I'm concerned with the emotional state of the Supreme Court Justice

Her answers to simple questions have been abysmal. She has no place being a supreme court activist but she will be confirmed regardless. These hearings are a waste of time. The sound bites may hurt Dems even more in the midterms I guess, but I don't know how much worse it could get for them.

You're probably right, she will be confirmed. But at this point, what difference does it make? She'll still be the laughingstock of half the country and will provide years of comedy gold every time she opens her mouth.
You're probably right, she will be confirmed. But at this point, what difference does it make? She'll still be the laughingstock of half the country and will provide years of comedy gold every time she opens her mouth.
She seems quite eloquent
Because the Constitution is just a bother - ending whitey is the path the Reich follows.

And who is to say Jackson is a woman? She doesn't know what a woman is. I mean, she's not a biologist - just a fucking moron...

An "affirmative action" moron at that. She's not only black, but a woman.

Except she doesn't know that she's a woman, because she can't define what a woman is. Maybe she doesn't know that she's black either. Biologists know what black people are, but she's not a biologist, so maybe she doesn't know if she's black or white.

This whole thing is getting so confusing.
And the 2022 winner for the Best Crocodile Tears Award goes to.....................
The award goes to you & your fellow Trump asseaters who have been shedding tears ever since Biden whipped your boy's ass in the election.

Will you ever recover from your loss?
Were you concerned when Kavanaugh bawled at his confirmation hearing, mouth breather?

Were you concerned with decorum as Reich Members brought in paid operatives to give perjured testimony during the Kavanaugh lynching?

Why did non-Dr Ford not get prosecuted for perjury? Simply lying about her credentials is perjury - not to mention the false rape charges that were refuted by everyone.
You're probably right, she will be confirmed. But at this point, what difference does it make? She'll still be the laughingstock of half the country and will provide years of comedy gold every time she opens her mouth.
Hey asswipe, did you know that Lindsey voted to appoint her to the federal appelate court?

There, fixed it for ya, fool.
The last of the three branches to be corrupted. The USA is devolving into corruption like every apex empire in all of human history, shocker there.
Yes it’s pretty much corruption all the time now. They don’t even bother to try an hide it anymore. Somehow many Americans still don’t get it.
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Were you concerned with decorum as Reich Members brought in paid operatives to give perjured testimony during the Kavanaugh lynching?

Why did non-Dr Ford not get prosecuted for perjury? Simply lying about her credentials is perjury - not to mention the false rape charges that were refuted by everyone.
You got proof they were paid, jerkoff? Why didn't you ask Trump's DOJ why she wasen't prosecuted IF she committed perjury?
Yes it’s pretty corruption all the time now. They don’t even bother to try an hide it anymore. Somehow many Americans still don’t get it.
That's because Americans are too focused on 'getting theirs' from government. The shit government is pulling and getting away with, crazy. Then there's government ignoring the very laws they passed, that's one of the most dangerous things. These fools yap on about democracy, what a joke.
That's because Americans are too focused on 'getting theirs' from government. The shit government is pulling and getting away with, crazy. Then there's government ignoring the very laws they passed, that's one of the most dangerous things. These fools yap on about democracy, what a joke.
I tend to think Americans focused on getting theirs’ are the ultra wealthy, politicians and government bureaucrats, and big corporations. The vast majority of Americans are just doing their jobs day to day.

Our government is the most dangerous not only to us, but the entire world. These bubbling idiots will likely get us all killed in a nuclear holocaust.

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