I'm Done. There Will Now Be A Permanent Repub Majority And Democracy Is Finished In The USA

You Repubs can beat me to a pulp all that you want, it doesn't matter.

Democracy is now dead in this country. Trump and Republican voter suppression efforts in the battleground states will ensure that in the future, just like in this election. The recent appeals court decision in N. Carolina regarding Republican voter suppression efforts says it all about the true motivation of Republicans. Republicans are evil fascists that don't believe in democracy, that is simply the truth.

There will never be another Democratic-elected President or another Democratic-controlled Congress. In addition to overcoming voter suppression, it is simply too difficult for Democrats to get 54% of the vote in House races nationwide, which is basically what they need to overcome Republican gerrymandering throughout the country and to gain a majority. And Hillary Clinton is going to win the popular vote by over 1 million, yet lose the electoral college vote by at least 30, which is also inherently unfair. These are simply too many obstacles for Democrats to now overcome in future "elections".

You fascists got the permanent Repub majority that what you wanted, so be happy.

I'm done. Later.

Stay positive. I personally think that this result guarantees a democrat win for 2020, because when the raping orange cheeto fails to deliver on his promises, his supporters are going to be even more angry then they were before. We ain't seen nothing yet.

We can only enjoy the ride...
You are really in denial. LOL

You idiots built Trump up to be Hitler and now Trump is going to destroy your party by delivering the 2nd term of JFK to modern day America.

Trump is everything Democrats claim to be but actually never were.
Well damn, the OP didn't get his way.
That really sucks.

You Repubs can beat me to a pulp all that you want, it doesn't matter.

Democracy is now dead in this country. Trump and Republican voter suppression efforts in the battleground states will ensure that in the future, just like in this election. The recent appeals court decision in N. Carolina regarding Republican voter suppression efforts says it all about the true motivation of Republicans. Republicans are evil fascists that don't believe in democracy, that is simply the truth.

There will never be another Democratic-elected President or another Democratic-controlled Congress. In addition to overcoming voter suppression, it is simply too difficult for Democrats to get 54% of the vote in House races nationwide, which is basically what they need to overcome Republican gerrymandering throughout the country and to gain a majority. And Hillary Clinton is going to win the popular vote by over 1 million, yet lose the electoral college vote by at least 30, which is also inherently unfair. These are simply too many obstacles for Democrats to now overcome in future "elections".

You fascists got the permanent Repub majority that what you wanted, so be happy.

I'm done. Later.
Republicans are starting to steal the minority vote away from your party.

Pretty soon they will want higher turnout to crush any hopes you Communists and Fascists have left.

They went into this thinking that 99% of the Hispanic vote would be theirs, most of them don't even KNOW a Hispanic. They are hard working Catholic Family people and they don't want all of the handouts these people are trying to bribe them with.
Republicans still need to get more Hispanic and black votes to combat Democrats in high turnout elections though.
The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.
Best news I've heard all day...you being done.
You need to deal with it. Democracy doesn't always take the form you want it to. So dispense with the crying. Grin and bear it.

I think you underestimate how dangerous Trump is. He is going to use the FBI as a political instrument to throw political opponents in jail and journalists he doesn't like in jail.

Yeah, I was very depressed when Bush was elected, but I didn't fear for the future of democracy in this country. Democracy is now over in this country, you will never see the Democrats running our government again.
Is that a joke?

TRUMP is going to use the fbi as a "political instrument to throw political opponents in jail and journalists he doesn't like in jail"?

Are you fucking kidding me?

That is exactly what the fbi has been doing for the last 30 years. Funny, I didn't hear you complaining when they killed ranchers and Mormons, and arrested journalists for *conspiracy* because they gave voice to people critical of the federal government.

Get the fuck out of here you worthless piece of shit.

PS...hopefully the fbi is eradicated. If not, tough shit.

You don't have a shred of evidence that Obama or ANY previous President, Republican or Democrat, has used the FBI to put political opponents in jail. Just like Trump, you have a shameless disregard for facts and that is why this country is doomed.

You think you "won" last night, but you didn't. The country lost and the damage is irreparable. Bigots like you and Trump are going to destroy everything great that this country stands for. You and most of the Republicans on this board simply have no decency and you never will.
ER...the feds testified in federal court last month that they entrapped protesters at Malheur. That's why all the acquitals.

meanwhile, this is what your Dem comrades are currently engaged in:
I think you underestimate how dangerous Trump is. He is going to use the FBI as a political instrument to throw political opponents in jail and journalists he doesn't like in jail.

Yeah, I was very depressed when Bush was elected, but I didn't fear for the future of democracy in this country. Democracy is now over in this country, you will never see the Democrats running our government again.

Shit fer brains, Obama has been doing that for the last 8 years.

This has raised red flags among defenders of the media. In a vigorous exchange on CNN’s The Lead, host Jake Tapper asserted to Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post that "the Obama administration has used the Espionage Act to go after whistleblowers who leaked to journalists ... more than all previous administrations combined."

On one level, a simple tally would address Tapper’s claim and -- spoiler alert -- the raw numbers back him up.}

CNN's Tapper: Obama has used Espionage Act more than all previous administrations

Hey, you're a leftist because you're stupid.
This thread is reminiscent of the "Get Fireaids and Die, if you can" thread back in the day.

Only it isn't funny. It's just pathetic.
BTW, I think the uss libertine fag is a provocateur. He says he's from Mexico, tweets in both English and Spanish...

And I can't report his tweet. "Oops something went wrong" every time I try.

You don't have a shred of evidence that Obama or ANY previous President, Republican or Democrat, has used the FBI to put political opponents in jail. Just like Trump, you have a shameless disregard for facts and that is why this country is doomed.

You think you "won" last night, but you didn't. The country lost and the damage is irreparable. Bigots like you and Trump are going to destroy everything great that this country stands for. You and most of the Republicans on this board simply have no decency and you never will.

My goodness but aren't you fucking stupid?

It's why you're a leftist. :thup:

See if you can get someone to read this to you, you fucking retard;

ACLU legislative counsel Gabe Rottman noted last October:

The Obama administration has secured 526 months of prison time for national security leakers, versus only 24 months total jail time for everyone else since the American Revolution.

(So – as of October – Obama had thrown whistleblowers in jail for 22 times longer than all other presidents.)

In January, whistleblower Barrett Brown was sentenced to 63 months in prison. And today, CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling was sentenced to 42 months in jail.}

Obama Has Sentenced Whistleblowers to 31 Times the Jail Time of All Prior U.S. Presidents COMBINED
The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.
What a glorious night for White people of European heritage. It's time for us take America back.
You never had all of the USA to start with...
Did the Communist/Progressive jerks leave yet? Oh that's right, no other country will have them. Why would a country accept a buncha whiny moocher wingnuts? Unfortunately, it just ain't gonna happen. It's very sad. :(
Did the Communist/Progressive jerks leave yet? Oh that's right, no other country will have them. Why would a country accept a buncha whiny moocher wingnuts? Unfortunately, it just ain't gonna happen. It's very sad. :(
Fucking losers, exactly. We're the only country that doesn't shoot them on sight for being the useless mooches they are.
Did the Communist/Progressive jerks leave yet? Oh that's right, no other country will have them. Why would a country accept a buncha whiny moocher wingnuts? Unfortunately, it just ain't gonna happen. It's very sad. :(
Fucking losers, exactly. We're the only country that doesn't shoot them on sight for being the useless mooches they are.

No other country wants them. That's the truth. They are useless. Sadly, they're here to stay.
Did the Communist/Progressive jerks leave yet? Oh that's right, no other country will have them. Why would a country accept a buncha whiny moocher wingnuts? Unfortunately, it just ain't gonna happen. It's very sad. :(
Fucking losers, exactly. We're the only country that doesn't shoot them on sight for being the useless mooches they are.

No other country wants them. That's the truth. They are useless. Sadly, they're here to stay.
No, they'll die off eventually.
As long as we stop teaching them to be whiny, lazy, worthless fucks in school. We have multiple generations who just turned the complete education of their children over to the state..and morons like statist and this little turd, and the mentally ill creeps that are paid to menace people at trump rallies and land usage protests, are the result.
The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.
What a glorious night for White people of European heritage. It's time for us take America back.
You never had all of the USA to start with...
Based on what?
The Republicans will now permanently control the White House and Congress and democracy in this country is finished. I won't be at all surprised if the Republican voter suppression efforts in states like N. Carolina and Wisconsin stole this election for Trump, but it doesn't matter anymore. These Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering efforts will now continue for every election here on out and the Democrats will never have power again in this country.

I'm completely devastated and in mourning over the future of the country. I'm finished following politics and current events in this country. I simply cannot process that a racist and misogynist like Trump is now going to be our President. A man who has threatened millions of Muslims and Hispanics in this country. A man who hasn't paid taxes in at least 20 years and brags about it. A man who praises Vladimir Putin and who encourages Russia to commit cyber attacks against his political opponents. A man who is simply mentally ill, staying up until 5 am tweeting threats and nasty comments about people. A man who has threatened to ban several media organizations from making unflattering comments about him in the future once he becomes President. A man who has threatened to put his political opponents in jail. I truly fear for decent Americans like Hillary Clinton and President Obama and media personalities who have been very critical of Trump, such as Bill Maher.

All of you racist Republican Trump supporters on this board -- Congratulations, you have won this fight and you will permanently control this country. Evil has triumphed over good. You now have the country you want, I hope Trump doesn't completely destroy it. Regardless, my days of following politics in this country are over. There's really nothing to follow anymore because Republicans will permanently control the levers of power in this country and they will do whatever the hell they want, Democrats will not be able to stop them over the long run.

Now don't you feel like a fucking moron after posting the following?


Now that hurts, goober! I know what will cheer me up -- watching the voting results tonight and seeing Hillary kick the living shit out of you Repugs.


Wow, goober....that's profound. I'll remember this when Hillary takes a giant dump on your head tonight.


Maybe it's better news for Trump than last week...but it's definitely not good news for Trump, overall. This could turn into a pretty crushing defeat.


You don't have to worry about that anymore, because a Republican is NEVER going to be President again.

PS..this is a fucking Republic, and this is how they work. The people so OVERWHELMINGLY rejected the criminal, unconstitutional and communists regime currently in power that all of Hillary's evil horses and all her evil men still couldn't put her back together again.
Besides your childish comprehension of what Communism is, Hillary won the popular vote.
meanwhile, this is what your Dem comrades are currently engaged in:

As opposed to the Lock Her Up BS? I hope nobody even comes close to assassinating Trumpie because:
1) Pence is a lot worse
2) I want the Dems to run him through the ringer like the Pugs did with Obama
3) I'm gonna love watching him fail. Spectacularly.
4) Especially going to enjoy the squirming on here, and the bitching and moaning from you retards when it happens. Wont' be any Obama to blame. No Congress. No Senate. When your country goes belly up, it'll be all down to you inbreeds...

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