I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

I've noticed a few things from this post that are trendy...

1) Not a one poster puts one iota of responsibility on the kids. In your minds they just show up and a good teacher will make them a genius. No effort required by the kid. It's 100 percent in the teacher in every case.

2) Teachers should ask for lower wages and should never get a raise....but every other worker is exempt from that standard.

3) Many see it as easy and overpaid yet they chose not to be a teacher. But if someone complains about a CEO heck they will defend his or her bloated salary.

4) Bad teachers in most states are let go when the principal seems it necessary. Good productive teachers are also let go. Where I love teachers are let go from time to time and sometimes with no reason. I served on our school board for many years and have seen both happen.

5) Quit your kind and move to a troubled school and help fix the problem.

6) union's are going away and that might be good I guess. However when they are gone and things don't change much then who will you blame?
How does the federal government take money from your district? Specifics please!

Stop with the education bashing talking points and learn the truth. You are just throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.

Taxes, bub.

Its pretty clear Admiral Rockwell refuses to believe there are any bad teachers or bad school districts, in spite of facts to the contrary.

I haven't said a word about that, have I? Moving the goalposts again? Don't strain your back!

The thread posters agree with me, and disagree with you, deal with it.

Two morons who likely haven't been in a school in decades agree. Stop the presses folks! We have tomorrow's headlines!

When I pointed out that the justification for a huge increase in school funding in my district was not true, some teachers reacted by telling me to move out of the district, the venom hey were spitting at me was so over the top other teachers tried to step in stop the outburst. Oh I have first hand knowledge of what some of my local teachers think about taxpayers who pay their salary.
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...
I was a teacher and a union rep for many years. I was distured over the fact that the unions continually gave funds to Democrats and never spoke for the children in our care. Get unions out of schools!
So there should never be a time when a teacher ever is able to discuss their wages etc.....but other workers can. Got it. Sorry this is america and any worker that never takes the time to determine if they are getting screwed is frankly really dumb. It's about taking care of ones family first and foremost.
2) Teachers should ask for lower wages and should never get a raise....but every other worker is exempt from that

Teachers should ask there fellow teachers for the money. Here's what has happened in some districts, due to corruption between teachers unions and politicians. Tier 1 teachers "negotiated" salaries and benefit packages that are so bloated and out of whack that giving all teachers these obscene packages was impossible and not sustainable. So they created a tier 2 and those teachers got less. Then they created a tier 3 and tier 4 resulting in many teachers getting shit salaries and benefits because all the money is being gobbled up by tier 1 and 2.

When the NJ teachers union was given the choice between more equitable distribution of school funding among teachers, or teacher layoffs the greedy teachers chose to layoff their fellow teachers at the bottom.
Tests don't show curriculum, which is what you claimed could be seen.

A show of hands, who thinks teacher performance should be measured just like it is in any other job?

Now that you lost the argument, you are moving the goalposts. Are you sure you are not a closet liberal because you sure do like employing their tactics?

No we are discussing several topics related to schools and teachers. You are popping a gasket because we dare discuss these issues.

You can't stay on topic for three posts when I prove your ass wrong every time you post some stupid shit you "heard".

You have proven nothing more than your bias. :eusa_hand:

I am not biased. I am experienced and educated, which is something you do not have.
Taxes, bub.

Its pretty clear Admiral Rockwell refuses to believe there are any bad teachers or bad school districts, in spite of facts to the contrary.

I haven't said a word about that, have I? Moving the goalposts again? Don't strain your back!

The thread posters agree with me, and disagree with you, deal with it.

Two morons who likely haven't been in a school in decades agree. Stop the presses folks! We have tomorrow's headlines!

blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzzz

You know nothing.

Still cannot prove me wrong, eh dumbass?
Its pretty clear Admiral Rockwell refuses to believe there are any bad teachers or bad school districts, in spite of facts to the contrary.

I haven't said a word about that, have I? Moving the goalposts again? Don't strain your back!

The thread posters agree with me, and disagree with you, deal with it.

Two morons who likely haven't been in a school in decades agree. Stop the presses folks! We have tomorrow's headlines!

blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzzz

You know nothing.

Still cannot prove me wrong, eh dumbass?

You prove yourself wrong; no need for me to add anything to it when you are so convincing on your own.
A show of hands, who thinks teacher performance should be measured just like it is in any other job?

Now that you lost the argument, you are moving the goalposts. Are you sure you are not a closet liberal because you sure do like employing their tactics?

No we are discussing several topics related to schools and teachers. You are popping a gasket because we dare discuss these issues.

You can't stay on topic for three posts when I prove your ass wrong every time you post some stupid shit you "heard".

You have proven nothing more than your bias. :eusa_hand:

I am not biased. I am experienced and educated, which is something you do not have.

If you continue with these nonsense posts I'll just put you on ignore, I mean what's the point in discussing with you.
You said they take it from the school districts. That is a bald-faced lie. Now, correct yourself!

Nobody in my school district pays federal taxes? No business or individual pays federal taxes? Who's lying? :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

That is not a school district you dumbass! Stop the idiocy. You have already proven your IQ on this topic is room temp at best.

Oh please enough with your stupidity you hack. You know full well where the Federal government gets it money, then offers that money back to school districts with conditions attached. Your argument is full of shit and everybody knows it. :eusa_hand:

OK, I have a question for you!

How much, as a percentage, do federal funds account for the cost of public education in this country?

It varies, do you deny the Federal government takes from one districts and re-distributes to another?

No, the district has nothing to do with it. Why are you stuck on stupid?

They take from taxpayers and not districts. Get that through that concrete block you carry around that resembles a human head.
Now that you lost the argument, you are moving the goalposts. Are you sure you are not a closet liberal because you sure do like employing their tactics?

No we are discussing several topics related to schools and teachers. You are popping a gasket because we dare discuss these issues.

You can't stay on topic for three posts when I prove your ass wrong every time you post some stupid shit you "heard".

You have proven nothing more than your bias. :eusa_hand:

I am not biased. I am experienced and educated, which is something you do not have.

If you continue with these nonsense posts I'll just put you on ignore, I mean what's the point in discussing with you.

If I did the same to you, this discussion would never have taken place. All you have done is proven that your opinions are based on false information.
Nobody in my school district pays federal taxes? No business or individual pays federal taxes? Who's lying? :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

That is not a school district you dumbass! Stop the idiocy. You have already proven your IQ on this topic is room temp at best.

Oh please enough with your stupidity you hack. You know full well where the Federal government gets it money, then offers that money back to school districts with conditions attached. Your argument is full of shit and everybody knows it. :eusa_hand:

OK, I have a question for you!

How much, as a percentage, do federal funds account for the cost of public education in this country?

It varies, do you deny the Federal government takes from one districts and re-distributes to another?

No, the district has nothing to do with it. Why are you stuck on stupid?

They take from taxpayers and not districts. Get that through that concrete block you carry around that resembles a human head.

Meh, your posts reflect on you. Its good that you are letting us know who you really are and what you really think.
I haven't said a word about that, have I? Moving the goalposts again? Don't strain your back!

The thread posters agree with me, and disagree with you, deal with it.

Two morons who likely haven't been in a school in decades agree. Stop the presses folks! We have tomorrow's headlines!

blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzzz

You know nothing.

Still cannot prove me wrong, eh dumbass?

You prove yourself wrong; no need for me to add anything to it when you are so convincing on your own.

How have I proven myself wrong? My God, you are both stubborn and stupid.
The thread posters agree with me, and disagree with you, deal with it.

Two morons who likely haven't been in a school in decades agree. Stop the presses folks! We have tomorrow's headlines!

blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzzz

You know nothing.

Still cannot prove me wrong, eh dumbass?

You prove yourself wrong; no need for me to add anything to it when you are so convincing on your own.

How have I proven myself wrong? My God, you are both stubborn and stupid.

Anything else? I mean how many times do you have to insult posters to make your views clear?
Taxes, bub.

Its pretty clear Admiral Rockwell refuses to believe there are any bad teachers or bad school districts, in spite of facts to the contrary.

I haven't said a word about that, have I? Moving the goalposts again? Don't strain your back!

The thread posters agree with me, and disagree with you, deal with it.

Two morons who likely haven't been in a school in decades agree. Stop the presses folks! We have tomorrow's headlines!

When I pointed out that the justification for a huge increase in school funding in my district was not true, some teachers reacted by telling me to move out of the district, the venom hey were spitting at me was so over the top other teachers tried to step in stop the outburst. Oh I have first hand knowledge of what some of my local teachers think about taxpayers who pay their salary.

I don't care about your school district. That is your problem. Put away the broad brush and stop spreading misinformation. Educate yourself!
Reasonable proficiency in reading and writing English, basic math literacy, an overview of the hard sciences, and a foundational understanding of history, including philosophy and the Englightenment Values which influenced the founding of the United States.

Our system of government is based on the Consent of the Governed, which requires an Informed Electorate. The Prog takeover of education has made many of the Electorate incredibly Uninformed.
I agree with all of that, but how do you measure it? One reason I do like standardized tests, is you can tailor for you needs, so you can see the curriculum very clearly, and we can do without the social justice crap and stay with real academic subjects, like you outlined.

You do realize that curriculum is how you teach, not what you teach. Right?

If you do, your post makes no sense.
I've always been aware it was the subjects you teach

noun: curriculum; plural noun: curricula; plural noun: curriculums
  1. the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
    synonyms: syllabus, course of study, program of study, subjects, modules
    "the curriculum choices for history students are extensive"

Tests don't show curriculum, which is what you claimed could be seen.

A show of hands, who thinks teacher performance should be measured just like it is in any other job?

It is.
Two morons who likely haven't been in a school in decades agree. Stop the presses folks! We have tomorrow's headlines!

blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzzz

You know nothing.

Still cannot prove me wrong, eh dumbass?

You prove yourself wrong; no need for me to add anything to it when you are so convincing on your own.

How have I proven myself wrong? My God, you are both stubborn and stupid.

Anything else? I mean how many times do you have to insult posters to make your views clear?

Stop telling me that I am wrong when you cannot prove anything of the sort. I have repeatedly shown your information and terms you are using are incorrect.

You are like a student who would argue until they were blue in the face, that 2+2=22, but they could not give me any reason why their answer was correct.
I've noticed a few things from this post that are trendy...

1) Not a one poster puts one iota of responsibility on the kids. In your minds they just show up and a good teacher will make them a genius. No effort required by the kid. It's 100 percent in the teacher in every case.

2) Teachers should ask for lower wages and should never get a raise....but every other worker is exempt from that standard.

3) Many see it as easy and overpaid yet they chose not to be a teacher. But if someone complains about a CEO heck they will defend his or her bloated salary.

4) Bad teachers in most states are let go when the principal seems it necessary. Good productive teachers are also let go. Where I love teachers are let go from time to time and sometimes with no reason. I served on our school board for many years and have seen both happen.

5) Quit your kind and move to a troubled school and help fix the problem.

6) union's are going away and that might be good I guess. However when they are gone and things don't change much then who will you blame?

Now THAT was a good post!

I especially like #5.
Teacher performance in every district I know is measured by an administrator and bad teachers are non renewed as every year requires a district to authorize a brand new contract to every single teacher. Lack of performance leads to no new contract and reason doesn't have to be given. What more so you want?
I'm A Teacher. Here's Why I'm Cheering My New Freedom From Unions

I know exactly how she feels,my mother was a teacher for 15 years and went ABOVE and BEYOND her normal duties and she never got paid more for it. It was literally based on seniority which is BS...

Wow, she's been teaching for TWO entire years.

She's really 'seen it all' in her TWO years and it's a good thing we get to hear her profound insights.

Just imagine what she'll be able to tell us when she's finished her probation and gotten her full credential... in THREE more years.


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