I'm DONE Talking About The 2020 Election

I've got the feeling, and I could be wrong, but with the dirt they have on these goons, they'll be taking this crowd out to the woodshed.

i gotta believe that merrick garland is gonna put the hammer down too. the select committee has interviewed some 300 people so far & i'm sure they also had sit downs with the feds.
He's been impeached twice, fined millions for stealing, yea, they'll bust his ass.

donny will get busted on RICO charges in NY by the SDNY.

& letitia james is going after him at the same time.
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i gotta believe that merrick garland is gonna put the hammer down too. the select committee has interviewed some 300 people so far & i'm sure they also had sit downs with the feds.View attachment 601042
Yea, there is just too, too much on all of them. This was like RICO on steroids, with multiple crimes being committed. And look at the number who have plead the Fifth, no shows to subpoenas, and the like.

It takes several teams just to keep up with, and assign separately, in order to cover this multi-pronged criminal enterprise that has been going on since Trump took office.

And honestly, even before he took office with the financial crimes.

Not a day goes by for me, wondering, what makes a man or woman idolize such a monster like Trump, and yet, still want to vote for him? It's like they have no dignity or self respect?
Asking for 11,000 invented votes is obstructing a legal election, in the attempt to overthrow that election. Anyone with a brain larger than a grasshopper knows this.
Fuck off. The SOS told Trump his own state's data was wrong. The SOS is corrupt as they come.
Abiding by, following, and respecting the law, proves one's love for country. You've shown none of that. You protect criminals. You don't love this country. You just love what you can scheme from it.
And you have? Are you fucking kidding? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I realize that there's new stuff that keeps coming out about it but the topic itself is old news. Either you're smart and believe that the election was stolen or you're stupid and you don't. As LA RAM FAN already made a point of saying,.. it's time to move on people. The same with all of the pandemic topics.
Its 2022 dammit. Send the topic where 9/11 topics go.
I agree as to the 2020 election, move-on but never forget and put in the work to make sure it never happens again.
Make sure what never happens again? Stolen election? It wasn't stolen and repubmicans have finally agreed. Wake up to yourself. It didn't happen.

As far as the covid stuff there is a bit to do on that front yet as long as there are politicians (mostly dems) using mandates at this late date to try to control any aspect of our society.
Of course it wouldn't be to protect the good citizens who took the jab for the sake of the dickheads who didn't. Of course not
They might take your freedoms. Shock horror.
Bloody idiots.
i gotta believe that merrick garland is gonna put the hammer down too. the select committee has interviewed some 300 people so far & i'm sure they also had sit downs with the feds.View attachment 601042
Hes busy sending the FBI after a dad who's daughter was raped at school and had the nerve to tell people.

Where do ypu get these fuckers from. Isis??
Make sure what never happens again? Stolen election? It wasn't stolen and repubmicans have finally agreed. Wake up to yourself. It didn't happen.

Of course it wouldn't be to protect the good citizens who took the jab for the sake of the dickheads who didn't. Of course not
They might take your freedoms. Shock horror.
Bloody idiots.
But all that really doesn't matter does it as long as the right-leaning are motivated to kick them some dem ass come November now does it?

Look on the bright side.....At least when you are licking your wounds you can point to the "cheating narrative" as to the main reason why you got your ass kicked.

Heaven forbid you would ever have reflect on the shit for brains policies your people saddled us with.

Let the TDS flow through you.
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Because the crime hasn't been rectified.

Some would say the true perpetrators of the JFK assassination, or the folks the really allowed 9/11 to happen haven't had those crimes rectified either. . .

. . . and those are much, MUCH, smaller and easier to conceal conspiracies. And yet? Many, MANY folks that blindly believe in a grand reaching conspiracy to deny the presidency to Trump, believe in the Deep State's explanation of those assault's on the American democracy. WHY?

Till you understand why? It is pointless at this juncture.

You will never get what is really going on.

. . IMO.
No,.. do you honestly believe that literal crackhead legitimately won the election? Not a chance.
Who won or lost makes very little difference at this point. . . .

The entire nation is circling the drain.

You been following that Durham report? Do you actually think anything is going to come of that?

Trump was supposed to release all the JFK files. . .why didn't he?

I agree with everything else you said but no I haven't been following that report.
I agree with everything else you said but no I haven't been following that report.
Well? That is what buttercup is getting at.

The corruption is the point. Selling the drama and distracting the entire nation, and the entire world, from what the global oligarch's are actually doing to the little people? THAT is the point.

Trump had an ENTIRE YEAR to get rid of Fauci, and we all knew what a corrupt POS he was. . . why? Why didn't he do something? Fauci is the highest paid government employee in the nation. Did you watch the hearings in congress in Jan. 11th when they grilled him? Some Senator wanted to know why they could not find out what his investments are. . . and Fauci deflected, said it should be easy to find? wtf. If a Senator's office can't find it, then there is a reason none of the media or independent media have published it. . . and none of us know, when by law, it should be available?

Yeah, buttercup called it all out. . . the nation is dark, and black, and corrupt to the core. Who won or lost? Probably would have made very little difference in the end.

If you are fighting with your neighbor, you don't have time to concentrate on the fact, that the R's & the D's, always seem to be able to cooperate, when it comes time to pass the most important laws, or agree to impose the most restrictive bullshit on our liberties.

. . . and it never really mattered, Trump? Biden? Obama? Bush? They all seem to roll over and go right along with what the institutional investment companies have planned for us all. . .

With every thread the D's post about. .. Trump is going to jail this time? It is just like the threads from the R's. . we have proof of the election corrupt this time. . :rolleyes:

I get what she is saying. . . when are you all going to wake the hell up? :dunno:

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Also, LA RAM FAN had another point,.. how can we not expect to be called hypocrites when the democraps keep bringing up the past president Donald Trump, but yet we're still talking about an election that happened nearly two years ago?
Fk, are you suggesting I'm coming out of winter into fall? fk.

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