite have no knowledge, no experience, and being proven wrong consistently.

Most teachers simply detest ignorance, especially when it is willful. There are many problems in education, but people consistently are barking up the wrong tree due to their own ignorance.

Your posts speak for themselves, your insults reflect an inability to debate or discuss this topic rationally, we are done here. :eusa_hand:

You haven't debated shit! You can't stay on topic and keep moving the goalposts. You are a hack!
My wife is a teacher but not a member of the NEA. They spend more money mailing us appeals for donations to help defeat our President than they do on representing teachers.

Such is true. Despite the education basher's accusations, I had not been a union member for 12 years. They are toothless tigers when it comes to representing teachers where I have worked. When I needed them, they said there was nothing they could do, and I was on my own. That's what I got for all of the money I paid them.
99.9 percent of management nowadays has no interest in the welfare of its workers.

Not true. A manager who does not take an interest in the welfare of his/her workers will have low productivity and a high turnover rate. Not conducive to job security.
I agree with all of that, but how do you measure it? One reason I do like standardized tests, is you can tailor for you needs, so you can see the curriculum very clearly, and we can do without the social justice crap and stay with real academic subjects, like you outlined.

You do realize that curriculum is how you teach, not what you teach. Right?

If you do, your post makes no sense.
I've always been aware it was the subjects you teach

noun: curriculum; plural noun: curricula; plural noun: curriculums
  1. the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
    synonyms: syllabus, course of study, program of study, subjects, modules
    "the curriculum choices for history students are extensive"

Tests don't show curriculum, which is what you claimed could be seen.
Sure they do. If it's a test on history, you can see what is being taught and what they consider the right answer. On math do they accept any answer to 2+2 or just 4. It allows us to see what they are trying to do. It also prevents them for injecting their shit into the tests. That's why a lot of activists hate them. It restricts them to what they can do, which is the point of a curriculum. It's like the constitution, you can only do certain things within it's framework (unless you believe in the bullshit living constitution)

You just had to prove me right, didn't you!

Those are called STANDARDS. Remember the constant BS about Common Core. That is what Common Core fixed!

Curriculum is how you teach that 2+2 = 4. You cannot see that in a test.
Again, I never said get the federal government involved. Not a fan of that., but I do want measurable progress.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
A bigot kkk supporting teacher?

Hey look it's jilian with another insightful post. Serioulsy I will upvote 20 of your posts if anyone can find a post of jilian's that is actually useful, possibly even with a useful link.
My wife is a teacher but not a member of the NEA. They spend more money mailing us appeals for donations to help defeat our President than they do on representing teachers.

Such is true. Despite the education basher's accusations, I had not been a union member for 12 years. They are toothless tigers when it comes to representing teachers where I have worked. When I needed them, they said there was nothing they could do, and I was on my own. That's what I got for all of the money I paid them.

True! Before my wife quit the NEA she was told the same thing. So I assisted her in writing up her grievances alone.
But it is the constant stream of pro abortion support and attacks on our President that really got to her and her fellow teachers. I doubt five per cent of her school is union at this time. They are young women and abortion creeps them out.
When the union's are gone and results are the same then bashers can look in the mirror for the cause of the failure.
I've noticed a few things from this post that are trendy...

1) Not a one poster puts one iota of responsibility on the kids. In your minds they just show up and a good teacher will make them a genius. No effort required by the kid. It's 100 percent in the teacher in every case.

2) Teachers should ask for lower wages and should never get a raise....but every other worker is exempt from that standard.

3) Many see it as easy and overpaid yet they chose not to be a teacher. But if someone complains about a CEO heck they will defend his or her bloated salary.

4) Bad teachers in most states are let go when the principal seems it necessary. Good productive teachers are also let go. Where I love teachers are let go from time to time and sometimes with no reason. I served on our school board for many years and have seen both happen.

5) Quit your kind and move to a troubled school and help fix the problem.

6) union's are going away and that might be good I guess. However when they are gone and things don't change much then who will you blame?

Ok I'll look at these
1)The kids are responsible, but you cant force them to care, that takes parents and teachers.
2)good teachers should get raises, bad ones fired......it's not difficult
3)Who said it was easy? I have backed teachers to get the unions and adminstrators out of the classroom, so teachers are allowed to control their class and teach what is required.
4)Bad teachers are hard to get rid of, most go to the rubber room and still draw pay......no thanks
5)good point, but that's why we hire teachers and administrators.
6)when unions are gone, we'll blame the adminstrators, because it's their job to run the school. they will now have the power to hire/fire and promote/demote teachers based on merit, not some bs union seniority scheme.
When the union's are gone and results are the same then bashers can look in the mirror for the cause of the failure.
No administrators run the schools, if they suck, we'll get on the school board and maybe vote them out if we have to.
The Department of Education is a complete failure. A waste of money. It's unconstitutional. And it's a detriment to the quality of education in America.

Abolish it.

No disrespect intended toward you're mother, op.

How does the Education Department (it's real name BTW) have any impact on the quality of education in your schools?

It has sucked 3+ Trillion dollars form the economy over the last 30+ years, ate a huge chunk of that money in administrative costs, then doled out what's left to the schools with big time strings attached. The result has been higher dropout rates and lower test scores.


It is so sad that you have such little grasp of why dropout rates are an indicator of anything involving educational practices.

I have a full grasp on how useless the Ed Dept has been. I'm aware there are a wide variety of reasons kids drop out, but one of the main reasons is poor teachers. I only takes one to sour a student on school. I had a lot of teachers over the years, most were very good, however I only remember the names of the bad ones almost 50 years after I graduated form high school, they were both in Jr. High. Good teachers motivate kids to show up and learn, others make you want to stay in bed.


You do realize that they survey dropouts as to why they left school and bad teachers are not the cause.

One of the chief reasons that kids drop out of school is they have not learned the basics and reach a point where they no longer understand what is being taught. The school system has failed them.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
A bigot kkk supporting teacher?

Hey look it's jilian with another insightful post. Serioulsy I will upvote 20 of your posts if anyone can find a post of jilian's that is actually useful, possibly even with a useful link.

Oy vey her hatred oozes out of her simplistic one liners. A hatred for you and me and all Americans.
Public employees should never have been permitted to unionize. Even Franklin Roosevelt realized that!

Unionizing is not the problem. Being able to negotiate for salaries and benefits are the problem. It allows them to hold taxpayers hostage. Federal workers have working unions and they are not allowed to bargain for salaries or benefits.
I've noticed a few things from this post that are trendy...

1) Not a one poster puts one iota of responsibility on the kids. In your minds they just show up and a good teacher will make them a genius. No effort required by the kid. It's 100 percent in the teacher in every case.

2) Teachers should ask for lower wages and should never get a raise....but every other worker is exempt from that standard.

3) Many see it as easy and overpaid yet they chose not to be a teacher. But if someone complains about a CEO heck they will defend his or her bloated salary.

4) Bad teachers in most states are let go when the principal seems it necessary. Good productive teachers are also let go. Where I love teachers are let go from time to time and sometimes with no reason. I served on our school board for many years and have seen both happen.

5) Quit your kind and move to a troubled school and help fix the problem.

6) union's are going away and that might be good I guess. However when they are gone and things don't change much then who will you blame?

Ok I'll look at these
1)The kids are responsible, but you cant force them to care, that takes parents and teachers.
2)good teachers should get raises, bad ones fired......it's not difficult
3)Who said it was easy? I have backed teachers to get the unions and adminstrators out of the classroom, so teachers are allowed to control their class and teach what is required.
4)Bad teachers are hard to get rid of, most go to the rubber room and still draw pay......no thanks
5)good point, but that's why we hire teachers and administrators.
6)when unions are gone, we'll blame the adminstrators, because it's their job to run the school. they will now have the power to hire/fire and promote/demote teachers based on merit, not some bs union seniority scheme.

Thank you for your input. I didn't post the original but I would like to address some points.

1) So why do most people put all the blame on the teachers?
2) How do you determine a bad teacher? That is the actual difficult part.
3) Controlling the classroom is often determined to be the sign of a bad teacher.
4) You are using per hyperbole. The "rubber rooms" were made famous by NYC. They do not exist hardly anywhere else in this country. Most teachers get suspended without pay.
5) I am glad you agree.
6) Where do you get the idea that teachers are promoted to anything? I started as a teacher and 20 years later I was still a teacher. Getting promoted to administration has nothing to do with unions as they do not represent administrators.

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