I'm craving......

mmm Shepherd's Pie
Chili Chicken: Cultural Variation Pleasure

Food is a great way to engage culture-exchange, and it's a nice thing to comment on for this holiday season.

Both Indians and Africans enjoy variations on the savory and gravy-rich Chili Chicken dish, so I thought I'd post recipes I found from both cultures and provide a unique hybrid one I came up with.

African Chili Chicken (aka, African Chicken in Spicy Red Sauce)

Indian Chili Chicken (serve with rice or noodles)

My Hybrid Variation (African-Indian Chili Chicken):
bouillon powder
black pepper
boneless chicken thighs
green bell peppers
lemon zest
water for gravy
olive oil
salt to taste
dry red wine
brown sugar
chili powder

Marinate chicken with spices. Stir-fry chicken in oil. Add chili powder, green peppers, and cilantro and let chicken become golden brown. Add water and simmer until mixture thickens. Time: approx 25 minutes.

mmm Shepherd's Pie

I love Shepherd's pie. I put corn instead of peas and carrots in mine though. And cheese. Lots and lots of cheddar cheese! :D

Sometimes I do a reverse shepherd's pie with tater tots on the bottom instead of mashed potatoes on top. Just bake the layer of tater tots while you prep the filling, so they're crispy, and then spread the filling, sprinkle some cheese on top, and then bake a bit longer until the cheese layer is melted.
Been moving the last few days, so mostly quick takeout stuff and hot dogs and such, because no one has time to cook. So right now, I'm craving anything home-cooked. I have all the stuff for a crockpot pork roast with potatoes and veggies, and then roasted chicken with lemon-cream cheese sauce over rice and broccoli.
Made French Toast earlier for breakfast. Tried making it a few days back but forgot to put Pam in the skillet so everything stuck and was ruined. Almost chucked the skillet into the wall :) Did better with it today and it came out excellent. 4 eggs, 6 slices of whole wheat extra fiber bread, cinnamon both sides, little butter, maple syrup.
Really looking forward to Thanksgiving and all the fun Thanksgiving recipes I get to make. And then Christmas baking and candymaking. I make a bacon fudge to die for.

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